
Author Topic: Something New - Game  (Read 18169 times)

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Offline Sharkey

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Re: Something New - Game
« Reply #15 on: April 01, 2015, 03:17:05 AM »
i must ask if you plan to use only view of girl from side? or also from front/back?
There's no graphics for that.
Corta's template only provides general side view with possibility to change body from front to back and vice versa.
I don't see any problem to add this kind of feature, but without graphics this is useless.

Also if you plan to introduce different hairstyles from left and right side?
I see no problem to implement this.

Tomorrow I will spend some time to create a basic template for girls.
The current one in the repository is for the test purposes only.

Offline Jaxter

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Re: Something New - Game
« Reply #16 on: April 05, 2015, 12:10:21 PM »
Looking forward to seeing a working version.
I will reserve judgement until then, but the anticipation is palpable.

Offline Sharkey

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Re: Something New - Game
« Reply #17 on: April 22, 2015, 01:36:32 PM »
Okay, so I'm planning to release first alpha version (windows and android) on the first week of july or august (it depends on my work).
Currently I'm finishing main parts of game base and I'm starting some gameplay.

I'm seriously thinking about adding support for picture girls.
I now see a little problem with animations - there's no way to create sub animations in Cocos Animation Editor
like in Flash, where you can create animation of eyes expression and attach it to the main animation of action.
Maybe it will be added later...
So I created a poll to decide what to do with this.
« Last Edit: April 22, 2015, 01:59:18 PM by Xan »

Offline Sharkey

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Re: Something New - Game
« Reply #18 on: April 27, 2015, 02:46:51 PM »
Well... I found a game that have similar concept as Vesculli.
It's called "Strumpets" and it's funded by plenty patrons (
The situation is pretty awkward for me >.>
I really don't see the point of competing with that.
Maybe this is the good time to stop the works and contribute to WM instead.

Offline dullman

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Re: Something New - Game
« Reply #19 on: April 28, 2015, 03:58:05 AM »
Well i played the strumpets game and must say i'm not impressed since basically lack in my opinion any of sim element, it's basically hentai animation (also one bad thing i remember there is no male only cock) with some text and method to rise, i thought you planned to have more sim games that uses in sex scenes animation so you might consider that i don't feel like there is much similarity between two projects besides theme (prostitution). Also as the other project is in flash i feel your will be better suited to moddability (at least for me i want my favourite girl which is natsuru senou from kampfer)

Offline Sharkey

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Re: Something New - Game
« Reply #20 on: April 28, 2015, 05:07:43 AM »
@dullman, yes, but you need to consider one thing - it's alpha (if i remember correctly).
So, you shouldn't expect implementation of every feature at this stage.

Offline DarkTl

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Re: Something New - Game
« Reply #21 on: April 28, 2015, 06:42:08 AM »
Well yes, I tried to make a pack for kampfer, there are very few pictures. So any games that use packs of pictures pretty much cannot support kampfer characters, or at least they do it very poorly. And wm is not an option as well.
« Last Edit: April 28, 2015, 09:50:40 AM by DarkTl »

Offline dullman

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Re: Something New - Game
« Reply #22 on: April 30, 2015, 03:38:32 AM »
@dullman, yes, but you need to consider one thing - it's alpha (if i remember correctly).
So, you shouldn't expect implementation of every feature at this stage.

It's not like that i expected much form that, but main reason there is faulty design (Main reason there isn't any log of day, any schedule, etc.), i don't expect it will create a game that i will play more than hour, since it's not i want on every step see sex, what i want is to sex every time i have desire to see it, I mean who plays WM with ~100 girls and watch every picture of every girl each turn, I only watch when it's my favourite girl, or happens something important, also i don't expect that in that game (slumpets or something like that) it will will be possible to keep more than 10 girls from gameplay reason since every sex scenes for every girl is needed to be watched by player.

