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Offline Baltazaar

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Re: General Discussion
« Reply #5385 on: August 03, 2015, 08:05:36 AM »
^^ Liking the story so far.

Suggestion to get to know girls / lovers: ( only suggestion)

Make it basically a dating service, or some sort of lonely hearts agency.

The basic thing is, make it a mechanism where you randomly get some girls, or you can arrange for a second date, if it is a reoccuring char.

Each sort of date you have with them raises the sympathy meter, and at a certain point, the girl agrees to meet outside the agency, and hands you a small token of hers.

The hidden location popps up if you enter the main screen, and you have the token in your inventory.

The token of course can also be gathered as a quest reward. Of course, it would be favorable to have the token as a final stage of sympathy, where you are basically free to get her as a Girlfriend if you so choose to.

So, mechanically, it would look like this ( as an example).

1. Player pays the enrollment fee in "Lieutennant TI's lonely hearts club " ( now with a band).

2. Once per week, it holds social events. ( for example, going to the theatre, having a walk, small rowing boat day on a country side lake, feeding birds together, ect) You can go there with a date that you already know, or request a date from the regular random pool of girls.

3. The events are actually very small mini games, that give you the first sympathy bonus with the girl you go there with, and allow you to win small prizes. ( think a groupon for a dinner date for two)

4. If you go there with a regular girl, you basically have the ability to wine and dine her, and to eventually recruit her.

5. if you go there with a unique girl, you get special text. For example, lets say you have this sakura. Sakura will be pleasantly surprised that you do not try to bed her at once, and will confess that all the other guys in her village are idiots. That was why granny ( read: tsunade) told her to go to the lonely hearts club ball.

6. Bit by bit, in the dates, you get spoonfed the information you need to get into the story of the girl. ( storyphase) For example, sakura will show up in a nice dress for the second date, but will ask to sit the group activity out, because "she hurt her foot working". So, the two of you retreat to grab an icecream, and have a little chat. What was it again she was working as? Slowly but surely, the sympathy meter will go up.

7. At a certain point, you will notice someone following her. she is too busy chatting about her life ( for the first time, someone actually wants to hear what she has to say, and not just talk about ninja stuff) to notice, but you will. You now have Sakuras Minigame: Evade the tail. basically, a mini choose your own adventure game, where you have to get rid of a tail. Luckily, The ciuty is full of distracting stuff, and you can get rid of the tail very quickly.

8. If sakuras sympathy meter is high enough, ( lets say 25/100), she will smile, and get it out. she works as a ninja courier. BAM, you got a problem with that? The MC of course brings some horrendous flirting lines. He claims that he could do it as well, and it seems a much more fun way to date, so the two exchange tokens. from then on,. you ovcasionally get sakura bringing you some lunchbox, or inviting you to dine on some sort of rooftop, and the player gets shown the hidden village, and inside of it, sakuras home, because he has the key.

9. Sadly, sakura is insanely busy, because the ninja courrier agency is so swamped... it is allmostr as if someone is keeping her from dating the MC.

10. Could he perhaps talk to the other girl, that does the recruiting for hired hands? Bam, you can talk to Ino.

11. Ino is not convinced. After all, she likes sakura very much, but she thinks sakura is lazy, so she gets for guys that take all the work off her hands. The player does not even look like he can fight, or lift heavy things, or keep his own in a social convcersation.

12. After trhe sympathy meter is high enough, you get a letter of recommendation, and inos token, you can now woo ino. ( allthough, her idea of dating is basically, get a free pair of hands, and someone to share the break lunch with)

13. with the letter of recommendation, you get a visit from tsunade. She confirms she is really Sakuras Granny, but it is more of an adopted title. ... The poor girl, no taste in men....  For the first time, you get a decent overview, and she basically tells you, all the young men of age are busy going to streange cities, and according to customs, the girls are not allowed to follow them, so the girls decided, on their own, they would start to bring home dates as well. because, you know, we are just like sisters, and sisters do share a lot of things...
She herself would not mind sharing the player, because it was a long time since she dated last, but possibly the player does not have a thing for older women.... OOOps, what is this? Did she just flash you cleavage, and coincidentially loose her token?

