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Offline LordShame

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My suggestions (wall of text ahoy!)
« on: October 19, 2009, 12:43:32 AM »
Hello. I've been playing for about a week, and here are some things I've thought of.

It would be nice if you could set rules, per brothel, about what is and isn't allowed to happen in there. Like a list of every type of sex act in the game, like BDSM or lesbian sex or bestiality, and turn them on or off individually. There'd be a price to it, as whenever a customer would want to do something that's forbidden, he (or she) would be turned away and you wouldn't get his money, but on the other hand maybe the girls who don't like that stuff would like working there better and get a little happiness boost. But even if there's no upside to it, I'd just like to be able to set rules so maybe I don't have to force my girls to have sex with animals or whatever.

It'd be cool to be able to set this per brothel, so maybe you could have like a regular house with everything turned on, and a house that has only lesbian sex turned on, and you send all your lesbian girls there, and so on and so forth. Maybe it could end up with the all-in-one, anything-goes places making more money, but the specialized places having higher customer satisfaction and happier employees. Also, it'd make buying several brothels more interesting than just getting more room for more girls.

In addition, it could be a way to further differentiate girls working the brothels and girls working the streets, whereas customers in brothels have to abide by the house rules, but customers in the street don't have to obey anything and can try to get away with stuff.

When a girl dies, all her stuff and money vanishes, which is weird. When a girl dies, maybe you could be given the option of taking her stuff, but that would be an evil act. Except if the girl's a slave then you inherit her inventory by default at no cost to your morality.

It'd be interesting if girls could "buy themselves". Like, if a free girl has enough money to buy her own worth (and the appropriate personality, according maybe to the Spirit or Confidence stats), she could literally make you an offer to buy herself back. You'd be given the choice to accept or refuse, or even ask for more money. If you accept, she leaves, you get the cash and maybe the other girls get a bit happier, and it counts as a good act. If you refuse or ask for more, she stays, keeps her money, loses happiness, and it might count as an evil act.

Of course, if a slave girl somehow has enough money to buy her freedom, you wouldn't get a morality penalty for forcing her to stay (since that'd probably be money she stole from you to begin with). But it'd count as a good act if you let her do it anyway.

On a related note, maybe sometimes a customer could have a good enough time with a girl to want to buy her from you. He could make you an offer, or you could name your price.

Every once in a while you could be approached by a girl who actually wants to work for you. It could be affected by your fame and moral alignment (i.e. famous and nice players would see that more often than unknown and cruel players). It'd be a nice change from how things are now, where pretty much all girls are forced into the job.

I understand there's a lot of work to be done on items, but it would be nice if there was a limit to certain types of consumables. As things are now, there's effectively no difference between a +20 item and two +10 items, and if a girl's completely exhausted, you can just pump her full of cheap relaxers and she's back on her feet instantly with no side effects. There could be a "Medicine" item category, where you can only give a girl one of that type of item every turn. That'd make the expensive, more effective items more valuable. And it'd be a strategic decision too. If a girl is tired and wounded, you would have to decide if you give her some healing or some relaxant, instead of just throwing all the pills you have at her all at once.

And it'd be just that specific type of item that would be limited, so you could still give her all the clothes and jewelry you want.

Kind of related to that, there could be a separate "Food" category, where if you give her too much of it, there's a chance she could acquire a "Plump" trait. Something like "This girl has some meat on her bones, but she's still pretty. (fetish)". And if she already has that trait, it'd get replaced by "Obese", "This girl is a whale. (-looks) (fetish)". As things are now you can just feed your girls tons and tons of candy and they just get happier. ;)

Speaking of traits, I'd like to see something like "Exotic: This girl has exotic features. It looks like she comes from a far-away land. (fetish)". It kind of leaves it open to the player's imagination, whether the girl has has rounder or almond-shaped eyes, different skin color, or any sort of "ethnic" physical differences one would want to think of.

Alright then, that's my two cents for now. I'm looking forward to see where this game goes, even if none of my suggestions make it. Good work so far!
« Last Edit: October 19, 2009, 12:46:07 AM by LordShame »

Offline SMGah

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Re: My suggestions (wall of text ahoy!)
« Reply #1 on: October 19, 2009, 01:22:41 AM »
There actually good idea's  ;D

i like no.6 :P but.. if my girl gets Obese i'll starv her to death >.<

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Offline letmein

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Re: My suggestions (wall of text ahoy!)
« Reply #2 on: October 19, 2009, 01:30:49 AM »
1)  This will sort of be addressed when the new buildings are implemented.  You won't have "rules", per se, but you'll have buildings with clearly defined things that can happen in them.

