
Author Topic: Removing random-generic girls  (Read 11172 times)

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Offline oracle0909

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Removing random-generic girls
« on: January 28, 2011, 01:56:57 AM »
Hey gang,

I've been reading through the comments and stuff and haven't found something that mentioned or described in detail how to go about doing this, but I was wondering if anyone has figured out or can figure out how one could go through and use/have only girls from series/packs put up by other members.  The game, layout, and play for this is great (best out there since sim bro 1 hands down,) but I'm getting a bit tired of 9/10 slaves to buy not being one of the ones from a series and having the same pictures as two or three girls in that list alone (let alone ones that I already bought.)

I know it sounds kind of picky, and I wholly admit that it is, but with such a great group of members and admin, and with a huge stock of girls with legitimate corresponding pictures, I feel that seeing repeats is a bit "old," for the lifespan of the game.

Anyway, if there are just a few key files to ditch to get these girls from showing up, and you know about it, lemme know please.  If I find out through screwing around with it I'll definitely let you all know as well.

Thanks guys, and thanks for a great sim game.

Offline Oulee

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Re: Removing random-generic girls
« Reply #1 on: January 28, 2011, 02:18:21 AM »
Moving all your files ending with ".rgirlx" (dont forget the "R") from "ressources/characters" to an other folder should do the trick.
Or you wait till a nice coder make you a mod for never having the same random girl poping up twice (wich I also would like to have)

Offline Zero_Profile

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Re: Removing random-generic girls
« Reply #2 on: January 28, 2011, 03:50:58 AM »
when you remove those files does it remove the ability to have children? like if you get a girl doesn't the children get from the random/ base girls

Offline Nalkyr Maloth

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Re: Removing random-generic girls
« Reply #3 on: January 28, 2011, 09:25:35 AM »
I seem to remember the coders saying you need at least one random girl otherwise the game crashes when it looks for one and doesn't find any.

The best way to go would be to edit the .girlsx file/files and keep only the girl/girls you're interested in.

Offline oracle0909

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Re: Removing random-generic girls
« Reply #4 on: January 28, 2011, 06:23:47 PM »
I delete any .girls list with random in the name, and removed all the "generic," folders.  The girls are still being generated, however now the pictures simply don't show up.  As far as girls that were random that I owned before doing this little switch still exist, function, work, get sick, however none of their pictures show up now either.  So I managed to get rid of their pictures haha.

I don't know where the line/script is for "generate from ..." or whatever, really I'd like to just mod it to pick the girls from the other folders, not just the random ones.

Offline sgb

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Re: Removing random-generic girls
« Reply #5 on: January 28, 2011, 09:22:49 PM »
As said, you can never completely remove random girls from the game.  You must have at least one or the game will crash, and if you have to have one you might as well have a few you like looking at.

Offline GBCliff

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Re: Removing random-generic girls
« Reply #6 on: January 29, 2011, 12:22:47 AM »
I have found the best solution to this problem, which I myself disliked when I first started playing, is to increase the number of available Rgirls but adding expansion packs from user-created content. It makes the random girls appear much more random.

Offline oracle0909

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Re: Removing random-generic girls
« Reply #7 on: February 03, 2011, 09:52:01 PM »
Figured it out.

IF you open the downloaded girls lists that you have, and click on the girls name it loads their traits/stats/etc.  Underneath all the traits/perks on the left hand side is a drop-down for "normal, slave, or Catacombs only."  Adjust the girl(s) from normal to slave... and there you have it, she'll show up just as the other ones automatically marked slaves do.  Likewise, go into the random girls list, turn them onto only in catacombs or normal, and they'll start showing up less frequently.

**Edit Part 2**

Changing the status, doesn't make here/the girls show up in the slave-house as a buyable character... only that once you encounter them on the street, you get them as slaves (thus 100% gain in funds instead of 60% default.)
... so I'm still looking

**Edit** (below)
Sure enough, open the notepad files, click Edit, replace, and then for search type Status="Normal" to Status="Slave"

If you just replace Normal with Slave, it screws up the "NormalSex" category... so you have been warned!

Hope that helps.  Right now it's one by one, I'm thinking of doing a find--> replace option in the text file itself to see if that works simply to make it quicker.

Thanks guys

« Last Edit: February 03, 2011, 10:04:29 PM by oracle0909 »

Offline iamnuff

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Re: Removing random-generic girls
« Reply #8 on: February 04, 2011, 05:26:22 PM »
well i just deleted all the .rgirls files, then i deleted every picture file with the words "girl" in it rarther than a real name.

nope, it doesnt crash for me, and it stops generating them when you get rid of the .rgirls files.

