

Do you want Player controled combat in WMX?

No, I prefer that the game focus on managment aspects.
19 (33.9%)
Yes, but I want to be able to turn it off when I don't feel like fighting the battles myself.
33 (58.9%)
Yes, player should control all battles.
4 (7.1%)

Total Members Voted: 56

Voting closed: July 16, 2012, 12:16:00 PM

Author Topic: Whore Master Cathexis  (Read 122405 times)

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Offline graodeareia

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Re: Whore Master Cathexis
« Reply #105 on: July 17, 2012, 03:03:45 PM »
Quick Q?  Is the WMII.exe just a stat preview?
The initial design had secondary attributes that where calculed from primary attributes.  So the wmii.exe was a demo to test diferent ways to calculate the secondary stats. The new design (the one in the screenshots) has no program posted as of yet. Its just a completely new program since I even changed the programing language, initially it was writen in C++/Qt for everything now its a C++/Qt backend with a QML frontend (eg user interface).
Besides the language change there were also many revisions to the attribute so now its pretty diferent then the original concept. So basically wmii.exe is trash. The reason I've not posted any new version is becouse I'm waiting for something more meaningfull to post instead of just a simple program that doens do anything.
I'll only post the code now if someone is interested in looking at the code itself and not the exe it generates.

quick opinion, more complicated game play makes a better game if it means something in the game.
I'm trying to make the game as simple as possible while keeping true to the original game spirit. But some far the game is already quite complex with 5 base Attributes plus 5 feeling related stats and there will also be some combat related stats. I've found that keeping true to the original game and making things simple are two oposite goals. So I'm trying to find a balance.

the paper doll inventory Idea is PIMP!
While the paper doll idea might be good its a little beyond me. All I'm going to do is provide one single image for all girls (that image is a silhouette image I picked up from the internet). Also the items wont fit like they do in a paper doll game it will be pretty similar to what you see in the screenshot but with new icons. Its just impossible to find the icons needed for this game off the internet. There simply arent things like ligerie icons laying around. I could certanly do the programing involved to get a more paper doll like feel, but to get all the art together would be though. Maybe if an artist joined the team something like that could be done. But for now I'm gona focus on basic inteface graphics and programming. Later I'll make a basic set of icons for equiment and clothing and thats all. Any adicional icons will need to be provided by the community.

Lastly, sorry about any hopes being raised by my post
I don't quite get this, what hopes are you raising?

Offline Xela

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Re: Whore Master Cathexis
« Reply #106 on: July 17, 2012, 03:25:32 PM »
 Thanks for the code, I got the general idea.

 By the way, since there will be battles, is magic back on the table? I think it was agreed that magic is a needed stat if it ca be used in several places in the game.
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Offline graodeareia

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Re: Whore Master Cathexis
« Reply #107 on: July 17, 2012, 03:46:27 PM »
Magic will be back but I'm not sure if I want to get complex with it. Maybe it could be really simple like regular combat is. Regular combat does damage based on the weapon and on the characters constitution (since with the current attributes constitution also means strength). Wizards could do damage based on wisdom plus the staff that he is holding. No adicional energy would be needed to cast spells (just like no adicional energy is used for each attack of a warrior) and wizards would only have one magic attack.
If I do it like that Wizards and Warriors will be the same thing except one will use sword the other staff and one will have high constitution while the other will have high wisdom. Now If I wanted to get complicated I could add scrolls to teach new spells to wizards and also have spell casting cost energy or mana. But I'm not sure if its worth the investment in both time to develop but also time balancing out everything so that both wizards and warriors of the same level have similar amount of power in combat.

Offline ptb_666777

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Re: Whore Master Cathexis
« Reply #108 on: July 17, 2012, 03:50:18 PM »
I don't quite get this, what hopes are you raising?

Was mostly an assumetion that others are as eager to see a beta as I am. Idk was for the lurkers (not the member named lurker)

Icons and art I could help with if you don't mind it being . . . "Borrowed" I can also nav photoshop decently but I have a.d.d. pretty bad so dependable is not me. I can find stuff tho. Give me some guidelines and I'll find you some icons.

