I was thinking of making a new thread for this, but since this one is a sticky already, I'm just gonna revive it.
In light of new image types, I wanted to make a... guide of sorts to aid people in finding images, the way I do it. I may repeat some sources used in the past in this thread, although I'm not going to stop on just giving source, I want to give some minor advice on how to use them as well.
Sources for images:The boorus:
https://chan.sankakucomplex.comHas a nifty, visible tag for the most popular images, based on user scores. Unfortunately, if you're not a member of the site, you're limited to a search of 4 tags at once. The "most popular" tag counts. Loads the image gallery on a single page, you browse it by scrolling down, instead of opening links to separate pages/tabs.http://gelbooru.com/https://danbooru.donmai.usNo striking differences between the two. I have a personal preference of using Gelbooru almost exclusively, as it seems more popular in general. It has a slightly annoying add redirection that forces you to wait 10 seconds, but it only happens once per session.
http://safebooru.org/As the name implies, you'll find only worksafe images here. Good for finding Profile images, if you don't feel like playing around with tags on the other boorus.All of the above websites GENERALLY have eastern (i.e. japenese) art. If you're looking for more, or you find an artist that you specifically like, you can usually find a Pixiv address as the source of an image. Pixiv WILL require you to make an account there and log-in if you want to browse 18+ images, however. I've had no special difficulties doing that using Google translate. (Hell, by finding and pasting specific tags in moonrunes you could even browse Pixiv to get images directly at the source.)
Also, a
small note on how the character names are handled on boorus: the same way they are in japanese; last name first, first name second. So, it's not going to be "Miku_Hatsune", but "Hatsune_Miku".
Also, the boorus use the romanized original Japanese names for characters. This is most notable for Pokemon characters: a search for "Cynthia" is fruitless on Gelbooru, you have to search for "shirona_(pokemon)". Also, in this case, note the series origin of the character in parentheses - this is used in case of different characters from different series sharing names, or simply for better character identification.
Other sites:
http://g.e-hentai.org/The gallery of e-hentai.org. Toplists, tags, torrents. All you could wish for. A heaven for doujins, but that doesn't interest someone looking for images much. Has an intricate filter search that you can base on rating, 10 "main" tags (I highly recommend the "Artist CG", "Game CG", and "Image Set" ones), as well as support for a wide variety of other tags. These tags, however, apply to entire galleries, not single images. So you can search for an entire set dedicated to a certain fetish or character.
Great for finding ripped CGs from games or various artists. You can find them here "in bulk", unlike the boorus, which have a strict uploading policy of not allowing flooding the site with dozens of the same CG with minimal difference (like a different facial expression of a character or clean version of the same image).
http://exhentai.org/Exactly the same site layout as above. But... it's bigger, better, has more galleries that are usually uploaded at a frighteningly fast speed after release... and is a secret club available only to a few chosen ones.
Western image sources:
http://www.hentai-foundry.com/The "club" for a wide variety of western pornographic artists. Some eastern ones have their accounts too, but not many of them. Many of the artists here do not upload their images anywhere else, so finding them in other places (listed below) is a matter of someone else uploading them there. The quality of the images on HF is also somewhat moderated, so you won't find any outright crap images.
Other than that, you can make an account for free that gives you many priviledges and options for browsing, there is also a filter system based on orientations and fetishes.
Oh yeah, they had a recent policy change regarding loli and shota images. Much to their staff's dismay, they had to scrap them completely due to external pressure.
http://rule34.paheal.net/http://rule34.xxx/These sites operate on a layout identical to the boorus. BUT, they are a source of both western and eastern art. The control over quality of art seems to be also less extreme, so you may find plenty of images that are outright crap.
What's the difference between the two? Paheal is ancient and has a long history of networking issues. It used to be slow as shit. Some bigger images, especially the animated ones, still load abysmally long. It's not as bad as in the past, though. Paheal also doesn't have an intricate tag system - the usual tags are only artist, characters in the image and the setting of the characters. Rule34.xxx operates on a tag system similar to the boorus.
These links in general SHOULD be enough to find whatever you need. I've sometimes delved into some artists personal blogs or accounts on different sites, and the general rule is: if it was drawn, it will be uploaded somewhere in the links above.
Searching for images and which tags to use:Now that you know (and probably have already known before reading this post) WHERE to find images, here's something more interesting - HOW to look for them.
Here's a complete list of all the image types in the game, courtesy of aevojoey:
What I'm going to do, is give you a basic idea of how to filter images effectively through tags to get what you need. I'll be using Gelbooru myself, I'm not sure how reliable the tags there will be to Danbooru or Sankaku Channel, but they should pretty much cover all the sites.
The most important thing to know is that tags work both ways. You can filter a certain tag out completely by putting a "-" in front of it. So, if you're only looking for 2D images and you don't want to see entire pages of images of real life cosplay of the character you're looking for, you can add "-photo" to the tag list.
