Author Topic: WM:Evolved- Feature discussion  (Read 11074 times)

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Offline ShoHaFa

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Re: WM:Evolved- Feature discussion
« Reply #15 on: January 15, 2015, 01:44:53 PM »
Hello Again,
Mute here, just want to get your thoughts on the following

1)should player be able to name their character?
I don't think that's a bad idea, even if it's hardly used in a game, I always think naming = good (though you do seem to plan on making it have a use)
2) Should I allow People to Rename girls, yes even unique(as long as they are slaves, free girls No rename)
Sure, why not?
3) Should I allow Girls and random girls and (Spoiler!!!) Servants and Soldiers, And Captured Beasts) to have last names, or is a first name all we need?
Last names will allow you to draw out some family ties and such, especially if you can make it inheritable (the child of Miss X + Mister Y gets a similar last name, but if father is unknown (not strange in prostitution), the child gets the mothers' last name, if neither is known it's something generic.
4) Should i Give the player their choice of backgrounds?
Damned if you do, damned if you don't. It's really upto you if you want to.
5) Should i break sex images into seperate catagories(game will use folder per image tag not image name)
Would be a good feature, yes, however you decide to organize it.
6) Would People like a custom mouse image?
I personally don't care much for custom mouse images. In some cases, they only annoy me. Just make sure it fits the UI, and that it's very clear what pixel of the pointer actually IS the pointer (a cock pointing to the right but the mouse clickspot being in the top left of the icon makes me quit a game real fast, so to speak)
7) how would people like to make the catacombs and part of the city to be more of a rpg, where you can walk around?
I like such features almost as much as customizing interiors. Just be careful not to put so much emphasize on it that brothels themselves become nearly unprofitable , requiring the player to "beat an X amount of monsters a day to progress". That's kinda the state Sim Brothel 2 Revival is in now: the brothels don't make money, killing monsters does. So encourage people to go into the RPG part to improve their brothel (unlocking unique girls, items, etcetera), not to make the money that their brothel doesn't.
8) Would you all be opposed to Me making Whore Master Evolved a Partial rpg game?
Not at all, but, as I said in the previous question: try to keep the brothel core manageable without it. Encourage people to go out, don't force them.

Offline MuteDay

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Re: WM:Evolved- Feature discussion
« Reply #16 on: January 15, 2015, 02:11:05 PM »
Lol, The rpg system of evolved is there for few reason
1) can increase or decrease dificulty
2) make it so the start isnt the only enjoyable parts of the game
3) Give a use to the level stat and a reason to gain exp

currently the mouse the dildo points to the left right where the mouse is, made sure of that because that would annoy me as well

Btw any specific features you are instrested in learning if evolved contains it?
Please Enjoy all the hard work i Do to help make the game and forums a better place :)

Offline ShoHaFa

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Re: WM:Evolved- Feature discussion
« Reply #17 on: January 15, 2015, 07:08:39 PM »
No idea yet, it'd also be a matter of seeing what's possible, and what parts the other people jump into. I just kinda like a bit of everything. I just started making items for WM, while in Second Life I used to script and build stuff, and ages and ages ago, I spent months trying to draw fonts on my Amiga for use in demos (though I never really became proficient at making textures, so I never finished any of them and they were never used).

I'm a big fan of game balance though. I'll definitely look into how stats and everything work and synergize, and if possible, come up with some allocation system to determine (level?) requirements, rarity, pricing, etcetera, or try to find flaws if such a system exists and think up how to patch them up. It's the one big flaw I find in WM, that there is hardly such a system in place, except for the selling/buying price for girls, which seems to have a calculation behind it. With a properly automated allocation system, people can post mods for whatever perfect/ideal girls, equipment, henchmen or whatever, but if it's "overpowered", it won't matter because it will still be extremely hard and/or rare to get them into play.

That's the main problem I run into with making WM items at the moment. There are a bunch of items that are too good to be true for how easy they are to obtain. And a lot of very nice girl addons that have way too ideal statistics on the girls as well. I mean, what's the point in giving a girl a White String Bikini if she already has 100 agility / sexy air / great figure / great arse anyway? A big part of the fun when playing games, is that things start out mediocre at best, but you work your way to making them somewhere between good and perfect.