I am guessing since this isn't going to be sold, borrowed stuff would be ok. If not it can always be changed slightly and be free of copy rights. Wish I could do more but code is rather attention thirsty and I . . . O look a broken crayon.

Offline Xela

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Re: Whore Master Cathexis
« Reply #109 on: July 17, 2012, 04:04:33 PM »
Magic will be back but I'm not sure if I want to get complex with it. Maybe it could be really simple like regular combat is. Regular combat does damage based on the weapon and on the characters constitution (since with the current attributes constitution also means strength). Wizards could do damage based on wisdom plus the staff that he is holding. No adicional energy would be needed to cast spells (just like no adicional energy is used for each attack of a warrior) and wizards would only have one magic attack.
If I do it like that Wizards and Warriors will be the same thing except one will use sword the other staff and one will have high constitution while the other will have high wisdom. Now If I wanted to get complicated I could add scrolls to teach new spells to wizards and also have spell casting cost energy or mana. But I'm not sure if its worth the investment in both time to develop but also time balancing out everything so that both wizards and warriors of the same level have similar amount of power in combat.

? If you are thinking about coding battles to be that simple, it may be a good idea to start a new poll :)

By battles most people I expects wanted to see main hero (players) standing beside 2 - 3 characters fighting some monsters in turn based style of combat, preferably with some effects and music :)

If you are planning 1v1 fights similar to WM, userguided combat will not likely be an improvement to the original idea of having it being calculated like in WM.
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Offline graodeareia

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Re: Whore Master Cathexis
« Reply #110 on: July 17, 2012, 04:56:54 PM »
By battles most people I expects wanted to see main hero (players) standing beside 2 - 3 characters fighting some monsters in turn based style of combat, preferably with some effects and music :)

If you are planning 1v1 fights similar to WM, userguided combat will not likely be an improvement to the original idea of having it being calculated like in WM.

Party based combat will be possible but the player will not participate. He will be able to send expeditian parties to the dungean (I think max of 4 girls, maybe 3) and that party will meet a party of enemies and the battle will ensue. Initially player will have 3 options in the menu:


That menu will pop once for each charater each turn. Turn order will be determined by highest agility (in case of tie some other criteria will be used). The player will be able to see the Turn Cards on the top left of the screen (a portrait of each character ordered by turn order). After the current character chooses an action his card will move the the end of the queue and the next character (be it player controled or an enemy) will chose his actions and so on.

If the player chooses the Attack option, the computer will calculated if he has a successiful hit or not. If he does not the enemy will do have a simple animation indicating that he evaded or defend the attack. If its a hit a simple hit animation will play (one for physical and one for magical attacks) along with a number displaying the amount of damage dealt.

If the player chooses to defend he will raise his chances of defending the next attack but will also get a chance to counter attack (counter attack is just like a regular attack but happens automitically on the enemies turn after a successfull defence).

If the player choose items he will see a list of consumable items that character is carring and then he can select one to use. Some items will heal party members (like potions) other might give a temporary buff (like an attack or damage bonus) and there might even be offensive items (like a bombs or something).

Combat continues until all members of one of the parties is down.

Before the battle begins a player may try to flee from the battle. A test will be made. If the player succeds he escaces unharmed if he fails he can will receive some form of penalty and will have to fight the battle to the end.

Now this is the simple version of combat where there are no specific spell to choose from. If there are spells a new menu entry will apear for wizards called Spell. There the player can choose a spell from the list of spells available to that character. What follows is similar to what happens when you use an item. But energy or mana will be used and unlike items, spells can fail. On the other hand to keep the game balanced warriors characters will have a Special menu option where they can choose a special move that uses energy and can fail but deal much more damage or give a buff to a party member. Warriors would than have some way to learn this special moves from things like books.

The same combat sytem will be used for gangs but with a small diference. When a gang battle happens the player will have 2 cards in the turn queue. One for his gang and one for the gang leader. Everthing combat will follow normaly with the menus and so on. Gangs will be able to use items they have but they won't be able to use Special or Spell even if the those options exist. Now the gang leader will be a full character and so will be able to be used in the same way any character is used in the Catacomb battles. The main diference is that the gang leader can only be attacked after the gang that is protecting him has fallen.
So after you select to attack you can only select the gang as target. But maybe, in the advanced form of combat, Specials and Spell can target the leader even if the gang is still there. In that case, taking out the leader will make the gang disband and the battle will end.

