Author Topic: WM_1.30.4_Beta_r593 Talk....  (Read 3739 times)

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WM_1.30.4_Beta_r593 Talk....
« on: December 07, 2017, 10:44:14 PM »
Only posting here because this thread is in Game Editing and Additions Category, if its the wrong place sorry, then move the post or point me to the right area.

So I have been playing WM 1.30.4 Beta r593 which I will refer to as beta, and is probably and old and out dated with source code probably none retrievable. And also been playing crazy's release.

Over all I enjoy the beta more due to its what the game can become, aside from the balance issues and lack of content.
Here is a list of some of the things I would fix and change but I don't have the source code for this version. If I did I would work on it myself but I don't know if WM 1.30.4 Beta r593 is the latest code available through the SVN here. I have used a decompiler on it but it only goes so far, I could work with it but it would take quite a bit of time.

Anyways lets say that it is the latest version....

A problem in this version tends to be Gold dumping, it seems to be a big one, one that I have heard most people talk about because after a point in time you have more than enough income to do as you please and it removes virtually all difficulty.
There are 5 ways around this straight off the bat.

1...  In game now through WM editor one can chang the tax rate as the game progresses keeping some difficulty over time.
But running the game through a stress test since there is as I have found no ceiling or cap to the number of girls you can have, if there is a cap I may have someones edited version that removed it. But with no cap and with enough girls the tax rate can constantly be driven up and still make more gold than needed. Adjusting the tax is okay for a while but requires constant tweaking as the average amount of income increases yet keeps things difficult for longer periods of time.

2... Another that is easily done in game is the amount girls get to keep, And I use this method also along with the tax rate changing. If the girls is a slave she usually gets nothing as she is a slave after all, unless I like her then she keeps apart of what she makes. But for the girls found on the street since they as the text reads are broke and need money I give them a large portion usually around 30-60% or more depending on the difficulty I am aiming for and then after a period of time thinking they have made enough I fire them unless I like them or hate them (which in turn they get branded and usually sold). For a Hard difficulty I keep about 30%, I have gone even lower trying to come out with numbers for an insane difficulty challenge. But this could be changed to be a mandatory thing.

3.. The merchant, I would add in a merchant with a low rate to show up each week on a walk that sells Rare items possibly with infinite amount to sell or not at a markup of say, items normal price + 15-20% (or more if needed, shouldn't exceed 30% I think though). But that is all he has are rare/super rare items even possible some only found in catacombs. Might have to change the categories of items I think, about 4 will do it common, uncommon, rare, and super rare.

4.. Gangs. Gangs need to be reworked over all in my opinion, I think what they should be paid should be based on what there average skill/stat levels are. A weak dumb group doesn't need or demand that much, yet a stronger group obviously should be paid for what they are worth. Also on the training the amount of stats increased through training should be higher, because the amount currently is currently atrociously low and it takes so much time compared to other things. I would increase the amount gained, still have to pay them their weekly cost based on their skill/stats and what it would be to train them on top of that. Ie, I take a gang to a boot camp I am paying the gang and then also paying the fees for the boot camp to train them. Could be training caps also, basic training for average stats around up to 40 costs X (hit the dummy), but from 41-70 it requires intermediate training which costs XX (hit the dummy that moves) and then 71 up requires Advanced which costs XXX (hit the dummy, oh the dummy hits back). The increased of later costs can be a gold dump.

5. Slave market costs. I have noticed that most prices range from about 800-1200g, there are a few over or below but that seems to be the average I would make the value dependent on their over all skill/stat levels. I haven't thought this idea all the way through but it would be something like add all stat and skill points together then she costs X% of the over all score + specific traits/tags... I know some traits/tags increase the amount such as virgin, not sure of the current value, but I have found some girls with a lot of traits /tags cost less than some other people with somewhat less, I know apart of that is what the author of the girl pack determines she should be worth. But its an area to look at.

There are other ways to dump money such as the chance to be mugged when walking on the street, What is the bank used for at the moment seriously I find it useless unless there is a threat on the character themselves which I don't think there are out side of what an opposing gangs can ransack which hasn't ever been that much.
Girl accommodations are supposed to be a money dump but I haven't noticed a difference I think the amount is to low to be of any real effect I give all girls the best once I get them and still make profit so I don't know there.

