
Which tile size better to use

3 (75%)
1 (25%)

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Voting closed: December 10, 2015, 07:15:38 AM

Author Topic: Sim Red Light Town RT (should be stable build)  (Read 105591 times)

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Re: Sim Red Light Town(current title) Project Begins
« Reply #15 on: August 06, 2015, 04:38:06 AM »
So because pinkpetal is the site where i get most feedback i decided to post here first.
So where am i you ask?
I decided that at first i will make 2d game with sprites known from different media(as stated it will be easy to add, modify existing etc.).
As for engine i'm still undecided but if i get some help i would use unity (by help i mean someone who understand how engine works, how to create 2d assets etc. for now i watch an asset named rpg map editor which basically is something what i search since it create a tilemap in unity, but if i want to heavy modified it's code should be open to buyers, so today i asked few question author of asset). If i can't make an unity based game i will use heavy scripted rpg maker vx ace, but to be truthful, using custom sprites seems sometime causing lags during animation so it's not so smooth as what i would expect. When i raise a campaign to fund more sprites and things i talk before i would use some of money to fund someone who is able to create 2d engine in unity for me which support all the planned features, but must be clear it will require a large amount of money so it's not something that would be done fast.

So i search someone who can help me with development of game for unity if i can find a person who is able to help me with development in unity i will be very grateful.

As for those who are not believe in me i present you a simple sex sprite i made for D large breasts, it's not a high quality but for those i need to hire a professional spriters since no one wanted to help me with project. Also the sprite is in work since to made a sprite takes me a lot of time.

Offline Xela

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Re: Sim Red Light Town(current title) Project Begins
« Reply #16 on: August 06, 2015, 05:31:55 AM »
Assume that you'll find someone to help out, what if the person write some code/makes designs through unities gui, disappear and you're stuck with an even bigger issue of finding someone who'd want to work with someone elses code.

It's safer to stick with with you can work on yourself, especially at first stages where getting professional help is the hardest.
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Re: Sim Red Light Town(current title) Project Begins
« Reply #17 on: August 06, 2015, 10:21:43 AM »
The real problem for me is lack of tutorial for 2d unity engine i didn't find any tutorial which could help me with getting 2d tile map to unity, if i have someone who help with unity i believe he will be also a source of learning so i could get the basic of 2d unity and get to more advanced theme.

Offline kyuubi43

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Re: Sim Red Light Town(current title) Project Begins
« Reply #18 on: August 11, 2015, 04:50:07 AM »
there really isn't the best option for a 2D unity tutorial is to google Unity Mario Clone Tutorial.
I used this when I first started to use Unity since I was more use to a 2D world having spent a few year programming in java with Eclipse. that tutorial allowed me to make unity work for instead of against.

Here is the Tutorial Site I used when I started.

Walker Boy Studios

It's free as far as I remember and they provide the project resources and in-depth video instructions.
It wasn't hard to adapt what I learned to suit my needs I copy, adapt, and innovate any free code I find to suit my needs.
Reason being my coding methodology was literally built around the belief of
"Mimic and Improve - Use freely available resources while following the Ultimate Coding Tenant 'K.I.S.S.' (Keep it Simple Stupid)"
My professor actually told us most Pro-coders use semi-complex methods when programming to help prevent Tampering. But anyone with basic understanding can easily rip what they need from any program.

I used a simple 3D tutorial on mouse control function and warped it in to a 2D Certification testing system as a show that I had basic knowledge of Unity during my first Internship. They even retain a copy at the end of my Internship to use as the archetype for their future projects seeing as I had to make a work around when I couldn't adapt the old SCORM/Unity xover to the new Unity System of the time.

Well I am sorry for the tangent and getting off track.
Look at Walker Boys if they can't help they may at least point you in the right direction.

Offline dullman

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Re: Sim Red Light Town(current title) Project Begins
« Reply #19 on: August 11, 2015, 02:05:35 PM »
there really isn't the best option for a 2D unity tutorial is to google Unity Mario Clone Tutorial.
I used this when I first started to use Unity since I was more use to a 2D world having spent a few year programming in java with Eclipse. that tutorial allowed me to make unity work for instead of against.

Here is the Tutorial Site I used when I started.

