PyTFall > PyTFall: Game design

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--- Quote from: DarkTl on June 25, 2013, 07:00:05 AM ---In wm it's always much easier to get several random girls than a unique one. In wm ex their numbers were reduced greatly both in slave market and in catacombs, so players can't rely on them anymore.
I also propose to nerf their stats and skills as much as we can compared to unique ones, and to limit max number of captured monster girls (=slaves) you can have depending on MC stats, or maybe 1-2 for each brothel. And of course it should be difficult to capture them, maybe you even have to use some rare item or skill.

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WM's random girl system doesn't do justice to the game (at least in my opinion). I second you suggestion of making them scarce. Technically, even with new tagging system, if I started coding right now and went for an all-nighter, we would have random girls by tomorrow morning, the reason I haven't done one thing to add them to the game is that I have no idea what to do with them right now.

--- Quote from: rudistoned on June 25, 2013, 07:12:55 AM ---Can skills be rare? Do we have plans of game elements that add new skills to characters?

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--- Quote from: DarkTl on June 25, 2013, 07:35:45 AM ---Let's clarify some things. When I say skill, I mean ability used in combat like Powerful Attack, Aimed Shot, etc. by warriors and rogues (maybe for fatigue or health) instead of spells for mp by mages.

And I certainly hope that we'll have a possibility to freely create spells and skills via xml (providing that you also have animation and sounds for them), not to mention that items already have the ability to give and remove skills, temporarily or permanently.

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We don't have secondary combat abilities at the moment so it's a good thing that you clarified (since it's something that never been concepted or discussed). XML creation is possible but I see no point in it. It's to easy to do in python to justify xml imports.

I see a somewhat different development roadmap past 1.0 release version than you (mine is more content driven, yours combat + BE) but we'll have a separate discussion when we get there. For now, there's plenty to do for everyone involved in the project as it is :)

Ok, did have much time, but still wanted to do something today:

Rooms upgrades now have some usefulness, testing has been moved to Palace, Slots fixed in brothel file.

Got big plans for tomorrow (guard job improvements, guard relay and guard upgrade bonuses (1st improvement is already useful btw.)). This will require both time and focus so I'll be happy if I manage to get that done tomorrow.


--- Quote from: Xela on June 25, 2013, 04:27:39 PM ---XML creation is possible but I see no point in it

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Obviously to give me an opportunity to work on skills and spells while you busy with other parts of the game  :)


--- Quote from: DarkTl on June 26, 2013, 07:20:41 AM ---Obviously to give me an opportunity to work on skills and spells while you busy with other parts of the game  :)

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You'd be better off working with code in this case, it's easier than you think.

Also it might actually be a better idea for you to work on sorting items into shops first since you're the one who knows what's what in that department. Also you could write concept for a couple of items hunting locations, I'd code them in and you could create a number of battle scenarios with different monsters and backgrounds.

We only have some "witch hut" shop (?) if I'm not mistaken, so I guess I should find pics for other shops and their clerks as well.


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