Author Topic: Balmung 60's Girlpacks  (Read 106143 times)

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Offline jimbobiii

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Re: Balmung 60's Girlpacks
« Reply #30 on: February 27, 2017, 12:10:19 AM »
Damn, that's a bunch of stuff.

Should be noted that the .girlsx file for your FE pack seems to include entries for girls whose image packs aren't present; from what I saw, Heather and Syrene. I haven't gotten through much else yet.

EDIT: Pack 4 also includes Robin, which doesn't seem to be listed.

And wow, TRS girl packs coming? You're close to competing with packs of people's OCs in terms of obscurity. Not that I'm complaining.
« Last Edit: February 27, 2017, 12:30:26 AM by jimbobiii »

Offline 790 Series Lusticon Operations Unit

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Re: Balmung 60's Girlpacks
« Reply #31 on: February 27, 2017, 12:35:09 AM »
Bah, and here I thought I was going to be the only one doing packs for FE6-8.

Oh well, still doing it anyway.
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Re: Balmung 60's Girlpacks
« Reply #32 on: February 27, 2017, 02:10:17 AM »
Damn, that's a bunch of stuff.

Should be noted that the .girlsx file for your FE pack seems to include entries for girls whose image packs aren't present; from what I saw, Heather and Syrene. I haven't gotten through much else yet.

EDIT: Pack 4 also includes Robin, which doesn't seem to be listed.

And wow, TRS girl packs coming? You're close to competing with packs of people's OCs in terms of obscurity. Not that I'm complaining.
Ah, thanks for the catch, I should have those fixed now.

As for TRS, I happen to have a large number of images from an artist who really liked TRS and the SNES Fire Emblem titles, hence their prevalence in the recent and upcoming uploads. That said, they'll still be pretty small image packs. There's also going to a wide variety of more mainstream stuff, including Advance Wars, Tales of ____, Fire Emblem, SRW, Fate/whatever, Tsukihime, and Girls und Panzer., I should probably break this up into chunks instead of doing them all, then splitting them up, because otherwise, it might be April or May before anything new goes up.

Bah, and here I thought I was going to be the only one doing packs for FE6-8.

Oh well, still doing it anyway.
No biggie. Not like other people already doing them stopped me from doing Lightning, Overwatch, or RWBY. I'd also say Utsuho, but when I made her, there were no good uploads of her here.

Offline BlackWolf Inc.

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Re: Balmung 60's Girlpacks
« Reply #33 on: February 27, 2017, 04:46:56 PM »
Dude I can't even be mad. I was going to do all the FE girls, but your beating me to it with me being out for so long.
Dammit....  :'(

Fair play to you sir, fair play.
Don't look at me like that! I found 'em that way....

Now no-one else has to die...
unless I think of another reason.

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Re: Balmung 60's Girlpacks
« Reply #34 on: March 04, 2017, 07:47:56 AM »
Pack 12 is up, with girls from Fire Emblem, Tear Ring Saga, Advance Wars, Girls und Panzer, Fate/EXTRA, Tsukihime, Dragon Ball, Overlord, and some obscure H-Game. Also, I uploaded a girl I made, but forgot to include last time, as a standalone character.

And assuming no more scope creep, there should be three more unique packs in the current project and a handful of randoms.

And wow, TRS girl packs coming? You're close to competing with packs of people's OCs in terms of obscurity. Not that I'm complaining.
Actually, funny story, I narrowly rejected Team Four Star's DBXV2 OC, Puddin, who is probably less obscure than TRS. But I do have a Majin random pack in the pipeline, in case you want to exploit squishy pink shapeshifting demon girls.

Offline Dabanisher

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Re: Balmung 60's Girlpacks
« Reply #35 on: March 04, 2017, 12:41:34 PM »
you finished the rest of the overwatch packs ??? .....
ill have to try them since everyone is putting much out at the moment

Offline FluffyMongeese

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Re: Balmung 60's Girlpacks
« Reply #36 on: March 07, 2017, 07:09:47 PM »
What happened to the links for 8, 11, and 12?