Offline oracle0909

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Re: Removing random-generic girls
« Reply #9 on: February 05, 2011, 05:38:28 PM »
Does it stop generating all for the shop?  I guess the thing that bugs me most, is girls added >>>> random girl folders, yet at best I get 1 out of the 10 or 9 that it generates each time I go to the shop.

Let me know the details though of your girl's files, in the sense of does everyone that has a picture folder show up in some list?  I feel like we're missing something...

Thanks though!

Offline oracle0909

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Re: Removing random-generic girls
« Reply #10 on: February 07, 2011, 07:15:53 PM »
Alright guys more developments... well really just one. 

If you open any .girlsx lists in something like notepad, and then when you go to file, save as, and behind the filename type .rgirlsx.  The list is saved as a random girls file, and sure enough they begin to show up in the slave market section, but! two things occur.

One, the girls' names don't appear highlighted in red as other custom .rgirlsx files are (i.e. one of CBs).  Secondly, they'll appear with a randomly generated name, however the pictures will be of one girl.  For instance I did this with a doa list (i think) and the girl that was added had/used all the pictures of Rio, however was named something from the random name's list.

So, as we edge closer to fixing this issue (making only mod girls show up and no random girls show up,) we've hit a hitch with names (otherwise all seems well.)

Try it out, let me know, and if someone can conquer the random name generator being used, that would pretty much solve this whole ordeal. 

Offline chronos

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Re: Removing random-generic girls
« Reply #11 on: February 08, 2011, 02:58:04 PM »
oracle, with all due respect, I don't think you've understood what sgb was trying to make clear to you. The way the game is currently programmed it is impossible to remove random girls without introducing serious problems that will almost certainly cause the game to repeatedly crash.

You're also misunderstanding the difference between the .girlsx files and the .rgirlsx files. The .girlsx files are xml files that define non-random girls. the .rgirlsx files are also xml files that define the random girls. The xml layout for the two files is not the same. You cannot simply rename a .girlsx file to .rgirlsx and expect it to work correctly. Also, deleting the image folders for the random girls won't have any effect.

If you really want a version of the game that doesn't include random girls then you need to download the source code from the svn repository, grab visual c++ 2010 express and start modifying the code to remove the random girl functionality. Working with the version of the game provided by the devs there is no way to create a mod that would remove random girls either.

I've looked at the code and have modified it some myself. There are many many assumptions built into the game that make random girls required currently. Let me give you just one for the moment as an example. Each time you hit next week the game generates a list of eight girls that will appear in the slave market. For each of those eight girls it creates a random number and if it is below a certain value then it places one of the normal girls who you have not yet bought and who is marked as a slave into the market. If the random number is above the specified value then it instead tries to create a random girl. If there are no random girls defined in a .rgirslx file then the game will crash.

So, to remove random girls you would at the very least need to change this so that when it creates the list it always pulls from the list of normal goals, and further more, if it runs out of normal girls then it stops adding girls to the market. Also, as pointed out by Zero_Profile having no random girls will mess with pregnancies and girls growing up. You would probably want to change this to be handled like sons and have the daughters simply sold off.

Anyway, the point is, what you are trying to do can't be done without modifying the source code and compiling your own custom version of the game.

Offline DocClox

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Re: Removing random-generic girls
« Reply #12 on: February 08, 2011, 05:30:27 PM »
I've looked at the code and have modified it some myself. There are many many assumptions built into the game that make random girls required currently. Let me give you just one for the moment as an example. Each time you hit next week the game generates a list of eight girls that will appear in the slave market. For each of those eight girls it creates a random number and if it is below a certain value then it places one of the normal girls who you have not yet bought and who is marked as a slave into the market. If the random number is above the specified value then it instead tries to create a random girl. If there are no random girls defined in a .rgirslx file then the game will crash.

Spot on. I have looked at providing an option to remove randoms, but it really isn't at all straightforward. The best bet is probably to have one random in an edited rgirlsx file and then to dial back the chance of her showing up in the config file.

Not perfect, I know, but it does mean that if you hit one of those conditions where the game grabs for a random girl, it won't go boom.

Offline DocClox

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Re: Removing random-generic girls
« Reply #13 on: February 09, 2011, 07:25:14 AM »
That's right. I did add some code a while back so that you could have certain girls draw on a pool of other unique girls for their daughters, but I'm not sure that ever made it into the released version.

Offline oracle0909

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Re: Removing random-generic girls
« Reply #14 on: February 09, 2011, 07:46:17 PM »
hey guys, Cronos especially,

thanks for explaining the issue at hand as thoroughly as you did, I definitely appreciate the effort to explain all of this to someone who, as you said, definitely doesn't know much about programming.  It was worth a shot, just because with all the girls I've downloaded, and with all of the effort other people have made to adding more, it seemed odd to keep getting the random ones much more often than the rest. 

I appreciate the explanation and will just have to be happy with what I got (which I most certainly am.)

Thanks again all.