
Author Topic: General Discussion  (Read 4022768 times)

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Offline Armegetton

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Re: General Discussion
« Reply #2055 on: March 04, 2014, 05:54:18 PM »
Where did all the writers go to? At this point Girlsmeets/Interaction texts are like 90% of the remaining workload for the @, I've done all I could with the code save a major review. Get working (sound of a whip)!

Well, as for what I've been doing. ... my bed has been very comfortable lately, and my recovery vacation ends on friday. Not that going back to work will change anything. (I can still do writing after work, it's not a big deal, but my responses on the site won't be as often or push updates)

There's a big problem I've encountered; I'm not entirely sure how you're wanting to do the girlsmeets/interactions/etc.

I'll try to explain what I'm talking about.

Right now we have a lot of code blocks for each action ( you probably know this), and inside it's just sorted by two long elif nests. One for 'yes' the other for 'no'. My biggest issue, is I have no clue which traits should be there and which shouldn't. And should we be using multiple tags at a time?

elif "Egocentric" in  chr.traits: (most are single like this)
elif "Optimist" in  chr.traits and "Lolita" in chr.traits: (others are double like this)

Basically, what I'm saying is the work load currently looks infinite to me. Also, I remember reading that we're not even sure if we're going to keep all the traits or not, or change them etc etc etc.

Don't get me wrong, I can certainly get 'into the zone' think a personality (or whatever trait) through and put in some lines, but I'm not confident in what you (the management) is expecting in terms of the @ release.

I tried going through the traits xml file to see what was there but ... aren't there like a hundred traits?! Do we need a line for each trait?

But as for what would really help me (as far as writing is concerned), is having a little more direction. Basically tell me, "I want X many under general, X many under <certain trait>, X many under <certain other trait>" or you could even put it in comments in the code, that would work too. But that way, I'd at least know what traits I can ignore; for the @, at least.

I'll need at least some of this so I can get some idea of what we need. Then I can go through and tell myself "ok, tonight I'll get X traits done for Y action" and work piece by piece. But right now it's just one huge blob of work.

Best case scenario: have someone tell me

elif ct(<trait(s)>):
   $rc("") #want <whatever number> of responses here <----

That way I can start going through filling it out.


Issue #2

Also, how are you wanting the logic under the insult actions to be done? Wouldn't getting insulted piss off most women? This seems like something other than the 'writing' department.

And issue 1 applies to this as well. What's the bare minimum traits/number of responses desired for the @?


possibly issue #3?

Right now, if we have every single trait in the elif nest. Will the general responses even be used? What if a girl has multiple traits? Should the code be able to select a response from any trait or multiple responses? Because right now it only chooses the first one, right?

This seems more like a design issue, more than a writing issue. But it affects the writing portion, or at least, it may cause problems in the future.

The most important issue is #1. If that one is addressed, I can at least work while the others get sorted out.

Any responses are appreciated.

p.s. I have no idea what any of the other writers are doing, since I rarely see them communicate via this forum. Also, I work alone, so hopefully I won't do something someone else is working on. If there are any issues like this, please let me know.

This could be the end ...

Offline Xela

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Re: General Discussion
« Reply #2056 on: March 04, 2014, 06:37:34 PM »
We've answered most of these issues already:

- We do not cover all traits for each response obviously.
- We cover them in the following order: Generic > Occupation > Stats > Traits (Traits that make sense).
- Do we really want insults for @? There could be a couple of jokes thrown in there but they do not sound very important.

You can add menus as well, to add more options. Basically, some of the lines, especially in the interactions are really bad so those can be improved and more options to the interactions can be added easily. Girlsmeets are in a much better shape, I agree. Not really sure about what else can be added there.

I'll take a look at both tomorrow (and getting late and I am not feeling to chipper either), maybe write some code and comments for placeholders for text, that might actually work (I think Daisy in OW did something like that).

Another thing:
- Events
- NPCs
- Other texts in the game/stuff on TODO list

If anyone gets bored writing generics for the gm/interactions, consider doing a couple of those. For example, I want to have a Leprechaun called Peevish McSpud who's very rude, insulting and lives in the small house near the witch. He'd teach earth/water magic, raise Magic for Gold and maybe offer some quests. Writing lines for something like that or coming up with own NPCs might make a decent break. I just need the writing in Ren'Py format (+ menu choices for player responses) and Sprites for NPC if writer doesn't know how to put those in himself.

