PyTFall > PyTFall: Game design

BE logic

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--- Quote from: DarkTl on April 26, 2016, 10:47:37 AM ---It's not entirely true, our current animations for simple attacks just show a suitable sprite with quickly decreasing alpha, so we can add anti-material plasma cannons and still find an animation for their normal attacks without problems  :D

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Well, it's like you've said yourself... we cannot release just with one attack per type so I thought we could (possibly) add levels to attacks (like Slash/Double Slash/Shadow Slash or something like that), problem is that we may not have enough decent animations to cover all of that...

--- Quote from: DarkTl on April 26, 2016, 10:47:37 AM ---Now if you want better animations for normal attacks (they really don't look very impressive atm), then yeah, something should be done.

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So I was thinking... for example:

- Slash (normal animation + slight shake effect to the defender if it hits).
- Double Slash (we show the animation twice rotated appropriately).
- Shadow Slash (attacker rushes towards defender and we show something like this: This kind of a setup may be just the code, without any drawn animations but the trouble is that there are sprites that will look ridiculous if we used that because they are holding huge weapons like bows/spears or wearing loose capes... that makes these kind of code driven effects to sprites semi-useless or at least very limiting...

Even without shadow stuff there are many possible options with zoom, angles, alpha, masks + different numbers of sprites. Worth a shot.

Unique BE skills from the final build of Eliont's Alkion Raiders:
- regeneration effect
- paralysis effect
- self protection from weapon attacks (knight class)
- ally protection from weapon attacks (knight class)
- enchanting ally weapon (+ elemental damage)
- blindness effect

His classes are a lot more direct and specific...

What do we want from AI? I want to try to improve it, not all the way but at least make it a bit smarter than it is now... What should be considered most important? Right now I am trying to teach it to heal, revive and pick good skills but there are so many possibilities beyond stuff like this... we need to figure out how far we want to take it for beta.

Well, main problems with the current random AI are:

- unlimited resources; as long as skills don't require health, AI is capable of spamming powerful attacks every turn. We don't have to limit mp and vitality - although it's an option too - but at least we could use a random cooldown for powerful skills, like 0-2 turns. As long as AI has less powerful skills too of course.

- selecting target; usually in games AI either goes for the most defenseless target or tries to take down the most dangerous target first.
In many games (including Alkion Raiders thanks to the knight class) player is capable to protect weaker party members with special skills which force AI to attack a well protected character instead, or simply taking the damage instead of the target.

- magical shields will be available for mobs too, they should know how to use them.


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