Things I would add to the game...
Other than the merchant as mentioned prior...
The wilderness, as a counterpart to the catacombs, I don't see all exotic girls coming from catacombs like a bee, or plant girl or such like that but in the wilderness I would see them. This could give more different play on collecting items and girls.

Other towns with slave markets, who's markets hold different varieties. Ie, you go to a town of orc your more likely to find say elf slaves.. go to farming town, cow girls or those of more beast qualities...

Would also add in male slaves seems to always be a popular request.
A grave yard to revive dead girls, find that super rare scroll of resurrection.... That seems to be a popular request.
Since some people have asked for it, a way to turn girls into a virgin again most likely through some super rare magic item, easiest way would probably changing it into a trait.

And then there are overall skill/stat interactions.
Either I know little of how they currently interact, or maybe I think some could just be removed or reworked.

According to WM editor ill just go down the list...

- Charisma - simple and understandable possibly ties into looks noted in game which I would probably just remove and call it charisma in game also.
- Libido - If I am correct the number of people able to service in one night?
- Intelligence - Unsure of what this does, but I would make it at what rate girls can learn and stat/skill up, dumb girl takes long but a smart girl is quicker, but I would also possibly make a smart girl have some higher rebellion at the start, shes smart after all... but make this trainable.
- Fame - Simple how popular = more customers.
- Ask Price - My thoughts prior
- EXP & Level- Remove don't think they are needed, fame takes care of this and every stat themselves are experience and levels.
- Obedience - says its obvious but trying out items it doesn't seem to work like one would think, with 100+ obedience I have had girls that still refuse to do stuff. I know it possibly ties in with rebelliousness but it might be possible to squish them into one stat, 0 obedience she is rebellious, 100 obedience she does everything and every job no problem.
- Beauty - Isn't this the same thing as Charisma? I know someone can be vocally charismatic verses charismatic looks but for the sake of this game I think everything is based on looks.. I'd remove it and let charisma pick up the work.
- Health - Duh
- Happiness - simple enough, but why according to WM editor is the stat at 100 when you first buy them shouldn't it be lower after all she was just sold auction... I wouldn't be happy in such a position, I am sure there could be case scenarios such as previous owner was bad so shes happy to be sold to someone else or the previous person she though was their true love and so is quite unhappy, this randomness can add in interesting things to deal with when getting a new girl, low happiness makes it take longer to gain player love etc etc.
- Constitution - What does this do? Because I had a case where one girl had low constitution and would constantly get tired, but had another with the same amount and didn't get tired. When I think of it, it should tie in with libido being how quickly you get tired, how often how much but it doesn't seem to quite work that way....
- Confidence - I am not sure what this does, I would think this plays in to how well they do their jobs but isn't that already determined by the stats for those skills and jobs?
- Agility - According to WM not sure what it does.. id remove it unless it plays into chance of escaping and even then I think it could be removed you have other stats that can pick up the load... Or rework it for combat.
- Pchar love, hate, fear all these are quite obvious.
- Tiredness - Obvious
- Age - Duh
- House rate - Duh

- Now this would require a rework on all combat... you have spirit, mana, and agility.. I would add in strength, and add in a physical defense stat prob AC (Armor Class). Strength is your physical damage in combat against creatures AC, physical defense. Combat is your ability to hit against agility, and for its dual counter part you have mana and spirit... mana would be your non physical/magic attack and spirit would be the magic/non physical defense while magic is ability to hit probably still against agility.
So in combat... roll, add combat and any items/mods vs agility.. if hit.. roll, add strength and any item/mods = damage - AC physical defense reduction.
Roll, add magic and any mods vs agility, if hit... roll, add mana and any mods = damage - Spirit defense reduction.
Both will be rolled in combat, most games cap out at around 30% damage reduction at max.
You will just put in cap on items, one set of armor, 2-3 rings, 1 weapon, etc and any minimal things, this would require making sure there are limits on how many equip-able items per slot are allowed.
This would also say that the girls would have to start with lower stats than they do now and have multiple catacombs for difficulty.. average stats of catacombs... 0-25=easy, 26-50=regular, 51-75=hard, 76-100 insane.  Obviously items help increase stats and in this case training should be not completely slow but where it does take some time. This will make getting items to increase stats a money dump also.
Gangs could work off the same stat rework also, remove their charisma and intelligence I have no idea why the have those just let them roll off of magic, combat, agility, AC, mana, Spirit. If it has something to do with recapturing or such just roll agility plus net bonus against a girls agility or something.

