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Fun game, but I seem to have some issues with it..

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Looks like she's been through hell... Noone reported anything like that and we got all sorts of bug reports from like 7 different forums.

No kidding. But then I guess historically I have been one to run into these seemingly-random or edge-case issues/bugs. I've done lots of testing for other things (both other games as well as my own mods) so I sometimes try to push things past what is reasonable... Unfortunately, I don't think I remember actually trying to do that here. It's still happening even after restarting the game, and I have not yet modified anything as I'm still looking over what I would change and continuing to play it as-is, so I'm at a loss. I think I'll just have to accept it as the game making me play 'extra-hard mode' with an additional line of expense of potions strictly for Karen-the-self-stabbing-guard. I tried to track it but I couldn't find any pattern to it yet.

On that note, as more of my brothel workers finally hit 4 AP (5 out of 6 of them do now) my gross income managed to hit over 100k (and being slapped with the new 40% tax rate as well) but leaving me with slightly more since my upkeep hasn't changed drastically for them. I'm in a strange position now where I have 550k gold, but I'm still "preparing" for the 175k mansion because the new workers are taking forever to train through the school courses. I could probably skip right to the 500k mansion at this point, but I currently don't even have enough total workers hired (let alone trained) to fill 25 slots, much less 45. This will be interesting...

Well, so much for running unmodified; I ended up having to make an edit to fix a bug in order to continue playing.

I moved into the 175k mansion, sold the 75k house, transferred all my staff over and began operations. I'm not sure if that was the catalyst, or if i was simply checking more closely because of the new brothel, but I noticed at this point that the staff were no longer getting the bonus message about guests being crazed from the stripper. Poked at the code and found a bug (or more likely, an oversight) in the function, so I inserted a statement to print out the value of the 'satisfaction' rating it was trying to use.

Turns out the value was 108 (152 at some point) and the code had no 'else' clause to deal with it - the function's logic 'ended' at an 'elif <= 100' check, with no way to deal with values larger than 100. I'm not sure if the intention was to add in another higher tier/multiplier beyond 1.5x, but for now, changing that condition to simply '> 75' has it applying the 1.5x multiplier I'm used to again. Also fixed the mainhall thing while I was there.

I think for now I'll keep plugging along while I look over the code to see how to add my desired changes. I probably got too used to it, but I am kind of missing Civ 5's Firetuner utility which let me run isolated chunks of code live, along with giving me a way to traverse through tables to see what data I had to work with. For one, each girl appears to have a 'fame' value, but I can't be sure if it's as simple as mirroring reputation and adding 'chr.fame, chr.get_max("fame")' in order to reveal this value.

And a final note on Karen the emo guard: I can't figure it out and I've completely given up. I relieved her of guard duty and simply let her rest when I moved into the new mansion and placed Alice Margatroid in her place. Alice has so far not had any issue with stabbing herself, while Karen has...somehow managed to stab herself while she's resting in the gardens..twice.

The version presently posted was not build by us but I checked it (long time ago) and it looked like the final, patched Alpha release. We've spent two or three weeks re-balancing and fixing bugs after the initial release until there were none reported. Some people claimed to play for over 1k days till they had all buildings and beaten everything there was possible to beat.

You can post your fixes to Alpha thread, it will be some time till we can release again so it could be useful to others.

When you say it was not built by you, do you mean you took over development after the alpha was released by someone else?

I'll probably look at doing that, but right now I'm going through and adding some quality-of-life additions for myself before I do so. In addition to fixing the reversed values for brothel fame and reputation gained via advertising and some of the more commonly-seen typos, I've been going through the code to highlight the important pieces of information I want readily visible from the next-day summary screens with colors.

For example, having to go through 24 pages currently of "guest wanted someone with so-and-so trait but did or didn't find one" it's difficult to do quickly when it's in a huge chunk of other text, especially when more pages are coming. I've gone through the text and created highlighting where the requested trait (or no preference) text is cyan, and then the text that says they found someone is green, while the text that says they didn't is in pink, so as I'm flipping through the pages, I can very rapidly see which traits I need to look for.

I've made similar highlights to other pieces of data I want to quickly look for (whether I overpaid or underpaid girls appear in different colors, etc) but I am wondering if there is any particular restriction or limitation with this system. I ask because I did just run into an issue that caused the game to crash repeatedly. Through testing, I narrowed it down to this one line of code/text that prints when a course a girl is taking ends.

The relevant section of the code is this:

--- Code: ---            # End courses and remove girls
            for course in self.active_courses:
                if course['Days Left'] <= 0:
                    for girl in girls:
                        if girl.mech_relay['courseid'] == course['id']:
                            txt += "Course that %s is attending is at it's end! "
                            girl.mech_relay['courseid'] = None
                            girl.action = None
                            girl._location = hero
--- End code ---

With the relevant line being this one inside the second for-loop:

--- Code: ---txt += "Course that %s is attending is at it's end! "
--- End code ---

When I tried to add coloring to that line, the game gave me a 'string index out of range' error.

The line in question with edit:

--- Code: ---txt += "{color=[royalblue]}The course that{/color} {color=[lawngreen]}%s{/color} {color=[royalblue]}is attending has ended!{color}\n "
--- End code ---

I thought perhaps it was sending too many color changes all at once and perhaps it couldn't handle it, so I simplified it to the following to just make the entire line blue:

--- Code: ---txt += "{color=[royalblue]}The course that %s is attending has ended!{color}\n "
--- End code ---

Unfortunately, this also caused the string index out of range error.

After a bunch more testing and trial and error, I have this line:

--- Code: ---txt += "\nThe {color=[royalblue]}%s{/color} that {color=[lawngreen]}%s{/color} was attending {color=[royalblue]}has ended!{/color}"%(course["action"],
--- End code ---

This line has a few changes, notably that I added a second string replacement to give me the name of the course, rather than just the generic word 'course.' However... THIS seems to work, even though it has just as many color codes as my first attempt, while the previous one with one color code gave me an error. Unfortunately, I have no idea why this is, and would love for some feedback as to what exactly I ran into, and how to avoid it in the future.

I should note that that final line looks a bit ugly because of the random breaks with 'uncolored' text, but it seems like they must be there. If I try to expand the surrounding navy blue coloring sections to cover them, as with the first attempt, I once again get the string index out of range error.

For reference, on the screen that this was to display to when I was testing, 8 girls' courses were ending, so it had to print that line 8 times (with different names, of course.)


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