14. over the next few dates with girls from the hidden village, you find out that the hidden village is kind of a family thing. The have to stay hidden, or else they will loose the air of mystery, so they rarely get the chance to date.... Envy as such is allmost unknown, because they are actually all related to some degree or an other, and keep the family business up, and why shouldn'*t you be happy when someone else finds happyness? Of course, why would it be a problem to have, lets say, two "ninja sisters" share a boyfriend? And they have been looking into more lucrative areas, so they would not be opposed at all trying out their ninja skills in a fighting party to see if adventuring pays better then delivery services^^

15. After the MC has helped the girls get rid of a couple of bigger cases, the caseload inexplicably lifghtens, and he gets taklen as a junior member of the ninja delivery service. meaning the dates now can go past first base, and only occasionally, he has to deal with a ninja or two, fighting him on the rooftops because of "what he has been doing to his sister..."

Does the idea work?

+ can be easily expanded. because with so many brothels around, lots of ladies will be looking for dates. I am thinking, it would not be far off to have weird dates with half the usual suspects.

+ allows to get past 3 stages. beginning to stage one, where you just meet up during the dates, stage one till stage two, where you gain acess to the other ones house, and can recruit them into parties, and stage two till stage three, where they will agree to work for you, or even move in with you.

+ gets you going, and allows youz to tie the acessibility to storyline items. Of course, each "set" of girls is tied to one storyline item. So, once you start dating sakura, you may get an earring of hers. Then, ino, you get a hairband of hers. Then, once you become a member of the ninja delivery service, you get a membershiop card, where your scores with each of the girls are noted down. This way, you keep the clutter low.

Offline DarkTl

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Re: General Discussion
« Reply #5386 on: August 03, 2015, 09:00:51 AM »
We want dating system, yeah, but not with the next release. This is because there are so many ways to build it based on ideas from similar games that we don't even know where and how to start... But yeah, that's how I want to do it too more or less.

Also I once saw a naruto parody comix where female ninjas had to undergo sexual training before going to any serious missions in order to not lose virginity while being captured and raped by enemies. It looks like a good side quest from Tsunade as the main village medic, ie make N minor characters from the village to lose Virgin trait  :D
Not by force, of course.

Btw we could use minor, simple, short quests for secondary characters from naruto pack. It's Karin, Konan, Kushina, Naruko, Temari, Tenten. If you could write them, that would be cool.

Offline Baltazaar

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Re: General Discussion
« Reply #5387 on: August 03, 2015, 01:20:27 PM »

First quests in the secret village:

Pure delivery missions. Just a sort of Intro. You get told to accompany Sakura on her delivery missions.

Tsunade: "Ok... so, the cat dragged in a man... are you sure you want to work with us? To be quite frank, you will have to do a lot of grunt work, and such.... and the pay, at least for the grunt work, will not be good. But my, you are easy on the eyes, and I am sure we find some... Interesting tasks for you. "

If confirmed:

"Ok, traditionally, When the girlsd start in the business, they accompany a female ninja on some of the easier missions. I guess in your case.... You work well with Sakura? "

"I have eyes in my head, young man. Don't worry, it is nothing forbidden... But she hurt her foot on one of the last missions. Untill she is ready to work well again, she will have to do a few light deliveries. Nothing where I expect too much trouble, but she is dear to me. Your task will be to just act as her distraction. A ninja does depend a lot on their designated distraction, and they have a lot to do during the easy missions. "

If accepted:

"Very well. Think of this as an extended date. This is what you people do nowadays, right? good. Just help her out,. and when she needs a distraction, you step in. Don't do anything too weird, but make sure all eyes are on you when she needs it. "

The distraction missions are more then just easy. basically, a tutorial of sorts, that shows you the basic elements of the game, where to go, how to fight, and so on.

Examples could include:

- Sakura delivers some hot noodles to a few city guards. The guard captain comes around the corner, and she tells you to go and ask him silly, because the guards are not supposed to eat on duty. So, ask the increasingly suspicious guard captain about what to do in the guard, how to help out, and so on, while you "see" in the background Sakura hobbling up a wall, enter a window on the third floor, hand off the noodles, and come back down. It will bring the story closer to you, and explain that you can work for the guard / train there, and what the guard actually does.

- Sakura delivers some condoms to the daughter of the weaponsmith. All you need to do is to get a dagger from him, and he will do the rest, entranced about the possibility of measuring a dagger to a willing customer. In the meantime, you see sakura do a few ninja tricks, walk on the ceiling, and leave, soon after without her box of condoms. It shows you how to buy a weapon.

- Sakura has to deliver a porn mag to the son of the renters association president. The older woman will gladly show you what hoops you will have to jump through to buy property.