Skills should all be obvious but some need fixing and this plays into jobs...
All the general ones are fine,
Brothel jobs, I don't think stripper or masseuse should remove virgin, went in thinking massage and watching pole dancing and then so much more happened it ruins my plans for the girl... though I think stripper here should be removed and put in the casino.
Same goes with Bar jobs about ruining plans, I don think the barmaid waitress and singer should be doing the boom boom, and the stripper should just be a show, I would also just squish the casino into here and call it the casino, they have the stripper would become xxx entertainer, and the singer none xxx entertainer... everything else stays the same but make some of them none sex jobs, obviously the whore for gamblers is but the barmaid, waitress, singer, stripper, and game dealer shouldn't. Remove customer service in my opinion its kind of useless I have no idea or noticed what effect this has on anything in game. Can still leave chances for rape though to keep things on the up up, but this would be a way to give players a chance to run a clean game also, run a brothel or run a casino... or both. and this could play in how the law plays against you.
At this though I'd add an entertainment skill to fit the roles of stripper, singer etc... and service should cover waitress, and game dealer, bar maid etc.

Well that is that with that....But unless this is the version that is available through the SVN I don't think any of this may see the light of day using a decompiler takes time and the code still must be rebuilt nearly from scratch.

Since Crazy's mod is the most updated version that is being worked on with available source code I am definitely going through it and the next post in here will be about crazy's mod but crazy's has a lot more content but I will get through it, also going through the source code at the same time.

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Re: WM_1.30.4_Beta_r593 Talk....
« Reply #1 on: December 08, 2017, 03:45:39 AM »

Lot to go over won't hit all of it.  Just know much of this is based off what I remember of the base game code.
1. Looks is  Charisma + beauty/2..  Never understood why it was that but didn't want to change it.
2. Agility did affect combat I think.
3. Constition is suppose to effect how tired they get.  But some traits can effect that.  In ur example girl number two might have had to traits to help her not get tired.
4. Accommodations in the base game didn't effect anything but the girls happiness if I remember right.
5.  Most of the non whore jobs were a set amount of money effected by a random dice roll and skills played no effect in them in the base game.  If I remember right setting a girl to most of the jobs it would just roll a dice and say She worked as a waitress..  Even if she was set to barmaid.  This was mostly due to the fact the original devs were doing a complete rework of the jobs when all of them just kind stopped working on it and one of them or some outside dev can't remember just came along and got it into a playable state and that is what the final release was.  Some of the stuff Ive worked on adding is stuff they didn't get in as they stopped working on it.
6. I agree about lvls.  My biggest problem with them lvling up is that in the end all girls are good at everything once they lvl up enough.  So like once a girl hits lvl 20 or so even if she is a waitress most the time she has her sex skills maxed out.
7.  Always thought that one of the best ways to handle difficulty without going crazy is to make multiple slave markets.  The one you have at the start sells lesser slaves and ones you can get later in game sell better slaves.  Never bothered to try this as seemed hard for something people might end up bitching about more then liking lol.
8. Confidence didn't do much.  If I remember it may have only effected like if they did a job or not.  But not the jobs themselves.
9.  Each brothel does have a limit to the number of girls they can hold.. But its like 255 I think so most people will never notice it.
10. Obedience is really just an estimate IMO atleast.  There is a place to see it and a lot effects it but it always seemed half broken and unfinished to me.

Its bed time and this is all I can remember as of right now with about half my brain working.  Like some of your ideas and some of them are already done in my mod (well mostly joeys mod now lol).  Looking forward to ur thoughts on it.

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Re: WM_1.30.4_Beta_r593 Talk....
« Reply #2 on: December 08, 2017, 08:06:35 AM »
confidence and obedience are really importent for the scripts:

Wheather the girl agrees to something or not

Charisma und Beauty are different things. A beautiful girl (shape) may never laugh and smile which is shown in a very low charisma.

