Hello everyone! Introducing an Alpha of our new game!
PyTFall is a new iteration in SimBrothel family coded in Python/Ren'Py script. This release being an Alpha version means that it lacks content, has some placeholders for texts, very limited amount of events, parts of it's functionality disabled and many of the planned features have not been implemented at all
but the game should be playable none the less.

It will work with all unique WhoreMaster and WhoreMaster Crazy Mod packs (.girlsx files) @ limited functionality. The download consists of the game that should run on Windows, Linux and Mac (however playability on the last two OSs has not been tested for some time), 15 native random girls, 24 native unique girls (from Naruto, One Piece and Touhou) and 8 unique girls from Bleach (WhoreMaster Crazy Mod).
I think this is the last alpha version:
pytfall*Items do not "Disappear". Just reapply the filter!
**Was unable to find any reason for faulty stats, prolly a faulty report.
Stuff fixed from the Alpha download (Updated 31.03.2014):
- Arena combat is now more lucrative
- Arena Mob-Choice crash is fixed
- Erroneous taxes reporting is fixed
- Game should no longer crash on missing traits
- Missing traits will report a warning to devlog
- General shop will have more gold and reset the amount of gold on daily basis
- AutoRest should now be a lot smarter and not waste any valuable AP
- Number of spell/grammar mistakes is fixed
- Hotkeys tryout:
* a = Arena
* c = Beach Cafe
* g = General Store
* m = Mainscreen
- When loading girls from their respective folders, game will now check for foreign OS files such as DStore,
that may not fix the issue everywhere but at least this should get rid of the reported one (Mac OS fail after player has looked into girls folders)
- Temporary fix for gamecrash on one of the high level mobs on misnamed attack should now be intercepted in code until we fix it in json
- Increased image cache is for now disabled, may have been causing some issues
- Next day button added to next day screen
- RMB has been activated at more places
- MC will next day recovery is now tied into remaining AP. Will go a LOT faster if enough AP remain at the end of the day.
- Fixed Taxes Bug (Income taxes calculated from day 1 instead of last week)
- Fixed Crash bug (Going to MC profile screen after working in SlaveMarket or Arena)
- Service girls not cleaning the brothel without stripclub or bar is fixed
- Advertisers doing a better job while not getting paid is fixed
- Function of X button on the top screen is now also bound to Right Mouse Button (you can clikc rmb to return to previous screns if allowed)
- MS (Return to Main screen button added)
- Small buttons in town/main screen are now a bit larger
- Putting up sign even with insufficient money to do so is no longer possible
- Buffing up MC in his setup screen exploit is gone
- Bug preventing girls to work as prostitutes under very specific conditions with more than one brothel in the game is gone