Offline Romanul

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Re: WM:Evolved- Feature discussion
« Reply #18 on: January 25, 2015, 01:54:47 PM »
Hello Again,
Mute here, just want to get your thoughts on the following

1)should player be able to name their character?

Hell yeah, I'd love that it adds to the immersion.

2) Should I allow People to Rename girls, yes even unique(as long as they are slaves, free girls No rename)

Absolutely, it makes perfect sense contain wise.

3) Should I allow Girls and random girls and (Spoiler!!!) Servants and Soldiers, And Captured Beasts) to have last names, or is a first name all we need?

I would definitely prefer for them to have a last name too.

4) Should i Give the player their choice of backgrounds?

If we are talking story wise then yes. Otherwise I'm indifferent since I'm not good at moding.

5) Should i break sex images into seperate catagories(game will use folder per image tag not image name)

Can't comment on that since I have no idea what it implies.

6) Would People like a custom mouse image?

No offense but if its a dick then no. Or at least give us the option to easily revert to standard.

7) how would people like to make the catacombs and part of the city to be more of a rpg, where you can walk around?

Not really. WM was never a dungeon crawler and it doesn't need that IMO (especially considering you have limited resources which could be better spent elsewhere).

I have no idea how hard it would be to code(compared to the walking around the catacombs) but I could see the player managing the exploration of the catacombs be clicking on a few choices/rules in a window (similar to what we have now with the types of sex allowed).

Something like:

Caution level: low------->high which would determine how deep inside would the gang attempt to go. The further they go the harder the battle and the likely-hood of dieing.
Focus: loot/girls/ staying alive (bonus to exp,less chance of getting hurt).
Prisoner policy: no prisoners/ only if possible/ attempt to take capture them alive at all costs---------> would result in capturing more beats

Trophies: when the gang would have a very small chance of encountering the "boss" of the catacombs and defeating it would result in bringing home the trophy. It could be a head of the dragon/master orc/troll whatever, a unique artifact ("Sword of Hellfire"), potion of X (which would give an one time benefit to the player character) or even a girls with an unique trait (Succumbs Queen, Vampire Queen of the Underground, Witch of Pit etc) thus bringing to the dungeon the former lady boss and giving you the chance enslave her. I believe it would help the RP aspect of the game. Personally I'd stay away form rewards in gold since you'll be making tons easily. This game need money sinks not new ways to make money IMO. 


 8) Would you all be opposed to Me making Whore Master Evolved a Partial rpg game?

Yes and no. Depends on what you mean by RPG. If you're talking about RPG maker style where you move around the city and explore then yes. I mean it's your mod and your work and free to do as you please but I wouldn't be interested in such a game.

If by RPG you understand more ways interact with the girls like giving them rules (are they allowed free time, the work load level aka maximum number of costumers she can take, the punishment level allowed to be inflected by the matron, are security guards/ gang members allowed to use the girls etc) as simple check boxes then I'm all for it. I'd also like popups if events where you can have multiple choice like:

Customer Jon Doe aka Pig got cared away during the latest sex session and beat up one of you girls. She will take time to recover and leave scars(x girls get scars trait added). Do you:
1. Make the gentleman pay double, that would be regular cost of a BDSM session anyway. (+ fear and hate for the girl/girls and ++evil point for the character). Only available if the player is evil.
2. Make the guards beat the crap out of him.
3. That bastard! Throw him in the dungeon.

If the events would be easy to write/mod then other player might help write those.

Just my two cents. Whatever you choose, I'll play it. :)

Offline Naturalrice

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Re: WM:Evolved- Feature discussion
« Reply #19 on: January 25, 2015, 04:21:38 PM »

TL;DR I was bored today. Felt creative and went with it. It's all kind of long and vague. :D

In my opinion, Whoremaster is most entertaining as a "management" game. Depending on how much "RPG" that is planned, there are several more completed games (Overwhored, Harem Collector) available.