Walker Boy Studios

It's free as far as I remember and they provide the project resources and in-depth video instructions.
It wasn't hard to adapt what I learned to suit my needs I copy, adapt, and innovate any free code I find to suit my needs.
Reason being my coding methodology was literally built around the belief of
"Mimic and Improve - Use freely available resources while following the Ultimate Coding Tenant 'K.I.S.S.' (Keep it Simple Stupid)"
My professor actually told us most Pro-coders use semi-complex methods when programming to help prevent Tampering. But anyone with basic understanding can easily rip what they need from any program.

I used a simple 3D tutorial on mouse control function and warped it in to a 2D Certification testing system as a show that I had basic knowledge of Unity during my first Internship. They even retain a copy at the end of my Internship to use as the archetype for their future projects seeing as I had to make a work around when I couldn't adapt the old SCORM/Unity xover to the new Unity System of the time.

Well I am sorry for the tangent and getting off track.
Look at Walker Boys if they can't help they may at least point you in the right direction.
Hmm from what i see in this page they really aren't many 2d tutorials (one if i see right), and those which are makes a platformer game, which has only one thing common with 2d rpg game, probably both use tiles, but the usage is completely different, so i must  say it's not very helpful, and also as i didn't try making platformer in unity, but if i'm right it should be easy to make since both there are tutorials and it's not complicated games in generally (the only one that are simpler are text based games)

Offline kyuubi43

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Re: Sim Red Light Town(current title) Project Begins
« Reply #20 on: August 12, 2015, 12:27:58 PM »
Like I said it's enough to give you the needed BASICS. If you don't know how to use, adapt, and overcome issues then there be problems here.

I used the basic skills from the tutorial to create a completely 2D TEXT BASED certification program in Unity.

Big Tip use the tutorial to LEARN the commands then take and break the box to start creating.

The MAJORITY of what you might be looking for will likely fall under GUI related commands to allow you to make a 2D window on a 3D plane allowing you to build everything within the scope of the window to make it seem as if the program was a 2D world. It WILL take a bit of trial and error to get the sizing right but it is possible. The largest issue will be the camera as it will need to track the player avatar.

A major tip would be to angle the camera directly down and build everything on the Zero plane and lower to allow for easier positioning of assets.

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Re: Sim Red Light Town(current title) Project Begins
« Reply #21 on: November 30, 2015, 07:14:59 AM »
Hello fellow forum members, since last time i said i decided to use haxe language with haxeflixel and openfl framework since it's allow me to use flash animations/movie clips on every supported platform, and here i add poll to my post, since i'm kinda lost first my current res for game is 1280x960, but it possible to change it quite easy, but what i want to know is what size of tile you prefer?? I ask since current Movie Clip with Female character has 240px height, current tile size is 64 (tilesheet is just zoomed version of 32px) where the trees is kinda smaller than character, When i would choose size of characters i thought that i make 128px tile size, but to be truthful now i'm kinda lost since in this case we would have screen with size about 10:7 tiles, so you might prefer if i just left tile size at 64 with big characters (Of course it also includes npcs and enemies) or go and use 128 tile size.
BTW. for anyone who think why i just don't get char smaller i reply this is about the smallest size in which we can have detail on characters, any smaller and nipples will look as a few pixels, the same with eyes and fingers.

So Please vote in Poll???

Offline Xela

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Re: Sim Red Light Town(current title) Project Begins (Poll Added 2015-11-30)
« Reply #22 on: November 30, 2015, 07:31:45 AM »
64px is my vote, I like to see more stuff if this is a classic kind of RPG. Maybe it is possible to make chars smaller and zoom in whenever an action that requires details is used...

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Re: Sim Red Light Town(current title) Project Begins (Poll Added 2015-11-30)
« Reply #23 on: November 30, 2015, 12:05:58 PM »
64px is my vote, I like to see more stuff if this is a classic kind of RPG. Maybe it is possible to make chars smaller and zoom in whenever an action that requires details is used...
You see my plan was in future to recreate bitmap data for zoom(as you can see i use mc only as a source to generate spritesheet since using mc in live was heavy on my computer), but it's will be a future since i basically use haxeflixel and here zooming is calculated when we rendering scene (to be truthful every time i implement base things i find that i need recreate base classes with my own code to be able do that so it might be done faster than i thought but truthfully it isn't on my priority list).

