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Offline hewhocumsbynight

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Re: Writers needed!
« Reply #15 on: December 28, 2012, 05:41:54 PM »
Great! Well, first thing: Download the current version of PytFall and read the script in Tifa's folder, see if you have any questions and how much of it do you understand?

I'm sorry, I am really out of the loop.  Where can I find the latest version?
My MEGA folder can be found at:!EYhAgTyI!keiMX47NrnGOEozwNb2Vfg

Torrent link of my version, effective September, 2016:  magnet:?xt=urn:btih:4606F11A1C216337D7F3DFD6716307F48CFB996A&dn=WhoreMaster.06.02.29&

Offline Xela

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Re: Writers needed!
« Reply #16 on: December 28, 2012, 05:45:54 PM »
Now that's a bit difficult. I'll see what I can do.
Take a look at this in the meantime, perhaps you'll find something useful.

One of the pics could be used as an option for strip club...
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Offline Xela

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Re: Writers needed!
« Reply #17 on: December 28, 2012, 05:54:05 PM »
I'm sorry, I am really out of the loop.  Where can I find the latest version?

My thread in Mods section:

This is the link for direct dowload:

RenPy script is very basic, interactions and girl meeting will be done in a very similar way to Tifa's quest. It will take 30 - 60 minutes to figure out but then it just feels like plain writing without the code.

I'll see if I can get some sleep...
« Last Edit: December 28, 2012, 05:55:52 PM by Xela »
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Offline hewhocumsbynight

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Re: Writers needed!
« Reply #18 on: December 28, 2012, 08:31:07 PM »
Thanks!  I'll review it tonight, and tell you if I have any questions!
My MEGA folder can be found at:!EYhAgTyI!keiMX47NrnGOEozwNb2Vfg

Torrent link of my version, effective September, 2016:  magnet:?xt=urn:btih:4606F11A1C216337D7F3DFD6716307F48CFB996A&dn=WhoreMaster.06.02.29&

Offline Unchained

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Re: Writers needed!
« Reply #19 on: December 28, 2012, 10:30:11 PM »
I downloaded Pytfall to see what kind of writing was needed, but I see that a when I put it through my unzipper it's telling me that it's a locked archive and I need a password.

Is there something basic I'm missing here?

Offline Xela

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Re: Writers needed!
« Reply #20 on: December 29, 2012, 05:03:52 AM »
I downloaded Pytfall to see what kind of writing was needed, but I see that a when I put it through my unzipper it's telling me that it's a locked archive and I need a password.

Is there something basic I'm missing here?

It's not locked so what you're missing is likely a good archive manager:

Well, since there is a chance that someone will take care of writing, I will not stuff girl interactions screen with content (writing+pics) that was planned for the weekend but will work on adding ranks, meet in town system and magic spells bridge from sGirl class to battle engine.
« Last Edit: December 29, 2012, 05:29:31 AM by Xela »
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Offline GonDra

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Re: Writers needed!
« Reply #21 on: December 29, 2012, 12:03:45 PM »
So I played around with PyTFall a bit to get a feel for the game and found a few things in the next day thing that could be written better.
Here is a googledoc with a few suggestions from me - I am sure some of these are pretty bad as I didn't check them again and I am a pretty tired today.
(there shouldn't be the need for a google account to comment if I didn't screw up.)

a small bug i found: the buy girl screen doesn't show the correct day.
bigger bug: it seems like resting a girl dooesn't work ( or am I doing something wrong?)

I tried working on traits yesterday after I came back from a party but I didn't have the heart looking into that document yet.

edit: removed the link to the googledoc because it is now irrelevant
« Last Edit: December 30, 2012, 05:28:14 PM by GonDra »

Offline hewhocumsbynight

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Re: Writers needed!
« Reply #22 on: December 29, 2012, 12:23:37 PM »
I am truly sorry, Xela, but I am pretty sure that this level of code-writing is far beyond my abilities.  I apologize for wasting your time.
My MEGA folder can be found at:!EYhAgTyI!keiMX47NrnGOEozwNb2Vfg

Torrent link of my version, effective September, 2016:  magnet:?xt=urn:btih:4606F11A1C216337D7F3DFD6716307F48CFB996A&dn=WhoreMaster.06.02.29&

Offline Xela

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Re: Writers needed!
« Reply #23 on: December 29, 2012, 12:48:33 PM »
So I played around with PyTFall a bit to get a feel for the game and found a few things in the next day thing that could be written better.
Here is a googledoc with a few suggestions from me - I am sure some of these are pretty bad as I didn't check them again and I am a pretty tired today.
(there shouldn't be the need for a google account to comment if I didn't screw up.)

a small bug i found: the buy girl screen doesn't show the correct day.
bigger bug: it seems like resting a girl dooesn't work ( or am I doing something wrong?)

