Author Topic: -GG- packs and mods  (Read 18832 times)

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Offline -GG-

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-GG- packs and mods
« on: March 28, 2019, 12:59:08 PM »
Hope you gonna enjoy some packs/mod I have made :

Naruko Anjou:!raQmXSxR!TFiy58EIws8gOumF0SEfJP0xY-P0l09NlNZs1YSOK88
(Size edited inside you have two Json. So you can choose if you gonna use the pack for random or unique char (you can use for both by dupicating) Just copy/past Naruko_Anjou folder from Uchar to Rchar with the relevant JSON. )
« Last Edit: March 30, 2019, 04:56:35 AM by -GG- »

Offline -GG-

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Re: -GG- packs and mods
« Reply #1 on: March 28, 2019, 01:05:42 PM »
Here come the update for already existing Pytfall pack:

Historia Reiss from the Attack on titan pack made by DarkTl :!uL5gASBb!keYukDWrSzm6qwH9gkqatRQvOyD7W-qri1lH29seIhY

(No modification on the JSON... Even if I am not trying it yet myself I recommand to made the following modifications on it > Give her a fighting class instead of the maid one. And if you want to save some money, change her situation to free, and so give her some attack and a bit of gold. The pack it's still not satisfactory from my point of view, be warned^^. You should prolly check if th update suit you before replacing/update the folder.)

Offline -GG-

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Re: -GG- packs and mods
« Reply #2 on: March 28, 2019, 01:28:25 PM »
And here comes the mods (small or not):

So for start a really quick modification to made by hand (as update gonna force you to do it one day anyway I suppose):

-It's for increasing the strenght gain drastically when wood cutting, go to > game >code >locations > forest >forest_entrance.rpy

First you can change yours odds line 59  :
So you have to change 50 by 100 for exemple.
if dice (100):
Like that, but still you are not guaranteed to have at least one point ! Yeah I know, it's awfull !
So make a change at line 60 to be sure to earn this precious one, it should look like that:
$ hero.attack += randint(1, 2)

Hope it's clear^^

Edit 07/04/2019

I have attached to this post a small mod for girls personality, the change are quite huge in term of stats but count for nothing in term of skill (iirc). Put it on game/content/db/traits. You prolly should compare first if the mod seems ok to you first.
« Last Edit: April 07, 2019, 08:49:34 AM by -GG- »