
Author Topic: Help Moding Whore Master 7. Adding buildings  (Read 17657 times)

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Offline Plasick

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Help Moding Whore Master 7. Adding buildings
« on: September 13, 2022, 07:33:05 PM »
Yes, this is a mod that is mostly functional.

Now that I have pointed that out, this is going to be a long shot in the dark. I have tried my hand at moding this game. It took me a while to understand the basics of this game. While the use of WMEdit did play a part of it, all it can do is make random girls and make items. But that's about it. Yes, you could add more traits but you would have to preform manual work. I.E, adding stats and skills to said trait via an XML editor. It's not that hard if you can see the patterns. And I added tons of traits. Including thief, body builder, swordsman, shrine maiden, masculine and many more. Along with some other traits that are already in the game but have never or rarely been implemented. Although I would love to expand on these traits even further than before, I hit a massive roadblock. making new buildings. I have no idea how to do that. I have checked in the files to see anything related to buildings and attaching jobs to said building. The most I could add was going to the interface folder and adding in a gym management screen for both folders along with adding a picture for the gym on the map. I made this account simply to ask for help.

Now, I am sure it doesn't need to be pointed out but I have used h1262216 variation of whoremaster as a source. It's far simpler to use and it is technically the most updated version of the game. I will let them know that I have used their moded game to expand. The mega link to download the file for yourself is in the bottom of this post. I know asking for help on a mostly dead game is long shot but it is worth a shot.

[size=xxx-large]Download here!![/size]


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Re: Help Moding Whore Master 7. Adding buildings
« Reply #1 on: September 14, 2022, 06:32:20 AM »
nice to know there are other people working on improving the game (besides the packmakers, of course)

At this point, adding a building/job requires (significant) changes to the C++ code of the game.

What is far easier is to edit the scripts, which are written in lua and don't require you to recompile the game. For example, in `Training.lua` you could add a "Send her to the gym" option. Not quite the same as a new building with new jobs, but a starting point.

The files in `Resources/Data/Jobs` also make it possible to add different text variations to job, e.g. to take into account your new traits. It does not currently work for all the job text in the game, and it cannot be used to add new jobs, though.

Offline grishnak

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Re: Help Moding Whore Master 7. Adding buildings
« Reply #2 on: November 05, 2022, 03:49:40 AM »
Would it be possible to distinct the brothel types at least?

Right now i think it is one table, where just the room for girls is changed. Do you think you might customize them a bit more, like with advertising, specialization (like in the late FreeCities)? Or since they are located in different parts of the city, change the customer base with different fetishes and preferences (and money to spent, like in the old brothelmaster)?

Offline h1262216

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Re: Help Moding Whore Master 7. Adding buildings
« Reply #3 on: November 08, 2022, 10:32:35 AM »
While this is a nice idea in principle, it will only really make sense once such things (as in, e.g., different customer types) are handled sensibly in the shift processing code. Once that is implemented, adjusting parameters for the customer base for different buildings should be easy, and easily manageable by an xml file.

Offline grishnak

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Re: Help Moding Whore Master 7. Adding buildings
« Reply #4 on: November 12, 2022, 08:28:35 AM »
Just tried the new version and the tagger.
I really like what you did with the xml files and job texts. I tried myself before to add a few more jobs, but it was a pain. Now it should be a lot easier to customize job outcomes and personalize to different fetishes.
The tagger did not seem to work under my old windows. Does it require windows 10+ or some third party stuff? If so, any chance for a linux version?

Offline h1262216

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Re: Help Moding Whore Master 7. Adding buildings
« Reply #5 on: November 12, 2022, 08:04:27 PM »
The tagger is just a collection of python scripts, so ti should be much easier to get it running on linux than on windows.
Its here in the repository. You'll need some packages (most importantly PySide6), but they are all available in pip. I probably should make a `requirements.txt` file to automate the install.