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<-- Archived --> (Image Tagger 0.3 released!)

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Image Tagger

Image Tagger allows users to embed keywords, called tags, into their images. Later on, these tags can be used in other applications that work with the tagged images. The embedded tags are stored in form of XMP metadata in the image files.

for more information and download links, please see the release thread in the Otherworld forum: release thread

Great job :)

Shouldn't this be in the Game Design section???

Also, this just tags the images, right? It doesn't create JSON files or pickled objects that we can load into the game?

I cannot see the images? I seem to be following the instructions and pick the folder, getting the amount of images that can be tagged with listing (next/previous and so on) but I cannot see the actual image (assuming it is suppose to appear in the middle area).

Using Windows version btw.

Hey guys :-)

Maybe some of you wondered were I disappeared too? Well, I felt like working on my own projects, so I did. Over the last month, I rewrote Image Tagger and Pytherworld to get rid of design errors I made when I knew a lot less about the MVC design paradigm, event-driven applications and Qt. I went surprisingly well and fast.

Here's how PyTFall can benefit from my efforts:

1) Image Tagger
This is my image tagging software. You can use it to add as many tags as you like to any JPEG or PNG image. These tags are embedded as XMP metadata within the image. To retrieve this metadata with another Python program, e.g. PyTFall, see 2).

Regarding the warning:
ImageTagger is unit tested and tested manually too on both Windows and Linux. I also never had image file corruptions using Image Tagger. However, apart from my own tests, you are the first to try this new version of Image Tagger, so please, take the warning seriously! Create backups of your images before you start tagging!

2) The tags package
This package allows your application to retrieve tags stored as XMP metadata from JPEGs and PNGs. It has other things to offer too, just take a look at the docstrings of its classes (for example, open a python interpreter, import the tags package and type help(tags)).

Quick how to:
*)Add this code to your program

--- Code: ---import tags

--- End code ---
*) tagsdir is an absolute path to the tags package (the directory containing and
*) Use the following code to retrieve the XMP tags of an image file at abspath

--- Code: ---taglist = tags.readxmp(abspath)

--- End code ---
*) writexmp will only work if you have pyexiv2 installed; readxmp also works without pyexiv present;

3) Pytherworld
Pytherworld is a fangame for Otherworld, something of an reimagination of that game. It currently focuses on the slave training aspect, ignoring the brothel management aspect.
PyTFall could benefit by sharing code, concepts or ressources with Pytherworld. We can talk more about that when I share it's source code with you.

Lets meet in the chat.
Sorry, I have to go right now. I'll be back later and look into this problem.

A small bug with resolutions. If I use standard ones, it's ok. If I set something like 800x800, 1000x1000 or 2000x2000, then the lower part of the window with all buttons hiding behind taskbar.
After that there is nothing I can do to fix it, even manual changing of resolution in options.json doesn't help.

Besides, you probably should resize opened pictures even more and free some additional space for tags section to avoid scrolling there as much as possible. There is no need in high resolutions during tagging anyway.


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