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Offline Xela

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Re: General Discussion
« Reply #3675 on: September 23, 2014, 02:36:00 PM »
Currently I’m sitting on the side lines of PyTFall, doing some one-liners for jobs and events (text and descriptions)for crazy’s mod. I’m basically waiting for you guys to clarify some stuff in here: like traits, girls meets and locations. I have a general idea for a short story for meeting  TenTen (if you want I will try to make a story graph and post it here, gimme 24h) but without the mechanics mentioned above my moves are limited. I also remember that couple months ago, while talking with Xela, he  was thinking about Nami and Hinata to be the main heroines. So I don’t know if other girls should have short, independent story lines or should they branch from the main girls lines. If you want some wild pitches of potential stories for some girls just let me know.

? Define "clarify" please. Those things are pretty straight forward.

I am not sure what you mean by "main heroines". I don't remember what I've said and when but it was prolly along the lines of: "If I was to make proper character storylines, those would be for Nami and Hinata".

Really? I know like nothing, I'm not even sure if you decided to have a main story or not  :) Where I can find that?

I mean the stuff for MC and related NPCs, general storyline and atmosphere. Nothing much related to recruitable girls.
I thought that discussion about things like that and content in general were planned sometime after current work on things like ST is done?

"Main story" has a very broad meaning. We could have several stories with multiple endings at some point... Any story line for any of the girls can be "main story" if it's long, interesting and engaging enough.

There is no rule that said that we got to finish any module to introduce a story line.

Some stuff that we've discussed:

*Slaves can't be warriors/participate in combat to numerous slave uprisings that took many lives.
*MC's father was one of those guys who made a killing at some point in his life and spent the rest of it enjoying himself and trying to run poorly managed enterprises. He disappears one day, MC finds out that most of the money is gone and he gotta get of his butt and do a bit or work/business. Here we can have multiple choices for starting building/stats/cash.
*PyTFall is (presently) a city-state with it's own defense force, nearby empire. It's a trade hub/it's rich/there are three major living quarters (Fleebottom (ghetto, ran by criminals, taxes are often not paid and tribute is paid instead, city collects taxes off crime bosses/boss), Main City and GoldenHill (privileged)).
*During the last slave uprising, empire (back then in control of the city) used powerful magical weapons to bombard slave/barbarian encampments laying siege to the city (FG areas were created by loot/monsters/people being pulled from other dimensions as a result). I think I've posted FG explanation several times.
*Girls personalities are loosely based on the shows/games they are from, any NPCs that come with them = same. We do not specify exactly how that works (as it is not required).
*City citizens/anyone protected by embassies present in the cities or simply reputation/position cannot be enslaved. Slaves can be granted freedom. In order to enslave, you need a permit for every slave.
*More prolly, we discussed quite a bit over the last (almost) two years in PMs and in the open.

We will adapt, change stuff, advance these concepts and so on. Everyone bound to have some ideas...

Klaus wrote some stuff but nothing is set in stone (*Part of this stuff carries too much unneeded info, not sure that this is a good approach):

I’m sending you the first part what I wrote today. If you like what you see I will go for the second part. In general I see it like this: after creating  MC you pick your background story. The text would varied a little for professions. Here’s the skeletal build of the background:
-- Lost Fortune (from rich to poor)–
1. Father – assassin for one of the families
2. Father – a legend of the arena
3. Father – trader. Made a lot from trading breath mints (who would guess!).
4. Father – slacker like you. You where parasitizing on your granddads fortune.
--From Zero (poor from start)--
5. Father – a poor shop owner.
6. Father – strict soldier. Went missing after the war/escorting a caravan.
7. Father – none. You are an orphan, spend most of your life working random physical jobs at your uncles place.
8. Father – servant. “Never to bow again”, hate the idea of slavery. 
9. Father – beggar. Ghetto.
PytFall the city where royalty, nobility, connections and power meets common people, poverty, slavery and  desperation. They rub of each other inside the city walls, in one opinion creating an interesting cultural mix, as other may say an explosive mixture.  The thing that really tells who you are and where do you belong is MONEY. With it you are the beloved by everyone, surrounded by friends and people that will do as you wish. Without it you are just another commoner, treated like air or a servant by the high society. The person that decides of fate of every citizen is the tax collector, that visits everybody once a week. He can delay your payment by a week or two but beware of falling in debt, he will be merciless if you will try to screw him. 
As for me… (back-story pick)
My name is [PLAYER].
-- Lost Fortune –
1. Father – assassin for one of the families