So the basics of combat will be the same for normal or the advanced version. With that in mind I will first implement the simple version of combat and release a demo. After that I can get some feedback and maybe implement the advanced options. Maybe I'm naive, or I enjoy old schools RPGs too much, but I think that even the basic combat system will be quite fun and will give the player a good level of chalenge. Between choosing which enemy to attack first (eleminate to weak monsters first or focus on the main enemy), to either attack or use a buff item, to defend or to use one of you last vials healing potion it can be quite enjoyable experience.

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Re: Whore Master Cathexis
« Reply #111 on: July 17, 2012, 05:18:13 PM »
If I may.  One thing I've considering when planning my own game that 'Magic' is too specific a term.  Something I've played with is replacing 'Magic' with 'Special' and 'Mana' with 'Energy'.  Maybe a girl uses magic.  Maybe she's got some kind of super science.  It's a non-specific catch-all way to represent something other than physical combat.

Also, your graphics look great.  Has me looking at my tinkering and going :(  Going to read through this thread in detail a bit  later...but if you want an assistant on this bounce a PM my way and I'll see what I can do.

Offline graodeareia

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Re: Whore Master Cathexis
« Reply #112 on: July 17, 2012, 05:43:34 PM »
Icons and art I could help with if you don't mind it being . . . "Borrowed" I can also nav photoshop decently but I have a.d.d. pretty bad so dependable is not me. I can find stuff tho. Give me some guidelines and I'll find you some icons.

I am guessing since this isn't going to be sold, borrowed stuff would be ok. If not it can always be changed slightly and be free of copy rights. Wish I could do more but code is rather attention thirsty and I . . . O look a broken crayon.
Right now I welcome art contributions more than code contributions. I quite picky with my code. I often rename or rearrange code to make it feel more organized. Right now the code is changing too much, and contributors might have a hard time working with me at this moment. When I have a more stable code base then contributors will be very welcome, but right now only the most adventurous ones should step up for the job. For instance I've thrown away quite a lot of code that I made myself and later decided to to it in some other way. I know some sensitive people might be ofended if I throw some of their code away.

As for the icons, all the icons I'm using in the screenshot are from a single icon package I found it on the internet. The package is royalty free so there arent any borrowed icons right there. I intend to distribute only non-copyrighted content with my game. Then I expect that there will be a person in my team that will take that, join it with some comunity contributions and create a base distribution. After the player downloads the base distribution he can then download adcional content if he wishes. What I'm building is not a game complete with content. I'm building a game engine that allows the comunity to contribute content to. So for the game engine part of things I only intend to use either custom made or royalty free content. Besides that there is another problem. I'm trying to keep a cohesive art style. It might not be great but its well integrated. That means all art follows the same guidelines and so on. If I use many diferent iconsfrom diferent sources the items will all look like they don't belong together. But as with all content in the game players will be able to contribute there own item packages and anyone that wants can download it. They don't need to follow any guide lines to do that. Its there content and they make it like they want it. Hell even I might download a cool item package the someone makes available here. But for the base distribution all icons will follow the same art style. That can be done in two ways. Get a single roalty free icon packed (that way all icons have the same style) and expand it or create every icon from scratch.

One more concern about icons. I'm not sure what the dimentions should be. Right now for testing purpose I'm using 32x32 icons. But they are quite small, maybe its better to use 48x48 icons. Then there are some icons the might look better if they are not square shaped. For clothing, underware and armor it might be better to use icons the are higher then they are wide. So if some of the icons are 32x32 the other could be 32x50 or if some are 48x48 others could be 48x70 or something on that line. I still haven't decided on that.