After the tutorial is finished, you get handed your card from the ninja delivery service. It also lists a compatability score with each of the ninjas.

Then, Tsunade has a second thing for you.

"Listen....  You are a strong, goodlooking young man, MC... I am working as the head medic for the village. As such, it is my position to watch over certain... customs. There is one....

Ok, I am bad at this. Listen, have you ever been with a girl?"

"Oh? That sounds.... not bad. Well, here in the hidden valley, we have an older custom. When a female ninja qualifies for the jobs above clearance C, there is a real danger that she gets captured. And while you are a man, you do know that females do get a "special treatment", right? "

"I know... It is uncomfortable to think about this. I mean, I personally.... Lets just say sometimes, I just happened to slip, and accidentially get captured, because I liked the way certain of the guards looked. Strong, well in shape, nice big hands.... What? I used to be a hormone crazed teenager once as well. And we are pretty good at training our girls how to escape allmost anything. Plus, women like me have urges as well..."

"Back in my days, we kept it in the family. Don't look at me like that. You usually had an older member of the family, that liked the young ninja a lot, and that agreed to , you know.... be their first. "

"Come on, drop that look, young man. It was not that horrible. I know, modern morals, but who do you want to be your first one? Some silly little goose that barely knows what she is doing, and that will do her best not to make your first time as horrible as possible... or some older, more.... Experienced woman, that can take care of you? "

"Well, I like to imagine, young man. Anyways, that was back then, but now, things are different... I have all the young girls, and each and everyone of them has their own head. I mean, they have brothers, uncles, friends of the family... Not bad looking, I assure you, and some of them quite experienced.... I would have taken my time, and my pick, trust me on that one.... But the problem is, they have all those "Modern" ideas, about finding love outside... "

"Listen. I am not asking you to rape them, or to force yourself on them. If you get idea, it would be a miracle if you survive the attempt. I am just afraid that they will... get hurt. Their first time should be with someone that they trust, someone that has shown them how beautifull a thing this can be. Not some slobbering pimply faced boy that has to drink his courage, pukes all over their dresses, and then can't get it up. "

"I can't force you to do anything here... I know, you had that idea as well, right? Despite me knowing a few mixtures, and powders, that would turn ou into a will less cockpuppet under my command, I am honest about my intentions. I want my girls to have a first time that will stay with them forever, and that will shield them against all the bad sex they will have. A girl, hell, even a woman can go through much if she has good memories. Good memories carry you through being imprisoned, captured, and a whole lot more. "

"I honestly don't know what I can offer you for this. But let's look at it that way: You are hormone crazed, they are hormone crazed, and you have the word of a head medical professional that these encounters will remain without consequence. Take as much or as little time as you need, and work your magic. "

"And lets say.... If you would like to... a few of the older ninjas would not be unwilling to help you out, Afterwards, if you catch my drift. I for example could teach you a few things about medicine, and I am sure if I have a word with the shopkeeper, there could be a discount for you... Others could help you train your skills with weapons, and I am sure the girls themselves would not be opposed to something longer, if you catch my drift. Just play your cards right, and I am sure that you will have a good time. So, do you want to give it a try?"

"Excellent. here, this is a folder with the girls that would need some help. I would suggest you learn all you can about them. "

Ok, and to finish up with a decent first short quest.,...


Using your map of the hidden village, you make your way up to the training arena. Just near the corner, you see the Girl that is resting. her body is glittering with sweat, and for the umpteenth time, you ask yourself if the Ninjas of the village could wear any skimpyer outfits. She nods towards you.

"So, you are my mid day? "

"Ok, playing dumb.... Listen.... Tsunade is nice and all, but she is a bit... you know, traditional. "

"Let me be more blunt. I know she promised you money to be my first time. Don't act shocked, don't turn around... Yes, she is watching us, as we speak. "

"You honestly think... Ok. lets just go with this.... Are you any good with weapons? "

"Don't act surprised. I am supposed to be, according to her, a Tsundere. I don't know what this is, but she gets drunk, and calls me that. Stupid cow with her slurred accent is allmost not understandable. "

"The old hag is not very subtle, when she drinks, she is all teary eyed, and then she blabbers on about how traditions are important. It does not take two trips to the library to find out about their traditions. As if they  were anything special or unique..."

She gets ready, and grabs her big fan.