Ideas here might be infinite and there aren't many rules to follow.

In the end, we need more content of all kinds, game feels kinda empty at the moment with too few events, locations and NPCs.

I'll do a small push, basically just added some minor logic where MC not placed in any brothel (basically living on Streets) will loose health slowly, slaves in the same situation will loose heath as well (slightly faster rate), Free girls will live in the place of their own but still expect to be paid since you've hired them (might learn some skills + get small amount of experience) and everyone will benefit from living in a building (in our case, only buildings in the game right now are brothels).

- Brothels are a lot more expensive
- Location matters during the Next Day
- Notify during traits has been disabled (faster loading time and we already know that trait blocks work anyway)
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Offline DarkTl

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Re: General Discussion
« Reply #2057 on: March 05, 2014, 12:45:04 AM »
Put something in about her being a clone, a sister, add an event to trigger if player enters with QB girl on his team into slavemarket?
Actually, a clone will be a good easter egg, if you haven't abandoned the idea of ​​cloning.

Offline Xela

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Re: General Discussion
« Reply #2058 on: March 05, 2014, 04:47:27 AM »
Actually, a clone will be a good easter egg, if you haven't abandoned the idea of ​​cloning.

Well, there is no point in having her tell that to everyone unless part of some event... So we keep it as it is, maybe we'll write some minor event on entry to SM with QB mistress on the team.
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Offline DarkTl

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Re: General Discussion
« Reply #2059 on: March 05, 2014, 04:51:12 AM »
I could make Irma (that's the character name) a slave. And after MC will see her among other slaves, there will be a new line in the dialogue with Blue or something.

Offline Xela

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Re: General Discussion
« Reply #2060 on: March 05, 2014, 05:12:10 AM »
I could make Irma (that's the character name) a slave. And after MC will see her among other slaves, there will be a new line in the dialogue with Blue or something.

Yeap, that would work as well.
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Offline GonDra

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Re: General Discussion
« Reply #2061 on: March 05, 2014, 08:46:28 AM »
I wanted to check out the progress you guys made yesterday, only to find out that I get errors over errors, so I stopped yesterday.

The most recent revision I get is 172, and produces the following error when run in the most recent version of Ren'Py trying to start a game:
Code: [Select]
While running game code:
  File "game/script.rpy", line 85, in script
  File "game/script.rpy", line 160, in python
  File "game/library/classes - tags.rpy", line 32, in python
TypeError: list indices must be integers, not unicode

I will try taking a look at the interactions anyway later today but I need to finish some other stuff before I have time for that today.
On a sidenote I found it a bit annoying to get the game to start as I had to figure out the folder structure for the chars and rchars with the error messages, maybe keeping default folders in the repository would make it a tad easier to start people off with the project.

Offline DarkTl

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Re: General Discussion
« Reply #2062 on: March 05, 2014, 10:51:00 AM »
You should update your renpy to prerelease version for a start to have much less errors  :D

Offline Xela

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Re: General Discussion
« Reply #2063 on: March 05, 2014, 02:06:08 PM »
I wanted to check out the progress you guys made yesterday, only to find out that I get errors over errors, so I stopped yesterday.

The most recent revision I get is 172, and produces the following error when run in the most recent version of Ren'Py trying to start a game:
Code: [Select]
While running game code:
  File "game/script.rpy", line 85, in script
  File "game/script.rpy", line 160, in python
  File "game/library/classes - tags.rpy", line 32, in python
TypeError: list indices must be integers, not unicode

I will try taking a look at the interactions anyway later today but I need to finish some other stuff before I have time for that today.
On a sidenote I found it a bit annoying to get the game to start as I had to figure out the folder structure for the chars and rchars with the error messages, maybe keeping default folders in the repository would make it a tad easier to start people off with the project.

Odd error, you may have put the girls directly in char/rchar folders. I am not 100% sure how to add folders to the mercurial depo and then exclude everything inside them, I just know how to exclude a folder from it completely but following a structure of:


isn't a difficult instruction to follow.

Making it even easier for the dev team might be very time consuming... Once you get folder structure right, make sure that you have Persona and Naruto packs and at least one random girl. If you cannot find those for some reason, PM me, Dark or CW.

