
Author Topic: Bugs 1.29  (Read 58285 times)

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Offline zodiac44

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Re: Bugs 1.29
« Reply #90 on: November 04, 2009, 09:20:39 PM »
That's a known one, Command, and it may have been on purpose for this release.  With this release, Necno included the ability to buy more rooms in a building, so you can house hundreds of girls in one building (and with practice, you can even get the right balance between girls working the brothel and those working the strip bar so you can maximize income - it is also impressive when you put 200+ girls together to make a movie - say hello to $1,000,000+ income per week).

Speaking of getting the right mix between the strip bar and brothel, I noticed that girls who refuse to work at the strip bar still count towards the total number working there for purposes of increasing customer count at the brothel.  I have one save with ~90 girls in the brothel and ~120 in the strip bar, where all of the strip bar girls are refusing to work because they have worked there too long, yet I still get enough customers for the brothel girls (and ~$140,000 per week in income).  If I switch the strip bar girls over to something else, I lose customers at the brothel.

I don't mind the bug in this release, as I would have only enough customers for 10 girls to work with over 200 sitting on their thumbs otherwise (seeing as how all of my girls refuse to work anywhere but the brothel/street - I gave them all items which grant the nympho trait so they will work somewhere at least), but when we get the ability to decrement the job-hate counters, this should be fixed.
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Offline LordShame

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Re: Bugs 1.29
« Reply #91 on: November 04, 2009, 11:31:30 PM »
The sex type restrictions don't seem to apply to sex in strip clubs.

Good job on these restrictions, by the way. Other than the above it's working exactly as I hoped it would! :)

Offline ker

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Re: Bugs 1.29
« Reply #92 on: November 05, 2009, 01:26:36 AM »
A quick way I found to nix any bugs in girlpacks.  Unpack the pack into a different folder, open up the pack with the WM editor, and just click on all of the girls.  If there's a bug in there description, delete the girl (or try to fix if you really want that one in).  Save it, and then move the new .girls file into the proper spot.

Offline Command

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Re: Bugs 1.29
« Reply #93 on: November 05, 2009, 11:58:25 AM »
Their is one annoyance.  When their is an objective to guy a new brothel.

Offline zodiac44

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Re: Bugs 1.29
« Reply #94 on: November 05, 2009, 12:37:50 PM »
Yeah, that's annoying, but there are two ways to handle it: 1) missions time out, so if you just wait, you'll get a new mission after some number of weeks; or 2) when you get the mission to buy a new brothel, load the autosave (which is saved at the time you click the next week button), you will get a new mission (although, since it is random, you could end up getting the buy a brothel mission again - repeat the process and eventually you will get a doable mission).
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Offline letmein

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Re: Bugs 1.29
« Reply #95 on: November 05, 2009, 01:47:06 PM »
As of right now, missions pretty much mean nothing anyway.  The best you get from them is a girl, who is (IIRC) a random anyway - or just some cash, which isn't a big deal since its really easy to get money anyhow.  Being limited to one brothel isn't a game-breaker, in my opinion; just a small annoyance.

I've mentioned this before, but the thing that bothers me most is the method for girls showing up in the market.  It isn't random - the position of the girl files, and the girls within those files, has a huge effect on what girls show up.
Still lurking.

Offline zodiac44

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Re: Bugs 1.29
« Reply #96 on: November 05, 2009, 02:55:53 PM »
The function that adds girls to the slave market needs to randomize the girl selection.  I don't know the order the game loads .girls files in (I suspect it loads in lexicographic order), but once loaded, it puts girls in the slave market according to their order in the .girls files.  I threw all my girls together in one ultra pack, so for me, the first slave in the market is always Dawn, followed by R. Mika and Teletha Testarossa.

Catacombs and normal girls are properly randomized, though.


I discovered a bug in the room adding function.  Apparently the number of rooms in a brothel is stored as an 8-bit unsigned integer (maxes at 255 - more than enough when we get the ability to own multiple buildings again).  Once you reach 255, if you add an another 5 rooms, the integer resets, so 255+5=5.  I doubt having a 255 room max will be a problem in the future, but there should be some sort of safeguard against going over the limit (eg, when you get to 255, trying to buy more gives the message "You have reached the maximum number of rooms allowed in a building; you can't expand this building any more." rather than "adding" 5 rooms).
« Last Edit: November 05, 2009, 03:39:14 PM by zodiac44 »
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Offline RyuKaze

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Re: Bugs 1.29
« Reply #97 on: November 05, 2009, 06:35:11 PM »
One brothel might be a known issue, but hopefully it's not intended as anything beyond 'lets see if this stuff works first' because you may be able to 'maximize' your 1 brothel, but with all those nice allows and disallows it hurts anyone who would like to set up different brothels to cater to multiple tastes without adding something to each girl for what work they're allowed to do with customers instead. (which sounds WAY more troublesome then just buying more brothels, both for player and for coder)

Offline DocClox

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Re: Bugs 1.29
« Reply #98 on: November 05, 2009, 06:38:37 PM »
One brothel might be a known issue, but hopefully it's not intended as anything beyond 'lets see if this stuff works first'

It's not even that. It's just a bug. Should be fixed in the next release.