Was mostly an assumetion that others are as eager to see a beta as I am. Idk was for the lurkers (not the member named lurker)
A beta is quite a long way out. Even if this thread is months old I stoped working on the project for a long time. I only got back to work a few days before I released the first screenshot of the new version (that was released on June 30th).  So with less then a month in development I've not been able to advance very far. What the comunity will see instead of a beta are small demos to showcase diferent features. The first demo will showcase the combat system. If real life doesnt get in the way I might release it in a few weeks (maybe a couple if things go well) but if it does then that time will be much longer. Right now I'm working a lot on the game but I'm unemployed. If I get a job then I will prob reduce the time to weekends. So the luckers are gonna be lurking for quite a while before they can get their hands dirty. This thread is mostly for people that want to contribute the game design by providing cool ideas and insights. People that want a game right now should look at one the the mods for WM or just hope that some of the other games in developments delivers a beta.

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Re: Whore Master Cathexis
« Reply #113 on: July 17, 2012, 06:08:01 PM »

 Well, even a simpler combat engine might be fun... your graphics design is pretty awesome, it's a good call to stick with it. Other skins can be created at later time.
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Offline ptb_666777

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Re: Whore Master Cathexis
« Reply #114 on: July 17, 2012, 09:14:41 PM »
If input and Ideas are what your after at this point then I can do that. I am very new here, but I have been a gamer since Atari.
One thing I would like to see is item surpassing the stat or skill limit. Like your going with a max of 20, but my worrier's maxed  and the "Magic Panty's"  give her an extra point in whatever but it is already at 20. I feel this is very important in late game play and early on if your lucky or save up for something in the shop. It is one of my major dislikes with wm. Another thing would be special traits, like in sim brothel one of the girls never took damage, another could see max customers(a few had this skill at final level) These are traits that did more than add stats and it was awesome. The ability to activate the traits with ap points was lost too. They should also push past the 20 max. I am not an rpg fan, but if these battles would deliver like 2% chance of epic item, I would be Happy to click thru for hours. As long as it was optional and profitable.  If your going for two worrier classes then spells are a must, but damage isn't. Instead you could do things like slow, sleep, drain, heal ect. Weapon effects are a must as well. this means both "fire damage" and "fire resistance". so at very least 10 extra stats from just the basic idea(elements earth, fire, water, wind, spirit). these can be added by items and not a base for girls. That way your high dollar hoe who never leaves your brothel won't have a need for fire resistance. Since the some of the girls being used in this have there own special moves and powers this will allow people to create them later on.

on to the non fighters. Personally, I don't like your idea of classes. My very first girl should be my strongest/best earner late in the game. If not then training her is mostly a waist of time, unless her grade can improve with items or spells or something similar. A system of two separate levels one for combat and one for whoring would be cool. I liked the extra skills in wm and I agree with crazy that each girl should be able to have different sexual preferences. I personally don't wanna "do" a chick who likes having sex with horses. I also think there should be different rates for different services. Since you can't give a whore 20 bucks then have a donkey brought in or a bus full of collage kids (18+ of course). I believe age was touched on and I agree paying more for a younger girl should be part of it. them getting old and not getting any or very few customers and them dieing would be cool. I also think a matron should be over 30 that way the beginning of the game would have you spend more time micro managing, then later in game when you get an aged girl you can spend more time fighting. Pregnancy is dumb, but seems like it should happen. I think they should be off work longer and have a huge chance of leaving.(not run away but permanently leave the game) this would incurage more anit-pregs and better girl management. age should start at one, but whoring should not be allowed till 18 (u.s. age) they should also try to whore in the streets and get busted at a very high rate or return pregnant starting at around 14ish. Drugs should be a constant problem for the young'ins too. A way to stop this would be prep schools, fighting schools, magic schools exct. that way you get a high quality whore\fighter when she comes of age. Training centers are lost in wm instead relying on interactions, I hate this. Crazy is trying to add new buildings to partially train and make some money and it is what I like most of what he did/doing.

last on my short list is gangs, In my head I see a squad leader who can be equipped with weapons and a few support items. he himself would not fight, but command the rest of the squad. if a squad was over powered there would be a small chance of the squad leader fleeing but more often be killed, possibly interrogated leading to you getting robbed(gold and/or items) or having girls kidnapped.  Maybe even flip sides and attack your weakest areas. imagine spending half the game getting you squad leader leveled up, sending him into the catacombs equipped with very expensive equipment and having him being mind controlled and tearing down you shiny new whore house. ok well maybe that's to much, but a squad leader for management of individual gangs. Maybe even some traits for them.


