Mainly some feedback:
Some chars seem to get gold from arena fights, while others don't. Is this intended?
The profile pic appearance does not seem to change with clothing or mood, even i saw tag options for it. Is this intended, bugged or not implemented yet?
Is it already possible to add girlpacks (with the new tag codes or will the old codes "translated" somehow as in the alpha)?
I like the new "sleep", "work" handling and the way buildings and upgrades are handled now.
When i enable "autoequip" in girl control the maid job seems to unequip all items that raise charisma (peasant dress, luck amulet, umbrella etc.), while the whore job even seems to unequip stiletto shoes (the red ones).
It seems now the threat of the scary shack never increases. I have warrior quarters (but work as manager, maybe this reduces threat too now?), a working cleaner and a prostitute there. Sign is up and customers are there, too. Still 0% threat shown.