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Offline CC

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newbie questions
« on: February 21, 2010, 11:37:14 PM »
Wasn't sure whether to put this in this or the bugs forum since I dont know if it's a bug if if I'm just a bit dense :) but I can't figure out how to buy items in the store. Double clicking doesn't work, click and enter doesn't work, there's no purchase icon. This has held true over a couple of games. Attached is a picture of what I see in the store. I would like to be able to buy gifts for my girls so they dont get upset :)

clicking to try and change the far left and right menu also doesn't work btw.
« Last Edit: February 22, 2010, 11:18:56 AM by CC »

Offline fires_flair

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Re: Having trouble buying items?
« Reply #1 on: February 21, 2010, 11:45:08 PM »
ok, to buy an item first click on the item, then go over to the  arrows in the middle column then press the left arrow. to sell an item you click the item you want to sell then press the left arrow.
it's the same as equipping/unequipped items to girls (you can also access the shop from the gift screen, or the girls from the gift screen, if you didn't notice).

Offline CC

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Re: Having trouble buying items?
« Reply #2 on: February 22, 2010, 12:13:49 AM »
whoops, I sure do feel dumb now. Thanks much.

While I'm here anyway, I've noticed that happy and healthy girls sometimes start serving 0 customers on brothel/street shifts even if there's no one else on the shift and customers are reasonably happy. Is there something that causes this that I should watch out for? So far I've just been selling girls this happens for more then a few days in a row.
« Last Edit: February 22, 2010, 11:18:09 AM by CC »

Offline fires_flair

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Re: Having trouble buying items?
« Reply #3 on: February 22, 2010, 12:51:05 AM »
well for the brothel/street get customers from the same pool, for each day/night sift, so you could change that.(change the ratio), get a bar, and put girls to work there, and the same with movies. I've never seen a girl not get an income from working at a bar. this also increases (or is supposed to) the number of customers you get on the street and in your brothel. my suggeestion would be to move the girls with only like one or two fettishes to the bar, training, or movies and put the ones with lots of fetishes in the brothels and streets.

Offline CC

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Re: Having trouble buying items?
« Reply #4 on: February 22, 2010, 08:46:48 AM »
Thanks for the suggestions :). My issue seems to be that I get girls who will happily work and get 0 customers even if they are the only one on the shift. Attached is a save in which the girl Rira is the only one working brothel at day or streets at night and she will get nothing. If there's not a possible cause for that then I'll go ahead and put this in Bugs.

(please excuse the file name, i have a habit of just entering random whatevers for names in flash games  ;) )
« Last Edit: February 22, 2010, 11:18:23 AM by CC »

Offline GonDra

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Re: Having trouble buying items?
« Reply #5 on: February 22, 2010, 09:37:02 AM »
My guess is that the looks of the girl aren't good enough to attract customers, send her training or give her some dress and makeup, but that will probably not be enough.
It isn't a good idea to to let the girls work the streets at the moment as the customers are drawn out of the same pool and the probability that they are raped is higher if they are working outdoors.
If you want to make the anti pregnancy work, you need to buy protect potions in the 'supplies and upgrades' screen and for good measurement activate auto-buy.

By the way this isn't a flash game - its written in C++ as far as I know (hey I'm only a lurker).

P.S.: Sometimes I think I should write a manual for the game - but on the other hand its just that much Fun to find stuff out on your own...

Offline CC

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Re: Having trouble buying items?
« Reply #6 on: February 22, 2010, 11:08:00 AM »
My guess is that the looks of the girl aren't good enough to attract customers, send her training or give her some dress and makeup, but that will probably not be enough.

that's odd, she attracted people for a few weeks but then she stopped. i'll try sending her to training with a few newer slaves I got.

It isn't a good idea to to let the girls work the streets at the moment as the customers are drawn out of the same pool and the probability that they are raped is higher if they are working outdoors.

Oh really? That's an odd way to do things. I assume that will change in the future?

If you want to make the anti pregnancy work, you need to buy protect potions in the 'supplies and upgrades' screen and for good measurement activate auto-buy.

I just had that on because it was on by default, are there reason to either get pregnant or avoid pregnancy?

By the way this isn't a flash game - its written in C++ as far as I know (hey I'm only a lurker).

ah, that's neat. I just assumed that it was flash since most of this type of thing are, but since it's not being distributed via newgrounds or *chan uploads or such I suppose it wouldn't have to be. :)

P.S.: Sometimes I think I should write a manual for the game - but on the other hand its just that much Fun to find stuff out on your own...

That would be really useful. I checked the manual sticky before posting, but it was mostly about general ideas or the effects of individual stats. A more tradtional game manual that explained all the controls and basic concepts would be really useful.

Thanks y'all. :)

Offline CC

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Re: Having trouble buying items?
« Reply #7 on: February 22, 2010, 11:17:34 AM »
If people don't mind, could I use this thread now to ask questions I have as I'm going through the game (and maybe other newbies reading this to ask theirs?) I don't mean to wear out my welcome with questions, it's a real neat game so far.  :)

current questions:

 I've got a kidnapped girl in the dungeon with rebel -17 after 8 weeks but I still don't have the option to brand her as a slave. at what point if ever is that made possible?If it's never possible, what purpose is there in kidnapping/torturing girls there?