Offline graodeareia

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Re: Whore Master Cathexis
« Reply #115 on: July 18, 2012, 12:10:04 AM »
@ptb_666777Unlike some people that write whole paragraph to express something that could be said in a sentence, it seams you change subject with each sentence. I'll try to address most of your concerns with this post. Beware that it will be quite long.

One thing I would like to see is item surpassing the stat or skill limit. Like your going with a max of 20, but my worrier's maxed  and the "Magic Panty's"  give her an extra point in whatever but it is already at 20. I feel this is very important in late game play and early on if your lucky or save up for something in the shop. It is one of my major dislikes with wm. Another thing would be special traits, like in sim brothel one of the girls never took damage, another could see max customers(a few had this skill at final level)
I Have not figured out how all rolls of the game will like. By roll I mean a test against the characters attributes to see if that person succeeds in a task. But the dice roll is its based on the max attribute number, so if max is 20 I will do the rolls with a 20 sided dice (a virtual dice of course). So suposing a girl will dance and lets say dancing involves agility. Say the girl has 10 agility. I roll a 20 sided dice. If the dice roll 2-10 the dance is successfull. If it hits 1 its a critical failure (the girl could fall for instance). If it hits 20 its a critical success (the girl makes an extra tip for instance). If rolls are like this, and it probabily will be, a girl with 20 in an attribute has only one change of failure, to hit 1, since you achieve success with any roll from 2-20. A girl with 50000000000 attribute still has only one chance of failure, hiting 1. So it doesnt make any sense to go above max. Sure I could show a higher number in the character page but that would give the player a false impression making him think that that higher attribute will make his girl better. When a girl is maxed out in an attribute the best option is to just use the equipment in another girl thats still bellow max, you will always have another girl that needs that equipment. With that said I'm actually thinking of rasing the attribute cap to 30. That will mean that high level girls will still have room from improvement and equipment. The way it is right now S class girls start of with some attributes already maxed out. And I don't think thats a good thing. So yeah you can be sure that I'm thinking about those types of things.

Another thing would be special traits, like in sim brothel one of the girls never took damage, another could see max customers(a few had this skill at final level) These are traits that did more than add stats and it was awesome.
WM does have special Traits like Imortal that mean a girl never ages or Incorporeal means a girl doesnt take damage in combat. I intend to ask the comunity what Trait properties they want in the game, and then the comunity can use this Trait property to build any Trait they like. They can make a thousend diferent Traits if they wish provided that there is a Trait property that tells the game engine what the Trait does.

The ability to activate the traits with ap points was lost too
Right now I'm thinking about leveling up the girls automaticaly acording to what they actually do in the game. So if you put a girl to clean the floor her stats will go up to make her a better floor cleaner and she will gain Traits that also add to her profession. It doesnt make much sense for the player to give a floor cleaner a Trait like "Cute" since the maid is not looking after her beauty, she is just doind hard labor. But of course magical Items and Potions can give Traits so thats always an option for the player.

If your going for two worrier classes then spells are a must, but damage isn't. Instead you could do things like slow, sleep, drain, heal ect.
Spells like those might exist, it just depends on how far I take the magic system. I talked about that a little in my last post to Xela.

Weapon effects are a must as well. this means both "fire damage" and "fire resistance". so at very least 10 extra stats from just the basic idea(elements earth, fire, water, wind, spirit). these can be added by items and not a base for girls. That way your high dollar hoe who never leaves your brothel won't have a need for fire resistance. Since the some of the girls being used in this have there own special moves and powers this will allow people to create them later on.
This sort spell type and spell type resistance will not be in the game. A large number of people have voted that they don't care for combat. So I'm not gona add even more features to make the game less apealing to that crowd. Even if those features are cool they belong in a more combat oriented game.