For all what I know or should I say my father told me I should knew. He got the money that he liked to call it “his retirement found” for he’s loyal services provided to “The Family” in the city of PytSummer. Without asking any questions we settled in PytFall. We bought a mansion and couple of servants. The days past by, having a leisure live. But father got bored with the high society life style pretty quick. At some parties he starter fights with others nobilities, he often went to the arena to place bets and sometimes vanishes for days in brothels. But that didn’t bother me. I was having the best time in my life. [WARRIOR/CASANOVA]. After returning home early on the Monday morning, after night of partying I went straight to bed in my clothes. In the afternoon I was waked up by our house maid that the tax collector was here. It surprised me because father always took care of paying the taxes himself. I asked the maid where is my father but she responded that he didn’t came home yet. I got up, greeted the collector and lead him to my father’s study. I opened the safe in the study’s wall, just to find out that it’s empty. As for the tax collector he took the mansion, servants and all belongings as payment leaving me on the street in my yesterday clothes. 
WAR: Spending most of the day hanging out with other high society kids focused on swinging their swords. Going to the arena to watch fights and bet who will win the next fight. Visiting the black smith and looking for exotic weapons and armors. Going to the beach to get our endurance up by swimming in the ocean or just to show off and chill in the beach bar.
CAS: Spending most of the day with my pack, flirting with daughters of other high society families or roaming the streets looking for some fun. In the evening it’s clubs for people of my status, on weekends I usually was at a party thrown by a nobility.
2. Father – a legend of the arena

Son of The Champion. To be clear, not some second rated fighter that call himself a champ but son of the most noticeable man in the land. I [PLAYER] am the son of the undefeated, legend, the god walking among men, The Arena Champion Tito. My father in his premium fighter years earned a small fortune. Having money and fame he settled in PytFall. Bought a mansion that we lived a peaceful live. After his retirement from sands of the arena he opened a fighting school. As for me [WARRIOR/CASANOVA]. We lived this way for years when our financial problems started to show. Fathers school was taking more money than the fighters could earn in fights. So he announced his big comeback. He invested our last money in the upcoming event, also took some loans. On the day of the event the most unpredicted thing happened. My father went missing. The fight was called off and I was left with my father’s  bills and debts. The next day the tax collector came to claim the debts. I didn’t have enough money to pay it all off so he confiscated the mansion and kicked me out on the street.
 WAR: from earliest years I tried to fallow in my father’s footstep. As a baby I tried to pick my father’s shield that was to heavy for me back thane and imitate his movement while he was training. I had natural talent for fighting as the champions son and started to swing a sword early in life. In my late teenage years I started to train seriously for my Arena debut fight that would occur after I turn adult. Father approved of it and was proud of the way I choose in life.   
CAS: from earliest years I wasn’t interested in fighting. When I was a kid and father was taking me to the arena to watch his fights my attention was distracted by bouncing breasts of screaming girls cheering for him. As a teenager and almost adult I used my strongly build body and my father fame to win over girls, that was the thing that my father was useful for me that time.
3. Father – trader. Made a lot from trading breath mints (who would guess!).

I have a really easy and enjoyable life as a merchants son. My father is one of the richest and influent people in the city of PytFall. He got to this status by trading breath mints. Who would knew there was so much gold in breath mints, right? As for me I was never interested in father businesses and trading. From our barely conversations that usually focus on his work, I only remember that he sometimes mentions his business partner name - Stan and that the business now is good. As for my daily routine. [WARRIOR/CASANOVA]. It all stopped when my father gone missing. Couple months ago, he took his caravan and went to make this big trade. At first it didn’t bother me a bit, it was just so typical for him to be gone for such long time. Months passed by when I was busy with my things till that feral Monday. As it occurred he took the breath mints for his last business trade on credit. Now the tax collector came to collect the debt with interests. I have lost everything. My home, servants and life style all gone! Who would thought that breath mint trade can be so expensive…   
WAR: I get up early, before sunrise and go to the park to run. After that I usually eat breakfast with father if he is at home. In the afternoon I have my practice fights in the arena training grounds, where I usually eat lunch and stay to dawn watching fights. After coming home is going straight to bed for me.
CAS: I get up around lunch time. The house is empty like always. I eat, bath and prepare for the next wild night in my life. As for the wild night thing. I have some friends that we hang out with partying, drinking and looking for some fucking. My day ends in what the commoners calls “morning” when I’m coming back home. At that time I usually bump with my father that is heading out to town or an another business trip. We argue and both go our way.
4. Father – slacker like you. You where parasitizing on your granddads fortune.

