
Author Topic: Wall of suggestions Redux  (Read 5175 times)

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Offline Crisis21

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Wall of suggestions Redux
« on: October 29, 2011, 12:05:14 PM »
I thought I'd take a moment to compile all of the things I'd personally like to see done with this game in the future. I don't expect these done any time soon as most of them would involve some major overhauls to the code. I'll include my reasoning why I'd like them as well.
I could have updated my other suggestion thread, but this was seven pages long. I think that deserves its own thread to focus on. For those of you I grossed out with some of my previous suggestions, don't worry, I dropped those. Honestly, I didn't really want them either. My mind's just a scary place like that.

 Keep in mind that some of these will reference each other.
 1. The offspring system expanded
 Things that would go with this:
 Lineage tracking - Essentially the ability to see who is the daughter/mother of who. Even if a full family tree isn't possible (and I kind of think it might be more trouble than it's worth) the ability to quickly see who the daughter(s) your girl has is/are would be greatly appreciated.
 'Daycare' page - Yeah, the name could probably use work (maybe Accelerated Development Chamber) but this would simply be a way to check on how long until the children of your girls mature.
 The addition of Surnames for the girls. Basically, the girl's daughter inherits her mother's family name (unless she's your daughter, then she might inherit yours which would require a player name).
 Offspring slave branding options: Brand all (All children born of your girls are branded as slaves), Brand all not yours (all children born of your girls sired by anyone not you are branded as slaves), Brand only slave-born (only children born of slave mothers are branded as slaves), Brand only slave-born not yours (only children born of slave mothers are branded as slaves), Brand none (all children are left unbranded)
 Non-slave maturation options:
 Girl - Send her to work for you (adds her to your brothel), Pay for her education (-lots of money, but greatly raises your disposition and suspicion), cut her loose (no money, but greatly lowers your disposition and suspicion
 Boy - Show him the business (reduces upkeep on your brothels/makes him an employee), Pay for his education (-lots of money, but greatly raises your disposition and suspicion), cut him loose (no money, but greatly lowers your disposition and suspicion)
 Trait: Whore's Daughter - This girl is the daughter of a working whore, and has significantly fewer problems with the business than other girls. After all, she grew up around this kind of thing. (+Obedience, +certain sex skills, -Rebelliousness (less likely to disobey than another girl with identical stats), ??? )
 Inheritable traits: Inhuman Lifespan, Not Human, Half-Human, Strange Eyes, Breast size (75% chance), Great Figure (75% chance), Great Arse (75% chance), Strong (75% chance), Tough (75% chance), Fragile (75% chance)
 Upbringing traits: Being brought up in such a sexual environment, the daughters of your girls have an increased chance to possess things like: Sexy Air, Nymphomaniac, Fast Orgasms or Fake Orgasm Expert, Good Kisser, etc.
 Why I would like these things: Aside from being able to know who is related to who, it makes girls born of your slaves a bit superior starting out than most random girls off the streets or the slave market, thus making this a task worth pursuing in game terms. It also adds a bit of depth to the existing offspring system by making you choose what to do with your free children when they come of age.
 2. Expanded gang content & Gang Wars
 I look at the gang page and I see the meat and bones of how you are perceived by the populace. Regardless of how you treat your girls, -this- is your public face. While how you treat your girls should remain the primary way to alter your disposition, how you manage your gangs should be the primary way you alter your suspicion.
 More mission types - Essentially certain missions have the same objectives (gaining territory, recruiting new girls, gaining money) but calculate based on different gang stats and affect suspicion differently. Others are essential to overall gang warfare with your rivals.
 Kidnapping/Talent Search/Rescue - Recruit new girls off the streets. Kidnapping is Charisma then Combat like the main game, but Talent Search is Charisma then intelligence (they're looking for willing girls and are instructed -not- to use force). Rescue is Gang combat and then a Charisma check (you rescue a girl a rival gang is trying to kidnap and then try to convince her to come work for you)
 Petty Theft/Grand Theft/Fundraising - Gain money. Petty theft and Grand theft are same as current, but fundraising is a positive suspicion method and more stable if less lucrative (also doesn't result in your gang getting into dangerous fights).
 Advertising - Drum up more business for your brothels. Neutral.
 Acquire Territory/Charity Work - Acquire Territory would be same as current. Charity Work would give positive suspicion, your gang goes out and does some community service. May result in gain of neutral territory (5% chance - Your men endeared themselves to the community so well that they're welcome back any time!)
 Sabotage/Aid the Police - Sabotage would be same as current. Aid the Police would give positive suspicion, bonus to any gang combat that occurs, may damage a rival as Sabotage mission, but would not net you any gold (the police take it all).
 Protect Territory - If you're running a protection racket for the businesses you control, you might as well do some actual protecting. Potential gang combat, prevents rivals from taking your territory. Does not affect brothel security.
 Guarding - Rather than improving brothel security, this protects against rival Sabotage missions the same way Protect Territory would protect against rival Acquire Territory missions.
 Explore Catacombs - Same as current.