on to the non fighters. Personally, I don't like your idea of classes. My very first girl should be my strongest/best earner late in the game. If not then training her is mostly a waist of time, unless her grade can improve with items or spells or something similar. A system of two separate levels one for combat and one for whoring would be cool.
I'm thinking about the classes thing. I'm not gonna remove it since its an essencial feature for girl package creators. Its how a creator can specify how good a girl will be inicially. If she is good the system will make sure she is harder to get. If the girl is bad the system will make sure she is easier for the player to acquire. Catacombs will also have levels and the deeper you go the higher class girls you will fight against. It will also play a role in the Gang Wars. Player can fight for control of sector of the city. Once he gains control of that sector he can use the facilities that are there. Sectors that are harder to control will have places that offer higher class girls. That is an important feature of the game. It means that initially the player will start with low class girls and as he progresses he will have access to better stuff. What I'm thinking about is making classes just for package creators. I will probabily rename it to something like Inicial level or something. And so for the players they will not even know that Classes exist. A girl could then level up to higher levels than 5 and with itens it would be possible to max out a low class girl. Player seam to want that ability. Personally I've never thought that would be important. In the end game when you control 100 girls or more micromanaging a single girl seams pointless as that will have very little effect on your performance. Also since you will have too many high level girls it would mean that probabily the player would have high level girls serving low class customers for a cheap price. That also doesnt make any sense. After all why would the player deny himself the revenue from all the poor and middle class customers? But if players like that sort of stuff than so be it.


I liked the extra skills in wm and I agree with crazy that each girl should be able to have different sexual preferences. I personally don't wanna "do" a chick who likes having sex with horses. I also think there should be different rates for different services. Since you can't give a whore 20 bucks then have a donkey brought in or a bus full of collage kids (18+ of course).
There will be some ways to tell what a girl likes and what she dislikes. Its an important part of the feelings system. A girl with low Obedience will skill work just fine if you put her to do something she likes. This likes/dislikes could also be used in tests to see if a customer likes a particular girl. But I haven't thought too much about how the likes and dislikes will be in the game so I'm still thinking about that subject.

believe age was touched on and I agree paying more for a younger girl should be part of it. them getting old and not getting any or very few customers and them dieing would be cool. I also think a matron should be over 30 that way the beginning of the game would have you spend more time micro managing, then later in game when you get an aged girl you can spend more time fighting.
Age will be an integral part of WMX. Each turn will pass a month of in game time so that years will go by quickly (I think something like 1 to 3 hours of play per year). One full playthough should spam several decades. I've many ideias about how the Age will affect the game but for now I'm not gonna talk about it since the ideas are still undeveloped. But I like to hear sugestions on the subject since that helps me in the design.

Pregnancy is dumb, but seems like it should happen. I think they should be off work longer and have a huge chance of leaving.(not run away but permanently leave the game) this would incurage more anit-pregs and better girl management. age should start at one, but whoring should not be allowed till 18 (u.s. age) they should also try to whore in the streets and get busted at a very high rate or return pregnant starting at around 14ish.
I don't care about pregnacy either. And I still don't know what to make of it. But it will be a part of the game since people care about that stuff. I'm not giving much thought about at the moment since I've got a lot on my head with stuff thats more urgent (stuff that I'm gonna work on soon or am already working on). When the time comes you will know.

Drugs should be a constant problem for the young'ins too
Things like drugs have more to do with the feelings system then with age. Girls that are sad might look for drugs to cheer up. Girls that have low Moral might use drugs becouse they don't give a shit. But it will have a little bit to do with age. As girls age they gain Wisdom and girls with higher Wisdom are more likely to avoid drugs.