So i must say i expected much more from your game since it based on WM and even though WM isn't very good simulation, but at least has some potential if it will be developed more (i remember there was a screen with different rooms for brothels, different equipment, at least some basic emotions for girls, different ways to acquire girls, etc.) so i expected you to make something along with word simulation with animated sex, and possibility of easy created templates, I also must say you must consider that animation is not possible for sex scenes but also for other different works like waitress, stripper, barman etc. I won't say i would make them but if you create some template for girls (which you had from corta) and their clothes i will create and upload for others kampfer girls with clothes, so if you can find someone who make those animation for you, you can create a game that rivals popularity with WM (i remember a game deepthroat which also created many modes with different characters), since if characters will be in easy to modify format, it will create more popularity than flash game can have ever.

ps. Also i assummed that you planned to create more jobs for girls than simple whore so if i'm wrong i'm sorry

Edit: ps2. What i would love is milking animation (by machine or hands)
ps3. If you ever start development of game i can always help you in brainstorm desired mechanics of game, although won't help with programming since i have my own project, but if you design a game which i like i could provide you some other characters from other animes/manga besides kampfer since i will probably make them for myself.
« Last Edit: April 30, 2015, 03:46:23 AM by dullman »

Offline Sharkey

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Re: Something New - Game
« Reply #23 on: April 30, 2015, 05:20:18 AM »
It's not like that i expected much form that, but main reason there is faulty design (Main reason there isn't any log of day, any schedule, etc.), i don't expect it will create a game that i will play more than hour, since it's not i want on every step see sex, what i want is to sex every time i have desire to see it, I mean who plays WM with ~100 girls and watch every picture of every girl each turn, I only watch when it's my favourite girl, or happens something important, also i don't expect that in that game (slumpets or something like that) it will will be possible to keep more than 10 girls from gameplay reason since every sex scenes for every girl is needed to be watched by player.
You can be sure that in Vesculli, sex scene is optional thing (click button in log screen to show it).

and possibility of easy created templates
For now it's only easy if you basically want to change appearance by changing textures or adding static parts.
Things like animated tail, wings etc. require to copy template of skeleton. It can seems easy, but currently there's no good way to copy single animation from template to another (your character). So if someone adds animation to template and you want this in your character... problem.
It's limitation of Cocos Animation Editor. I would like to use Spine, but is not free...
Creating another software for animation would take too much time, so I prefer to wait for next versions of CAE.

I also must say you must consider that animation is not possible for sex scenes but also for other different works like waitress, stripper, barman etc. I won't say i would make them but if you create some template for girls (which you had from corta) and their clothes i will create and upload for others kampfer girls with clothes, so if you can find someone who make those animation for you
I would like to provide possibility to visualize every work, but for now it's kinda useless due to the above problem.

you can create a game that rivals popularity with WM (i remember a game deepthroat which also created many modes with different characters), since if characters will be in easy to modify format, it will create more popularity than flash game can have ever.
Hah. Some deepthroat graphics can be used after few corrections ;)

ps. Also i assummed that you planned to create more jobs for girls than simple whore so if i'm wrong i'm sorry
I want to do almost every job as is in WM, but I don't know how many I can done before first release.

Edit: ps2. What i would love is milking animation (by machine or hands)
Animation like that can be done if you have graphics for it.

ps3. If you ever start development of game i can always help you in brainstorm desired mechanics of game, although won't help with programming since i have my own project, but if you design a game which i like i could provide you some other characters from other animes/manga besides kampfer since i will probably make them for myself.
I already started developing game. Check repo from first post.
Currently I'm doing non-gameplay stuff like save/load system, logs, options etc. before true gameplay.
So, I would like to hear how your vision looks like for this kind of game.

Offline dullman

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Re: Something New - Game
« Reply #24 on: April 30, 2015, 07:40:09 AM »
You can be sure that in Vesculli, sex scene is optional thing (click button in log screen to show it).
I must say i'm yet to download your game since i was waiting for more complete version to watch, but surely i will try in long weekend to see what your game looks like
For now it's only easy if you basically want to change appearance by changing textures or adding static parts.
Things like animated tail, wings etc. require to copy template of skeleton. It can seems easy, but currently there's no good way to copy single animation from template to another (your character). So if someone adds animation to template and you want this in your character... problem.
It's limitation of Cocos Animation Editor. I would like to use Spine, but is not free...
Creating another software for animation would take too much time, so I prefer to wait for next versions of CAE.
Hmm from what you write it seems there is no possibility in copying bones from one character to another am i right?? I mean what i was think that animation has two different "layers" one for base image and other with steps for modifying image, i was thinking that copying those second layer for all characters should be possible to done. If not from what you say you need each one character to make animation for him??