I’m part of a rich family in PytFall. Born in this privilege state I never had to do anything myself. In our enormous mansion, always being surrounded by servants that did everything for us. It applies likewise for day and night services. We spend our days in city doing the things that we fell like. Be it visiting arena, taking a stroll in the park or selecting our new toys in the market. I mostly spend my time [WARRIOR/CASANOVA]. It all was really good for me till the judgment day. Waking up on a Monday afternoon to my favorite slave girl blowjob, I barely remembered the things that happened last night at the party. After satisfying me with her tongue skills I felt like having lunch in the garden. I put on my robe and walk down stairs, where in the great main hall the tax collector was waiting for me. He politely bowed and remind me that my father was behind with payments for last month and today was the deadline. I yawn lazily and led him towards the treasure room. It was empty! Not a single coin left! My father also was missing. Not being able to pay the debt the mansion and all belongings was confiscated.     
WAR: with my private fencing instructor. She is really good not only with the sword if you get my flow. After the hard practice it is bathing time and heading out to town with my friends. We mainly cause trouble in clubs and pick up girls.
CAS: accompanied by ladies. If not I’m probably with my buddy in a club watching some strippers and selecting my companion for tonight. I like them young and never go for the same slut twice. I’m not bragging. I fucked so many that I lost count a long time ago. But I’m pretty sure that there were more lips on my dick then on my lips if you know what I mean.
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Offline Xela

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Re: General Discussion
« Reply #3676 on: September 23, 2014, 02:36:10 PM »

Enriched history of PytFall. I tried to implement all the things you wanted. Hope You like it. (btw. i'm not a native english language user so there might be some grammar errors).

    The day that the empire acknowledge PytFall as part of it had been knew as year 0 in the city history. For next couple of years the town of PytFall served the empire as front-end trading hub with surrounding barbarian encampments and smaller settlements but also as a minor source of exotic slaves. In year 22 the emperors 3rd army came and raised they main camp in the city vicinity. They use this camp as a foothold to raid, pillage and annex the so called barbaric lands to the empire. At that time city of PytFall grew with inflow of people from heart of the empire. Starting from the soldiers families, adventures, treasure hunters, slave traders but also merchants wanting to ensured citizens needs would be taken care of by selling them goods they were used to have in previous homes.

     The campaign ended 12 years later, in spring of year 34 after the last mayor barbaric settlement had fallen. Army retreated 4 months later leaving a small garrison in PytFall. Also some soldiers have left they service and settled in the city with their families. The city was growing steadily, with numbers of citizens. The majoring good that had been exported was slaves and exotics on the other hand the sudden growth forced to constant import of food.

   In the early spring of year 35, a slave rebellion have occurred. Vast in numbers, knowing that the imperial army was far away the slaves took they chance against their suppressors. Outnumbered, the military focused mainly on providing security to the citizens. Over  80% of the rebelled slaves had escaped into the wild land. The rest got caught or pacified as they tried to resist. In result of this event reign over the city fell in the military hands. Garrison had been doubled before autumn, food and water had been rationed to the citizens. Besides that, there were strict controls upon entering and leaving the city.

    Two years later, at the end of summer there was another uprising. This time the citizens and slaves stud up against the military regime. Fighting took only two weeks and ended with assassination of the militia leader, rest of the soldiers were scattered. PytFall announced it independence as a city-state and left the empire.