"Listen, I hate to break this to you, but I had a life before I was sent here. There are villages like that all over the countryside. Anyways, I have two baby brothers, and even when it would break the old hags heart, a girl can only take a bath with her baby brothers for so long untill she notices... "

"Ok, now, you act offended, face me. Good, you are a natural... She can not read your lips when you are facing that way. And I just raise my fan like that, wave wave, that's right you old holstein bitch, cry your heart out, no spying on people that could be your grandchildren. Anyways, I have tried it with my brothers, and I am not as inexperienced as most of the girls here anymore. Don't look so surprised, at least I didn't jump my father, like certain people. Now, we can do this one of two ways. Either, we pretend to argue a bit, I beat your clothes off of you, you beat my clothes off of me, and the winner drags the looser behind the bushes.... Or, since you know my secret, I could let you go, because you "did not want to", let the old hag spy on you untill you return, and then not hold back when I return to kick your ass for refusing me. Anyway, fighting is good for the figure, gets the blood going, and it's allmost foreplay. "

"Come on, I'll try to be gentle. Plus, If you are really want to know... there is a Boy that I have an eye for. But granny does not want to let me fight against him, and keeps him away from me. If I do her stuid little thing, she will no longer be able to keep sending him away when I have time off. So, yea... you would be helping me. Don't get your hopes up, but at least, let's enjoy the fight. "

*fight against Temari*

*fight against Temari, 2 days later, when she visits the player in his house, and insists on getting her share of the action now, demolishing parts of his living space. *

Afterwards, the two of you lie on the ground, your muscles hurting. Temari, now inexplicably calmer, rests your hand on your chest.

"It wasn't.... as bad as I expected it to be. You need to work on your weapons, you need to train to get rid of the flab, and even the fouryearolds in the village pose more of a challenge.
On the other side.... "

She smiles, and rests her head against your naked chest.

"You were pretty.... good with the groundwork and all. Nothing like my brothers, but.... does not mean bad. At all. "

She blushes a bit.

"I-... hope you did like it as well.... I mean, not that I particularely care, but.... I did not know it was possible to do it like this.... If you want to, I would like to train some more... at a later time.... "

She blushes harder, and stands up, a bit wobbly legged.

"And not that you get a big head because of this... But you are kind of cute, and I do not mind training with you at all. The next time, at first, I can teach you a bit more about fighting, and then you can teach me a bit more about groundwork.... No, get up, get dressed, here, you can have my water bottle, and don't worry about the scarcthes, you make it easy to forget that you are a civillian..."

Offline Xela

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Re: General Discussion
« Reply #5388 on: August 03, 2015, 01:43:14 PM »
I don't have any strength left to even read through the post :)

These stories should be written with mind that there will be more so an event/flag/personal flag trigger or a quest should be used for controls. I'll wrap up classes and MC stats tomorrow morning if I can, then I really want to put in some time into the jobs loops.
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Offline Baltazaar

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Re: General Discussion
« Reply #5389 on: August 03, 2015, 02:15:25 PM »
Simple as this: You get what you request from me.

You requested a "simple quest", and I gave you a simple quest idea, with some sample text.

My quality falls and rises with the material available to me

Offline Xela

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Re: General Discussion
« Reply #5390 on: August 04, 2015, 04:32:52 AM »
My quality falls and rises with the material available to me

I wonder if we should put in a couple of days into a wiki... I've seen a couple of setups that are very convenient on GitHub.

I'll add the classes to MC and build it setting stats to 35% of their maximums. I think randomization here is not desirable because MCs start should be static and differ on bonuses applied. If we do something like we discussed before (between 20-50%, player that picked extra intelligence for example can end up having less than someone who didn't but lucked out on the draw).
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Offline DarkTl

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Re: General Discussion
« Reply #5391 on: August 04, 2015, 05:30:05 AM »

First quests in the secret village:
Yup, something like that, maybe even a bit shorter if it's hard to come up with. Try to do it for others too.

Offline Baltazaar

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Re: General Discussion
« Reply #5392 on: August 04, 2015, 07:13:50 AM »

You walk through the villkage, as you flip through the files that you got from tsunade.

karin., You allways had a thing for readheads, and even more so for such fiery ones. Plus, intelligence?

It allmost comes as a surprise to when you notzice the feeling. You canb notz place it at first... Where is your Folder? With the files of the girls?

You turn around, and there she is. reading her own secret file. Oh oh.

"I am what? Obsessively in ...."

Following your first impulse, you try to snatch the files back from her, but she just steps aside, and you hit the floor.

"Cruel to a certain extent.... That's rich coming from her..."

