Author Topic: WM:Evolved Main Story Discussion  (Read 4671 times)

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Offline MuteDay

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WM:Evolved Main Story Discussion
« on: July 21, 2015, 01:04:09 PM »
Today i will introduce the main story for the game, more will be added later
!!!!Important any time you see (*and a number), refer to the top of the page under notes for what it means

Feel free to comment below what you think of this
(*1) Will use a piece of code that will cause the game to put proper ending on numbers IE 1(st) 2(Nd)
(*2) Will use the players selection of their first slave gender
(*3) Will give whatever the player choose as their first and last name with a space between
(*4) Will return the first brothel name
(*5) Returns the gender code and displays (He for male, she for Futanari,female and Hermaphrodite
(*6) will be allowed to choose a starting age from 16 to 100, although if you start at 16 until you reach age of 18 you will be unable to have sexual interactions
(*7) returns the that you choose for your first slave.
      On the eve of your (*6)(*1) Birthday, the person you thought was your (*2)"Aunt;/Uncle" Sits you down
and explains to you that your parents Lived in a land where slavery is common and girls from other realities magically
appear, this land is named Rasuna. (*5) He/She then informs you that your parents owned and managed many
erotic, Exotic and Rough businesses. He/She then goes on to inform you that your parents sent you away fearing
that is they didn't hide you their rivals would come looking to use you as leverage to cause them harm, so they sent
you away with their most trusted slave, He/She then Shows their slave brand to you.
"I was their most trusted slave, They sent me here with orders to keep you safe and away from Rasuna until they died,
They bought you a brothel of your own and hid the fact you are their child."
"I must now ask you, to choose the new name you will start your new life as in Rasuna" He/She Asks you.
"(*3)"" is the name that i choose" you reply quickly after a name pops into your head.
"Very well, now i must ask you, what would you like to name your brothel?"He/She asks.
"(*4) " You reply after thinking for a while.
"Very well, Now i must ask you to choose a new name for me" he/She asks you with a smile.
"Why do i have to give you a new name?" you ask not understanding quite why.
"Because if i use my current name everyone will know that you are your parents child, and every rival that you come
across will attack you first, fearing you are as good as your parents where." He/She replies with a smile, then mentions
"We wouldn't want to lose before we get started would we."
"No, We wouldn't want that, so how about (*7)?" You as afraid He/She will hate the name.
"I would love to be known as that, master/Mistress" He/She replies then looks at you,then speaks "I must go to Resuna and take
care of all of things your parents wanted me to do, I have to hide all traces that you are your parents child" he/she smiles then heads to the door
"I'll teleport you to your new business in about a week" he/she then smiles and vanishes from sight in a flash.
In about a week, you wake up like normal to head so school(will use high school if under 18 years old, collage if 18 or over)
only to find you are in a new place, groggily you rub your eyes to try to see if your dreaming, as you do He/She walks through the only door
wearing a very seductive Maid Outfit.
"Good morning master, i made you breakfast" he/she smiles while talking then continues, over the next week or two i will teach you how to
Gain slaves, manage the brothel and how to make your Empire as big and hopefully stronger than your parents ever could."
(Then the game starts up)

Hope you enjoyed this and im hoping to add a few quests into the game to use as your first slaves training missions
Please Enjoy all the hard work i Do to help make the game and forums a better place :)

Offline Yamemai

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Re: WM:Evolved Main Story Discussion
« Reply #1 on: July 22, 2015, 05:40:51 AM »
Some nitpicks, from me:

Main one: that is they didn't hide you -- the 'is' should be an 'if'

Personally, for me, I pretty much think "If someone has a penis, they are male." So, to me, futas and herms, are male, same with gender-blending, where if female to male = males, and male to female = male :P. -- So I would like to suggest letting us have an option to choose what some of the 'genders' are refer to as.

lol on He/She walks through the only door wearing a very seductive Maid Outfit. -- Who wants to see a male wearing a 'seductive Maid Outfit'? Shouldn't it be some type of butler uniform?

Anyways, whoa, if the slave has been raising you all your life, s/he would be around 32+ now, that's not counting how long it would take to get her/him to be the 'most trusted'.

Offline Baltazaar

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Re: WM:Evolved Main Story Discussion
« Reply #2 on: July 26, 2015, 06:45:39 AM »
Suggestion: Why not handle it kind of like a pokemon adventure?

Think of it....

"As you wake upm, you have to stretch yourself. You have a bit of a headache, and a hangover on top. The celebrations for your birthday were pretty nice. Byx the way, are you able to remember how old you are?"

1. I am way too hunover for this type of thing.

Do not track the age of the whoremaster, and just assume he / she is of age. Use off age variants whereever applicable.

2.1 I am [Underaged] years old now.

use the underaged variants.