    However the Emperor had his plans for PytFall,. Early in the summer of year 41 the city was under siege by the 3rd and 4th imperial army leaded by the emperors 2nd son. Given the ultimatum “surrender or die”, the city gates opened the next day. Current leaders were executed and the citizens were putted under martial law. Strict rules such as forbidding gatherings of more than six people and police hour after the sunset. PytFall was once again part of the empire.

    Under the new, strong rule, daily live in PytFall started to stabilized. Trade routes were established once again, but only for the chosen few merchant approved by the empire. The mayor change around the city was growing numbers of farms and fields providing food to the city. Being self-sufficient, import of food was no longer needed. Unfortunately the lack of slaves that could work on the fields and no barbarian settlements in near vicinity, forced to import slaves from other territories.

   The next noticeable date in the city history is year 48 when the martial law had ended and the 4th army had withdraw. The city was divided in zones and build of the Grate Palace had started, in so called Golden Zone, reserved for nobility and people of influence. With this project, it was clear for all of the empire that PytFall will be one of the mayor cities in the future. Craftsmen and architects started to flow in to the city. New buildings in different styles, started to pop up all over the city. With growing numbers of people, the ruler implemented a new law. Volunteers and slaves where to be trained by the military into a town militia. The pay wasn’t very good so most of the force were selected slaves, but the officer post was filled only with free people. As to approve loyalty of the slaves, there were promised to be set free after ten years of service. Also this year the Imperial Tax Collector Office had been opened for business. This was the golden time for the city and its people. As for everybody had something to eat, a work place, a roof over their heads and a bed to sleep in at night.
    But the golden age didn’t last long. In year 54, the emperors 2nd son had been assassinated is his manor in PytFall. Reign over the city was given to the emperors youngest son. Young, inexperienced, spoiled, lustful and quick-tempered character. His lifestyle and behavior was in total opposition to the previous ruler. Being used to live only in the Capitals Palace, surrounded by luxury and meek slaves, he impersonate himself as a walking god that every desire should be fulfilled immediately and without questioning. He was weak and indecisive ruler, announcing a law just to revoke it a month later or signing build permits for the same lot too two or three people. This state of affair gave a steady foothold in PytFall to organized groups, leaded by man that like to call themselves Crime Lords. At that time they mainly were a mercenary force that helped for a fee, but also did kidnapping, treated people, host illegal fights and brothels. His poorly maintaining also affected the town militia. At first he cut the militia founds and extended the ten years of servitude for freedom to twenty. This was the first step to his downfall. The second, was his attitude towards slaves and generally citizens. Several times he beat his slaves to death for minor mistakes. For example he ordered to execute a slave girl for not changing flowers in his room in the evening for fresh, or torturing some poor souls to death for making direct eye contact. Next one, that made the city into a powder keg, was his action when taking a stroll thru the city streets. In the bowing crowd he noticed a girl of his liking. She politely tried to rejected his offer of sucking him off even when he generously offered her a gold coin. Losing temper , he ordered his bodyguards to held her down and raped the poor girl in some dark alley. She happened to be the daughter of the richest merchant not only in PytFall, but in the empire. The last drop was totally removing point in the law, granting freedom for slaves serving in the militia, he argued his decision with this words: ”Slaves should be slaves, they don’t have the privilege of being free”.

    In winter of year 63 the most bloodiest revolt engulfed the city. Well trained and equipped slaves raised their blades against the governor. For years they have been training in secret by the fellow slave brothers serving in the militia for this day. Also being financed by one rich figure outside the city walls and assisted by the Crime Lords helped a lot with bribing guards, city officials and smuggling weapons into the city. But this time not all the slaves rebelled. Those who was working in manors of wealthy merchants and nobles, helping in stores and workshops stood to protect the current state. Skirmishes torn the city apart for next two years. In the end the rebels won. Symbol of their triumph was the head of the emperors youngest son impaled on side of main road leading towards the empire capital. Afterwards the internal struggle for power between the Crime Lords weakened the rebels.

    At beginning of year 69 the Emperor himself leaded his army on PytFall. City was the first stop of the emperors military campaign of acquiring new territories. The assault lasting three days ended in success. Not showing mercy all the rebels where cut down. People that was proofed guilty of helping in the uprising also was sentenced to death. But the Emperor also showed his good side. He granted freedom to slaves that stood against the rebels and those who helped the nobles in escaping the city. New rules where established. The most important was that slaves couldn’t never wield weapons and that the town militia, from now on would only be formed by free people. Week after conquering, the army marched on deeper into the wild lands.