Offline trex

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Re: Bugs 1.29
« Reply #99 on: November 05, 2009, 08:26:36 PM »
Well I don't know if it's been covered with 'pregnancy is broken' but I don't think girls develop after birth, therefore you cannot save, else an automatic freeze load will happen. I tried to get 1 child out of a girl as an experiment and it never grew up, has anyone else had any luck?
(Am I wrong? Perhaps the timeframe for girls to grow up is a lot less, I can't remember if I'm 100% sure on this as I still have 1.26 around and the two are getting hazy) 

Offline zodiac44

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Re: Bugs 1.29
« Reply #100 on: November 05, 2009, 09:43:41 PM »
I have tried on multiple occasions to have a child grow up, and I have yet to succeed, but I also think I've been unlucky enough to have had only sons so far (who you won't see even if they do grow up).
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Offline delta224

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Re: Bugs 1.29
« Reply #101 on: November 05, 2009, 10:30:21 PM »
Some notes about pregnacy, it takes 60 weeks after birth for the kid to grow up and if it is a girl the game will crash if the mother does not have the full 30 traits one she grows up.

Offline trex

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Re: Bugs 1.29
« Reply #102 on: November 05, 2009, 10:55:59 PM »
Sorry, to be clear here, did you say if its a baby girl, the game crashes outright? Or that if a mother has a full 30 traits it does/doesn't? Do boys show up after 60 weeks or does it just plain not tell you? (How does a girl get 30 Traits? I guess with mod-items and say, a girl with 15 starting traits, even then. *Non-pack customized girls I understand, just start up with 20+*) 

Offline Vanreis

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Re: Bugs 1.29
« Reply #103 on: November 06, 2009, 03:18:12 AM »
Hello, I'm new user but I've been checking this project out since version 1.23 and I really like in which way its developing. Ok, I'll get to the point. Someone already said that but I've messed around with pregnacies and inseminations and I'm 100% sure that they ALWAYS cause save corruption. I tried to save after impregnated girl run away or after I sold her but the crash is always there. Also, as someone above me noticed rape sometimes do strange things. I've got some tips for rape but once I got guy from goverment lowering my suspition and running away which is a bit funny. Oh, and about meek, weak girls killing 15-30 fully trained guardsmen - I personally didn't have such problem. Of course sometimes that happened but really rarely
(I think it happened only 3 times in my games, in one game Soi Fon and Yoruichi from custom pack run away at the same day which is tad... interesting at least and in diffrent game one random girl). Seriously, I almost wait for this thing to happen because I get a bit dissapointed when tough heroines from various animes just "submited as the tattoo is being placed upon her". Hmm... <input one hour break in writing here> Ok, I kinda take that back cause I got curious and simply put like 30 free girls into dungeon and started branding them. Also I put all my gangs (everyone maxed) on guard duty. Of course they got wiped out... Still that happens really rarely for me so I'm cool with that. By the way, while preparing to that test and executing it I noticed that girls who ran away when you try to brand them won't be treated as
escapees and you can "find" them on the walk (which is strange, she just ran from you and still you can recruit her like nothing happened). I noticed it because I was looking for bugs on Test brothel so I found my escapee the same week she run from me. I suppose it shouldn't happen. I also noticed that sometimes my girls suddenly start loving me also sometimes droping to -100 rebel (it not always happens simultanously). I'm still not sure what causes this but if I remember corectly it happens after I give them my "home-made" items. That's probably my fault somehow but still they shouldn't do that (almost all of them were catacomb only items made for fun and/or testing purposes which give sex skills and traits. None of them added PCLove. Which reminds me - what age starts to change stats? I ask cause I used self-made Ring of the Youth to lower some girls age from around 50-60 to 30-40 and didn't notice any diffrence). Thats it for now but I'll be sure to look for other bugs.

Offline zodiac44

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Re: Bugs 1.29
« Reply #104 on: November 06, 2009, 03:43:17 AM »
To my knowledge, age has absolutely no effect in the game.
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