I tried working on traits yesterday after I came back from a party but I didn't have the heart looking into that document yet.


Bug on girl screen: Nice catch, I'll fix that.
Resting should work fine? I am not sure what the problem is there.

Your texts are a lot better than mine!
Peasants, Beggars, Merchants and so on are variations of costumer's 'Caste'. Girls will have ranks to match those castes. If costumers caste is lower than girl's rank, she may refuse him. That will be coded in later. The kind of costumers that visit the brothel is determined by brothel's reputation.
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Offline Xela

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Re: Writers needed!
« Reply #24 on: December 29, 2012, 12:54:16 PM »
I am truly sorry, Xela, but I am pretty sure that this level of code-writing is far beyond my abilities.  I apologize for wasting your time.

I wouldn't call that code... in any case, if you're still up for writing texts, tell me. I'll put them into the game myself.
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Offline hewhocumsbynight

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Re: Writers needed!
« Reply #25 on: December 29, 2012, 12:56:20 PM »
I can write lines, but someone else will have to insert.  Truly, my inexperience knows few bounds.

Anyway, where do you want me to start?
My MEGA folder can be found at:!EYhAgTyI!keiMX47NrnGOEozwNb2Vfg

Torrent link of my version, effective September, 2016:  magnet:?xt=urn:btih:4606F11A1C216337D7F3DFD6716307F48CFB996A&dn=WhoreMaster.06.02.29&

Offline GonDra

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Re: Writers needed!
« Reply #26 on: December 29, 2012, 01:37:14 PM »
Resting should work fine? I am not sure what the problem is there.
If I set a girl to rest, the 'Fatigue' counter goes up instead of down, regardless of items on her, garden or bar attachment of the brothel.
Also it would be nice if you could get to the jobs of a girl easier than now.

Your texts are a lot better than mine!
Peasants, Beggars, Merchants and so on are variations of costumer's 'Caste'. Girls will have ranks to match those castes. If costumers caste is lower than girl's rank, she may refuse him. That will be coded in later. The kind of costumers that visit the brothel is determined by brothel's reputation.
Thanks but I think some are a bit... 'cheesy' for a lack of a better word.
I had gathered the thing with the castes, it is a good idea although I hope you implement it the other way round too (high class customers rejecting low class girls sometimes/always).

Offline Xela

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Re: Writers needed!
« Reply #27 on: December 29, 2012, 01:59:39 PM »
If I set a girl to rest, the 'Fatigue' counter goes up instead of down, regardless of items on her, garden or bar attachment of the brothel.
Also it would be nice if you could get to the jobs of a girl easier than now.


Yeah, you're right, I didn't know that. The trouble is that those functions are very raw, I was planning to advance those between version 0.2 and 0.3, but roadmap is in no way set in stone.

Clients rejecting girls is a must as well, it is all very easy to code in.

By the way, see if you can figure out any of the actual code, cause if you can it would be easier just to send you the dev version so you can edit/add texts yourself.

Code: [Select]
        def whore(self, char, girl, hero):
            img = None # Image category displayed to player.
            txt = '' # Variable to contain all texts of events
            evtlist = [] # List of events to be appended to global
            chr = char[girl] # Variable refering to specific girl we're dealing with
            client = Customer(self.rep,self.fame) # Client is created here. His stats are based of brothel's stats (reputation and fame)
            chr.AP -= 1 # First thing we do is decreasing our girl's Action Points by one, if her AP is 0 or below, game would not run this function

