
Author Topic: Two questions about money (and a bug)  (Read 2610 times)

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Offline Froggy

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Two questions about money (and a bug)
« on: January 24, 2012, 03:53:55 PM »
1) How much does a gang's salary cost per gang?  Is it a flat rate, or based on their numbers, or their skills?  This would be good to know ahead of time before I go hiring more than I can afford.

2) How much does each level of accommodations cost per girl?  Again, good to know ahead of time so I'm not spending more on a girl's upkeep than she actually brings in.

3) There is a bug in the job placement for bars in that what you assign the girl to do is not what she actually ends up doing.  For instance, assign the girl to be a Waitress and she will actually function as a Whore for Customers.  Assign a girl as a Stripper and she will actually function as a Waitress.   Assign a girl as a Singer and she may also end up as a Whore for Customers.  The problem is made worse by it being seemingly random - they don't always even end up like I just described.  I've assigned girls as Barmaids and the End Turn Summary describes their shift working as a Singer.  I've assigned girls as Whores for Customers and the End of Turn will then describe their shift working as a Barmaid.  I know the devs are busy, but I feel this one in particular should be looked into quickly.  It can be very frustrating (and expensive) when your star Stripper comes back pregnant after screwing five dudes in one night due to this bug.

Also... gang stats.  What do they do?  I know what they mean, but what effects do they have in the game?  Combat and Toughness are obvious, yes, but Magic?  Gangs use magic?  And charisma?  I'm guessing that might help with Kidnapping (since that is, according to reports, more or less recruitment and not actually kidnapping).  How do Intelligence and Agility work into the game mechanics for games?  Which stats matter most for each task?  It seems like almost all gang tasks revolve around combat, obviously, but what else matters besides Combat Skill when doing each type of mission?

And (okay this is more than two questions about money now, sorry) the Magic stat for girls.  It says this helps in both combat and sex.  That's interesting, but how, exactly?  Do they just use the higher of the two when Exploring Catacombs?  Do they combine together when fighting monsters?  Or is there some other math formula at work?  Ditto for sex.  How, exactly, does the Magic stat affect their sex skills?

Offline Ctwo

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Re: Two questions about money (and a bug)
« Reply #1 on: January 28, 2012, 08:13:42 PM »
1) gangs get paid based on activity. At the top of the box it says how much the current activity costs. By changing what each gang does you can raise or lower the cost. For instance training costs 90g per week. Sabotage costs 130g.
2) Not sure, sorry.
On combat: In combat you use the higher of Combat or Magic to determine your attack value. Magic receives a higher value. Defense is based on Toughness (Con for girls) and Agility. Attack value is compaired to defense and wounds are applied. Gangs loose members, girls loose HP. After a certain number of rounds a winner is determined by who lost the most HP/Members. Looser retreats, winner goes on to determine what they received as a prize.
Magic and combat also determine your chances of meeting monsters in the catacombs. The higher both stats are the more monsters you'll meet. 100% in both seem to guarentee you'll find something every turn, with a lot more groups of 6.
Intelligence is a very important stat for determining how much damage a gang does to an opponent. The higher the int the more businesses destroyed, more money stolen and a higher chance that 1 or more brothels are destroyed. Not sure if this follows the same pattern for girls in catacombs, but it also gives a higher chance to intercept attackers for girls on security, gangs on guard duty, and matrons with drugs and other bad stuff.
Charisma allows gangs to meet girls easier. It also gives the gang a chance to recruit the girl instead of fighting with her. If a gang has nets they always succeed if it goes to combat. If they don't have nets there is a chance they could kill the girl.
As for magic and sex, first time I've herd that. I know agility factors into satisfaction.