
Author Topic: <-- Archived --> == PyTFall Alpha release ==>  (Read 383537 times)

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<-- Archived --> == PyTFall Alpha release ==>
« on: March 26, 2014, 02:39:28 PM »
Hello everyone! Introducing an Alpha of our new game!

PyTFall is a new iteration in SimBrothel family coded in Python/Ren'Py script. This release being an Alpha version means that it lacks content, has some placeholders for texts, very limited amount of events, parts of it's functionality disabled and many of the planned features have not been implemented at all but the game should be playable none the less.


It will work with all unique WhoreMaster and WhoreMaster Crazy Mod packs (.girlsx files) @ limited functionality. The download consists of the game that should run on Windows, Linux and Mac (however playability on the last two OSs has not been tested for some time), 15 native random girls, 24 native unique girls (from Naruto, One Piece and Touhou) and 8 unique girls from Bleach (WhoreMaster Crazy Mod).

I think this is the last alpha version:!SkQlnTKA!Q0bebSSr8qnqRlvbWDceqMm7xhuzNjhHiPW3cuBnn-I

Password: pytfall

*Items do not "Disappear". Just reapply the filter!
**Was unable to find any reason for faulty stats, prolly a faulty report.

Stuff fixed from the Alpha download (Updated 31.03.2014):

- Arena combat is now more lucrative
- Arena Mob-Choice crash is fixed
- Erroneous taxes reporting is fixed
- Game should no longer crash on missing traits
- Missing traits will report a warning to devlog
- General shop will have more gold and reset the amount of gold on daily basis
- AutoRest should now be a lot smarter and not waste any valuable AP
- Number of spell/grammar mistakes is fixed
- Hotkeys tryout:
* a = Arena
* c = Beach Cafe
* g = General Store
* m = Mainscreen
- When loading girls from their respective folders, game will now check for foreign OS files such as DStore,
that may not fix the issue everywhere but at least this should get rid of the reported one (Mac OS fail after player has looked into girls folders)
- Temporary fix for gamecrash on one of the high level mobs on misnamed attack should now be intercepted in code until we fix it in json
- Increased image cache is for now disabled, may have been causing some issues
- Next day button added to next day screen
- RMB has been activated at more places
- MC will next day recovery is now tied into remaining AP. Will go a LOT faster if enough AP remain at the end of the day.
- Fixed Taxes Bug (Income taxes calculated from day 1 instead of last week)
- Fixed Crash bug (Going to MC profile screen after working in SlaveMarket or Arena)
- Service girls not cleaning the brothel without stripclub or bar is fixed
- Advertisers doing a better job while not getting paid is fixed
- Function of X button on the top screen is now also bound to Right Mouse Button (you can clikc rmb to return to previous screns if allowed)
- MS (Return to Main screen button added)
- Small buttons in town/main screen are now a bit larger
- Putting up sign even with insufficient money to do so is no longer possible
- Buffing up MC in his setup screen exploit is gone
- Bug preventing girls to work as prostitutes under very specific conditions with more than one brothel in the game is gone
« Last Edit: April 17, 2018, 10:49:33 AM by Xela »
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Native Packs:
« Reply #1 on: March 26, 2014, 05:05:49 PM »
Native Packs:

Password to archives: pytfall

Most stuff has been moved to CWs and Dark's own threads! Find it there!

« Last Edit: March 30, 2014, 11:20:33 AM by Xela »
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Offline Xela

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Re: == PyTFall Alpha release ==>
« Reply #2 on: March 28, 2014, 06:15:31 PM »
New patch is out.
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Offline Xela

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Re: == PyTFall Alpha release ==>
« Reply #3 on: March 31, 2014, 04:04:24 PM »
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Offline Xela

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Re: == PyTFall Alpha release ==>
« Reply #4 on: March 31, 2014, 05:24:12 PM »
Guys, this last update breaks old savefiles! In order to fix that, please download this file and replace your script.rpy with it. Old saves should be restored then. (in an unlikely events that they aren't delete the script.rpyc as well!)
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Offline Mad_Hatter

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Re: == PyTFall Alpha release ==>
« Reply #5 on: April 01, 2014, 04:30:56 AM »
Discovered 2 minor bugs I think.
1.) In the Reports it says "Girl x learned something" and +1 Anal for example. But when I look at her profstats it never increases.
2.) I bought a booty lube, transfered it to a girl and tried to equip it. I got the message "wrong item slot" and the item disappeared. Maybe you are not supposed to equip consumables, but I think the item vanishing is not intended to happen.

I'm struggling a bit to make money, but I guess thats also why I like playing this game. It's not easy - or maybe I just didn't manage to figure out some importat game mechanics. Anyways, it's a fun game indeed, good work. :)

Offline DarkTl

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Re: == PyTFall Alpha release ==>
« Reply #6 on: April 01, 2014, 06:04:36 AM »
I bought a booty lube, transfered it to a girl and tried to equip it. I got the message "wrong item slot" and the item disappeared.
This again, huh. It may have something to do with the anal stat, not item, otherwise there would be reports about many other items as well. Booty lube is not unique in any possible way.

Or maybe it has something to do with cblock field? I don't remember if we have any tooltips about it. Its cblock = 7, thus only 1 item per week could be used.

It's not easy - or maybe I just didn't manage to figure out some importat game mechanics.
People already developed some strategies to make life a bit easier in the beginning. But you right, the game supposed to be difficult, unless you play at easy mode (after we introduce difficulty levels).
« Last Edit: April 01, 2014, 06:08:50 AM by DarkTl »

Offline lamoli

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Re: == PyTFall Alpha release ==>
« Reply #7 on: April 02, 2014, 08:03:15 AM »

1.) In the Reports it says "Girl x learned something" and +1 Anal for example. But when I look at her profstats it never increases.