   Another calm era started for PytFall. City wasn’t rebuild to its previous state. Imperial architects put some changes in the previous projected. They added a large park and a fighting arena in the commoners district. The new project divided the city in three areas. The central one was the largest. It was the place around the old Grand Palace, where they planned to raise mansions and manors for the nobles and wealthy people. Also the Grand Palace was going to be renovated and expanded. The second largest area was the “commoner ring”. Where they plan to settle common people, shop owners, craftsmen and freed slaves. As well it would have the most stores and workshops in the city. The third and last was the slums. Place for beggars and homeless people. A true necessity in a large imperial town if you want to control the number of this people and prevent plagues.
   The last dates worth mentioning in the city history is the death of the Emperor in winter of year 87, and finishing the expansion of the palace in year 96 that was rename into Central Palace.

    Currently PytFall is the mayor trading city in the empire. Being something like a floodgate, all trading caravans coming from towns that where conquered by the previous Emperor  have to go thru here when heading towards the heart of the empire. The city itself is full of life. Royalty, nobility, connections and power meets common people, poverty, slavery and  desperation. They rub of each other inside the city walls, in one opinion creating an interesting cultural mix, as other may say an explosive mixture. It is the place to be!

I came with another opening for the game. It’s not  a story, just a short prolog into to the city of PyTFall.
Code: [Select]
Welcome to PyTFall!
Being a city on the outskirts of the empire, where most of the mayor trade routes go thru, made the city into a lively trading hub.
But for a lost soul this place is equally dangerous and deadly, without big difference on which side of the city walls it will be.
From the outside, surrounded by untamed wild lands full of beasts, bandits and undiscovered treasures, just waiting to be explored and seized.
However, the city itself from first sight appears to be prospering well, being full of richest and exotics.
Housing various races and people of different status, creating a cultural melting pot.
Tempting travelers with it carnal pleasures, easy coin for mercenaries and magic wielders.
But after a closer look, beyond palaces, mansions, merchant stalls, shops, bars and other entertainments you will notice that this picture is just a facade for only a few to enjoy.
The real city life goes in the shadows. Exploiting people of the slums, likewise slavery, trickeries, betrayals and bribes are the bloodstream of the city, being its foundation.

So how will your story end in the city of endless opportunities?
Will you end rich or with a blade in your back?

Once again; welcome in PyTFall!

Main heroines, huh?

To clear one thing.

Yeap, those would be my own choices for to script proper storylines. I never suggested them to be central to the gameplay.
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Offline Xela

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Re: General Discussion
« Reply #3677 on: September 23, 2014, 02:39:20 PM »
**I've had to split the topic in two due to a 20000 characters max error.

We'll get there in time, just don't stall any content you want to put into the game "because there is no main story". There may not be one for a while as we slowly build on content/quests/events/modules and codebase. Just write the events/quests you that you want.
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Re: General Discussion
« Reply #3678 on: September 23, 2014, 03:49:06 PM »
? Define "clarify" please. Those things are pretty straight forward.

 The girls meet was being remake – adding and deleting stuff from there will affect the possible actions. There was talk about bringing in dating system – another modification for potential quest lines(girl could make the MC to invite her for a date or the MC have to invite her to progress the story). The Exploration Guild – another piece to the puzzle. Having locations to raid, a Girl could ask to bring her, let’s say 50 purple berries from the woods = MC sends team to the forest, they bring the stuff. Or a fighting type girl would ask the MC for support in exploring some cave that she found (bonus new exploration terrain for the future added). Talk about adding ghetto and city guards. Another variation that could spice up the quest lines. There was also talk about new towns = hello escort missions and high jacking! Someone was making the slave training system for the game, another viable that could be used in a quest line. From the realtor, MC personal home = catching a thief girl – with potential options of talking with her, handling her over to the guard, send her to the dungeon for torturing or if the MC is slow and clumsy she would get away with the loot.
And for the text that I referred earlier was the long history of PyTFall but I’m glad that you posted the potential background stories for the MC (if them would be implemented, them also should somehow affect the stories).