Interesting "Gameplay" system that could be translated into a "slumlord" setting would be RoTTK or Crusader Lord-ish with more "politicking" (to a degree) involved than forming a party and personally walking around for "events"

1)should player be able to name their character?
---I don't think it's critically important, but it's definitely nice and I think it's simple enough? Since you said you were going to add a family system, it'd add to that aspect

2) Should I allow People to Rename girls, yes even unique(as long as they are slaves, free girls No rename)
--Complete renames would be pointless. As others have said, tags/nicknames would be the best. Perhaps associate it with a "obedience" check so that it's perhaps a first lvl reward.

3) Should I allow Girls and random girls and (Spoiler!!!) Servants and Soldiers, And Captured Beasts) to have last names, or is a first name all we need?
---That should be under consideration depending on the type of girl
-------COMPLETE humanoid monsters (Sub-human level intellect) = A single name (similar to a pet).
-------Partial humanoids (Atleast human-level intellect) = premade names
-------Servants = based on their origin?
-----------------Orphans = wouldn't really have names. (I think the origins of this game would be the same right?) Incorporate with the "rename" system / an adoption event
-----------------Bought = would have names. Perhaps begin them as nameless generic "servant title" allow a reveal if they get into the "inner circle", but depends on how you want the servant system to operate.
-----------------Forced from your stable = Would have names. No generic "servant title"
(Maybe separating to this degree is excessive? To begin with though, a generic title into a "Rename"/reveal system would be more interesting)

4) Should i Give the player their choice of backgrounds?
It'd be definitely more interesting. I think the best way would be the set of traits/skills customization of "slave maker"?
But depends on how the rest of the gameplay spans out. This system should complement however the core gameplay works out to be.

5) Should i break sex images into seperate catagories(game will use folder per image tag not image name)
That would allow the game to be increasingly modable? (I think?) Increased organization is annoying at the start, but ultimately helps streamline future content

6) Would People like a custom mouse image?
No. I think this is cheesy and excessive. The cursor should retain original cursor shape. Maybe a simple recolor to suit the UI, but a new mouse image would be tacky.

7) how would people like to make the catacombs and part of the city to be more of a rpg, where you can walk around?
I think there are several ways to do this...
--Recettear system? An "Adventurer" girl is "coerced" into leading you through a dungeon?
------It could also be interesting with a type of "DnD" gameplay (Legend of Grimrock style)
(Though in my opinion more RPG aspects added, the more it'd dilute from the "brothel" gameplay.)

 8) Would you all be opposed to Me making Whore Master Evolved a Partial rpg game?
--I don't think anyone would be opposed to you making the game as you envision it completely and I think everyone has different aspects of the game that they want more emphasized
In MY opinion, I think there are several games already with "Partial RPG" elements where the player goes out on adventures to "conquer" girls individually.
I think that level of gameplay is fine, but what has drawn ME to this game was the larger "management" type gameplay.

(Have you tried pytfall? Interesting game. Not sure how their development is going though: The girls are used in whore, but also you're a gladiator and you participate in "fights" with them. I think the overall theme was interesting, but it felt more like a gladiator RPG with a brothel system "tacked on". Perhaps "fingers in too many pies" syndrome?)

I'm not quite sure how much of the game you've already finished or if my ideas on the game are interesting, but here's an input for you to chew on.

---You're a slumlord (Original Whoremaster origin)
------Character Creation
------------------Birth (Noble / Merchant / Orphan) (More options in the future perhaps)
------------------Traits (Cast Out / Born Evil / Supernatural Origins / Affinity for alchemy / etc etc)
--------First screen
-------------Perhaps with the "RPG" element you want added
-------------------Escaping from the guards/thugs/abusive father
-------------------Earning gold / Slaver licence / First girl
-------------------Combat (Killing abusive father / Killing a kind family that took you in for the night / Killing a small time boss)
---------Main Gameplay
---------------The familiar Whoremaster UI
---------------------Reducing the "Job types" to one
> (I always thought it didn't make any sense for the "Building types" to be mixable in the original)
----------------------Gang Management
>Perhaps scrapping the old gang system with a "Leader" system where you're recruiting the boss of thugs to work for you.
----The Boss traits will be applicable to the rest of the gang
----Men will still be the overall "gang" health, but ultimately require the "Boss" to be eliminated for the gang to be destroyed
----Could be a possible use for the males (if you want them. Doesn't really matter if you don't want males at all)
----Could be expanded to a bigger "Strategy" genre / Politicking
----Rival capturing / Your gang leaders betraying you etc etc could be added
All of what I'm saying is possible would be "story-wise" because coding-wise I'm sure anything could be made to fit
>The old system is a bit "Basic". With the addition of an RPG element, this could be more fleshed out
>Hard restriction on quality of "monster girls"/items based on stats.
>Interactive "Coersion" gameplay
>Dungeon Maou (Brood Queen) Element
>More easily adjusted difficulty than current system
>Possible to ignore altogether if you want
>>>>I think though, rather than "catacombs", maybe it should be more of "Breaking down homes" event? Kind of weird that even in a "fantasy" setting, there would be a random catacombs in the middle of a city
>>>>Also because I'm just fleshing out random ideas that's popping up (I mean this is pretty fun to think up possible stuff) maybe allow multiple "Dungeons" (Local School / Rival Brothel / Nunnery / Homes / Suburbs / etc) so that girls CAN be "restricted" to areas if the mod creators wanted that option
>>>>Also perhaps take into account basic skills rqm for each dungeon and allow "auto resolve" solution by sending just the girls for those who want to skip the RPG element.

