
Author Topic: Teleporter  (Read 3073 times)

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Offline Vanreis

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« on: March 05, 2010, 07:38:01 AM »
I got this idea from conversation with Cammy White where your character actually says that there are people who can open portals to other worlds. Generally, it would be a nice option to be able to build a teleporter room in one of your buildings and train one of your girls to operate it. Now to get into details:

To build such a dimension door you would need large quantities of rare mineral which you can optain in the dungeon (would be pretty hard to find and only very well trained gangs would have such opportunity). Making teleporter out of it would be also very expensive. Of course just having the "door" is not enough, you need someone with the key and considering that people who can open those portals don't want to work for you, the only option you have are your girls with powerful magic abillities. I'm not sure how would the training look like but I think that examining and learning about the device would be enough for a powerful mage. Now, that we have operational portal what can we gain from it?

- Each week you have a chance for a special client who wants to use the teleporter. He could pay with rare items, high level girls or simply high quantity of money.
- Just having the teleporter (even without the operator) would make you famous. Sometimes girls would just come to work for you knowing that they can return home after earning enough money.
- All free girls who still want to go home (so pretty much any of them who isn't crazy, mindfucked or happy enough to work in your brothel for the rest of her life) get happier and are less likely to refuse to work.
- Perhaps being able to make bussiness with merchants from other worlds (those more advanced too)? Equiping your goons with laser rifles and power armors would make it much easier to rule in town xP
- It would give something to do in later games as the costs and difficulty of building the teleporter would be pretty high.
- Anything else you can imagine that has anything to do with dimensional portals to completely diffrent worlds.

- Other gangs would be much more likely to try to claim building with teleporter.
- Small chance of portal failure which could mean monsters apearing in your building, alien invasion or rain of chocolate milk.
- If the girl you've trained to be your portal mage is not completely loyal she might run away, help other girls run away or even free all of the girls in the brothel with teleporter and send them home. Also there could be possibility of her running away and then returning with large group of her comrades ("Matsumoto Rangiku has ran away using teleporter! Matsumoto Rangiku returned guiding 13 powerful and angry men who kill you and free all your slaves!" Yeah, that would suck...)
- Other bad things that could happen xP

Well that's mostly it, feel free to comment on my idea, I hope it's not too stupid or anything.
« Last Edit: March 05, 2010, 03:47:18 PM by Vanreis »

Offline Wolf Lord Alucard

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Re: Teleporter
« Reply #1 on: March 07, 2010, 01:11:49 AM »
  ("Matsumoto Rangiku has ran away using teleporter! Matsumoto Rangiku returned guiding 13 powerful and angry men who kill you and free all your slaves!" )
one thing you could do with this is this
"Matsumoto Rangiku has ran away using teleporter! Matsumoto Rangiku returned guiding Rukia Kuchia to free your slaves. Your gangs, however, ambushed and captured them!"
the name could be changed for random characters, or add sepcially created characters that could only appear this way