Author Topic: Problems and my rebalance solution.  (Read 11473 times)

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Offline ShiningRadiance

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Re: Problems and my rebalance solution.
« Reply #15 on: October 06, 2010, 03:22:03 PM »
...Wish I could make a futa breed with a normal girl to combine traits. >_>

That would tie this all together, I think. It's more fun to break the game later on instead of having little ways to get a nearly infinite amount of money within the first year, or to make it so they can never have more than a handful of traits. I don't know, items would make the '3 traits' thing kinda... dumb. Since you can just apply new traits. So.
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Offline DocClox

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Re: Problems and my rebalance solution.
« Reply #16 on: October 07, 2010, 08:34:00 PM »
I don't think that it would matter if some one edited the XML files. If they wanted to do it, they could do it for their own enjoyment, but it stops most players from having an easy, run of the mill game experience every time they played it.

I suppose it depends on whether you're looking for the editor to enforce standards, or simply provide guidance. Imposing standards won't work. Guidance is a good idea, but needs a degree of consensus among girl creators, or everyone will ignore it. Although I don't think such a consensus would now be as hard to arrive at as it would have been a year ago.

The point would be more to normalize girls, anyway. To give an "Average", to some extent, which makes it slightly more challenging.  I think having a restriction on traits would be a good idea, at least initially. Perhaps even an option to help a girl develop certain traits with certain forms of training. As Whore Master is now, that would be a bit tedious, but if the amount of girls was scaled down a bit, I think that would be great.

Yeah, I think understand what you want to achieve, and it's a good idea. If I seem a little pessimistic about the chances of achieving it, it's just because there's a lot of history behind this particular topic...

I still think that it should be scaled down. Instead of 25 girls making up a full brothel, maybe 7 should be full. Every girl makes more money, and getting new girls is a bit more of a mile stone. Maybe even different forms of jobs, too, which could be unrelated to the brothel, and they could work in town to do these things... Such as a fighting instructor at a dojo, or a secretary at an office. This would train them in certain skills while still giving some money.

Plans are afoot for custom buildings, and configuring brothel size will be part of that.  It should also be possible to script (say) an office job as part of a building. Configurable slave markets and a generally restricted/configurable girl supply should be part of the town wards.

Back to the original point though, I think that would be a great idea to have them done by skill, and each level up would give them another amount of stats, say between 50-75 distributed semi-randomly with a 50% chance of acquiring  a new trait. Traits could be ranked on different tiers, with stuff like small boobs and lolita as the first tier, up to things like incorporeal as the third tier, that way a girl doesn't randomly turn into a construct when she levels up... Maybe there could be a fourth tier for things like non-human, which she would not level up in to.

That, on the other hand, is a fairly major change to a lot of code. So it's probably not going to happen, at least not any time soon.

Offline fires_flair

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Re: Problems and my rebalance solution.
« Reply #17 on: October 07, 2010, 10:58:45 PM »
so just an idea (phrased as a question) that's been floating around in my head. "how easy would it be just to implement a peice of code that limits the number of traits a girl starts with?" I mean then we could give girls all the traits we want (putting a bit of randomness in unique as a bonus), and we wouldn't have to go back and edit the (friggin' huge number of) girls already available.
some one said some where that gaining levels generates a chance to gain traits, this could be used to release the traits that weren't used originally.(calculated via experience gain, rather by level, so all traits can be given, if there are a lot of girls with more traits then there are levels)
and for the stats, a penalty could be given to cap them. like 60% penalty for level 1 and reduce it for each level gained (without allowing for the points to stack, a girl wouldn't suddenly jump from 40% to 80% in anal for example).
maybe as a compromise this could be in the config file, so that people who don't like can change it (or for people want it supper easy, or to make it harder)

Offline ShiningRadiance

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Re: Problems and my rebalance solution.
« Reply #18 on: October 07, 2010, 11:05:38 PM »
Yeah, I think understand what you want to achieve, and it's a good idea. If I seem a little pessimistic about the chances of achieving it, it's just because there's a lot of history behind this particular topic...

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Offline DocClox

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Re: Problems and my rebalance solution.
« Reply #19 on: October 08, 2010, 09:23:56 AM »
so just an idea (phrased as a question) that's been floating around in my head. "how easy would it be just to implement a peice of code that limits the number of traits a girl starts with?" I mean then we could give girls all the traits we want (putting a bit of randomness in unique as a bonus), and we wouldn't have to go back and edit the (friggin' huge number of) girls already available.