If you're looking for non-sexual images (when in need of profile pictures only), you can apply tags like "-sex", "-nude", "-cum" to the search.
Keep in mind there will be probably plenty of image types left blank. Realistically, it's impossible for every girl to have every image type available, even for extremely popular girls with galleries that have images in the tens of thousands (like Hatsune Miku, currently sitting with 62860 images on Gelbooru).
Also, ALWAYS bear in mind, the tags are set up and maintained by uploaders and members of the site. People are lazy. Some images will lack tags that should obviously be there.
Let's get to easy mode images first:
Profile - Just use the name of the girl as a tag. Using "1girl" or "solo" may help by filtering group images.
Ecchi - same as above. "alternate_costume" does wonders here as well.
Nude - simply "nude" works well enough.
Strip - "pole" is your friend. "naughty_face", "come_hither", "looking_at_viewer", "presenting" usually include girls in slutty poses that may fit this image type perfectly. Other than that, apply the same searches you use for Profile and Nude. You're guaranteed to find something fitting.
Swim - Plenty of "swimsuit" tagged images.
Sex - "sex" and "vaginal". Nuff' said.
Anal - "anal". "from_behind" combined with "sex" may yield images that could be interpreted as anal.
BDSM - "bdsm" works. "rope" is also helpful.
Beast - "bestiality", "tentacles"/"tentacle". A pretty far-fetched attempt could be searching for "orc" as well.
Mast - "masturbation", "dildo", "object_insertion".
Les - "lesbian" doesn't work as often as you'd expect. "2girls" should earn greater, albeit more non-sexual, results.
Oral - "oral" or "fellatio" work. "mouth_pull" or "tongue_out" may yield some surprising results.
Titty - "titfuck" or "paizuri". Sometimes "breast_squeeze".
Hand - "handjob"
Foot - "footjob" works. You may also try searching for the "feet" and "cum" tags together.
Medium difficulty:
Milk - "lactation", "milking_machine". Best bet is "breast_grab".
Bath - be on the lookout for "onsen" or just "bath". If desperate, try "steam" or "water".
Bed - My favourite is just searching for "lingerie" and/or "naughty_face". There is a "bed" tag, but it includes beds in any situation, mostly sexual ones. Try "sleeping" or "bedroom_eyes" instead. "dakimakura" is an excellent option as well.
Bunny - "bunnysuit" (spelled together), "bunny_ears", "bunny_girl". Alternatively "cat_ears", but only in conjuction with non-catgirls.
Maid - simply "maid" will work most of the times. "apron" if desperate. "alternate_costume" may also work.
Wait - "waitress" exists as a tag. Otherwise, try "apron" and "alternate_costume" again. You may rarely find results using "tray" or "food" that are satisfying.
Preg - There's a surprisingly low amount of girls tagged with "pregnant". And the worst part is, you don't have any other tag options here.
Combat - "katana", "sword", "blood". Overall, not that hard to find, but requires imagination when it comes to tags.
Sing - "singing", "microphone", "karaoke".
Hard difficulty:
Card - depends what you're looking for when you need a gambler girl. "top_hat" or "business_suit" are interesting results if you want something classy. Other than that, you're off scouring "alternate_costume" or just the girl's gallery in general.
Cook - "food", "frying_pan", "spatula", "apron". "chocolate" as well, because making chocolate yourself on valentine's day is a big deal in Japan.
Herd - I honestly don't know. If some girl is wearing a shepherd girl outfit, maybe.
Farm - same as above. "alternate_costume" may yield...something. Other than that, you have to rely on gems, like this exemplary one I found recently,: http://gelbooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=2370006
Craft - Again, no idea. I may come up with something later.
For the sake of your hard drive space:
So you've got your girl's folder filled with 50 images and you're ready to set up her .girlsx file? Not so fast.
Some of the images you've downloaded are probably .png. Now, the difference in quality between a .png and .jpg is minimal in my opinion. The main advantage a .png has in our case is transparency, so you could have your girl's images blend in with the background in-game which is really cool. You can do that by using Paint.NET - a freeware image editor that's relatively easy to learn and use.
But, in case your image isn't transparent and/or you don't want it to be, I personally think it'd be a good idea to have convert it to .jpg along all others, so your Characters folder isn't a bloated mass of dozens of gigabytes.
I recommend this simple free batch image converter:
It's small and intuitive and has all the options you'll need - that is the one automatically deleting the original .png files you'd wish to convert and the option to apply that setting to all the subdirectories.
Of course, individual .png images can always be opened in MSPaint and Saved As a .jpg. The difference in size of the image is a case of a couple thousand KB at best, usually a couple hundred, but the more girls you have, the more space their image files occupy.