She does not even look at you, just reads, but still, she seems to be just milimeters away from where you want to grip.

"Mock fight against karin, she just blocks, evades or uses similar tactics. If she is brought to 50 %, the storyline continues. "

Finally, she looks up, seemingly surprised you are still here. Sghe... she did not even get out of breath, right?

"Ok, listen, I know why you are here, so,m lets walk a bit. I can sense granny up there, and I don't want her to eavesdrop in. Here, I give you even the files back. Are you sure these are files? I mean, they seem to be like the sorthand some of the perverts would use.

Anyways, lets walk, let me grab your arm like this, and my head on your shoulder like that.... For the next time, could you use less agressive parfum? Or, if possible, I know where we will be undisturbed. "

She leads you to the hot springs.

in the mens section:

"It's not like anyone here would mind. Most of trhe men are away, and us women don't really like it here. First of all, little bit disappointed that you used that crap of a file on me. I mean, I would have just told you. It's not as if you would care anyways, most likely you just want to fuck and could care les about me ... "

"Well, in that situation, it's traditional to give you a quest, right? It's these crappy romance novels that granny reads. Oh, and then, whoe is he, he gathered a harem of willing cumdumpsters around him , and still, he lacks the moral fortitude.... By the way, she is watching us. The hot water obfuscates our lips, but she can see that these are bottles lavbeled with sake. her favorite sake, in fact, that she is not allowed to drink anymore, because she is now the head of the village, and used to get drunk and let people pull a train on her. Don't worry, it's actually lemonade, but in these conditions, lets see if she knows the difference. "

"Ok, so, I would do you right now, right here, but it's a bit... complicated. Not that I am a prude or anything...but I am very sensitive to chakra, as you may have read. for me, it's like a sixth sense, and mind you, you are pretty cute, but your chakra... lets just say you are a choirboy. "

"To change the chakra, all you need to do is wear things of an other ninja, and his chakra will overpower yours. "

"one of the only ones that has a chakra that could mix well with yours would be sasuke. Yes, I think that would e fair. get the stuff from sasuke, wear it, and you can have me. "

"What? It'll be just sex. I mean, you are not prude, I am not prude, there will be no messy afterthings.... Don't think this will be anything longer, though. You are just a stepping stone to sa... someone else. If you had at least a modestly interesting chakra, I could rethink that, but like this...."

*she stands up*

"take a good hard look at this body.... That will be wrapping itself around you, stroking you, crying out in passionate extasy as our chakras become one... these breasts... These legs..... Are you already feeling motivated enough? Then get me the things to spice up your bland chakra, and we will see just howe dry I can milk you. Here#s the key to his room, and come back.... i'll be waiting..."

*she leaves the bath, swaying her hips seductively, and not at least shy about her appearance. *

Unlocked new place: sasukes room, and hot springs.

sasukes room:

you follow karins directions to the room, and stand in front of the door. Breaking in was never a speciality of yours, but it was for a good cause. You allmost freeze as you hear the voice of the boy from behind you.

"You are the guy sasuke said would come, right? "

"Well, I am sasukes neighbor,. he tutors me in math sometimes. he said he was going away for a few weeks, and hgave me a packet to give to you. "

"Look, he wrote it down. "

*hands you a small note*

"Kid, there will be a guy looking by later. he willö have been to the baths reccently, but he will be from the city. he is looking for my packet. make it interesting for him. "

"sasuke is like that.- he is really, really smart, and he has all the girls that like him. it's like he knows what other people will do before they do. "

"Now, we can do this one of three ways. One, You fight me, and the winner pays for the loosers meal at the noodle shop. I don't have that much koney, so you will have to take the number six with extra duck. Two, you have a lot of money, so you give me the gold to get the toys in the toy shop. I don'*t need you to actually buy them for me, just the money. And three, you help me with my math homework. Deal?"

1. medium fight. make it clear that the kid has been training to be a ninja, and balance the fight accordingly. if the kid wins, he eats like a beast in the noodle shop, and the mill is medium ammount of gold. The fight can be repeated the next day, with a bit of a lesser difficulty because the kid was on a diet and uses the MC to pig out. If the MC wins, he gets the packet of clothes, and a note.

2. straight up exchange. a high ammount of gold for the clothes and the note.

3. several small math problems in exchange for the packet and the note.

The packet is a set of the training clothes. Surprised, you notivce that they are allmost precisely your size, and have been unwashed.

The note:

"Dear MC.