------Sort of a random nut to crack. This could be a gating system that allows more "brazen" acts of kidnapping at the cost of a "rubber band" A.I. (The city guards) coming down on you hard.
Here's an example I threw together:
>>>> Lv 5 (Paragon) Girls from your "charity" (Large number of girls to choose from / More girls coerced at a time = exponential risk with the law / Very easy to coerce "Naive" girls)
>>>> Lv 4 (Legitimate) Employees (Higher quality than interns / Require high wages (Until complete obedient or through other means) / More difficult to succeed/ Lower Lawsuit chance)
>>>> Lv 3 (Small Time) Interns (High chance of lawsuit fail event to reduce rep/requires lower rebelliousness to succeed than evil/Less provocation of the law/Higher obedience on success)
>>>> Lv 2 (Nice) Date Rape (A Charisma check or drug or coersion/High risk with the law/Only possible once per day)
>>>> Lv 1 (Neutral) Orphans (Terrible quality / Little risk with the law / No cost )
>>>> Lv 2 (Thug) Local Prostitutes (Terrible Looks but Med sex skills / Slight risk with the law / Separate event consequences and rewards)
>>>> Lv 3 (Small Time) Escorts (Good Looks and sex skills / Med risk with the law / Separate event consequences and rewards)
>>>> Lv 4 (Boss) Kidnapping (Good Looks and Good traits / High risk with the law / Events)
>>>> Lv 5 (Crime Empire) Blackmail (NO risk with the law / "Reputation" cost / HIGH quality girls (Nobility quality girls) )

+The morality doesn't really have to be "merged", but perhaps make maintaining both at high levels to be costly
+Evil would be more "Lusty" girls that are more easily coerced, good sex skills, but bad traits
+Good would be "chaste" girls that are difficult to crack, less sex skills but good traits
+Evil would require more "gang" involvement and money to finance the crime empire
+Good would require more sacrificing "Easy brothel" income for higher level "Legal" prostitution and money to bribe the law

Of course most of this would be "immersion" and would be played out with text-events. Perhaps more different types of morality could be modded in, similar to Plague Inc., with custom scenarios if people are dedicated enough (Incorporated with Traits: Vampire Morality / Tentacle Monster Morality / etc)
With no knowledge on programming, no clue how labor intensive these ideas are, but just thoughts thrown together
(I don't want to sound demanding lol, I just enjoy throwing out ideas)

>Prevents Customer Violence
---------Snitch (Perhaps allowing several unlike the original)
>Prevents Girl Escape / Girl stealing / Rival Gang Espionage
----------Sex Worker
----------Cleaner / Janitor
>Unpaid Customers
Customer family kidnapping event
Customer forced into sex slavery event
Customer takes fall for a crime event?
>Unruly girls
Automatic Cleaners
Perhaps you can tag girls for "personal training" for an event to break down the girls yourself. (Immersion)

