Author Topic: Would someone be kind enough to outline a few basics/gameplay tips?  (Read 25002 times)

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Offline DoctorDerp

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I must be doing something wrong as I am slowly going backwards.

Bought the cheapest brothel
Got a prostitute girl
Set her to work with auto rest etc
She brings in approx 180/day (her upkeep is 120)
If you factor in the rest downtime she is either making me a very small amount of money each month or breaking even
Then the taxes hit and I got backwards a decent little chunk.

Have started messing around in the Arena vs Goblins, but once I'm injured my best bet is to wait for slow HP regen right? Since I can't really afford health potions (is there a more cost friendly regen method?)
If I'm not healthy enough for the Arena I will talk to a specific random-encounter girl, have not gotten anywhere with this yet.

Any tips would be appreciated :)
« Last Edit: April 21, 2014, 11:47:53 PM by DoctorDerp »

Offline Jaeke

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Re: Would someone be kind enough to outline a few basics/gameplay tips?
« Reply #1 on: April 22, 2014, 02:21:43 AM »
I haven't played for a while so I don't know if much has changed but-
Buy those hp potions, buy a long sword, health charm(neck item).
You will make enough fighting goblins to cover the cost(as long as you are warrior class it should be easy enough). When you win the whole fight you might get items that are worth several thousand gold. General store buys everything, but try to sell as much as you can to the witch in the hut because they don't replenish their gold often enough.
Look for beauty/xxx/dance courses that cost ~50 gold to train your girl a bit so she will bring in more cash later on. If she is hot as fuck she can calm crazy customers down too(not sure if that relies on traits as well though).

Currently the game is a bit hard, but the arena will be your salvation.
Don't sell ultimate healing potions, they are super useful. +100 hp for survival fights for a day, if you time it with a level up(full hp upon level up), you can beat the amazons if you're lucky at around lvl 30'ish.

Also, I hear its possible to get such high disposition with free girls that you can not pay them and they don't really care, not sure though.
« Last Edit: April 22, 2014, 02:25:13 AM by Jaeke »

Offline Marquis

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Re: Would someone be kind enough to outline a few basics/gameplay tips?
« Reply #2 on: April 22, 2014, 07:19:53 AM »
First, make sure you install the one released patch, which makes a critical fix to taxes and raises the pay for working in the arena. With this patch the game doesn't become unplayable after taxes kick in.
That said, the game is hard and grindy right now. They are going to put in difficulty levels to support different play styles. I hope they keep the current 'hard' level, but also add in an 'easy' mode where money is a bit easier to come by. For now, the alpha is only 'hard' unless you feel comfortable editing RenPy files with an editor like Editra.

Offline Xipomus

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Re: Would someone be kind enough to outline a few basics/gameplay tips?
« Reply #3 on: April 22, 2014, 02:28:05 PM »
Hey guys,

Some tips from the several play styles I tried.
- First I talk to a girl and try to win her over (romance)  before buying anything. No taxes are levied if you don't own anything
- Monday is tax day.. so at the end of monday taxes are calculated.
- I usually purchase the 2nd expensive brothel because i can add several girls
- Don't forget to add the hero to the brothel so he can help defend and doesn't lose health from staying on the street.
- If you buy a whore watch the upkeep, sometimes you pay a lot of upkeep but don't have a really trained girl yet... so she gets only more expensive.
- The AP value on top of the screens is how many times you can talk / do something in a day... girls have this two... the lower values only have 2 times.. so they can see 2 customers.
- If you depend on your hero as defence, be sure to leave the hero some AP, else he's to tired to respond.
- Also the hero only heals if AP is left.. so no AP left.. means no healing.
- Start in the arena.. do 1 or 2 fights against the goblins, depending on your health and try to earn enough to get a decent sword/knife. Heal up (rest of points) and do it again the next day. Keep in mind you need 3 AP to fight.

- If you have some cash, it pays to have a girl trained... the more trained to more cash you recieve. Also when she levels enough she gets more AP so more customers a turn.

Hopefully the above story is helpfull a bit. If you have questions just reply.

Offline DDark

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Re: Would someone be kind enough to outline a few basics/gameplay tips?
« Reply #4 on: April 22, 2014, 08:10:05 PM »

I've 6th lvl main character.
Combat stats: ATK 75/75, DEF 65/65, MAG 60/60, AGI 65/65, LUCK 44/50 (all of these indicated in red color, exept for LUCK, it's green), summary cost of equipment about 20000 gold
Arena, Survival mode vs Goblins: Gob Archers die in 1-shoot with taks over 600 dmg, regular Gob die in 2 hits taks about 130+ dmg/per hit, and so on diminishing my dmg output depending on Gob type, lastly, Gob Warrior takes only 50-65 dmg/per hit

Arena, Dogfight mod vs 1-4 enemies from top of the screen: i deal only about 20 dmg/per hit

Am I doing smth wrong or is arena being bugged?