Thank you for being predictable. When you read this, In will be on a mission in some exotic land. My friend has suggested we check out the red light district. meh.
If I have my information right, this is part of the old rites that Granny wants to bring back. How boring!

My clothes should fit you. Karin is a bit weird. If she wants to bite, let her, and is she calls you sasuke, let her do that as well. I tried to talk her out of this, but it's really sad and predictable. She has topld me that she wants me, and things my aura smells nice, or something like that. How weird. I think she is perverted, and just likes me.

I left this with a friend, give him like a goldcoin. too much, and he will pig out at the noodle shop. he is on a diet.


P.s. I hope you will not take advantage of our girls. As a wise man once said, we don't pay prostitutes to have sex, we pay them to go away afterwards. so, just go away afterwards, or at least don't be boring. "

MC can now dress in ninja training suit, and head back to the hot springs.

There, his suit will be torn off by karin, and he will basically jump his bones, not caring about anything, or uttering a single word.

Offline DarkTl

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Re: General Discussion
« Reply #5393 on: August 04, 2015, 10:03:00 AM »
These stories should be written with mind that there will be more so an event/flag/personal flag trigger or a quest should be used for controls.
That doesn't matter, I'll easily tie them to quests.
I pushed the first scene, that was quite fun  :) I suppose you could improve it like you did with the intro when you'll have time.

@Baltazaar, I forgot about Hinata. She could use a quest too.
And if you don't know who's Naruko, it's basically a female version of Naruto that looks like his sexy transformation technique. Ie an alternative version of him from another world, where he didn't got an Y chromosome from parents.
« Last Edit: August 04, 2015, 10:13:15 AM by DarkTl »

Offline Xela

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Re: General Discussion
« Reply #5394 on: August 04, 2015, 10:19:28 AM »
I asked quite a while back to leave Hinata out of quests/events so I figured thats why you didn't mention her :) I can pick someone else to script unique encounter for if you need all Naruto chars for this.
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Re: General Discussion
« Reply #5395 on: August 04, 2015, 11:26:41 AM »
Killer! :)

I think MCs init classes and stats are more or less ready. I'll push soon.
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Offline DarkTl

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Re: General Discussion
« Reply #5396 on: August 04, 2015, 11:37:37 AM »
I need to know how to give an item to MC or a character. Or take.

And I need to know how to add locations to the map, unless it's so complex that you need to handle it personally.

Offline Xela

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Re: General Discussion
« Reply #5397 on: August 04, 2015, 11:57:02 AM »
I need to know how to give an item to MC or a character. Or take.

Code: [Select]

I'll make it easier and simplify with:

Code: [Select]
with the next push.

And I need to know how to add locations to the map, unless it's so complex that you need to handle it personally.

We still have three maps that player can choose from (small button at the left-bottom corner of main screen) :)

If you want it to be a proper location like all others, you'll have to crop out of all three maps in gimp or photoshop (unless we pick just the one and stick with it). If you want to add it oldstyle, like the Dark Forest entrance is added now, you can add:
Code: [Select]
        <forest_entrance name="Dark Forest"
              x="9" y="570" type="location"

Where forest_entrance is the name of the label, x and y are the coordinates on the map to place the icon ("content/gfx/interface/buttons/blue_arrow_left.png").  rx="40" ry="55" if I remember correctly resize the image if you are using an icon that is also used elsewhere and do not want to create one of a proper size for the map.

label forest_entrance should look like any other label, scene a background, show it's screen, run events and quests (or not run them). Check the locations, it should be simple enough to figure out.

If you want to crop, you just need to add new location to the same xml file, all other parameters are meaningless and if you do not provide an icon, game will expect a crop (better work is cut out I think) for whatever the map is in use by the game.

Code: [Select]
        <city_jail name="City Jail"
          x="0" y="0" type="location" rx="0" ry="0"

This is an obvious location added by cutting out bits in maps.
Like what we're doing?

Offline DarkTl

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Re: General Discussion
« Reply #5398 on: August 04, 2015, 12:05:43 PM »
Nah, it's too complex for a h-game to have 3 maps. Since we can add new objects freely at Gismo's map, we just should use it. Dark map will be used in the intro when we blow it up, and white one will be used in the future inside scenes.
But again, to navigate the city we should use Gismo's map, it's much easier to extend.

Offline DarkTl

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Re: General Discussion
« Reply #5399 on: August 04, 2015, 12:08:06 PM »
We however need logic to unlock locations on the map via quests.