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Offline Xela

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Re: General Discussion
« Reply #1200 on: October 22, 2013, 05:02:05 PM »
So if I understand correctly you need text written and do things that can change the dispositition. Like the girls in the park you now meet all the time till you have them all.

CW gathered an impressive list of texts from other games, it can be very useful. If you want to see an example of what I'm talking about, try SimBro 1X. It's more basic there but idea is similar.

Like giving a certain gift (after finding out what the girl likes) can raise it a bit.. or just asking about her can raise it 1 time?

Do you have an idea if you want a "standard" set of rules or several type  of girls.. some shy (like more shy things, books, small items) some in between (maybe some nice clothes nothing rancy or small jewerly and some outgoing of even horny (hot clothes or naughty items)

Just talking can raise disposition as well. Giving gifts definitely, gifts should be items but I don't know if we should introduce separate category or just use normal items. We haven't decided that yet. In any case, giving items will require extra screen, I'll code that in later.

Just an idea. Maybe base it on class? that way you can have the girls react a bit differently... else you have to program every girl indivudually... which would take a looooot of time.

Yeap, we should base it on class (called occupation in PyTFall), just like in SimBro. Later more, based on traits and likes/dislikes (post Alpha). Programming for each girl individually is already allowed but we are not going to do that.

In any case, you should talk to CW about this, he had a very good collection of texts in xml, if i was to do girlmeets, I would definitely use many texts from there.


I am done coding for the night, bit tired so I am making to many mistakes, it's not a good idea to continue into the night like this.

Automatic dogfights are working now :)
Non hero girls are being restored (health, AP, effects, Mp)
Arena feels a bit more alive... tomorrow I will prolly add ability to fight in official matches (extra two methods :) )

Arena is now 2k lines of code :)
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Offline CherryWood

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Re: General Discussion
« Reply #1201 on: October 23, 2013, 03:58:27 AM »

I always get stuck with texts. While I can imagine a lot of things we could have in girlmeets, and (with exception of giving gifts) it all also look relatively easy to code, I am just not able to write them in any reasonable amount of time. It take me hours to write a few lines, and we need plenty...
Sometimes it's because of my poor english, but often I just can't think of anything good to write at all, for example I still have no clue what girls should say when you try to give them money.

I was planning to do a simple one click = one response from girl system for alpha (simbro1x clone), and to try dates and chance for girl own actions (also simple) later.

I wanted to have 5-10 normal responses for both success and fail in each option and to replace these with supplementary lines for traits (the most basic personality ones: shy, polite, egocentric, unsociable, cheerful, high morals) in some cases.
Only chat/interest texts I wanted to choose differently, using list to gather lines from all conditions and then choose randomly from all that match.

For logic, I was just thinking about two simple checks: success chance depending on disposition range and if same action was chosen twice +slightly different numbers for some traits.

...but It all went poorly and now I have only some texts here and there and not even one category that I can consider complete. So any help is very welcomed.
 I'm giving it a last try this week and after that I just send whatever I will have, because I stalled this for long enough.

Offline Xela

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Re: General Discussion
« Reply #1202 on: October 23, 2013, 07:06:11 AM »
I always get stuck with texts. While I can imagine a lot of things we could have in girlmeets, and (with exception of giving gifts) it all also look relatively easy to code, I am just not able to write them in any reasonable amount of time. It take me hours to write a few lines, and we need plenty...
Sometimes it's because of my poor english, but often I just can't think of anything good to write at all, for example I still have no clue what girls should say when you try to give them money.

You need to relax a bit... "Thank you!" would be a good start, with a slight disposition increase. Later we can improve it based on how much money girl has. I will be coding simple AI jobs, we can improve giving money routine than. For now, keep it simple.

I was planning to do a simple one click = one response from girl system for alpha (simbro1x clone), and to try dates and chance for girl own actions (also simple) later.

Yeap, that would be the best approach. Maybe two responses per occupation where it's easy to come up with those.