I would like to provide possibility to visualize every work, but for now it's kinda useless due to the above problem.
I must ask is spine better than cocos like you can make a template for animation of similar built characters?? If yes than you can consider accepting donation to finance aquire of spine.

Hah. Some deepthroat graphics can be used after few corrections ;)
I want to do almost every job as is in WM, but I don't know how many I can done before first release.
Animation like that can be done if you have graphics for it.
I already started developing game. Check repo from first post.
Currently I'm doing non-gameplay stuff like save/load system, logs, options etc. before true gameplay.
So, I would like to hear how your vision looks like for this kind of game.

My ideal game will be rpg/simulation, but i consider this as mainly simulation game with few rpg elements, so my ideas might be too rpg-ish.
But for first each girl has start class, in each level she can choose new class or advance in old class (basically rpg elements like in Neverwinter nights game or in other word AD&D 3.5). The classes are some combat which helps during combat works like fight in dungeon or colosseum, with additional civilian classes (like waitress, milk cow, stripper, whore etc.). Each one has it strong points and weak points. The success of work will be decided by roll of dice (20) with modifiers from stats and skill, additional action like getting tips during this work or some random events also will be decided by roll. Each girl has Stats, Skills and traits(add to stat and skill, unlocking special events during work, unlocking special attacks during fight etc.).
Now stop about girls and talk about brothel. Brothel can have different rooms, each room unlock one or more slots for girls, in each room can have different furniture which increase Stat/Skill/Add trait to girls who works here (or for client who comes here) each furniture has different levels which better one cost more but provide better bonuses. We can build restauraunt/bar in our brothel but it's either needs to provide enough supplies to serve clients (by work or buying in free market - only good at the beginning with higher demand the price rise). Each work has it's own animation (and sometimes special clothes that girl use when working).

Okay for now it's all i wanted to write it's basically my vision of base mechanics, also one important thing each girl has it's own log which write important events in life (during game) so how much she made during work, what happens during work (if something special happened) etc.

Offline Sharkey

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Re: Something New - Game
« Reply #25 on: April 30, 2015, 03:45:14 PM »
I must say i'm yet to download your game since i was waiting for more complete version to watch, but surely i will try in long weekend to see what your game looks like
As you want, but remember that there's no gameplay for now.

Hmm from what you write it seems there is no possibility in copying bones from one character to another am i right?? I mean what i was think that animation has two different "layers" one for base image and other with steps for modifying image, i was thinking that copying those second layer for all characters should be possible to done. If not from what you say you need each one character to make animation for him??
Consider example:
- Template got 1 animation stand.
- You want to create new character which for example has 3 arms and you want to have it all animated.
- So you need to copy template project and edit it for your character.
- Someone adds second animation - jump.
- You want this new animation, but currently there's no good solution to copy it to another project of skeletal animation.
- You have to delete your character and copy template again or create animation manually.

There is option to copy animation from json file, but I didn't consider it as a good practice.
Hmmm, however I can create simple tool to copy specific animations from json files or even whole project. I need to check it.

I must ask is spine better than cocos like you can make a template for animation of similar built characters?? If yes than you can consider accepting donation to finance aquire of spine. check license section.
I see no point of donations to get only one licence for myself.

My ideal game will be rpg/simulation, but i consider this as mainly simulation game with few rpg elements, so my ideas might be too rpg-ish.
But for first each girl has start class, in each level she can choose new class or advance in old class (basically rpg elements like in Neverwinter nights game or in other word AD&D 3.5). The classes are some combat which helps during combat works like fight in dungeon or colosseum, with additional civilian classes (like waitress, milk cow, stripper, whore etc.). Each one has it strong points and weak points. The success of work will be decided by roll of dice (20) with modifiers from stats and skill, additional action like getting tips during this work or some random events also will be decided by roll. Each girl has Stats, Skills and traits(add to stat and skill, unlocking special events during work, unlocking special attacks during fight etc.).
Now stop about girls and talk about brothel. Brothel can have different rooms, each room unlock one or more slots for girls, in each room can have different furniture which increase Stat/Skill/Add trait to girls who works here (or for client who comes here) each furniture has different levels which better one cost more but provide better bonuses. We can build restauraunt/bar in our brothel but it's either needs to provide enough supplies to serve clients (by work or buying in free market - only good at the beginning with higher demand the price rise). Each work has it's own animation (and sometimes special clothes that girl use when working).