I had that for the stat constitution.. untill i found out its because of a trait the girl had..
( char had 30/35 const a -10 from nerd +5 from fearless ) so coulnd get 35 const until i got a lvlup and gained enough const in training
its not a bug but interface might miss a tooltip on stat explaining why the skill dont go up or was in minus like in this case ( perma -5 const ) or full description affecting that skill

After checking traits i found out lots who drops prof stats too you might had 1 on your character

Offline Xela

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Re: == PyTFall Alpha release ==>
« Reply #8 on: April 02, 2014, 08:41:25 AM »
I had that for the stat constitution.. untill i found out its because of a trait the girl had..
( char had 30/35 const a -10 from nerd +5 from fearless ) so coulnd get 35 const until i got a lvlup and gained enough const in training
its not a bug but interface might miss a tooltip on stat explaining why the skill dont go up or was in minus like in this case ( perma -5 const ) or full description affecting that skill

After checking traits i found out lots who drops prof stats too you might had 1 on your character

Max should be modified by traits, stats should be modded 10% of total specified in the traits file per 5 levels. It's possible that old stats system was bugged... it's difficult to tell with so many complex systems working together. New stats system might straighten all of that out.
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Offline wahn128

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Re: == PyTFall Alpha release ==>
« Reply #9 on: April 06, 2014, 11:06:18 AM »
Hm, the income seems awfully low as compared to expenses - I just can't figure out how to earn even enough money to pay taxes... after advertizing and training 2 slaves, they still make barely enough to pay for their own upkeep - after 55 days it's 8554 income to 7760 upkeep. The only way my hero isn't bankrupt yet is by doing arena fights... and those do get kinda repetitive if you have to do them as a daily chore not to starve.

Any advice you might give?

Also, what is the grey bar at the righthand side of the combat screen mean? It goes down, then instantly back up, so it's not the hp of the monster (or is it?)
« Last Edit: April 06, 2014, 11:19:18 AM by wahn128 »

Offline lamoli

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Re: == PyTFall Alpha release ==>
« Reply #10 on: April 06, 2014, 12:37:04 PM »
Hm, the income seems awfully low as compared to expenses - I just can't figure out how to earn even enough money to pay taxes... after advertizing and training 2 slaves, they still make barely enough to pay for their own upkeep - after 55 days it's 8554 income to 7760 upkeep. The only way my hero isn't bankrupt yet is by doing arena fights... and those do get kinda repetitive if you have to do them as a daily chore not to starve.

Any advice you might give?

At day 55 witch house and how many girls do you have ? to make your 8554 income ?

best way to reduce their upkeep as slave is dropping their refinement to minimum.. by equiping items with - refinement.. ( you can remove the -refinement items once their prof stats got higher ) but should greatly help at the start..
« Last Edit: April 06, 2014, 12:43:13 PM by lamoli »

Offline CherryWood

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Re: == PyTFall Alpha release ==>
« Reply #11 on: April 06, 2014, 12:39:30 PM »
Any advice you might give?

Also, what is the grey bar at the righthand side of the combat screen mean? It goes down, then instantly back up, so it's not the hp of the monster (or is it?)
When that bar fills up, fighter can make an action. HP is not here anywhere - revision of battle engine is planned later in development.

And for advice... you can made profit from brothers only, it's a little hard in alpha, but it is surely possible (we add easy mode in the future).

- first thing is to raise girls constitution to 35 to get 3 AP (some items may help: free weight can raise constitution to 30, manual of health +5, otherwise it's gained relatively quickly in schools and whore job)
- quality > quantity = what earns you money are well-trained girls. Best is to raise their rank to 3 and keep charisma high. (it's better than training sex stats)
- do not hire anyone else then whores for first two brothels. Auto cleaning is much cheaper then service girl who is not bartending. And MC can guard girls himself with almost guaranteed success - just always keep 1 AP for MC at the end of the day. Is you have 2 building, place to shack girls with body traits (great figure, long legs, big boobs...) or brains (smart, genius) as these have a big chance to prevent beating by themselves. (aggresive girls will try to fight and meek girls will just take the beating)
- some of the makeup/perfume items are profitable to use (but don't expect much)
- you can lower the wages for girls by bit, it will cost you disposition, but that can be gained at courses and joy will not drop by much if you have garden upgrades.
- hold spacebar for faster combat

We have a Alpha:Discussion board for this kind of questions, maybe you can find some answers there

Offline laposteb

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Re: == PyTFall Alpha release ==>
« Reply #12 on: April 06, 2014, 03:09:44 PM »

Hello, I'm new to the game, I wanted to tell you that you do some very good work, this game is fantastic.

I also wanted to ask a question, I'm not very far in the game but I have not yet seen this woman on the screen, this is implemented or not yet?


(sorry for my english)

Offline CherryWood

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Re: == PyTFall Alpha release ==>
« Reply #13 on: April 06, 2014, 03:38:06 PM »
I also wanted to ask a question, I'm not very far in the game but I have not yet seen this woman on the screen, this is implemented or not yet?
Yes, she is there. Just keep looking around the mage tower.

She can once change alignment for main character or for girls you take with you in team (like for other teachers). That gives you various dmg. multipliers vs other alignments. It works, but it's not much useful, as there is no way to find what alignments enemies have in the game yet.

Offline laposteb

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Re: == PyTFall Alpha release ==>
« Reply #14 on: April 06, 2014, 03:44:17 PM »
Thank you for your answer  ;)