I wanted to have 5-10 normal responses for both success and fail in each option and to replace these with supplementary lines for traits (the most basic personality ones: shy, polite, egocentric, unsociable, cheerful, high morals) in some cases.
Only chat/interest texts I wanted to choose differently, using list to gather lines from all conditions and then choose randomly from all that match.

Prolly an overkill for an Alpha, for beta this will be a good bet.

For logic, I was just thinking about two simple checks: success chance depending on disposition range and if same action was chosen twice +slightly different numbers for some traits.

Do you know how to flag actions (per girl)? Might also be an overkill for now. I would love to see simple version to be done first, like in SimBro 1X, checks not on traits but occupations (for starters) and without flags. But if you want to go farther, no problem.

...but It all went poorly and now I have only some texts here and there and not even one category that I can consider complete. So any help is very welcomed.
 I'm giving it a last try this week and after that I just send whatever I will have, because I stalled this for long enough.

Well, we'll take a look and discuss, just don't remove anything you've already done to simplify stuff. We'll build on whatever you have.
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Offline Xela

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Re: General Discussion
« Reply #1203 on: October 23, 2013, 07:11:41 AM »
Another thing for the Alpha:

If packs are tagged with software, I would like to improve jobs accordingly, maybe a couple of events as well. If not, we'll keep it simple, as they are now.
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Offline CherryWood

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Re: General Discussion
« Reply #1204 on: October 23, 2013, 09:42:34 AM »
I was under the impression that tagger software is not yet ready and that there will be some changes in tags before we start with tagging in bigger scale.
I'm willing to tag everything (but I have much less girls then DarkTl), but when I tested tagging on first two girls last time, there was a still a lot I was not sure about.

Offline Xela

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Re: General Discussion
« Reply #1205 on: October 23, 2013, 09:48:31 AM »
I was under the impression that tagger software is not yet ready and that there will be some changes in tags before we start with tagging in bigger scale.
I'm willing to tag everything (but I have much less girls then DarkTl), but when I tested tagging on first two girls last time, there was a still a lot I was not sure about.

In don't think we're going to get it right the first time anyway. Software is ready "for the first pass", tags always can be added/edited later. There is no way to know what we'll need.

I want job to have more specific texts with matching pics if available, well start there, maybe a couple of events as well. Better pics for the rest events as well now that we have some.
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Offline DarkTl

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Re: General Discussion
« Reply #1206 on: October 23, 2013, 10:22:03 AM »
I really hope to get tabs version before full scale tagging (according to windows explorer, I have about 11000 pics in my packs, so I need all tools I can get). It's up to rudi though, if he doesn't have enough time these days to release it, I'll upload current version with all those changes in tags that we talked about closer to the weekend.

Offline Xipomus

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Re: General Discussion
« Reply #1207 on: October 23, 2013, 01:34:41 PM »
Stupid question.. but both Xela and CW use Simbro 1x as an example to talk to girls... where the @#$ do you find somebody to talk too :D?

That way I have an idea what you are talking about and maybe able to help sort it out.
The tagging thing is linking a certain picture with tag for a certain action like the file names in WhoreMaster?

Offline Xela

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Re: General Discussion
« Reply #1208 on: October 23, 2013, 01:40:04 PM »
Stupid question.. but both Xela and CW use Simbro 1x as an example to talk to girls... where the @#$ do you find somebody to talk too :D?

You mean in SimBro or PyTFall?

That way I have an idea what you are talking about and maybe able to help sort it out.
The tagging thing is linking a certain picture with tag for a certain action like the file names in WhoreMaster?

Yeap, Rudi wrote a tagging software, tags are stored in XMP data (images themselves). After tagging is done, JSON file is created and loaded into the game. That way images can have any amount of tags and game can display them with better precision to the event.
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Offline Xipomus

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Re: General Discussion
« Reply #1209 on: October 23, 2013, 01:46:57 PM »
CW gathered an impressive list of texts from other games, it can be very useful. If you want to see an example of what I'm talking about, try SimBro 1X. It's more basic there but idea is similar.

CW refered to it too.
But apparently i missed that part of the game.

I get a girl at the beginning, but talk to her... no idea how.