            if < 60: # First thing we check for is her health, if below 60, her injuries will not allow her to work
                ilists.WhrsinBrtlList.remove( # This removes her brothel whoring for the rest of the day
                txt = txt + "This girl is injured and is in need of medical attention" # We add this text to variable txt we declared ealier
                img = 'profile' # We provide picture category, I would like this to be rest in the future
                ident = os.urandom(8) # This is a precaucion. We make sure that there is a no way in hell we get two of the same enteries in one list by generating a random from 8 unicode characters.
                evtlist.append( # Appending brothel id, we can sort by brothels on next day list in the future
                evtlist.append(chr) # We append girl herself
                evtlist.append(img) # Adding image category to the list
                evtlist.append(txt) # Adding text
                evtlist.append(ident) # and finally adding the unique ID
                NextDayList.append(evtlist) # This is the very last thing that we do, NextDayList is the only Global variable we have in the game at this point. It will contain all info Next day needs to show us.
                return # Breaking out of this method, since she cannot work due to injury, rest of this method is useless.
            if chr.fatigue > 260: # Same thing for fatique, if she is in good health but very tired, we remove do not allow her to whore this day
                txt = txt + "This girl is to tired to move, let along fuck someone (something)"
                img = 'profile'
                ident = os.urandom(8)
            txt = txt + '%s came into %s and requested %s for a sweet act of %s. \n'%(client.caste,,, client.act)
            # Ok, if we got this far, she is both, healthy and energetic. Code above adds first line to interactions text. %s means we insert something into the next, here we insernt: Caste of the client, Name of the brothel, Name of the charecter, Act he/she requested.
            if client.act == 'sex':

                txt = txt + random.choice(['They had a really good time!\n',
                                                          'He looked at her hungerly, then rushed towards her. Her pussy felt like heaven to him!'])
                # Random choice will pick one of the options for the list, basically random.choice() method, picking one of the options from a list ['They.....', 'He.....', 'Bla bla bla and so on']
                chr.mod('normalsex', +2) # adding 2 to sex stat, chr.mod method will insure that stat remains within Max and Min of the stat, if we just used chr.normalsex += 2 we could go above Max value (100 by default)
                chr.mod('constitution', +2) # same for constitution
                chr.mod('fatigue', +20)
                hero.add_money( # giving main player clients money, this whole 'whore' method is raw so right now hero gets whatever costumer comes with.
                repmodify = random.randint(1,3) # Just creating a variable with a value between 1 to 3.
                self.modrep(repmodify) # Modding brothels reputation, since this is the method of brothel class, self refers to whatever brothel we're in.
                txt = txt + "He paid her %s of gold. Brothel's reputation increased by %s\n"%(,repmodify) # More text, by the way \n means that next text we append will start from a new line
                txt = txt + 'Her Sex and Constitution went up!\n'
                img = 'sex' # Picking the image again
            if client.act == 'anal': # Client wants anal

                txt = txt + random.choice(['He pushed towards the bed and took her in the butt like there is no tomorrow!\n',
                                                          'They had a really good time!\n'])
                chr.mod('anal', +2)
                chr.mod('constitution', +2)
                chr.mod('fatigue', +20)
                repmodify = random.randint(1,3)
                txt = txt + "He paid her %s of gold. Brothel's reputation increased by %s\n"%(,repmodify)
                txt = txt + 'Her Anal and Constitution went up!\n'
                img = 'anal'
            if client.act == 'blowjob':

                txt = txt + random.choice(['They had a really good time!\n',
                                                          'He slapped her face with his cock little bit and then shoved it all the way into her throat!\n'])
                chr.mod('blowjob', +2)
                chr.mod('constitution', +2)
                chr.mod('fatigue', +20)
                repmodify = random.randint(1,3)
                txt = txt + "He paid her %s of gold. Brothel's reputation increase by %s\n"%(,repmodify)
                txt = txt + 'Her Blowjob and Constitution went up!\n'
                img = 'blowjob'

            if client.act == 'lesbian':

                txt = txt + random.choice(['They had a really good time!\n',
                                                          "She 'ate' her pussy out!\n"])
                chr.mod('lesbian', +2)
                chr.mod('constitution', +2)
                chr.mod('fatigue', +20)
                repmodify = random.randint(1,3)
                txt = txt + "She paid her %s of gold. Brothel's reputation increased by %s\n"%(,repmodify)
                txt = txt + 'Her Lesbian and Constitution went up!\n'
                img = 'les'               
            ident = os.urandom(8)

        def rest(self,char,girl):
            img = None
            txt = '' # String of events
            evtlist = [] # list of events to be appended to global
            chr = char[girl]
            hmodify = random.randint(8, 12)
            fmodify = random.randint(140, 160)
            mmodify = random.randint(4, 8)
            chr.mod('fatigue', fmodify)
            chr.mod('health', hmodify)
            txt = txt + random.choice(['%s took a break today. She recovered %s of health and lost %s of fatigue'%(,hmodify,fmodify),
                                                     'She spent the day relaxing. Resting from daily tasks allowed %s to recover %s health and get rid of %s fatigue'%(,hmodify,fmodify),
                                                     '%s comfortably rested in her room recovering %s health, %s MP and loosing %s of fatigue'%(,hmodify,mmodify,fmodify)])
            img = 'profile'
            ident = os.urandom(8)
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Offline GonDra

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Re: Writers needed!
« Reply #28 on: December 29, 2012, 02:54:41 PM »
By the way, see if you can figure out any of the actual code, cause if you can it would be easier just to send you the dev version so you can edit/add texts yourself.