A way to stop this would be prep schools, fighting schools, magic schools exct. that way you get a high quality whore\fighter when she comes of age. Training centers are lost in wm instead relying on interactions, I hate this. Crazy is trying to add new buildings to partially train and make some money and it is what I like most of what he did/doing.
There will be lots of ways to train girls in WMX. Some will be inhouse. That will the player can build expansions to his brothel like a whore school for instance. He can then assign Teacher and Students. The Student will learn more if her skill level is further from the Teachers skill level. Thats also one of the ways old characters can be used effectively, that is as teachers to younger characters. Probabily that will also be schools in the city. But a player might have to control a sector in order to send girls to that school. Sending girls to schools in sectors that you don't control might lead to your girls being taken by rivels.

last on my short list is gangs, In my head I see a squad leader who can be equipped with weapons and a few support items. he himself would not fight, but command the rest of the squad. if a squad was over powered there would be a small chance of the squad leader fleeing but more often be killed, possibly interrogated leading to you getting robbed(gold and/or items) or having girls kidnapped.  Maybe even flip sides and attack your weakest areas. imagine spending half the game getting you squad leader leveled up, sending him into the catacombs equipped with very expensive equipment and having him being mind controlled and tearing down you shiny new whore house. ok well maybe that's to much, but a squad leader for management of individual gangs. Maybe even some traits for them.
Gang leader will be in the game and will fight in battles. But they will be protected by the gangs during fights. I explained this Xela in my last post to him. Also Gang leaders will be full characters. You will be able to use one of your girls as gang leaders. So they will have all the attributes/skill/traits/feeling that any character has. There might even be male characters in game so that Gang leaders could potentially be males. It also allow for male sons of the player to be used for that purpose. Even if there are male characters there will be no male vs male sex. I don't have anything against gay content but I'm not inclined to put that sort of stuff WMX. But of course given that there will be male characters it should be farely easy for the comunity to change it to make a gay version if they wish to do that. But I'm still not sure about male characters. Maybe all gang leaders will be female and whore will only have daughter and no sons. I'm still have to think about that.

Offline graodeareia

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Re: Whore Master Cathexis
« Reply #116 on: July 18, 2012, 12:32:39 AM »
If I may.  One thing I've considering when planning my own game that 'Magic' is too specific a term.  Something I've played with is replacing 'Magic' with 'Special' and 'Mana' with 'Energy'.  Maybe a girl uses magic.  Maybe she's got some kind of super science.  It's a non-specific catch-all way to represent something other than physical combat.
Old versions of the game had Stamina for tirredness and Mana for magic. Later that was Joined into one stat called Energy. So thats already in the game. The blue bar represents the energy while the green represents the health. As for 'Magic' and 'Special' it really depends on how deep the combat system will be. Initially none of that will even be there. After I implement the incial combat demo I might look into that. But it makes sense since Warrior characters would have a "Special" and magical characters would have "Spell". Since its a case of either/or than it makes sense to just add one name for all.

Also, your graphics look great.  Has me looking at my tinkering and going :(  Going to read through this thread in detail a bit  later...but if you want an assistant on this bounce a PM my way and I'll see what I can do.
Tnx for the complement.
Good luck with reading the thread in detail. Its pretty long. In fact if you want to contribute and are already going to read everything it would be awesome if you posted a single concise post with the main points that where already discussed and decisions that where taken. Right now its all in the big mess that is my head but for new people comming to the thread it would be awesome. It would even help me to organize my ideas better.
What are you coding on? Java, C#, C++? Some of your sugestions are in line with what I was already doing so if you know C++ or are interested in QML/javascript it might make sense to join effords if ower games share most of the goals.

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Re: Whore Master Cathexis
« Reply #117 on: July 18, 2012, 12:48:23 AM »

 Well, even a simpler combat engine might be fun... your graphics design is pretty awesome, it's a good call to stick with it. Other skins can be created at later time.
Lets take it one step a a time. Making something simple and well designed and incrementing on it later is easier than making something very complex from scratch. In fact a common problem with software development (even in huge companies like IBM or Microsoft) is planning lots of complex features before any work is done and then later, for the lack of time or funds, delivering a product that has a bunch of half baked features and lack lots of the "cool" stuff that was initially planned, and is also plagued by bugs. I prefer to work on small simple things that can be delived to the comunity for testing, and smooth things out as I get feedback and bug reports while also adding more stuff.

This approach has a few advantages. First by the time the game is done it will all be working fine, well tunned and mostily balanced. Second if identify your design mistakes early and can change directions while seeing such a flaw in the later stages when the features are already ingrained in the product usually means that you have to use "work arounds" instead of implementing things properly to begin with. This "work arounds" tend to require adicional "work arounds" and things can just snowball out of control. Its a new product version that removed a feature from the previous version. Usually this means that the code had too many "work arounds" to be fixed and so its removed althogether. Third and maybe most importantly, if I get caught up in real life or lose interest in project, people will have a working well tested codebase that they can then carry on.