In Pytfall the girls now have some many options, it is a bit much.
That's why i suggest the occuption thing to help trim the talk structure
Even traits can add or remove conversation pieces

Offline Xela

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Re: General Discussion
« Reply #1210 on: October 23, 2013, 02:06:01 PM »
CW refered to it too.
But apparently i missed that part of the game.

I get a girl at the beginning, but talk to her... no idea how.

In Pytfall the girls now have some many options, it is a bit much.
That's why i suggest the occuption thing to help trim the talk structure
Even traits can add or remove conversation pieces

Try go to town option in SimBro, choose a location, there should be characters you can talk to there. Choices are more or less the same as in SimBro 1x at the moment.
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Offline Xipomus

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Re: General Discussion
« Reply #1211 on: October 23, 2013, 02:39:57 PM »
Don't see that option in my version... probably a earlier version of simbro 1.

Oh well.  :'(

But it's just conversion no logic for how and where too meet the girls?

Coz what i had in mind was to trigger the battle engine for the warrior types (like guard duty where they are attacked in the city or some robbers or rapist in the woods) for prostitutes either an event of just a meet where you can talk to her. Have her do her job, maybe tip her and try to lure her away from her current boss maybe.

For healers with conversation use a bit of manipulation that the girls need somebody to cure and take care of them ect ect.

Those are just ideas.

If it's just conversation with keeping in mind occupation this could be an example

- Warrior
You: Hi,
Girl: hello,
You: how are you?
Girl: fine. what do you want?
You: Are you a warrior.
Girl: Yes of course. Can't you see my defined body?
You: I noticed, but didn't want to asume

- Warrior
Conversation till Disposition > 10
You: Hello girlname
Girl: Hi
You: Had any interesting fights lately?
Random: 100
Random value >0 <45 {
                           Girl: Just some robbers and such. Nothing really good. + Disp
Random value >44 <97 {
                          Girl: Nothing really. It was nice and relaxing for a change + Disp
Random value >96 <100
                           Girl: Not really. I'm looking for something + Disp
                           You: Well I'm looking for some guards for my building.
                           Girl: Really?
                           You: yes I am. But you'll need to prove yourself.
                           Girl: And how would i do that?
                           You: Why don't you fight for me in the Arena?
                           Girl: Sounds good
- Warrior
If Disposition > 10
You: Hi girlname
Girl: Hi. How are you doing.
You: I'm fine, how are you?
Girl: I'm good now that you are here ++Disp

If Disp > 20 small gifts like flowers or in a warriors case knives will be accepted.
And will add disposition. some small item suggestion Flowers (+1 disp warrior +2 disp healer +1 prostitute) Knife (+2 disp warrior, +0 disp Healer (doesn't like knives, +1 prostitute (self defence), small medicine case (+1 disp warrior +2 healer +1 protitute),  scarf (+0 disp warrior no accept, +1 healer, +2 prostitute).

Or do you want all occupation to get the same disposition for each gift? or just hide gifts that don't give disposition for that occupation?

Is this what you mean for conversation?


Offline Xela

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Re: General Discussion
« Reply #1212 on: October 23, 2013, 02:57:04 PM »
Yeap, that's more or less what I've meant, maybe even simpler for the Alpha, we can always build on simple later.

Gifts should work as you describe. Occupations as well.

CW is doing girlsmeets at the moment, there is no point in putting any time into it until we see what's been done already. Interactions are very similar and there hasn't been anything done in that department for a long while either (guy who was taking care of that disappeared).
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Offline Xipomus

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Re: General Discussion
« Reply #1213 on: October 23, 2013, 03:14:11 PM »
So you need interaction for girls already with you?
Or in the meeting place? Those interactions?

Offline Xela

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Re: General Discussion
« Reply #1214 on: October 23, 2013, 03:16:46 PM »
So you need interaction for girls already with you?
Or in the meeting place? Those interactions?

In the meeting place = girlsmeets. Interactions for girls that are already with the player, yes. Night done some work on those some time ago but it was never finished.
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