PyTFall > PyTFall: Game design

<-- Archived --> (Brothels Concept)


Obsolete due to moving to a more generic Building ==>> Businesses ==>> Upgrades system.

** Brothels are now loaded from JSON. This should be updated.

Brothels concept:

XML Fields:

--- Code: ---id= "1"
--- End code ---
ID, should be numerical from 1 to 10.  To be used by the game internally.

--- Code: ---img='content/buildings/oldshack.jpg'
--- End code ---
Image of the Brothel.

--- Code: ---name= 'Old Shack'
--- End code ---
Name of the brothel to be displayed to the player.

--- Code: ---desc= 'Small, rundown building on the very outskirts of town.'
--- End code ---
Description of the Hotel.

--- Code: ---price= '500'
--- End code ---
Price of the building.

--- Code: ---upgrade_slots= '5'
--- End code ---
Game defaults this to 3, sets maximum amount of upgrades slots for the brothel.

--- Code: ---rooms= '1'
maxrooms= '2'
--- End code ---
Amount of rooms and maximum amount of rooms.

--- Code: ---fame= '0'
maxfame= '100'
--- End code ---
Fame and maximum fame. Amount of clients coming to a brothel partially depends on this.

--- Code: ---rep= '0'
maxrep= '100'
--- End code ---
Reputation and maximum reputation. Quality of clients depends on this.

--- Code: ---maxrank= '2'
--- End code ---
Max rank prostitutes can obtain in this brothel.

--- Code: ---mod= '1'
--- End code ---
Modifier to base prices. Each upgrade has a fixed price, this field is a multiplier for that price so upgrades, upkeep and advertisements can be adjusted.

Other stats:

Representation of brothels state, high values should scare off costumers and have negative effects on work.

Base Clients:
Set to 5 for all brothels but this value is (should be) also effected by brothel modifier.

Other attributes:

Same system as for girls.

Brothels support basic bookkeeping (income/expenses). Calculated per brothel and logged in on daily basis.

Modifies fame and reputation of the brothel.

--- Code: ---            self.advert = dict(
                sign = dict(active = false, price = 200),
                flyers = dict(active = false, price = 30),
                magazine = dict(active = false, price = 50),
                billboard = dict(active = false, price = 100),
                girl = dict(active = false, price = 150),
                celeb = dict(active = false, price = 5000)
--- End code ---

* Lack of signboard should set clients to 0?


1) Garden

- Flowerbeds (Joy bonus)
- Garden (Rest + Joy)
- Landscape design (Rest + Joy + Costumer satisfaction bonus)

2) Rooms

- Improved interior (Costumer satisfaction, Joy, Price)
- Luxury Rooms (Costumer satisfaction, Joy, Price)
- VIP Rooms (Costumer satisfaction, Joy, Price)

3) Guards

- Guard Quarters (Frees up all rooms otherwise taken by security (max 5), small security bonus)
- Training Quarters (Battle stats bonuses of girls had nothing to do during the day)
- Sparring Quarters (Better battle stat bonuses + joy bonuses + disposition bonuses for warriors in the building)

4) Bar

- Bar (Enables Bar job)
- Draft Beer (Improves income)
- Tapas (Tasty snacks, farther improves income and costumer satisfaction)

5) Strip Lounge

- Strip Lounge (Enables Strip job)
- Large podium (Improves girls stats and costumer satisfaction)
- Golden cages (Further Improves girls stats, costumer satisfaction and income from the club)

6) Main hall

- Main Hall (Improves costumer satisfaction, security and reputation)
- Reception (Improves brothel income, costumer satisfaction)
- Statue of some goddess (Improves fame and brothel income)

Upgrades are set in xml on the main node. Yeah brothel can have each own set:

Entries are:

--- Code: ---      garden = '3'
      bar = '3'
      stripclub = '3'
      room_upgrades = '3'
      mainhall = '3'
      guards = '3'

--- End code ---

garden = '2' would mean garden branch can be upgraded to level 2 (including).

Otherwise there are now slots, for example, if brothel just has 2 slots, even if all 18 upgrades are available, only two can be built, game will throw an no slots available warning afterwards.

We've discussed (I will be coding this in soon):

Should be paid on weekly basis and preferably only for good brothels (aka property tax).

As soon as we figure out what upgrades we need, I will code in a system that enables them on per brothel basis on xml. One idea I really liked is to allow more upgrades than their are slots to fill them in a brothel.

Security level:
Come up with a security level system.

Dislike this myself, but I'll think about it.

Location: Just an extra field in the class, can be added after we have actually locations.

- Reserved -

This needs to be updated as well. **Building concept instead of Brothels.

- At the very least we should create more unique mechanics and modular upgrade system for buildings, where are upgrades are objects created by classes and have real impact on jobs and mechanics.


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