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Re: Whore Master Cathexis
« Reply #118 on: July 18, 2012, 04:50:21 AM »
Since I am learning how to code I would appreciate if you could post code for the crossbar. I am learning Python but I can usually 'read' C++, I am just curious what scrollbar code looks like :)
Apologies for the minor off-topic here, but you could always check the scrollbar code for WM itself on SVN.

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Re: Whore Master Cathexis
« Reply #119 on: July 18, 2012, 05:43:34 AM »
@ptb_666777Unlike some people that write whole paragraph to express something that could be said in a sentence, it seams you change subject with each sentence. I'll try to address most of your concerns with this post.


Well, sometimes it's a good thing to lay out ideas in a more complete form, stating pros and cons.


Not going to comment on every post/reply since there are 100+ options to approach every aspect of the game and so far most of them have been decided one way or another. I still want to clarify my position on this:

I'm thinking about the classes thing. I'm not gonna remove it since its an essencial feature for girl package creators. Its how a creator can specify how good a girl will be inicially. If she is good the system will make sure she is harder to get. If the girl is bad the system will make sure she is easier for the player to acquire. Catacombs will also have levels and the deeper you go the higher class girls you will fight against. It will also play a role in the Gang Wars. Player can fight for control of sector of the city. Once he gains control of that sector he can use the facilities that are there. Sectors that are harder to control will have places that offer higher class girls. That is an important feature of the game. It means that initially the player will start with low class girls and as he progresses he will have access to better stuff. What I'm thinking about is making classes just for package creators. I will probabily rename it to something like Inicial level or something. And so for the players they will not even know that Classes exist. A girl could then level up to higher levels than 5 and with itens it would be possible to max out a low class girl. Player seam to want that ability. Personally I've never thought that would be important. In the end game when you control 100 girls or more micromanaging a single girl seams pointless as that will have very little effect on your performance. Also since you will have too many high level girls it would mean that probabily the player would have high level girls serving low class customers for a cheap price. That also doesnt make any sense. After all why would the player deny himself the revenue from all the poor and middle class customers? But if players like that sort of stuff than so be it.

And more specifically:

Player seam to want that ability. Personally I've never thought that would be important. In the end game when you control 100 girls or more micromanaging a single girl seams pointless as that will have very little effect on your performance. Also since you will have too many high level girls it would mean that probabily the player would have high level girls serving low class customers for a cheap price. That also doesnt make any sense. After all why would the player deny himself the revenue from all the poor and middle class customers? But if players like that sort of stuff than so be it.

 I have already addressed this in previous posts but I would like to clarify the reasons one more time. The thing is that game is not filled with 'generic' characters that have no meaning to the player. They are filled with Anime/Game characters, that in turn means that many players will base their play on their familiarity with girls they know instead of stat factors.

 That brings up another issue, some players want to develop favs from the start that means a low class is needed. Others want favs to be top characters by default, meaning high class BUT is you couldn't level up a low class girl, that would simply mean that you favorite character could never exceed capacity of some random one that have no meaning to you. Also you would have to wait a long time until you could get to your favs if you simply gave all of them the highest class in the game. Stuff like this is often a game breaker to many players and fixed classes are not worth it.

 To sum this up, many players will spend time fixating on specific girls through out the whole game even if there is only a little gameplay benefit or no benefit at all. Noone is suggesting that someone will micro all girls as you state in your post but I suggested a very good reason I think why many players would want to micro a few specific girls nearly every turn throughout the whole game. That is something I think you should keep in mind as you plan and design.

 PS: Just for the record, your concern was that some girls will have to work with poorer costumers... this is obviously a matter of game mechanics and will turn out exactly as you code it. Rest depends on each player 's gameplay. In my play only girls that I 'know' will make it into the top brothel that I own, rest will likely be stuck in lesser brothels even if they are A Class, S Class or even 'Z Class' :)
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