Too much money earnings during the game is absolutely true. Therefore I've posted an idea earlier in "possible addons".

About the skilling of the girls I've a suggestion:
By now each girl receives 2 points for each customer while working in the brothel.
Meaning that having sex with 50 customers, the sex skill is at 100% ( Modified only by slow/fast learning, starting skill , etc.)
I prefer a smart solution which makes it more harder to raise the skill when there skill is higher - easy when their skill is low, depending on there existing skill. I already use these at some situations in my scripts.
First is a check if they obey ( they agree  to the job)
Second is a skill check. If the skill check fails they get the point.
An example: The girls skill for normal sex is 0.  The skill check fails to 100% , which means the skill raises up 1 point at a 100 % chance.
If the girls skill is already at 99, there is only a 1% chance to raise 1 point higher.

But overall and for all skills , to the very first of all, there should be a general reduction from 2 to only1 point per skill raise.

Kind regards,

Offline grishnak

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Re: WM_1.30.4_Beta_r593 Talk....
« Reply #3 on: December 08, 2017, 09:13:48 AM »
The amount of points could be tied to difficulty and for a standard job you would roll as you suggest, for some outcomes you would always gain 0 and for some at least 1 with the option for another one? I like that system, too, because it would make progression non-linear and somehow self-regulating. It would also give more power back to equipment (if 100 is max, with or without items and if you do the checks on the unmodified skill values).
« Last Edit: December 08, 2017, 09:56:30 AM by grishnak »

Offline aevojoey

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Re: WM_1.30.4_Beta_r593 Talk....
« Reply #4 on: December 08, 2017, 08:32:06 PM »
So I have been playing WM 1.30.4 Beta r593 which ...
...I could work with it but it would take quite a bit of time.
The source code for the original WM 1.30.4 Beta r593 is still available but it has not been updated since 2011-10-30

The rest of my responses pertain to the current version of the game.

A problem in this version tends to be Gold dumping, ...
There are 5 ways around this straight off the bat.
1. Taxes do need to be updated but no time frame for that is planned.
2. On the Accommodation slider there is a diamond that indicates what the girl expects you to provide her, something like that can be added to the house percent slider.
3. Something like The merchant has been discussed before and will be added in probably when the world map is updated.
4. Gangs always need updating. Gangs are currently paid based on the job. If/when they are made into individuals grouped into a gang, their pay will get adjusted.
5. Slave market costs has never been updated since I started working on the game. I'm not sure if/when it will get updated any time soon.
6. Rival gangs can attack your territory and steal money from you.
7. The bank currently is just used to hold gold. I have started adding interest rates so it will pay to use it eventually.
8. I will look at updating the accommodation costs.

Things I would add to the game...
The wilderness and other towns will be added when the world map gets updated.
Male slaves are planned.
The graveyard is planned.
The Clinic has a Vaginal Rejuvenation surgery that will return virginity and there are a few items that do also.

And then there are overall skill/stat interactions.
Currently each girl can service up to 10 customers per shift. (it is more of a time limitation)

Beauty is her physical appearance, Charisma is her social capability and Looks is how others perceive them overall.
Looks is calculated by (Charisma + Beauty)/2
Looks is used to see if a customer picks her, if the customer does not like how she looks, she will not work that much.
If Looks is >=90 all customers will want her.

Constitution is her fitness and stamina, the higher it is the less tired she gets from working.
Libido is how much she wants sex. If she does not want to have sex, she will get tired of it faster and not get as much enjoyment from it.

Fame has a lot of smaller background effects.
If Fame is >=80 customers will want to be with her.

Rebelliousness is what determines if the girl does her job and other things.
Several things affect rebel including but not limited to: Obedience, Spirit, House Percent, Guards, Matrons and traits.

Confidence is used in job performance.
Agility is used in combat and anything that uses precision and dexterity.

I agree that Happiness should not always be at 100, I did start adding some things in depending on where you send them after you buy them.

EXP & Level are in because it is expected in games.
Level is used in job performance.

Intelligence is used in job performance and several other things.

Combat needs to be totally rewritten.

Skills should all be obvious but some need fixing and this plays into jobs...
You are right that non-sex jobs should not allow sex.
I will look into adding a section in building settings to address this.