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Some Show of Concept
« Reply #24 on: April 22, 2016, 04:55:47 AM »
Hi it's me again, since i currently work on unity engine i wanted you to show some concept work for any game that i make in  unity in future(2d at least), it has Main Menu, some simple template of body and two items (hairstyle) that you might customize for you character, it's compiled for windows platform (x64 probably). Also consider that Customization Scene is work at the beginning so you can only customize female (and as for customize change hairstyle and it's color in future i plan to add more customization option)
I'm showing this to show that an Vector art might be used in unity games.

Also if anyone wants to help with development i'm pretty open for that, especially it's needed someone who can make me some better templates of male/female since the current ones i made myself and it doesn't looks stunning.
 Here the link:


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I love the coloring box + bar thing, guess it's one of those perks unity comes with or did you code it yourself (I'd like to see base code if it's the latter)?

I've played around with values a bit so I've figured it out as you're displaying RBG values and not just the hex (I missed that somehow at first).
« Last Edit: April 22, 2016, 05:36:28 AM by Xela »
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Offline dullman

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I love the coloring box + bar thing, guess it's one of those perks unity comes with or did you code it yourself (I'd like to see base code if it's the latter)?

The color picker is free asset of unity, and truthfully since only pro version has access to source code, i can't say much about how it's work, but i believe if you want colorBox(only) there is three script on githtub for unity or i believe since i never checked because i was looking for something akin to current one (but as unity supports gradients it uses gradient and the only problem that might come is to convert position of slider to color (Also all UI elements for are unity standard ones, the others besides are part of asset i use). Also if you search for general source code of colorPicker i believe there should be at least few projects on githtub written in different languages so you might check it)

ps. i also consider as good asset this colorPicker and might even buy pro version not because i would want to look into source but because to support author, since the quality of others colorPickers on assetStore is somewhat disappointing.
ps2. Any one has and idea for sexy theme for my game (i need only a general idea how it should looks like, and i would make them myself)

edit: Here the link for unity free source code for colorPicker http://forum.unity3d.com/threads/color-picker.267043/
and it's show rgb value like you saw, if you want to use hex just use and input field besides icon to open colorPicker (and the current one will not use unless i change color picker to these one from repo since it's possible that i might do that since i would prefer some modification of color picker.

edit2: Must say that i changed colorPicker to version from githtub since it allows me to use hex values and i can start with chosen color (which is the current color in the case of current hairstyles it's single color but for other items/hairstyles it will use up to 5 different colors).
Also anyone looked towards files since almost all resources used by game are loaded from external data, so for example i have two images from WM as starting screen but anyone can change them towards they own, also it use db to configure game data so you might check how it's currently look db schema).
« Last Edit: April 22, 2016, 07:38:00 AM by dullman »

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Anyways here new version with slightly improved customization scene, still it isn't look that satisfied me but i'm closer to it since i only wait for new version of asset which was send to asset store by dev and i should make better looking color choice, for current it isn't update color text when picking it.
As for other changes i added different body parts for one part of body (i mean breast). In short words game could have many different body parts (next in my work are elf ears and reptilian irises), i use extension for inkscape to interpolate between two groups so from two breast sizes i gets 12 (or more less different), so it's cut off time on making different sizes for body parts and as well items.
Also for bodies you can now actually change the basic colors (but one color is inner area of mouth so you don't see any effect here), also as for body i would rework body part so it hasn't so much shadow below breast area (which is ugly on small tits).

Last thing here is the link to new version: https://mega.nz/#!u5V1mZKR[/size]!HSCjtAsdg17GaIViytZZ-BR5DG1mVhgbXIIeiX04cKg[/color][/size][size=78%] [/size]

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New version of customization screen since i would call it complete layout of customization screen (meaning it shouldn't change anything besides themes and new entries if needed) but i saw that on fullscreen the left tab takes too much spaces, so i would change it, but as for general layout it's all here.

Also there is one important thing that i introduced, some basic animations (only Idle), so you can see how changing items/body parts looks on character (although it seems there is a slight lag with that but truthfully currently i'm thinking how to make it and probably i just go with swapping characters when copy is done, but still i didn't even slightly test it, so i do not know how the animation etc. will behave)

and here is the link: https://mega.nz/#!H5E02BiC!2lkdNJ4vu7smkFZdvE3ASS3WlYFyIMrwHvQTZ2ehL5Y

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the way it currenly is it is unplayable, as the log below shows it is got quite a few errors
Please Enjoy all the hard work i Do to help make the game and forums a better place :)