Offline Xela

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Re: General Discussion
« Reply #3679 on: September 23, 2014, 04:12:58 PM »
The girls meet was being remake – adding and deleting stuff from there will affect the possible actions. There was talk about bringing in dating system – another modification for potential quest lines(girl could make the MC to invite her for a date or the MC have to invite her to progress the story). The Exploration Guild – another piece to the puzzle. Having locations to raid, a Girl could ask to bring her, let’s say 50 purple berries from the woods = MC sends team to the forest, they bring the stuff. Or a fighting type girl would ask the MC for support in exploring some cave that she found (bonus new exploration terrain for the future added). Talk about adding ghetto and city guards. Another variation that could spice up the quest lines. There was also talk about new towns = hello escort missions and high jacking! Someone was making the slave training system for the game, another viable that could be used in a quest line. From the realtor, MC personal home = catching a thief girl – with potential options of talking with her, handling her over to the guard, send her to the dungeon for torturing or if the MC is slow and clumsy she would get away with the loot.
And for the text that I referred earlier was the long history of PyTFall but I’m glad that you posted the potential background stories for the MC (if them would be implemented, them also should somehow affect the stories).

I don't understand why you require knowing all of these things to do create new content. Noone really knows how all of that turns out in the end, we don't event know what brothels will look/function like in an year or two. It's the same issue as CW had. If you guys can't get passed that, we'll never have any new content from either of you :(

Creating events/quests has been made as easy as it can possible be, there isn't much else left we can do as programmers at this point, now you guys need to learn a bit of Ren'Py and create some kickass content :) Me and Thewlis can answer any questions + there is always lemmasoft (Ren'Py) forums + documentation.

*I am working on adding some new graphics by gismo to the game atm, girlsmeets are looking good :)
« Last Edit: September 23, 2014, 04:19:58 PM by Xela »
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Offline Xela

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Re: General Discussion
« Reply #3680 on: September 23, 2014, 05:18:31 PM »
Falling asleep here...

GM Graphics updated (not properly tested yet).

« Last Edit: September 23, 2014, 05:21:02 PM by Xela »
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Offline CherryWood

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Re: General Discussion
« Reply #3681 on: September 23, 2014, 05:44:42 PM »
I don't understand why you require knowing all of these things to do create new content. Noone really knows how all of that turns out in the end, we don't event know what brothels will look/function like in an year or two. It's the same issue as CW had. If you guys can't get passed that, we'll never have any new content from either of you :(
I can't so that why I said that I wait (and participate in discussions about it) until it gets more clear (systemwise for quests or storywise for dialogues) at the beginning of this talk.

bout' that history... Isn't it lacking the Ethera bombardment, rifts, monsters, all the good stuff?  :)
also... selecting a father's history means that "who the heck was really my father" kind of story is out of the question?
« Last Edit: September 23, 2014, 05:54:27 PM by CherryWood »

Offline Xela

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Re: General Discussion
« Reply #3682 on: September 24, 2014, 12:07:16 AM »
bout' that history... Isn't it lacking the Ethera bombardment, rifts, monsters, all the good stuff?  :)
also... selecting a father's history means that "who the heck was really my father" kind of story is out of the question?

It does... it also sounds like a history lesson more than an introduction into the game. We should have find out what happend to the father quest (s).  We might need to adjust the intro accordingly.
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Offline DarkTl

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Re: General Discussion
« Reply #3683 on: September 24, 2014, 03:08:41 AM »
From the realtor, MC personal home = catching a thief girl – with potential options of talking with her, handling her over to the guard, send her to the dungeon for torturing or if the MC is slow and clumsy she would get away with the loot.
Cool idea btw.

However, it's possible to create content even with existing systems. It won't be as good and complex as it could be with all those systems, but it doesn't make it useless.

I can't so that why I said that I wait (and participate in discussions about it) until it gets more clear (systemwise for quests or storywise for dialogues) at the beginning of this talk.
I agree that we don't have enough ideas to make city concept 100% clear (though it doesn't prevent us from making content like girls, items, mobs, explorations, etc).

Personally I'd say we lack ambience. The city is neither dark and gothic nor light and cheerful, it just is.