Customer Service helps keep customer happiness up in the brothels if there are not enough whores working.

Since Crazy's mod is the most updated version that is being worked on with available source code I am definitely going through it and the next post in here will be about crazy's mod but crazy's has a lot more content but I will get through it, also going through the source code at the same time.
We welcome your input.
« Last Edit: December 08, 2017, 09:43:23 PM by aevojoey »
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Offline Beracell

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Re: WM_1.30.4_Beta_r593 Talk....
« Reply #5 on: December 09, 2017, 08:15:35 PM »
Well First off I will say I used my bro's account for the starter post, he has been playing the game for a long time and was who introduced it to me to the game. And I have been playing it on and off only just recently learned about crazy's mod.
But I used his account thinking I would just take it over since he never used it, but he still wants it so I made my own. So I will use this account and let him keep his. I hope there will be no issue with that.

Any ways lets continue...

--1. Taxes do need to be updated but no time frame for that is planned.

I am not sure how the bribery system currently works, but I think that is supposed to lower tax rates but then you also have laundering gold.
Taking bribery out of the equation the tax rate could be significantly increased at the start with a bit more starting gold and then the main goal is laundering the gold through captured/owned businesses. So until you have businesses you cant launder any.

As example
Say the max amount of (b) businesses is 125 and you want a max reduction of up to say (r) 60% that can be laundered to be not taxed... 60(r)/125(b)=0.48%, each business owned will reduce the amount taxed by 0.48% up to 60% leaving only 40% of gold made to be taxed at what ever the tax rate is... this works but would require a higher tax rate up so something like oh say maybe 30%.... just as a example.

But there always comes a point where you will have more money than needed the idea is to try to find ways to delay this until a certain part of the game is completed then it doesn't matter.

I take it the accommodation effects happiness of the girl then... but I think it should cost something kind of like bare bones 20g a week its your cheap cheap night motel, high class a grand or so its you high rise suite... accommodations could be classified as quality of room, food and such basic living items or luxuries... what it takes to feed clothe and house the girl to keep her alive. Low accommodations obviously cheap will effect happiness but also possibly health due to obvious reasons until you get it up to say around adequate/comfortable then it'll no longer effect health just happiness. I don't think it would have to play into the house percent unless she pays for it with her money, just have it come out of your pocket... gold earned - accommodations costs. Even though it is what a girl expects from you that doesn't mean you have to give or provide it you may not like her and not want to offer it.

About the skilling of the girls I've a suggestion:
By now each girl receives 2 points for each customer while working in the brothel.
Meaning that having sex with 50 customers, the sex skill is at 100% ( Modified only by slow/fast learning, starting skill , etc.)
I prefer a smart solution which makes it more harder to raise the skill when there skill is higher - easy when their skill is low, depending on there existing skill. I already use these at some situations in my scripts.
First is a check if they obey ( they agree  to the job)
Second is a skill check. If the skill check fails they get the point.

Quite similar to my idea..
Attached is a graph not perfect but to show a very simple representation of how skills gained over time should be, most good games I think have something that follows this trend and I am not talking about a players skill I am talking about character skill/stat gain.
A simple example would be pretend her skill bar is a % to not learn also... if she has a skill of say 25 its 25% not to learn but she has 75% chance she is going to meet a customer that knows more and then learns something,  + - any other modifiers like happiness, libido, confidence (my idea of intelligence change) etc.
Depending on such modifiers would be if the customer likes it also negative for the girls experience but + or - for her happiness, libido, confidence etc.

The % gained at say 25skill will be higher probably near 85% with or without mods, but higher like around 80-85skill there might be a lot less chance than the 15-20% with or without mods to gain some skill.  For an experience over time/per level representation take the attached chart flip it horizontally then vertically and that is close to how most games work, which if I am thinking correctly is an arithmetic progression.
 But with low chance to gain a skill by that time the girl should have enough other mods/stats/skills that the customer will more than likely be happy as a trade off. I wouldn't say cant teach an old dog new tricks but it'll take some time.