2.2 I am [Of legal age] years old now

use the adult variants.

"That's right. It's allways hard to remember, but you pride yourself on not giving in that easily to booze. "

"As you stand up, you look to the mirror. Ugh. What's the first thing going through your head?"

1. "Damn, I have to piss like a racehorse. And that Morning wood...." ( set gender to male. )

2. "Did... Did I sleep in Makeup again? " ( set gender to female)

"Yes, Your body has needs. Especially if you have partied that hard... That must be what a blackout feels like. You race to the Bathroom, and spend the next few minutes over the toilet. "

"After a nice shower, and your morning routine, you at least feel somewhat normal again. As your memories come back, bit by bit, you do remember things of the last evening. You came back pretty late in the evening, right? Partying with your friends like that, and stinking drunk... Who was waiting for you? You do feel a bit guilty, but since your parents were not around, you got pretty used to grow up with a nontraditional family. Family, as you allways like to think of it, is not who is genetically related to you, but who is around you. "

1. "Must have been my uncle. I know he is a hard worker, but he allways takes time off of his busy schedule as an antiquities merchant to make sure that I have the live he claims he could never have. He must have known my father pretty well, to raise me when he was not around. Allways makes it a point to cover for me on my birthday, so I can enjoy myself. " ( set gender of first slave to male. )

2. "I believe my aunt. She is more like an attractive older sister to me. She worked two jobs to make sure that I had everything I needed, and despite her busy schedule and her travels, she allways was there when I had problems. She must have been quite hot for my father, the way she still tells me I remind her so much of him. She has allways dropped everything for my birthdays, and made sure I ate her homecooked goodness. . " ( set gender of the first slave to female)

3. "Brain.... hazy. Must have been both my uncle and my aunt. Or neither? Damn, it's hard to think with such a headache. " ( 20 % chance you get a first male and a first female slave, 40 % chance that you get only one slave. One slave gets randomly assigned firstslave, the other one secondslave. )

Yea. That's right. As if on cue, [firstslave] knocks on the door, and enters. Thoughtfull as allways, he/she carries a tablet with a bite to eat, and a big glass with something that looks like a hangovercure from the store.

"AAAh, you are awake. I brought you riceballs, some asprin, and some light sweets. "

He/she seems completely unfazed by your habit of walking around in the nude. Well, that's the power of family for you. As he/she puts the tablet down, he/she continues to babble on.

"Goodness, you look horrible. Not gonna say I never partied like that, but by the gods, one look at you, and I am happy to no longer be your age. I'm gonna take this easy on you. Do you at least remember your name? or do you need more time? "

1. "Aunty/Uncle, my name is X, and you know it. But thank you. My head feels like it's bursting. " (set name to X)

2. "Head... head hurts..... " ( set name to "Master/Mistress"), get an extra text line "Well, kiddo... Lets call you Master / Mistress for now, like we did on all your birthdays. Might be better considering the circumstances...But by the old gods and the new, you drank so much that you forgot your own name? That's one for the records. "

"Anyways... here, drink up.... " He/she sits next to you on the bed, and helps you to drink the hangover cure. It has allways been a bit strange that he/she seemed so ... comfortable with helping you with the most banale things. You allways assumed that it was just his/her way of showing you affection. But what made it special was allways that ability to make it seem like the most normal thing in the world. Not awkward, or such, but just... the way to do things.

As you finish your drink, the world already looks better.  Your Aunt / your Uncle smiles, and gets a piece of paper.

"So, as your birthday gift...  You remember how I allways told you about your father? Well, justmto make sure.... You remember what I told you yesterday? "

Memories come back, as someone finds the projector, and the missing rolls of film, and replays parts of yesterday.

"You told me that he... had enemies? "

He / she nodds.

"Yes. he sent you away, untill the time when you were old enough to handle it. That is why you took my last name. If his enemies had known, they would have set thjings in motion. Your father...."

Your aunt / uncle shudders.

"Your father was a special kind of person, and not from back home. In fact, not from this world. "

Bits of memory piece itself together.

"You said he was from crossgate, right? "

He/she nods, and carefully rubs your back.

"Yes. It pained him, but he sent you away, when it became clear that there were too many dangers in crossgate, and me with you to make sure you had everything you needed. I am not even related to you.... "

You remember., you, drunk enough to barely see straight,m being told that your father left you a business. A brothel.

"It may be a bit much, but that was what I was primarily trained as, [Name]. I was a slave to your father, a majordoma/o. I can help you get your start here, as I have already boughjt the house, and seen to it that the brothel is in good condition. By the way, do you remember what you wanted to call it? "

1. "I wanted to call it X" ( sets first broithel name to X)

2. "I thought the old name was good enough. Family values, right? " ( set first brothel name to Elysium).

Your aunt / uncle makes a few notes in her small black book, then nodds.