What is the purpose of the bar and what determines if girls work for it? I'm trying to have 3 girls working the bar but they seem waaaay more likely to blow that off then they do to not work and make less money when then do.

Offline mranderson81

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Re: Having trouble buying items?
« Reply #8 on: February 22, 2010, 11:32:56 AM »
If people don't mind, could I use this thread now to ask questions I have as I'm going through the game (and maybe other newbies reading this to ask theirs?) I don't mean to wear out my welcome with questions, it's a real neat game so far.  :)

I wouldn't mind, but I'm no one here.  ::)

I've got a kidnapped girl in the dungeon with rebel -17 after 8 weeks but I still don't have the option to brand her as a slave. at what point if ever is that made possible?If it's never possible, what purpose is there in kidnapping/torturing girls there?

She should be a branded slave already, check under her looks tab. If not, try releasing her and sending her back to dungeon and see if you can brand her then.

What is the purpose of the bar and what determines if girls work for it? I'm trying to have 3 girls working the bar but they seem waaaay more likely to blow that off then they do to not work and make less money when then do.

Don't know about this.

Offline fires_flair

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Re: newbie questions
« Reply #9 on: February 22, 2010, 12:09:10 PM »
the bar attracts more customers, I don't know what would cause them to rebel, if they normally don't. the best bet is to make them really happy with you (like love you) and/or give them the dependent trait (I do this by making a ring in item editor)
I knew this had been discussed some where (rebellion in general)
here's one from DocClox
there is no "rebellion" stat as such. It's entirely a derived value based on about two dozen calculations and special cases.

Offline Alugere

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Re: newbie questions
« Reply #10 on: February 22, 2010, 03:19:24 PM »
My guess is that the looks of the girl aren't good enough to attractcustomers, send her training or give her some dress and makeup, butthat will probably not be enough.

There are a limited number of customers per day. Girls lower in the list just won't get customers if higher up girls finish all of them off.

Offline zodiac44

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Re: Having trouble buying items?
« Reply #11 on: February 22, 2010, 03:45:52 PM »
If people don't mind, could I use this thread now to ask questions I have as I'm going through the game (and maybe other newbies reading this to ask theirs?) I don't mean to wear out my welcome with questions, it's a real neat game so far.  :)

Go right ahead, I don't mind answering questions, so long as you make a reasonable effort to see if they have been answered already.

current questions:

 I've got a kidnapped girl in the dungeon with rebel -17 after 8 weeks but I still don't have the option to brand her as a slave. at what point if ever is that made possible?If it's never possible, what purpose is there in kidnapping/torturing girls there?

I don't recall off the top of my head whether or not kidnapped girls are automatically enslaved.  Check the "Girl Details" screen and look in the details on the upper left, under "Reelliousness"; if she is a slave, the next line will say so.  If she is not, go back to the dungeon screen and select her from the list.  The "Brand as Slave" button should not be greyed out.  You always have the option of branding non-slave girls in the dungeon, regardless of their rebelliousness.  If you are not getting the option, then it is a bug and should be reported over in the bug thread.

What is the purpose of the bar and what determines if girls work for it? I'm trying to have 3 girls working the bar but they seem waaaay more likely to blow that off then they do to not work and make less money when then do.

The bar earns small amounts of money for your girls, but more importantly it increases the customer base for your brothel services.  Occasionally, girls in the strip bar will do a bit of Champagne Room service as well, which pays the same as whoring.  Each girl has a rating for how much she likes or dislikes working in each job (click the "More Details" button on the "Girl Details" screen to see what a girl thinks of each job), which, along with rebelliousness, influences if and how often she refuses to work at that job.  I believe at this stage, as a girl works at a job she grows to like it more.  So far as I am aware, there is nothing else that influences the stat.

The same effect also applies to the gambling hall, though girls make no money working there and there is no equivalent of the Champagne Room, so they never do any special services either.
Capitalization is the difference between "I had to help my uncle Jack off a horse" and "I had to help my uncle jack off a horse."

Offline GonDra

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Re: newbie questions
« Reply #12 on: February 22, 2010, 06:45:24 PM »
Well the Problem with the Manual is that there is 1.30 on the way, with a lot of of game-play changing stuff, so it could be that the manual isn't done or only out for a week or so when 1.30 comes out, and I am lazy by nature.

On the other hand I just finished Bioshock 2 and unless I get the urge to replay it as a bad Big Daddy i will have more time on my Hands.

Offline Alugere

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Re: newbie questions
« Reply #13 on: February 22, 2010, 08:09:54 PM »
I still say slaves should be able to refuse to work...

Offline Midnight_Amratha

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Re: newbie questions
« Reply #14 on: February 22, 2010, 09:29:10 PM »
torture and pain is not something you can bear for a long time and with the option to do that i'm sutre most owners will ensure slave girls will obey, especially since most girls fears getting disfigured more than they do pain. by all means, let them refuse for a short time but by then, they will be carted off to the dungeons for some "Constructive therapy"
The line between lunacy and genious is very thin.
So far i haven't been able to find it.