Offline Jaeke

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Re: Would someone be kind enough to outline a few basics/gameplay tips?
« Reply #5 on: April 23, 2014, 04:02:14 AM »
Level 6 is low level. Some dogfights are easy, some are impossible. I recommend not doing them unless you don't mind losing most of the time, even wins will take most of your health.

The goblins have low defence, that's why you're dealing more damage.

Arena is unbalanced. I'd just stick to goblins for now, dogfights when you get bored of them.

The best gear you can only get from the higher level survival fights, and you can't do them until level 25+ at the earliest.

Turn off screen transitions in options, and hold spacebar during survival fights to greatly decrease the amount of time spent on them.
Or wait for a newer version to come out with reworked arena.

Offline DDark

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Re: Would someone be kind enough to outline a few basics/gameplay tips?
« Reply #6 on: April 23, 2014, 05:39:08 AM »
Turn off screen transitions in options, and hold spacebar during survival fights to greatly decrease the amount of time spent on them.
That's very usefull! I'll put it to good use, tnx :)

Is there any beginner's guide or explanation of what each character's stat and trait means?
Also I would appreciate any info about rising main character's constitution
« Last Edit: April 23, 2014, 06:05:36 AM by DDark »

Offline Stockman

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Re: Would someone be kind enough to outline a few basics/gameplay tips?
« Reply #7 on: April 23, 2014, 01:31:27 PM »
Currently, you can raise cons by training with the warrior girl at a very low chance. I think you can also get +1 boosts to cons by interacting with your girls or fighting in the arena, but I've never confirmed where I get them.
One of the devs has said they're going to add more ways to raise cons in the future since there aren't enough ways right now.

Best way to currently do it is train with the warrior girl and save-scum (q-save before, then q-load) if you don't get any cons boosts.

Offline Cajun

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Re: Would someone be kind enough to outline a few basics/gameplay tips?
« Reply #8 on: April 23, 2014, 04:32:00 PM »
Since i usually just lurk , I figure this is my chance to offer a bit of help. I can actually do something that most others cant. I can start a game and play it
without ever actually visiting the arena. Just purchase the cheapest brothel and 2 of the cheapest slaves you can buy. You want to optimally buy the ones that cost
45-60 gold in upkeep. It is a bit of a grind but, if you stick to a few cheap classes, you can get them up to level 3 prostitutes pretty quick. Use your MC to do the
jobs at the arena or slave market for the extra income. If your money supply runs low, simply take your girls out of classes and have them work for a few rounds.
Just start with cheap slaves and stick to xxx skills and make sure they get 3 actions each turn(constitution). Use quicksaves/loads for the occasional thug who wants
 to attack your girls until you have a steady income. *side note* i am clueless in the arena , so if you have even basic skills that will be even more money for you

Offline alucard41

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Re: Would someone be kind enough to outline a few basics/gameplay tips?
« Reply #9 on: April 25, 2014, 07:39:22 AM »
Buy the cheapest brothel and then buy 2 slaves(both prostitutes),upgrade everything in your brothel and get autoclean on then place your hero in that brothel.
The 2nd day enter the arena,do a quick save then go do a dogfight(if you lose just load the game till you win),this should give you like 3k+ gold from it.
Shoul've said it from the start but w/e,when you create a warrior character max up its cons and agility at the start since these are harder to obtain later on.And buy the ceremonial sabre and the gloves that give def whenever you can.
After the 2nd day leave some ap in orde to defend your girls and regain hp.After you regained your hp fully you might as well try a survival againts the golin horde,sell all your mana pots(since they're mainly useless anyway) and keep the rest,also save great hp potion for hard battles(because it increases your max hp when you drink it).
Also when it comes to classes,you should get the cheapest classes possible as long as they still are able to rise a girl's stats.
Other that that idk,I do everything randomly exept fighting in arena since if I'd actually do everything I'd mean to do this game would be 2 easy. :D

@DDark    Open the main game folder then open a folder called "game" then open a folder called "content" then open a folder called "db",after you opened db scroll down till you see an xml named "traits" with notepad,that's where you'll see what each character trait means and what it does.
As for the stats...I think it's kinda obvious what each stat means.
« Last Edit: April 25, 2014, 12:49:24 PM by alucard41 »

Offline pelusa1ca

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Re: Would someone be kind enough to outline a few basics/gameplay tips?
« Reply #10 on: July 15, 2014, 01:21:54 PM »
You can check each girl's profitability in the individual girl management page, that way you can see if your 'investment' is paying off...I expect to lose money for a long period of time, so getting too many girls can be a challenge.


