PyTFall > PyTFall: Game design

<-- Archived --> (Exploration/Tiles Concept)

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That's one of those things that easy to imagine but hard to find. I've found several pics today, but not too decent ones. Look for camp folder inside forest section.

--- Quote from: Xela on September 01, 2013, 04:28:23 PM ---Decent peace of software btw

--- End quote ---
Screenshots look promising, especially the first one.


--- Quote from: DarkTl on September 02, 2013, 12:14:29 PM ---Screenshots look promising, especially the first one.

--- End quote ---

Yeah, it shouldn't be hard to replace the map with better graphics and tiles + a map maker. Maybe even a proper rpg engine, there is a good amount of code written for Tiled in python, we can use some of the logic and write custom displayables for renpy to load for graphics. All past 1.0.

One thing I'd just like to add: hobby developers seem more prone to making maps too big/complicated rather than too small/simple. What ends up happening is that they become a chore to walk through over and over, and a lot of the filler content serves no purpose. Homes you can't enter, fences that make you take the long way around, and a long slow path just to get from home to the next adventure spot.

It helps to think in terms of how long it gets from one point to another. Dungeons shouldn't be over extremely fast but they shouldn't be a tedious slog either. If it's a map you use many times, like a key town, then what you'd want is to have exits all over the place and close together so that getting to any destination is fast and simple.

One other common mistake in map-making: misleading exit areas. As a general rule bare patches should be reserved for actual exits; empty edges should be filled with something impassable like shrubs or water.

Also, make first and improve second. Trying to think of the *best* map often keeps people from getting any map at all early on due to indecisiveness. This applies to all aspects of gamedev; things can always start out crude and lacking then be refined later on.

We've decided to postpone exploration in favor of Arena so it will be a while until we have to address this topic, also right now the whole exploration code is a prototype similar to that of a rouge-like than rpg-maker like.


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