You should update your renpy to prerelease version for a start to have much less errors  :D

No longer required, 6.17.x is official now.

I had another messed up day today, so unless I can shake it off in an hour or two, there isn't going to be an update tonight.
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Offline DarkTl

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Re: General Discussion
« Reply #2064 on: March 05, 2014, 02:35:39 PM »
I am not 100% sure how to add folders to the mercurial depo and then exclude everything inside them
Repositories usually don't allow empty folders at all. Although, you can use empty files as placeholders.

Offline GonDra

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Re: General Discussion
« Reply #2065 on: March 05, 2014, 06:17:35 PM »
Odd error, you may have put the girls directly in char/rchar folders. I am not 100% sure how to add folders to the mercurial depo and then exclude everything inside them, I just know how to exclude a folder from it completely but following a structure of:


Making it even easier for the dev team might be very time consuming... Once you get folder structure right, make sure that you have Persona and Naruto packs and at least one random girl. If you cannot find those for some reason, PM me, Dark or CW.

Maybe add that to the repository post so that it is easy to find.

Got it running now after recloning the entire thing, but I am running too low on free time to start looking into it.

Might I suggest that future girlspacks include .xml's and .json's in their folder structure? Also unless I am overlooking something there is no indication what under folder specific rgirls are supposed to go.

Offline Armegetton

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Re: General Discussion
« Reply #2066 on: March 05, 2014, 07:38:42 PM »
Maybe add that to the repository post so that it is easy to find.

Got it running now after recloning the entire thing, but I am running too low on free time to start looking into it.

Might I suggest that future girlspacks include .xml's and .json's in their folder structure? Also unless I am overlooking something there is no indication what under folder specific rgirls are supposed to go.

No, you're probably right, you'd have to dig through this site for a while to find the answer. It's likely buried by now.

I'm actually not entirely sure what is supposed to be where, but I can explain what I have. (and it works ... so...)

All girls are split into two categories unique and random
the uniques go under

randoms go under

after that, I have mine split into folders based on origin (i.e. naruto, one piece, etc)
in the naruto folder I have 2 files and then a folder for each girl
the two files are a data.xml and tags.json

And there seems to be these two files under every origin folder.

There's also a folder for each girl under the origin folder.

i.e. sakura
this folder has all her pics. Normally, there would also be a tags.json file in this folder as well, but it seems the one in the outer naruto folder has sakura, hinata, and tenten in it.

The random girls folders are done similarly, but the data files are also .json and they all seem to be in the outer folder. (same as the uniques)

All that said, I actually didn't do any of that file sorting myself. I just downloaded the packs. (see attached file, I believe this one may be the most recent, could be wrong)

And when you 'unzip' them (though they're all 7z files) you keep the file hierarchy and drop them into the folders as I explained above.

Each download is an entire major origin folder, so you won't have to worry about missing those outer data.xml and tags.json files. And you'll get all the girls for naruto when you download the naruto pack, etc etc.

I'm sure this can definitely be done a better way, but currently, this is the setup. (besides, the alpha is still in development, so it's mainly only people working on it who even touch it) As game progresses, there will probably be a solution to this.

If anything, we could probably get Dark or who ever is mainly responsible for updating core graphics to have this file or a readme file tell people where to get more girl packs.

Clear as mud?

This could be the end ...

Offline Xela

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Re: General Discussion
« Reply #2067 on: March 06, 2014, 06:12:16 AM »
MEGA Claim of Alleged Infringement / Takedown

And so it begins...

- We forgot to add gifts during girlsmeets to the list. I am going to take a look into that, rest of gm and interactions today to get rid of choices we aren't going to use got the @.
« Last Edit: March 06, 2014, 06:21:10 AM by Xela »
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Offline DarkTl

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Re: General Discussion
« Reply #2068 on: March 06, 2014, 09:01:05 AM »
MEGA Claim of Alleged Infringement / Takedown
You mean your account or someone's else? Guess it's about time to use password protected archives with meaningless names.

Offline Xela

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Re: General Discussion
« Reply #2069 on: March 06, 2014, 09:37:04 AM »
You mean your account or someone's else? Guess it's about time to use password protected archives with meaningless names.

Mine, I am still hosting packs for original WM, it never said which one.
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