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Re: Balmung 60's Girlpacks
« Reply #37 on: March 08, 2017, 01:33:06 AM »
What happened to the links for 8, 11, and 12?
They apparently got eaten when I tried to update the links with slightly newer versions and I didn't catch it because it was late at night and I went to bed right after.

Thanks for the catch and the links should be fixed now.

Offline Dabanisher

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Re: Balmung 60's Girlpacks
« Reply #38 on: March 08, 2017, 07:37:55 PM »
some of your packs leave something more to desire like your overwatch girls i saw them and there is much i wish was there and if your comitted to make some good ones you can start with mine as the base and build up from there i dont mind if you update them


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Re: Balmung 60's Girlpacks
« Reply #39 on: March 09, 2017, 03:22:32 AM »
some of your packs leave something more to desire like your overwatch girls i saw them and there is much i wish was there and if your comitted to make some good ones you can start with mine as the base and build up from there i dont mind if you update them
I could try that, though I used everything I could find at the time I made the packs (I mean, not as in I took every image I found and stuck them in the pack, but as in I went through every archive I was aware of), though the Overwatch girls in particular suffer from being made for the last non-crazy's mod version and only really being split up from what I already had, rather than adding stuff I wouldn't have otherwise for the new image categories. Also, I can't say that I'll use everything you used, since I try to avoid things like non-group images featuring more than two participants (noticed while going through oral images).

Also, I realize that a lot of the older packs could probably use a similar update in amount of content. A general rework should be coming some time after my current project is done, so it could be a while.
« Last Edit: March 09, 2017, 03:40:05 AM by Balmung60 »

Offline Dabanisher

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Re: Balmung 60's Girlpacks
« Reply #40 on: March 09, 2017, 09:00:10 PM »
i look at multiple sites rule 34(be aware there are 2 one has more tags and searchability),E621 (furry website but has some other stuff),gelbooru (alot of images you cant find on rule 34 and e621 would be here), and hentai foundry (usually not much but sometimes i can find something here)


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Re: Balmung 60's Girlpacks
« Reply #41 on: March 09, 2017, 11:07:47 PM »
I mostly use Rule34 (though I'm only aware of the one), Danbooru (Gelbooru's low quality standards and lack of tag autocomplete make me sad), pixiv, hentai-foundry, and g.e-hentai. Especially if there's not much to work with, I might also check deviantart or something.

Offline Dabanisher

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Re: Balmung 60's Girlpacks
« Reply #42 on: March 10, 2017, 11:44:20 PM »
really the auto complete is waht sets you off from gelbooru? ive never had a problem of remembering the girls i wanna make plus it help with looking for profile pics and low standards i would think that rule 34 has worse standards than them but eh too each his own.

Offline 790 Series Lusticon Operations Unit

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Re: Balmung 60's Girlpacks
« Reply #43 on: March 11, 2017, 01:51:14 AM »
Everything from Danbooru is uploaded to Gelbooru, plus Gelbooru typically has images that Danbooru does not. Add on top of that the lack of tag limits and images not put behind a paywall.

I pretty much never use Danbooru anymore when I go image hunting for packs.
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Re: Balmung 60's Girlpacks
« Reply #44 on: March 11, 2017, 06:05:37 AM »
really the auto complete is waht sets you off from gelbooru? ive never had a problem of remembering the girls i wanna make plus it help with looking for profile pics and low standards i would think that rule 34 has worse standards than them but eh too each his own.
It's a convenience thing, especially when the image boards insist on using non-localized names or obscure translations of character names or I don't feel like guessing whether their character tag has the copyright in parentheses afterwards.

Besides, I mostly use Danbooru for profile pictures and other non-sexually explicit categories, which are generally plentiful for non-obscure characters to such an extent that I can afford to be pickier and still have a robust profile category. For characters where this isn't the case, I actually will go to Gelbooru, Deviantart, and/or Pixiv (I actually often jump straight to pixiv, though). Meanwhile, the sexually explicit categories more often require taking whatever I can get, or at least relaxing standards to fill the category.

Overall, it seems like much ado over nothing, since it's largely about the easiest category to fill to an at least reasonable size.
« Last Edit: March 11, 2017, 06:07:57 AM by Balmung60 »