Okay for now it's all i wanted to write it's basically my vision of base mechanics, also one important thing each girl has it's own log which write important events in life (during game) so how much she made during work, what happens during work (if something special happened) etc.
I will read it later.

Offline dullman

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Re: Something New - Game
« Reply #26 on: April 30, 2015, 11:00:59 PM »
So i have a time to check project and my question is how to open project?? I opened them through Cocos studio and get only some scenes without any template or code source is there any other way to see source code or i do something wrong?? Also i wanted to see how templates are made and try to make natsuru senou as trial but i also seems that can't find this.

ps. to compile game you need to have python + compile through console ??

Offline Sharkey

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Re: Something New - Game
« Reply #27 on: May 01, 2015, 03:03:55 AM »
So i have a time to check project and my question is how to open project?? I opened them through Cocos studio and get only some scenes without any template or code source is there any other way to see source code or i do something wrong?? Also i wanted to see how templates are made and try to make natsuru senou as trial but i also seems that can't find this.

ps. to compile game you need to have python + compile through console ??

First of all if you are on Windows then you need install Visual Studio 2013. Cocos doesn't provide any compiler, so this is the requirement. I suggest Visual Studio 2013 Community Edition which is totally free. Then open Cocos app and download Cocos Framework v3.6 and Cocos Skeletal Animation Editor from Cocos Store tab. Other required stuff like python should be automatically installed with Cocos Framework. Now you should be ready to compile game for Windows.
There are 2 possible ways to compile:
- By Cocos Studio (upper bar Run on...)
- By Visual Studio (F5), which I recommend due to better info about compilation.
If you have any compile errors please send me PM instead of post.

If you want to compile it on android you need much more. I would rather send you already built .apk.

If you want to edit template: open [Cocos Skeletal] Animation Editor then open project  and choose "Template.xml.animation" from root folder of game project.

Edit. You should redownload repo for updated VS project.

But for first each girl has start class, in each level she can choose new class or advance in old class (basically rpg elements like in Neverwinter nights game or in other word AD&D 3.5). The classes are some combat which helps during combat works like fight in dungeon or colosseum, with additional civilian classes (like waitress, milk cow, stripper, whore etc.). Each one has it strong points and weak points.
Seems good to me. By strong points and weak points you mean for example:
Warrior class has all combat stats and skills increased by X% per level and whore-like skills and stats decreased by constant Y%?

The success of work will be decided by roll of dice (20) with modifiers from stats and skill, additional action like getting tips during this work or some random events also will be decided by roll. Each girl has Stats, Skills and traits(add to stat and skill, unlocking special events during work, unlocking special attacks during fight etc.).
This is what I already planned to do.
However I need to figure out what kind of work system will be good for this game.
I mean there is another factor - customers.

Now stop about girls and talk about brothel. Brothel can have different rooms, each room unlock one or more slots for girls, in each room can have different furniture which increase Stat/Skill/Add trait to girls who works here (or for client who comes here) each furniture has different levels which better one cost more but provide better bonuses. We can build restauraunt/bar in our brothel but it's either needs to provide enough supplies to serve clients (by work or buying in free market - only good at the beginning with higher demand the price rise). Each work has it's own animation (and sometimes special clothes that girl use when working).
I very like the room idea. It remembers me Otherworld game, where's similar system.

Okay for now it's all i wanted to write it's basically my vision of base mechanics, also one important thing each girl has it's own log which write important events in life (during game) so how much she made during work, what happens during work (if something special happened) etc.
You want to see something like a diary, huh? I will consider it.
For now I'm implementing event log which inform about what happened during one phase.
« Last Edit: May 01, 2015, 07:28:24 AM by Xan »

Offline dullman

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Re: Something New - Game
« Reply #28 on: May 01, 2015, 12:33:11 PM »
First of all if you are on Windows then you need install Visual Studio 2013. Cocos doesn't provide any compiler, so this is the requirement. I suggest Visual Studio 2013 Community Edition which is totally free. Then open Cocos app and download Cocos Framework v3.6 and Cocos Skeletal Animation Editor from Cocos Store tab. Other required stuff like python should be automatically installed with Cocos Framework. Now you should be ready to compile game for Windows.
There are 2 possible ways to compile:
- By Cocos Studio (upper bar Run on...)
- By Visual Studio (F5), which I recommend due to better info about compilation.
If you have any compile errors please send me PM instead of post.