Seems reasonable enough as long as I don't have to write actual logic and can just add strings.
Just a warning though: I have no experience with python, never looked into it at all.

Offline Xela

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Re: Writers needed!
« Reply #29 on: December 29, 2012, 03:39:01 PM »
I can write lines, but someone else will have to insert.  Truly, my inexperience knows few bounds.

Anyway, where do you want me to start?

Ok, there are four things that need text at this point:

1) World. Something similar to what you wrote before but for PyTFall. To introduce player to the universe. Will be shown every time the game starts. Player can skip this. Some gameplay realities like Social ladder inequalities, city being infamous for it's brothels, legalized slavery and so on must be mentioned but since noone knows all the realities so early in development, we can add some of those later.

2) Interactions:

For all of the above categories, assume that some of the categories have menus of choices, and those menus can have their own menus...

The idea is that you request something from the girl and she replies to you based on her stats or/and traits (we do not have traits yet so just stats for now).

Stats are:

                charisma=0, - Her beauty, looks and so on
                refinement=0, - VERY/Most important stat in the game, represents her behavior in court, ability to appeal to costumers, to get better ranks. Note that this will be capped at 40 at the start. As she gains experience and refinement, player can rank her up. Higher ranks will mean higher cap for refinement. In the end I think maxed out refinement will be between 150 - 200 from ranks, items and events.
                libido=0, Self-explanatory.
                constitution=0 How many actions she can take each day, in reality that will be determined by AP (Action Points). Base AP will be 2, she gets one extra for every 20 cont she has. Base can also be changed by items/events.
                exp=0, Experience, not entirely sure what to do with this except having a required amount for a rankup.
                joy=0, Happiness
                character=0, Another REALLY important stat, it's like obedience, high character means she is strongheaded.
                reputation=0, Not entirely sure we need this, Rank is basically the same thing...
                health=0, HP
                fame=0, How infamous she is, Girls with high fame will attract better costumers with more cash in their pockets.
                mood=0, No idea why this is in the game, since stats are not final, I prolly had some purpose for this at some point but forgot :(
                disposition=0, Min = 0, Max = 1000!!! Her loyalty, love, respect and so on towards the player. This is what interactions and girl meet are supposed to be changing before anything else.
                fatigue = 0, Max = 300, How tired she is, eventually will be shown to a player as text and not as number.
                attack = 0,
                magic = 0,
                agility = 0,
                mp = 0, Battle Stats like in fighting games, since players do not dodge attacks: it's Speed, how long does it take before she can attack again.
                lesbian=0 Sex stats or skills as they are called in WM.

Girls responses to your requests can depend on any stat, her performance can depend on any stat and so on.

For example is her fatigue is above 260 she can refuse to date you on those grounds, her performance during sex acts can depend on her skill. Basically it's your whim. You write responses for girls while asking them different stuff, they reply, either generic reply or many different replies for the same question based on their stats.

If you decide to write this, you are free to choose buttons (on pictures are the first things I came up with) and menu options. Possibility for menu is for example:


Menu: Restaurant, Walk in the park, Walk on the beach and so on.

If Restaurant:

Menu: Steak, Lobster, Beans, Chicken and so on.

Also keep in mind that game can remember what you did and where you went with every girl, it can also remember what girl liked, so for example you can decide that first time she tries lobster there is a 20% chance she will love it and her disposition will grow by insane amount if you take her out for it again. Or you can decide that the very first time she tries lobster there is a 10% chance that she discovers that she has allergy for it and ends up being really sick.

Like I've said, it's your whim! options are limitless and all are very easy for me to code in. RenPy is an engine that allows pink Sakura petals falling at any point of conversation or realistic rain/snow with soundeffects and so on and that is considered as Medium difficulty to code. Any options, choices or flags are very easy.

3) Base code for that is not ready yet, but the idea can be easily explained. There will be many places in the city, you walk around and see girl's portraits (Button of profile pictures that you can click), lets say maximum 3 per place like in SimBro 1x. You pick a girl and get menus much like in interactions, idea is to get deposition high enough and ask her to join you.

4) Texts on Next week... the idea should be more or less self-explanatory.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask.
« Last Edit: December 30, 2012, 12:58:05 PM by Xela »
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