
Author Topic: Two girls, one experiment  (Read 3766 times)

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Offline F-Trill

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Two girls, one experiment
« on: December 14, 2012, 12:22:53 AM »
Hello, everyone.

In an effort to outmaneuver Mediafire, I am running an experiment.  As a result, you win!

Jessica Rabbit - Someone else's work, I simply reconstructed the .girlsx file

Normal Method: This is the method everyone else has used- the folder and the .girlsx file thrown into an archive which is itself named after the girl.

F-Trill Method: This is comprised of a certain code for the file name; a compression/archival; that archive being placed in a folder using the encoded name; that archive's extension being changed from ".rar" to ".txt"; a second compression/archival.

Ariel - My own work. (NOTE: Both files contain "super-powered" versions of the girls, for the sake of a script I am working on.)

Normal Method-Variant: Exactly like the "normal" step above, except that this time, I'm using a link shortener.

F-Trill Method-Variant: Exactly like the "F-Trill" step above, but with the link shortener applied.

Finally, the last two experiments: These are also "Ariel," but this time they are Installer Packs- One with the shortener, and one without.



All right...  Download away!

I'll be keeping an eye on these files to figure out which is removed the  fastest, if at all.