-----Girl Interaction
----Remove Name (Defaults into Slut/Whore/Bitch or perhaps customizable)
----Isolation (Harsh happiness reduce / Slight Health reduce / Possible bad traits if left in too long
----Flogging (Harsh Health reduce / Harsh Happiness Reduce / Beauty Depreciation)
----Nickname (Defaults to Custom Nickname)
----Better Food (Higher cost / + Happiness / +Health)
----Better Room (Flat cost / +Happiness / +Obedience (If >X obedience) or -Obedience (If <X Obedience))
----Promotion (Whore (No tip/Outside) > Prostitute (Tip/Outside) > Prostitute (+Tip/Inside) > Brothel Jobs (+Tip/Inside/No Abuse chance) > Free Slave (+Wage) > Servant (++Wage/Stays in your home) > Personal Servant (No Wage / Special Missions / Doesn't work)
----If you're interested, perhaps a system to assign girls TO girls? I think that'd be fun for immersion lol
>> + Happiness -Tiredness ++Spoiled to owner
>> -Happiness/-Health/-Spirit/-Rebel/Possible to inherit traits to owned girl
>> Traits could also be added cost and benefit of this system
Maybe this could be an alternate "Breeding system" so that males don't have to be introduced yet a "family system" could be established

----Obedience System
+Chance to reject Job
+Chance to trigger "Bad Events"
+More Possible "Bad Events"

--------Bad events might also go through series of "skill/trait checks" for success

+=+=+=+=End Game
-------No More Rivals
----"I am the Law"
-------100% political Influence

Perhaps the game wouldn't "Game Over", but it'd enter a "sand box" mode
Also a "NEW GAME+" option where you can bring X Gang Leaders to the new game, the starting event would be removed and you'd be directly injected into the game.
This would remove the struggle of starting a new game every major update

I can't think of much more things. Sorry that all the ideas are kind of vague and just "Thrown up" on the page. I hope some of these ideas can spark some inspiration :D

Offline Yamemai

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Re: WM:Evolved- Feature discussion
« Reply #20 on: July 21, 2015, 06:24:14 AM »
1)should player be able to name their character?
-- I would say yes, though it's not needed, like others have said, should be easy enough to implement.

2) Should I allow People to Rename girls, yes even unique(as long as they are slaves, free girls No rename)
-- I think that would depend on the girls, and various factors, such as obedience and intelligence (someone who is dumb probably won't remember/understand that it's their name, kinda like pets wouldn't respond to another name if they recognize another name already.)

-- Though I agree, nicknames might be alright, though the whole factors still play here, to a degree.

3) Should I allow Girls and random girls and (Spoiler!!!) Servants and Soldiers, And Captured Beasts) to have last names, or is a first name all we need?
-- Again, would depend, though Naturalrice summed it up pretty well.

4) Should i Give the player their choice of backgrounds?
-- If by background you mean something similar to Slave Maker, then I would love to see it, as it gives you more customization, but it's not really needed.
-- You could also make it like SimBro 2 Revival, where players pick from an X amount of preset backgrounds, though I like Slave Maker's better.

5) Should i break sex images into separate categories(game will use folder per image tag not image name)
-- This one would probably be better in the long run: images won't be as random and would make pulling images easier.

6) Would People like a custom mouse image?
-- I wouldn't really care for this feature, especially if you: a) can't select if you want it or not, b) If it's something dumb, like a penis -.- (my thinking, "Who would want to see a penis, for no apparent reason, while you're playing a adult game?"), c) more that I can't currently think of.

7) how would people like to make the catacombs and part of the city to be more of a rpg, where you can walk around?
-- Personally, the selecting locations is already fine, when it comes to City, as simple is sometimes the best. (Especially if you're going to implement a time system.)
-- For catacombs, it's alright if it was basic -- such as you select the location, and a bunch of random events may show (Text-base game style), Rpgmaker style (but it gets old), or something better, such as mapping (Ethrian Odyssey series/Sorcery Quest-flash game)

 8) Would you all be opposed to Me making Whore Master Evolved a Partial rpg game?
-- Not really, since I do enjoy rpg. (Most games are RPGs (Role Playing Games), technically. Though, how partial is it going to be? Would it only be for catacombs? Or would it be like SB2R? If it's the latter, I think they made it into too much of an rpg :P
« Last Edit: July 24, 2015, 02:18:01 AM by Yamemai »