 Time off - You give your gang a well-deserved vacation. Improves morale (see below)
 Fend off your rivals. The more territory and fame you acquire, the more likely your rivals are going to try and come after your interests. Rather than your rivals waiting patiently for you to amass strength and come after them, they might just come after you first. Failure to successfully fend off an attack with a Protect Territory mission means you lose businesses you control to your rival. Failure to fend off an attack with a Guarding mission might mean you lose businesses (become neutral territory), money, or take damage to your brothel (possibly even destroying it outright. Failure to assign a mission that defends against these attacks means your rival auto-succeeds.
 Gang leaders - Named males who offer certain bonuses, or penalties, to one of your gangs. some offer bonuses in some stats and penalties to others. I kind of like the thought of renaming the Wrecking Crew to the Nerima Wrecking Crew and assigning one Ranma Saotome as the gang leader.
 Equipment - Outfit your gangs with better weapons, armor, magic, etc. Levels go to ten rather than four and can get really expensive. Also each gang is outfitted individually. Beware! Your rivals may just equip their gangs with some cool stuff too! While a gang's base stats should remain capped at 100, they can go higher with good equipment.
 Tribute - A button that lets you turn on and off enforced tribute. Having it on is the same as current. Set money gain, and the potential to get a merchant's daughter added to your dungeon if he can't pay. This option would also lower suspicion a bit each week. Turning it off however, aside from slightly raising suspicion each week, gets interesting. Instead of a set monetary gain, you randomly get between 0 and 10 (or whatever the max would be in the finished version) per business with a 10% chance to get between 10 and 20 (standard tribute to double tribute) instead. Each business would also have a 5% chance of giving you a random item (usually common junk, but something valuable might crop up from time to time), and a merchant's daughter might just volunteer (!) to work for you (1/2 the chance of failure to pay or less).
 Morale - A new stat that reflects a gang's 'happiness' and can change similarly. Low morale makes the gang less effective regardless of their stats. Morale above 80 offers a mild bonus, morale less than 60 starts to offer penalties and morale under 40 tanks your gang's effectiveness. Any time your gang gets into a fight, their morale takes a minor hit. If they lose, their morale takes a significantly bigger hit. Morale also slowly decreases (1% a week) any time your gang is doing any mission other than Training or Time Off.
 Why I'd like to see this: The gang system shows so much promise and seems to be where the story of your struggle against your rivals takes place. While running your brothel lets you build up fame and resources, the gang system strikes me as where you actually win or lose the game overall. Victory, as implied with the current background story, involves taking out all your rivals, so your gangs are the key to 'winning'. These additions would add depth and strategy to the game. Having to fend off attacking rivals would prevent you from sticking all your gangs into Training forever until they were strong enough to curbstomp your rivals and the potential for a rival to get stronger increases the difficulty as the game progresses. By putting in both 'good' and 'bad' missions, you can potentially affect public perception of yourself and be the town hero or a feared crime boss regardless of your disposition (though some of it will affect that too). Add in morale and gang management becomes a deep and core part of gameplay.
 3. Employees
 Essentially people who work for you who aren't your girls or your gangs. You have to pay them wages, but they make your business run smoother. Can be fired like free girls if you don't like their work. These individuals would, of course, be primarily male.
 Unique males - Nothing more than added flavor. I kinda like the idea of Naruto Uzumaki calling me "Boss"
 Jobs - Any non-sex job. Things like Cleaning, Security, Advertising, Customer Service, Catacombs Exploration, Torturer, Bartending (barmaid), Wait Staff (waitress), Singer, Entertainer, Game Dealer
 Obviously, the fact that they aren't females means that they don't do quite as good a job pleasing the customers on some of these as your girls might.
 Unique jobs - Things your girls can't do. Manager (essentially Matron lite as your girls won't trust a male nearly as much as a female), Lieutenant/Gang Leader (Basically you've made this person the leader of one of your gangs, offering bonuses (or penalties) to the gang's effectiveness in certain jobs), Laundering (increases the money you can avoid taxation on)
 Bad Employees - What, you think all they do is what you tell them? Each employee, if they have bad enough ratings in certain stats, has a chance to do detrimental things to your business such as embezzling money, assaulting/raping your girls, selling you out to a rival, kidnapping one of your girls, taking bribes from your enemies, spreading bad rumors about your business, etc. If you have enough bad employees, you just might find one of your rivals waiting for you in your office one day...... Sitting in your chair no less.
 Your girls have the hots for your employees - A loyal, attractive, non-corrupt employee might find himself getting a 'bonus' from one of your girls. Especially if he's working security and rescued her from some thugs...
 Indentured servitude - Customer can't pay? Make them work it off! Wages are witheld each week and deducted from the individual's debt. Once the debt is cleared, the indentured servant may simply leave or possibly stay on as a normal employee if they liked working for you. You can 'transfer their debt' and gain half the remaining debt the same way you'd sell a slave girl.