Offline pelusa1ca

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Re: Would someone be kind enough to outline a few basics/gameplay tips?
« Reply #11 on: August 20, 2014, 03:55:06 PM »
Is there a way to reduce Upkeep? It seems that has that increases with a girl's experience and ability to charge more the same girls often refuse to see one or two customers a night and thus deprive you of the revene?

When coupled with the taxation levels you start to lose money fairly quickly.


Offline Xela

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Re: Would someone be kind enough to outline a few basics/gameplay tips?
« Reply #12 on: August 20, 2014, 05:19:59 PM »
Some items that reduce stats but you can turn healthy profit using either slaves or free girls.
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Offline Brontanius

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Re: Would someone be kind enough to outline a few basics/gameplay tips?
« Reply #13 on: August 17, 2016, 11:49:49 AM »
I honestly didn't know there were monsters to fight but I played this game and pretty much broke it money/reputation gain without much effort.

For this method you need a fresh game and an autoclicker(you can do it manually but it's just much handier to with an autoclicker). I took the cassanova class not the warrior one but both work.

Step one: buy the cheapest brothel and the cheapest prostitute you can buy. My first girl was rangiku matsumoto as she has a huge amount of traits that are benefitial to early game players and even late game players. If you can, I really do encourage you to get her if you can first as she just is amazing early game. But for the purpose of this method, you must get a girl whose upkeep is between 30-40 above the income at maximum. Lower upkeep is better but any higher than this makes it extremely hard.

Step two: Set your girl to the cheapest dance class you can and have your guy first be in the house to prevent negative and then work in the arena/slave market every day as cassanova or fight goblins as a warrior. This is just to minimize your losses. Your goal with this class is to raise her consistution and charisma as high as you can. Beauty courses and etiquette courses are also acceptable but constitution is the main thing you are raising. Continue to send her to class and working till you hit about 4k gold total(that means keep sending her to classes till you get rid of most of your starter cash). If there is no course that is under 100 gold, go for classes that are below 300 with a high teacher/master skill. Also, if you are on a course and about to hit 4k but the course is nearly over, finish the course. The 4k is just a baseline for guaranteed survival.

Step 3: Set your girl to work as a whore. Upgrade the house with the two gardens, activate auto cleaning and get the 30g advertisement to start bringing in customers. Your goal right now is to survive till you get your girl to rank 2-3 while raising her stats via working. When your girl gets rank 2-3 depending on how many AP she has due to raising her constitution, your should now have a self sustaining business due to that one girl. If you have achieved self sustenance(by this I mean inc taxes at end of the week) with a tiny profit, autoclicker activate and set it going at a fast rate clicking the new day button over and over while holding ctrl to do skip mode. This will slowly give you profits and raise your girls stats by her self. WARNING: If you are not self sustaining, do not autoclicker it, you will basically run out of money. Just slowly work while she does till she is self sustaining by herself.

Step 4: Using profits, upgrade her to the highest rank you can and but the best brothel you can. Sell your old one and upgrade whatever you have. If you can get it, get the statue upgrades maxed and garden ones. Activate auto cleaning and since you won't need advertisements anymore due to your girls rep and whatever brothel you have, don't bother with them., set her to work and autoclick again till you can get her to be a tayu(rank 8) . She is now raking in massive profit by her lonesome and due to the statue upgrade, she earns double. Set up daily sparring sessions with xeona as you should be able to afford it alongside maintaining the business.

Step 5: Autoclick till you get the best brothel or spend your time romancing an arena girl and hire her on as a guard to prevent mishaps. Place everyone in the top tier brothel and then upgrade that with everything. If you run out of money, autoclick till you get more but it is highly unlikely. At this point it is up to you what you do but I spent time getting 4 more guards and bringing my total girls to 20 whom are working as prostitutes. Get them all up to tayu and autoclick again. By now you would be in days around the thousands and you will be unable to outspend your profits and the taxes will not even dent your cash. Since you want your guards content, set the guard presence in the brothel menu to 50% and their wages to 200%(you won't lose money at this stage so its just to make them stay forever)

Step 6: Hire two more guards and get them to work so you have a total of 7 even if you can have only 5 working at once. Take your two strongest and put them into your arena team. Find a dogfight that will accept to fight your super strong team and you will gain millions of rep. Buy arena pass and then the guide is complete. Do what you want.
« Last Edit: August 17, 2016, 12:05:00 PM by Brontanius »

Offline Xela

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Re: Would someone be kind enough to outline a few basics/gameplay tips?
« Reply #14 on: August 17, 2016, 12:14:38 PM »
Yeah... I remember that in Alpha Rangiko did really well at the beginning because her traits allowed her to gain that extra AP really quickly (or even right of the bat). That's how I played through it... Although I did know that there were monster to slash at the Arena and did that too :)
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