We could do that fairly easily, I suppose. Even add the limit to the config file, so people who are happy with the status quo can carry on as they are. Good idea.

some one said some where that gaining levels generates a chance to gain traits, this could be used to release the traits that weren't used originally.(calculated via experience gain, rather by level, so all traits can be given, if there are a lot of girls with more traits then there are levels)

That's a bit harder.  We need to store all the traits, with a flag to say which ones were active, store that information in the save files and tweak the level up routine. Doable, but there's a lot more to do.

and for the stats, a penalty could be given to cap them. like 60% penalty for level 1 and reduce it for each level gained (without allowing for the points to stack, a girl wouldn't suddenly jump from 40% to 80% in anal for example).

I'm not sure I understand that part, to be honest, but it sounds like the same basic problem: we're adding more stat data to be maintained, saved, and leveled.

I agree that some sort of stat and trait progression would be nice, but it's one of those things that the code was never intended to support.

maybe as a compromise this could be in the config file, so that people who don't like can change it (or for people want it supper easy, or to make it harder)

That was my first thought, too :)

Offline Flowersteel

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Re: Problems and my rebalance solution.
« Reply #20 on: October 11, 2010, 01:11:00 PM »
Have had the same issue, and did the same mistake with my own mods. Ive rectified a lot, and the game became much more fun for me. Ive added my notes in the WIKI, along with the statchanges that comes with traits, so people can avoid making 100/100 girls. If one of you fine gentlement would note a bit more on the wikisite, that might be a good idea - you drive compelling arguments.

I really like fires_flairs idea of girls "levelling up". So if a girl has a max stat of 100, it doesnt matter, since at lelv 0 she can only go to max say 45. Then 55 at level 2, and so on. Then if the girl had a stat at 48, she would stay there even if she goes to level 3.

But I also think this might break the game, as youd need girls to level faster - which would mean they bring in more money, again giving balance issues.

Maybe put in something simple, like that no girl can have a statline over 55 unless the Matron has a higher score ?

Offline Mehzerz

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Re: Problems and my rebalance solution.
« Reply #21 on: October 12, 2010, 12:36:07 AM »
Talking about stats over and over will get us nowhere, there's been a lot of headache over the subject. If there's anything anyone has agreed on though it's that traits offer TOO much of a boost and should be rectified.

Luckily I believe traits will be editable at one point so it's only a matter of time.
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Offline Moonchaos

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Re: Problems and my rebalance solution.
« Reply #22 on: October 15, 2010, 04:35:24 AM »
From what i have read i think we really need another system for stats and skills. In the beginning of the game it doesnt weight much but in no time it gets way too easy.

I think a system like the 1. Sim Brothel schould be working good. You only get some exppoints through actually working or expensive training.
Now you need like 13 exp for 1 point that is at 40+ and this should be only able for the Sexskills.
Charakterstats like charisma schould be only raised trough equipment or other items.
Another thing it schould be far harder to make a girl a Slave, if they only work for you they take much more money from you.

But thats not even enough to balance a game like this...the money is the next problem but a easy task to limit it.
Raise taxes for the upholding of the Brothels, repaircost, events like a policeraid, damage trough rampaging gangs
kidnapping your girls, thiefs that steal items from the warehouse. Girls that gone mad or be killed.
The girls schould be much less obidient to sexwork but more to lapdance working as service Maid in a cafe or casino.

Of course the game will need to get a major update so it would be all possible.
I try to help with it, but i am no developer...and maybe it will be impossible to help.

But that are my thoughts about the game in all.

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Re: Problems and my rebalance solution.
« Reply #23 on: October 15, 2010, 06:35:32 PM »
Normally I stay out of balance topics cause i think when the game gets some of the planed updates like Building management and town wards there would have to be a total redue of the balance anyway.  As ive made quit a few girls and plan to make even more i gotta say i don't even try to balance them i want the girls i make to be awesome cause i made them and i enjoy using my girls ive made.  It's also very easy for someone who wants balance on them to edit them there self.  Now if the mod community got together and reached an agreement on girl making i would follow that for what i upload to the site cause then i can easily make them better for my own game.

I guess the point of all of that was wait until some of the planed updates are out they may help with the balance or it may throw it off more either way once there released balance will need to be redone.