I'm not sure about the on street vs. in building thing, that's probably a good idea.  Right now, it's not a huge difference, but necno may very well change that.

2)  Good point.  I wouldn't even bother making it an option - who else would want the girl's stuff?  The only other option I could even  think of would be the girl's daughters (if any), which would be kind of neat but probably a pain to code.

3)  Good ideas for possible events - although they aren't really reasonable until the money system gets balanced, since right now girls are undervalued and they get *way* too much money.  Plus, slaves never get money period, so they can't ever buy themselves...

4)  You can walk in town, and get at least a *neutral* girl-getting event...   but I see your point, and the game could use more events in my opinion.

5)  Items are certainly going to be tweaked; I'm not sure how much.  You can create your own items from the editor, and hopefully in a couple updates the autocosting will be working properly, making balance a nonissue.

6)  Good idea, but perhaps more effort to implement than it's worth...   necno?

7)  I thought there *was* an Exotic trait...
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Re: My suggestions (wall of text ahoy!)
« Reply #3 on: October 19, 2009, 08:35:25 AM »
As for number six... Well, you should consider just how much exercise these girls get. It would take a lot of chocolate for obesity to make sense...
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Offline necno

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Re: My suggestions (wall of text ahoy!)
« Reply #4 on: October 19, 2009, 07:12:44 PM »
Well I've just added the following for the next release:
- added sex type restrictions to upgrades screen (note this will turn away many customers, functions per brothel and does not restrict the girls working the streets). It only took 30 mins to add.
- non slave girls will now leave if they are consistantly uber unhappy (<5) for 3 days straight (and they have enough money)

Making slave girls able to buy their freedom will be implemented latter as i like the idea and actually had it down in the original design... but somewhere along the line it got dropped.

Making girls approach the player is another good idea that i will add. Probably base weather they do it on if they have they nymphomaniac trait or similar stuff.

I think it makes sense to limit consumable use, and will be implementing this latter.

I could track weight gain and implement those traits. it would only be very basic but i like the idea. Will add :D

An exotic trait is on the to-do list. It just hasn't been implemented as new traits are not a major priority. Although sometimes they are needed for new features such as this one: "if daughters get pregnant from customers there is a slight chance a freak is born (slept with relative). Always happens with players kids if preg from player."

That feature won't be in for a bit though, trying to find a good image set to represent freaks.
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Offline trex

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Re: My suggestions (wall of text ahoy!)
« Reply #5 on: October 19, 2009, 08:37:27 PM »
I like all of these suggestions, it would be ultimately good if you could set rules on an individual level for each girl, justified by guards making sure brothel customers adhere to the rules.

Don't make the freak set too freaky lol. Has anyone come across girls with the freak trait in the game? I've never held one, but I get customers wanting a freak.


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Re: My suggestions (wall of text ahoy!)
« Reply #6 on: October 20, 2009, 03:06:49 AM »
that isn't really fair, incest only increases the chances of defects by like a 3% average.

Offline hewhoispale

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Re: My suggestions (wall of text ahoy!)
« Reply #7 on: October 20, 2009, 08:50:18 AM »
Right, cause arguing realism in a game with a hyper-cube like dimension in the basement and tentacle monsters as paying customers makes all sorts of sense.

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Re: My suggestions (wall of text ahoy!)
« Reply #8 on: October 20, 2009, 09:08:23 AM »
Right, cause arguing realism in a game with a hyper-cube like dimension in the basement and tentacle monsters as paying customers makes all sorts of sense.

It's a valid yardstick to use, I think, even if it isn't the only criterion.

There are questions of suspension of disbelief and player expectation to consider. The player only really has the real world to use as a guide for how the game world works. If something works the way the player expects it to work, then he has a better gaming experience.

Conversely, if something happens that is too far at odds with the player's experience, it reminds him that hes playing a game, and you lose the sense of immersion.


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Re: My suggestions (wall of text ahoy!)
« Reply #9 on: October 20, 2009, 01:52:10 PM »
maybe if necno clarified what a "freak" is actually going to be, cause if its some deformed horrifying thing I most definitely don't want all my daughters pumping them out constantly

Offline necno

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Re: My suggestions (wall of text ahoy!)
« Reply #10 on: October 20, 2009, 04:40:31 PM »
Not to worry, it will only be a low chance (i'll probably use 5%). But the chance increases if the pregnant girl is already your daughter to one of your daughters to maybe something like 20%.
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