If you want to compile it on android you need much more. I would rather send you already built .apk.

If you want to edit template: open [Cocos Skeletal] Animation Editor then open project  and choose "Template.xml.animation" from root folder of game project.

Edit. You should redownload repo for updated VS project.

Funny thing i tried open with visual studio and didn't wanted to open, but i don't remember if i have VC++ or C# so might have different compiler

Edit2. Seems good to me. By strong points and weak points you mean for example:
Warrior class has all combat stats and skills increased by X% per level and whore-like skills and stats decreased by constant Y%?
This is what I already planned to do.

[/size]What i like in Neverwinter Nights it's easy to set strong points of class and weak by adding Class Skill and Class traits, for example the warrior has class skill called discipline max amount in skill is 2* class level (it doesn't matter if it's warrior or warrior + other class who has discipline also as class skill), each point cost 1 skill point (Each class get different amount of points depends on how she is specialized), but the discipline might be also developed by classes that don't have it as class skill (For example if we want warrior mage) then it cost 2 points of skill points for each skill level with max which is level of person (As in NWN it doesn't work entire like that but i made a small modify to disallow cheating)
However I need to figure out what kind of work system will be good for this game.
I mean there is another factor - customers.

As For customer i planned them to follow the same system as actors so they have class, traits, skill etc. so we can get a poor client who has high demands and we never satisfied with girls other than high leveled, or rich easy to satisfied client, i know it's something different from standard approach the higher skill needs to be satisfied the higher pay, but i planned to make it realistic as possible. (And the hidden filter for poor clients will be the standard cost of girl, meaning the rich gives large tips whilst the poor gives small tips). To be truthful i also planned some kind of higher paying customers who isn't easy satisfied but it won't be easy task and never in large amounts.

I very like the room idea. It remembers me Otherworld game, where's similar system.

I must say in otherworld is only flavour of rooms system not something i like to see, but to be truthful it never was completed, stopped on early alpha

You want to see something like a diary, huh? I will consider it.
For now I'm implementing event log which inform about what happened during one phase.
Yes i want a logs for each girl if it's in diary on other form i want to be able to tell which girl earn lot, which girl is better suited to job etc.

Offline Sharkey

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Re: Something New - Game
« Reply #29 on: May 08, 2015, 09:49:12 AM »
Funny thing i tried open with visual studio and didn't wanted to open, but i don't remember if i have VC++ or C# so might have different compiler
That's why I recommend Community version. There's no reason to use Express instead of Community.

What i like in Neverwinter Nights it's easy to set strong points of class and weak by adding Class Skill and Class traits, for example the warrior has class skill called discipline max amount in skill is 2* class level (it doesn't matter if it's warrior or warrior + other class who has discipline also as class skill), each point cost 1 skill point (Each class get different amount of points depends on how she is specialized), but the discipline might be also developed by classes that don't have it as class skill (For example if we want warrior mage) then it cost 2 points of skill points for each skill level with max which is level of person (As in NWN it doesn't work entire like that but i made a small modify to disallow cheating)
Yup, can be done, but I don't like the part of skill points. It looks like you want to have ability to choose which skill you want to improve.
IMO it shouldn't work like that. Skills should be increased/decreased automatically, based on actions, events, items etc.

I must say in otherworld is only flavour of rooms system not something i like to see, but to be truthful it never was completed, stopped on early alpha
Yeah. I will try to add this for first release, but for now I don't know how screen should look like for this.
Designing screens is much harder there, because you need to make it universal for desktops and mobiles.

Yes i want a logs for each girl if it's in diary on other form i want to be able to tell which girl earn lot, which girl is better suited to job etc.
Basically that what you want to know, you can find out by looking at phase log.
It won't tell you directly what you want, but it should be sufficient, especially for now.