Memories flood your brain. You being introduced to the idea that your father owned slaves, and broitels. An Idea that was both exciting, and at the same time, a bit scary.

Your aunt finishes up a bit of writing, and then looks to you.

"One last thing. It is unlikely that people will remember me, but I can not be sure. Your father did not leave instructions on this.... Do you want to give me a new name? It would ensure that you have some peace and quiet before all of this starts. And don't worry about it, I knew what this would entail when I agreed to take care of you. I will still be there for you and only you, as I owe your father my life and he has signed me over as your property, but we have appearances to keep up. "

He/she holds up a collar with a blank plate on it.

1. "Sure. If it is ok with you, This is what I would like your name to be: " Set name to X

2. "You can pick any name you want. " set slavename to randomly generated name.

Special option if you have 2 first slaves:

3. I think it would be good if you were called X, and y

4. I think you can choose your own names. (set names to randomly generated names)

You watch with some amazement as the Tag on the collar fills itself in, and your uncle / your aunt puts it on him/herself.

"So, with everything being done, want to go to breakfast, and see what the day holds, or do you just want to have a refresher course of what you can do? "

1. "A refresher course would be nice. I think I forgot much of what you told me yesterday. Sorry for drinking too much. " - play a tutorial on how to buy your first slave, and put him/her up as majordomo/doma in your brothel, including on how to use items, and navigate around. .

2. "Lets eat, I am starving. " start without a tutorial.

As for a storyline:

I would plot that the player is one of the many children of the celestial whoremaster. Sent away during the last war, the player is one of the whoremasters hopes of replacing him in his position.

By building up his empire, and buying facilities, the whoremaster gets the money going, then the temple that can be bought brings him up with the celestial whoremaster who is "displeased", but does not reveal himself. Then, as the quests go more and more towards providing whores and slaves, you go into contests with other whoremasters, competing for the favor of the celestial whoremaster. At a certain poiint, you can accept to be the sucessor of the celestial whoremaster, at which point the game gradually flows into sandbox, as the only new thing that gets opened are heaven and hell, effectively tripling the number of brothels you can have. At this point, The celestial whoremaster becomes human again, and with his whores, moves somewhere nice, and reveals himself to be your characters father, that was absent for so long,. and forbade everyone to talk about him to you.
« Last Edit: July 26, 2015, 06:52:32 AM by Baltazaar »

Offline Rfpnj

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Re: WM:Evolved Main Story Discussion
« Reply #3 on: July 26, 2015, 06:59:24 AM »
Balt's version makes me want to place this more then the first version. It provides a good set up while giving the player a chance to dynamically design their character.

Offline MuteDay

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Re: WM:Evolved Main Story Discussion
« Reply #4 on: July 27, 2015, 05:52:01 PM »
i like the idea, but untill i get xna message boxes working i am not realy able to do anything like that, but once i get the scripting and chatting working, im hoping that with the first release of Evolved i will also have an acctual chat function
Please Enjoy all the hard work i Do to help make the game and forums a better place :)

Offline Baltazaar

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Re: WM:Evolved Main Story Discussion
« Reply #5 on: November 10, 2015, 04:55:44 AM »
What I would also consider is the general overview.

In the current game, what annoys me mildly is that there is no "Filter", and the stats page is handled very "stepfatherly".

Like, suddenly, you know all that has gone on in your compound, and that's it. No explanation, no nothing...

My suggestion:

- have 7 harem slaves in your house ( 7 is enough for everybody).

- give each of those harem slaves an area of expertise. First slave (Majordoma) is responsible for the overview, second slave (Head Maid) gives you the stats of your house and all those there, third slave (Head of business) gives you the stats of your businesses and your finances, fourth slave (Head nurse) gives you the medical condition of all your slaves, fifth slave (head teacher) gives you the info on the devellopment of skills of your children and your slaves, sixith slave (head planner) gives you your info on any bigger projects going on, and seventh slave (personal assistant) gives you the info on the major plot, and what you have to do.

- each day, the first slave helps you dress ( story wise), and gives you an overview ( redacted). So, no more, "everything as usual", just the special messages when something has changed, or when bigger things like "gained a level" happened.

- After this, you have a choice. Either, during a communal breakfast in your house, you can look through all numbered slaves and get some info on trhe areas that need your attention, or you can just skip communal breakfast all together.

- The trick can be, you can assign regular slaves / girls you own to the seven numbered positions. Initially, you only have the first slave, and only really need the first slave, but when you want to make life a bit easier for the first slave, want special information on a sickness, on your childrens devellopment, or just a convenient excuse to "slack off and have a harem", get more slaves in your house, and assign them.

- Of course, around the daily breakfast table, you can also implement other things. story lin can be told there, if importantr events happen there, the first slave is prone to call a meeting, and and and...