Creating events/quests has been made as easy as it can possible be, there isn't much else left we can do as programmers at this point
You can make as complex as possible at this point events, unique girlsmeets and quests with detailed comments.

*Girls personalities are loosely based on the shows/games they are from, any NPCs that come with them = same. We do not specify exactly how that works (as it is not required).
We shouldn't enforce common origin here, it depends on what pack makers will write in girls descriptions. Even in wm there were both twins and characters that came from other worlds. Though a quick reference about guests from other worlds won't hurt.
« Last Edit: September 24, 2014, 03:10:33 AM by DarkTl »

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Re: General Discussion
« Reply #3684 on: September 24, 2014, 11:20:07 AM »
I have a general idea for a short story for meeting  TenTen (if you want I will try to make a story graph and post it here, gimme 24h) but without the mechanics mentioned above my moves are limited
Btw, as a writer, you could provide us stories for meetings and maybe small, simple personal quests for all existing unique characters. That's something I'm bad at.

Offline livingforever

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Re: General Discussion
« Reply #3685 on: September 24, 2014, 11:26:29 AM »
Hey everyone!
Just my usual two cents here...

GM Graphics updated (not properly tested yet).
I don't like the font. A serif print letter typeface isn't suitable for navigation and doesn't really fit into the game either.

It does... it also sounds like a history lesson more than an introduction into the game. We should have find out what happend to the father quest (s).  We might need to adjust the intro accordingly.
Agreed. I'm all for a story and stuff, but - as a game designer - I can safely say that especially the intro shouldn't be loaded with historical things. Throw the player right into the action and make history lessons optional (for example by having a library in the city or something similar). In other words: Let the player decide how much he/she wants to know.

I can't so that why I said that I wait (and participate in discussions about it) until it gets more clear (systemwise for quests or storywise for dialogues) at the beginning of this talk.
I think there is a conflict here (I'm glad Xela can't see my I-told-you-so-smirk right now  ;D ).
CherryWood, you want to know how the system is supposed to work in the final version so you know how to design the content in order to avoid as many technical adjustments as possible.
Xela, you don't want to finalize the concepts until you know how the content (that the concept is being made for) looks.

Both are valid opinions, but it's a stalemate.
My suggestion: Approach the problem in small steps.
  • CW, outline a story and make a list of features that you definitely need and would like to have. Try to be as detailed as possible (e.g. describe how a quest should be acquired, how it is progressed and how it is resolved).
  • Xela, pick up CW's ideas and requirements and expand the concept - it doesn't need to be implemented right away, he just needs to know what will work in the future (and what is impossible or too time consuming to implement).
  • Add details to stories and quests and - again - communicate what needs to be adjusted. Add the adjustments to the concept. Repeat this step as long as it's necessary.
At that point, CW can freely create content and Xela can implement the (now more or less complete) concept without needing to worry about future changes.
Planning ahead is an important part of collaborative development.
Have fun!

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Re: General Discussion
« Reply #3686 on: September 24, 2014, 01:24:23 PM »
Btw, as a writer, you could provide us stories for meetings and maybe small, simple personal quests for all existing unique characters. That's something I'm bad at.

 So one meet from the top of my head for Ino. In naruto series her family runs a flower shop and she helps them when not doing ninja stuff. Also she easily gets angry but also could be really sweet.

So general idea of meeting her would be bumping into her on the main street. She fells down, the fancy, expensive bouquet that she was carrying and was blocking her view got ruined and here comes the choice menu for the player: [Apologize and offer to pay / Yell at her / Try avoiding trouble by running away].

The first two choices would lead into response from Ino. The first would be calmer, in the second would be more fierce, she would bring the MC back to earth (being a hothead). The third option would pop up in after some time (after 3 days the event would have a chance to happen) when going to the main street she would catch the MC demanding paying for her loses. And from here, all 3 routes would come into one: inviting her for a date as repaying your wrong doing. There also should be a check in MC stats if she would agree, because Ino only liked good-looking man.

fail: standard girl meet approach, when the MC would come to her asking her out as a token of his apology, till she accept.

Pass: go on first date, that would finish with her letting the MC know, that she wouldn't mind if he invite her sometime later on.
After two more dates she would reveal that she is interested in the outside world and her current life is lacking excitement.

