
Author Topic: Random girls, collapsible menus, some other crap (Re: Too Many Girls?)  (Read 3426 times)

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Offline GargantuaBlarg

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Was reading the Dev board's "Too many girls?" thread... and I was sort  of worried  on hearing "maybe we should get rid of random girls".
  Frankly, I care  -much- more about the randomly generated girls than the uniques.   They're a unique entity, instead of just some random imported character  from some other game.  ...As it is, though, they're not much besides  generic filler characters.  If they were generated with personalities  that affected their replies and stuff, if they could cause random  events (maybe they come into your office and ask for/demand a raise,  etc), and if the basic personalities were modifiable (say the "angry"  base personality could be modified to make her directly combative,  passive aggressive, etc, with different reactions/dialogues from each;  also, if like/dislike/love/hate triggers could be set... which would  expand on the interactions (different stuff for the chat action and the  various ask/force options))... something that made them more than  statblocks, I guess.
  There is the fact that the micromanagement is a problem, though, and  that doesn't fix it at all... just makes random girls interesting.
    I think a lot of it would be alleviated if the data were more  accessible.  You can scroll through girls with the mouse in the summary  screen, but not their events, and you have to switch in yet another  menu if you want to see stats on your different buildings or your  gangs.  Making all of that viewable by keyboard would solve a lot of  the issues I have with it personally, though I can't speak for other  players.
  Let's say something like this - the turn summary page as a scrolling  menu, like the ones WM usually uses, set up the same... except the  three different windows (the top one, separating gangs/girls/brothels,  the middle one listing names, and then the last one listing events)  joined into one, with the data collapsible, like in the attachment.
  You can scroll up and down through the menus, with the cursor keys.   Hitting right would expand a menu, left would jump back to the root of  the thing you're looking at, and left again would collapse it.  You  know how these things work, right?  Two more keys might be required,  for scrolling the window with actual text - page up/down, or something.
  Turn summary - the over-page.  Here, it lists your entire  operation's expense vs. income in red/black, and the net loss or gain  (also in red or black, depending), then they're broken down into  similar summaries for buildings/gangs/territories/etc.  You know, the  sort of economic report you see in the month summary for X-com, or in  the things for SimCity.  In addition, stuff like loot and girls are  also listed.
  Also here are general stats, like how many people you have in the  dungeon (girls and customers separated), runaway girls, your total  gangs, and the total gangs set to do important/variable stuff like  guard and dungeon dive.
  Finally on this page are outstanding things that need your attention,  like the stuff that shows up in red - Girl x refused to work, gang x  has been wiped out, a place has been attacked, or if there's anyone  under, like, 20% HP in the dungeon (incase you forget you weren't  feeding someone or something like that).  It would probably be good if  these notifications linked back to the incident.
  Under that, are the collapsible menus buildings, gangs, and individual.
  In Buildings, you get a list of your buildings.  Each one is  also collapsible, and highlighting one (which, if I've not made clear,  means scrolling to it with the cursor keys) gets you the income vs.  expenses and the net gain/loss, just like the Turn Summary screen, as  well as the outstanding-things-needing-attention (the stuff that'd  appear in red boxes) pertaining to this location (refused to work,  customer didn't pay, raided by the guards, stuff like that), and the  other site-specific stuff, like security level, building hp,  decoration/"building prettiness", and cleanliness.
  Each individual building would collapse into the individuals working the place, just like in the individuals menu (below).
  The Gangs menu would break down into a total summary, just like  the other overmenus.  If you were attacked, the results of your  attacks, money made (total, then broken down into catacomb/petty  theft/major theft/racketeering/whatever) and spent, all that stuff.   It'd break into the individual gangs, and then further into a specific gang's events.
  Individuals would be a bigass masterlist of all the girls, in  case you forgot where one worked or something.  The individual's  overall summary thing would work like so (plus whatever I forgot):
  (in red if at critical levels)
  (noteworthy statuses, like pregnancy, STD, or addictions)
  (outstanding events that need attention, possibly in red, and linked to the girl's page so you can correct it)
  [Day Activity name]----------(column separation)-------------[Night Activity name]
  Money earned------------------------------------------------------(same shit)
If doing something applicable (whoring, though I guess waitressing and stuff could use this too, right?)
  Customers seen
  Customer 1 - [activity], paid
  • , tipped
  • (if applicable), satisfied/not satisfied

  Customer 2 - as above
  Customer n - as above
  If not, then still separated the night and day shifts, list her  activity, and relevant info (how clean she got the place, if she  successfully bouncer'd the place, etc)
  ------(uh... column non-separation?)
  Average satisfaction:

  Total earned:

  Net profit (i.e., subtract her wages and shit): 
Just a summary, none of the text or pictures - those'd be seen in the  individual events, that you could access for each individual.
  ...Doing that makes me think of SimBrothel 2, though... discarded the  fuck out of the original's porn content for streamlined results pages.   Since you can just scroll through the detailed/written out stuff, it  might be acceptable, but still.
  Assigning jobs is possibly problematic, since it uses the  dual-menus-that-you-can't-keyboard through.  If I could digress for a  second, mouse control isn't my favorite for menus like this; I prefer  keyboard controls.
  What about another collapsing list?  You could scroll through the girl  list with the secondary scroll keys - which, unlike the turn summary  list, would require you to hit "enter" to change to a different girl, I  suppose - and use the regular cursor keys for the job list, which would  be sorted into whore/bar/casino, same as now.  You could set Day jobs  with D, and Night jobs with N.  It might help if the list could support  icons - give the base/root job entries (whore/bar/casino) an icon, so  you could easily see the dice sign next to the job's specific name in  girl
  • 's job list, and see her job is based on whether or not she  likes casino work.

  ...If that's confusing, basically I mean like in that second attachment.
  ...That still doesn't fix the micromanagement, though.  I would  suggest having the game take idling girls and sticking them into  whatever job they like most/would be best at if they're doing nothing,  but that would get annoying if you wanted a girl idle.  Perhaps  change "rest" to be separate from free time?  When a girl has free  time, the game'd assign her a job based on her stats and the building's  needs, going down a list if she rejects the first one enough times (so,  if she refuses to whore out for three days, the game would go "fine  asshole, go sweep the place up instead" or something.  Or, if the place  is a pigsty, the game would decide that, since she's not an assigned  whore, she'll sweep up until it's acceptable, then change jobs again).   Resting would be different - it would be the girl's assigned off-time,  when she rests and does her own thing.  Letting girls switch to rest  and back when their HP is low would be good, too - that is, let them  decide to take a break without a Matron.
  Penalizing the girl's results wouldn't be good, since that'd discourage  users from using the feature - you choose between tedious microing or  shitty performance, like.

Oh yeah, and one last thing.  It sort of bothers me that the large number of stats are represented by exact percentages, for a couple reasons.  One, it's kind of hard to track - you look at this huge list, and see just statistics everywhere, like - the meaning of each is sorta lost.  I would suggest one of two things: either track them with an actual, graphical bar, that fills up going from 0 to 100; or to hide the actual number and just describe it with an adjective ("unmatched" at 100%, "strong" at like 60-69, "pathetic" at 1-9%, etc).

...And by last thing, I meant one more thing too.  Loli really describes more of a body type than an age, and yet, IIRC, every 17-year old I pick up is a loli.  Loli should be rarer - it refers to a really young look, and most in the 17-18 year range resemble developed adults.

  I don't know a thing about coding, so I don't know if any of that is at all viable, but those are thoughts on the subject.

Offline Abtakha

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Re: Random girls, collapsible menus, some other crap (Re: Too Many Girls?)
« Reply #1 on: August 19, 2010, 12:56:27 PM »
I can understand your reasoning on the random girls, to be honest I don't really care for them as much, but that's more me disliking having so many girls with the same face :D
as for the 'unique' girls, I have a hard time thinking of them as actually being THAT girl, esp with the more anime styled packs - can't really imagine most of those girls actually being enslaved by someone, just for being thrown into a dungeon... or whoring themselves out for that matter.
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Offline sgb

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Re: Random girls, collapsible menus, some other crap (Re: Too Many Girls?)
« Reply #2 on: August 19, 2010, 05:16:20 PM »
I used to defend the randoms, but I actually agree with Necro now; ie give them a more minor role that doesn't require the same detailed management as unique girls.  Even if you've added more random girls to your game and improved the image quality of the existing ones, you still get sick of them after duplicates start.  Anyone who's run the catacombs a lot and gotten 9000 generic monster girls can tell you where to shove the random girls.

I'd probably be in favour of removing them entirely at this point, and making them all uniques.  If you run out of girls in your game, just have the game say the girl was auto-sold into slavery whenever you would get one.  They just don't add anything IMO.

Offline megamanx

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Re: Random girls, collapsible menus, some other crap (Re: Too Many Girls?)
« Reply #3 on: August 19, 2010, 06:29:11 PM »
I just wish there was a way to just fire all the ones in the dungeon instead of releasing all 900 of the random in the dungeon 50 at a time then firing them and repeat it is a pain plus they clog the market not much of a problem late in the game when already have some to make money but the first few weeks are a pain because of that.
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Offline sgb

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Re: Random girls, collapsible menus, some other crap (Re: Too Many Girls?)
« Reply #4 on: August 20, 2010, 08:49:53 PM »
I actually made a common shop item for my game that takes any girl down to 5 health (killing them outright crashes the game).  One turn in the dungeon after that and they die, which is the only fullproof way or insuring they are removed from the game.  It still gets annoying when deadbeat shop owners give you a new one every few turns.  Maybe that could be changed so they give you a random item instead.

Hopefully if the 'set daughter' thing DocClox proposed gets implemented that will at least take care of randoms gained from pregnancies.