Not sure if you figured it out or not, but I could see a few ways you could get this problem.
1, you don't have the folder name matching the character's name exactly. I noticed that trying to use the First name/Last name fields in the editor caused this to not sync right, so try to stick only with the initial name box and disregard the rest. You'll know it's pulling from the right spot if it has a line saying "Images Found: [whatever number]" next to "Description."
2, you didn't make a .girlsx file for the girl, or it didn't save right - I'd say to start from scratch and try again. If you have one, delete it entirely. If not, make one and lie about how you forgot to make/save it.
3, You don't have the images saved in the right naming sense. Go with the format as the name of the activity, followed by a number, ie, Sex1, "Sex2, Les1, Les2, etc etc.
4, it didn't download right, and needs a redownload.
Sorry if my answers seem like I'm talking down to you or something, it isn't the intent. I usually just find the reason something doesn't work is because of something silly like that. And if this is all completely unnecessary because you fixed it already...grats?