 Stats - Happiness, Tiredness, Health, Loyalty (replaces Obedience, high loyalty means they are less likely to steal from you or take bribes from your rivals to damage your business), Combat, Magic, Charisma, Intelligence, Corruption (a measure of how likely they are to assault one of your girls when they're working, you want this low), Focus (How likely they are to do their job without getting 'distracted' by your girls)
 Items - Employees don't accept items from you. Personally, I think it might be a little hard to code this so it didn't result in a forest of bugs.
 Limit - Well, since they don't live there, I guess this would be technically infinite. Might be an employee limit of 1/2 the # of girls the brothel can hold.
 Traits - Some girl traits, like Strong, Tough, Fragile, would translate over well but most woudn't. Most employee traits would likely be personality based like 'Jerk'(-Loyalty), 'Abusive' (more likely to assault your girls, does more damage to their health if he succeeds), 'Nice Guy' (+Charisma, -Corruption, negates 'Bad Boy', 'Jerk', & 'Abusive'), 'Steadfast' (+Loyalty), 'Bad Boy' (+Charisma, +Corruption, negates 'Nice Guy'), 'Horndog' (-Focus), 'Hero' (Boosts Security rating), 'Rat' (more likely to accept bribes from your rivals, lowers security rating if you assign this guy to it), Son of a Whore (Grew up around the business and considers the goings on in a brothel more 'normal', +Loyalty, +Focus), Your Son (A child of your loins, +Loyalty)
 Pay grade - How much you're paying them in relation to the work they're doing. Works like the girls' accomodations. Higher wages cost more, but tend to increase loyalty and decrease corruption.
 Sons - The sons your girls give birth to can, when they reach maturity, be employed (free sons) or indentured (slave sons, debt equal to 2xsale price)
 Interactions - Things like "Chat", Reward ("Praise their work", "Give them a bonus"), Punish ("Yell at them for their incompetence", "Withold wages"), Send a girl to service them (Ooh, job perks!)
 Why I'd like this: Adds another level of complexity and strategy with its own pitfalls and dangers. Lets you fill menial jobs and free up space for your girls to do their 'real' work at the cost of paying regular wages to people you can't take it back from.
 4. New Rooms for later brothels
 Right now, I can't see any functional difference between the original brothel and the later ones. So, the only reason to buy more is to have more space for your girls. The idea here is that each successive brothel is 'nicer' and has more space for a few extras. Some of these rooms add options to the Brothel Management setting.
 Tier 1 - Kitchen
 Assign some girls or staff to make food for everyone!
 Jobs: Cook - Buy Groceries
 Basically, the two jobs combine to boost all the brothel's girls' health and mood by 1-5 per week and reduce tiredness by the same amount. Cook is obvious. You want plenty of workers for this to cover all your girls. Buy Groceries boosts the effectiveness of the cooks but costs more money (wages + groceries). Cooking really increases filthiness, which will also decrease the effectiveness of your cooks, so make sure you have plenty of people cleaning!
 Tier 2 - Baths
 Ah, good clean fun! =P
 Attendant in Baths - The girl helps your customers clean up.
 Masseuse in Baths - The girl massages bathing customers.
 XXX Attendant in Baths - The girl helps your customers clean up, and then get 'dirty' again.
 Tier 3 - Back Room
 A behind-the-scenes area where you can do things like:
 Film movies with your girls as actresses (You select a type and quality of movie and assign girls as either Actresses or XXX Actressess, each girl providing 1 unit of completion to that stat for the movie. Completed movies can then be put into production for a modest profit but make too many and expenses might overtake your profits)
 Put a girl to work beautifying the other girls in the brothel (with settings for how fancy the makeups and perfumes she's using on your girls are)
 Put a girl to work servicing your male staff/gang members (Whore for Staff - there's those job perks again! Boosts loyalty and happiness for a male emplyee who has free time and morale of gang members who have time off. Number of customers is equal to male employees who have that time as Free Time + total gang members who have Time Off that week)
 XXX Dairy - Have lactating girls? Put them to work making milk! +1 Bottle of Girl Milk (+25 Health, -25 Tired consumable) per girl per week with breast size multiplier (No Lactating Trait x0 - Small Boobs x1 - Average Boobs x2 - Big Boobs x3 - Abnormally Large Boobs x4), if there's not enough girls working as 'Whore for Staff', some of the staff might come in here to fuck the girls while they're hooked up to the machines.
 Tier 4 - 'Tea' Lounge
 An area for your customers to relax and have a beautiful girl serve them tea. And maybe something else.....
 Tea Server - Serves tea to the customers. Bonuses from Service and Elegant
 Dancer - The girl dances for the customers
 XXX Dancer - The girl does a blatantly sexual dance for the customers
 Lap Dancer - The girl gives the customers a more 'personal' dance. Possible for this to end up with the customer having sex with the girl.
 Tier 5 - Library
 A place for you to put all those books you've been buying so that all your girls can benefit from them. Essentially, you can 'equip' the Library with any Book item (would require the creation of a new item type) and it gives the bonuses to every girl in the brothel.
 No jobs added.
 Why I'd like this: Makes later brothels more challenging to manage but increases the amount of profit you can make from them. Really provides an incentive to upgrade early and often.