MC: You know what girl? It’s your lucky day! I run a small exploration business and could use some talented fighters.
Ino joins.   
And now please point me the hard places to code and bitch about to much conditioning.
Other girls meet that could be use as starting points for unique ones:
- while walking on the beach, finding an unconscious  girl cast on the shore, a shipwreck girl.
- In town: runaway from the guards (help her or give her away); runaway from home.
- In slums: totally broken girl; MILF in need of quick money for medicine for her sick kid. Getting jumped by a group of robbers, after defeating the bunch, MC spots a cute girl among them (hire her, train into a slave). Girl run into you. After her some dudes. After brief talk, MC gets to know that she have a big debt to pay to the local Crime Lord/Loan Shark.
- In arena:  fan girl (she will approach saying that she loves you - generally a groupie or cheerleader), fighter girl approaching the MC after certain lvl of fame.
- In bar (there is one on the beach): drinking competition, 
- MC apartment: catching thief girl, neighbor (lend me some sugar honey),
- from the Guild: team finds a small tribe full of women – kidnap expedition opportunity.

About the long introduction. I got a list from Xela what he wants to be in the story of PyTFall and I tried to squish all that I could into a logical chain of events. It was June/July when that text got created and at that time, there wasn’t a single mentioning about exploration guild and sending team to the wild. The only thing that was on the list that I didn’t include in detail was “the ever changing landscape around PytFall”, because I didn’t have to much to go about why it would change and how it would change.

About the MC origin/father, it was something that I, PM him with. In response was, that we wait  and see, if it will be of any use in the future. So don’t get hook on any of this, because this stuff is out dated and needs rewriting.
« Last Edit: September 24, 2014, 02:54:17 PM by MrKlaus »

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Re: General Discussion
« Reply #3687 on: September 24, 2014, 02:44:03 PM »
You can make as complex as possible at this point events, unique girlsmeets and quests with detailed comments.

Sadly, it will take a while till I have time to do that. The whole point of using Ren'Py/Making events/quests/girlsmeets easy to mod was that I don't have to do that. There are plenty of examples in the game and in Ren'Py documentation/demo.


I see the other side of the argument here but don't believe there is a real validity to it for reasons I mentioned before.


Cool stuff.

You can just create events/custom girlsmeets in the game doing everything that you can. It's not like you can ruin anything by creating new independant labels. More complex stuff you can leave to me/Thewlis but try to get done as much as you can and feel free to ask questions :)
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Re: General Discussion
« Reply #3688 on: September 24, 2014, 03:46:39 PM »
*Just added the new style we use with girlsmeets dropdown to action buttons tonight as a test. Good night :)

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Offline CherryWood

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Re: General Discussion
« Reply #3689 on: September 24, 2014, 04:15:58 PM »
About the long introduction. I got a list from Xela what he wants to be in the story of PyTFall and I tried to squish all that I could into a logical chain of events. It was June/July when that text got created and at that time, there wasn’t a single mentioning about exploration guild and sending team to the wild. The only thing that was on the list that I didn’t include in detail was “the ever changing landscape around PytFall”, because I didn’t have to much to go about why it would change and how it would change.
The story is about that is older, but I suppose it got buried in the forum somewhere, even I can't find it now.

I think it was something about that when the slaves were almost winning in their revolt, the slavers side got their hand on powerful artifact called Ethera, and use it to call forth a strong magical bombardment that completely wiped out all rebel encampments on the surface. That was the end of the revolt, but usage of such strong magic on large scale caused some shift (damage) in the magic field around the city and rifts (portals) from the other dimensions began to appear, throwing out strange creatures and items into nearby lands. (and forced changes to the society to face them like fighters guild followed)

I liked it because it has a nice bit of tragic in it (cruel destruction of the rebels and suffering of the unprepared townsfolk from the hand of appearing creatures afterwards), and there was the story potential in that the artifact could be still there somewhere, waiting to be used/mistused again and also that the rebels seeking freedom to the slaves could still be present, but now working in hiding waiting for their chance. (we actually talked about it once that the secretly training slaves in combat could be one of the posibillities)
« Last Edit: September 24, 2014, 04:41:10 PM by CherryWood »