The amount of points could be tied to difficulty and for a standard job you would roll as you suggest, for some outcomes you would always gain 0 and for some at least 1 with the option for another one? I like that system, too, because it would make progression non-linear and somehow self-regulating. It would also give more power back to equipment (if 100 is max, with or without items and if you do the checks on the unmodified skill values).

I would venture to say your talking about both skill and combat?
Skill wise explanation I think is difficulty(the girls chance to gain) +- mods... though to determine how much is gained instead of just a 1 point or 2 point flat rate one would have to create a customer difficulty pool also, and that would be...
the girl rolls her chance and modifiers to skill up,
does she meet a customer that is more skilled yes or no, if yes then then how skilled=(difficulty) is the customer over her.
To keep it simple like that I would just do easy, medium, hard... her roll if yes then roll for difficulty 1, 2, or 3 and that's how many points you get.

As for combat trained cap will be 100 like all other skills but in like any other game to pass that and get bonuses you add gear, adds some customize options and makes gear a bit more required and useful.

A more complicated but possible way to program it is similar to pokemon though a bit different.. you get a cap of so many points that you can train into any skill you want similar to the EV value of pokemon I think. But you cant max all out, and then items will take a far heavier effect into play. The difference from pokemon is each pokemon has their own cap for each skill also. To pick your training in such a way you need say a barracks for say physical training and a mage tower? or something for magical.
But in example example you have 3 stats Hp, Defense, Attack... that is bare bones and by level 100 hands down the character can have minimum 25 points into each of those. But you have also say 125-150 points as free training you can putwhere you want... you can put all your points into defense making them take less damage or put it all into attack and go raw glass cannon... with some points left over to pool into increase hp or the other skill. To pass that trained skill amount you would then require items up to the max equipped, can't wear two helmets after all. But items will allow you to make up for weak areas or push even harder into one sole area. To keep the game balanced though there will be diminishing returns at higher point ranges.
This idea allows more options but far more difficult to balance. Where as when everyone caps at 100 through skills and then its items mods their points will fall far closer together so there wont be potential for a massive spread, you will still have some stat maxing potential to sit above everyone else but at least then its not severely broken... only a little bit broken lol.

The gang area in this since they will be far less custom with items and such is that when trained and maxed their weapon level and armor can do say easy and normal wildernesses(if implemented) and catacombs where as for later game you need girls to do hard, ultra hard and beyond. But this allows them to have more of a role in the early game and then late game they can sit back guard and recapture girls and deal with other gang stuff as girls take over in the later half of the game.

The gangs... the gangs.... they are in just such a bad place...

Confidence is used in job performance.
EXP & Level are in because it is expected in games.
Level is used in job performance.

I still think job performance could be left to their individual skill value I think instead of level and exp... or just remove level and leave exp as a percentage modifier for job performance.
I can understand confidence a bit, but I think it could be left to other modifiers like happiness, libido, skill and such mods.

Rebelliousness is what determines if the girl does her job and other things.
Several things affect rebel including but not limited to: Obedience, Spirit, House Percent, Guards, Matrons and traits.

I still think rebellion and obedience can be pushed into just one stat at the moment. Call it obedience or rebelliousness, if at 0 -+ mods she will refuse to do jobs, listen to you and such and if at 100 -+mods she will not fuss.

I have noticed the X customer seen out of X visited when playing the game but I think most people ignore it, I know I do and it doesn't seem to effect the game play one bit even without a customer service girl.

I only suggest many of these changes because of a keep it simple mentality, there are a lot of things that look like they make the game more complicated, that I think could be simplified kinda as how I explained the combat changes. Or things that could just be removed or pushed into another stat or skill, like number of customers seen out of number visited because it doesn't seem to little to no impact on the game, at least from current observations. I think it works by pooling a number of customers to visit -+mods like filthiness etc, is then divided into the number of girls to the max that can be serviced, -+ modifiers such as libido, tiredness, looks etc. But maybe that can just be individualized down to the girls them selves. And that's where I would use fame, be that how much people like her more fame more chance -+ mods of having max visitors for the week... just an idea.

Until I get more of a grasp on all of the calculations and interactions I can only vaguely guesstimate on things.
But I am playing crazy's mod and going through its code as I play and am getting a better grasp slowly of things.
« Last Edit: December 09, 2017, 08:18:22 PM by Beracell »