PyTFall > PyTFall: Game design

Slave Training (ST) concept

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Proposal for the use of Refinement during ST..

other than CHARACTER that could be translated to temper/ego/pride.. we are missing a stat that would translate into ego ( her nature.. ) or pride ( he self esteem )
maybe REFINEMENT could be used as pride.. that way if she has starting refinement she would refuse sex/degrading acts in the last training stage where jobs related stats are trained
that way we could use CHARACTER for OBEDIENCE only.. and looks more ST like that way

of course once sex skills are trained she will have to follow the regular refinement training that nobleman s wants
or make slave whore work with lower class of ppl leaving the nobleman s to free girls that way no need to lock slave whore to rank 3

I'd prefer to avoid showing virtue. It makes prediction of girls reactions too simple. At very least it should be semi hidden, like description or some line in dialogue instead of plain numbers.


--- Quote from: DarkTl on August 13, 2014, 04:44:34 AM ---I'd prefer to avoid showing virtue. It makes prediction of girls reactions too simple. At very least it should be semi hidden, like description or some line in dialogue instead of plain numbers.

--- End quote ---

yes when i said trait to display it.. it woulnd mean numbers but texts
same for spoiling

also we could use Old huntsman way to deal with that problem.. only giving more details on if if revealed by magic
or going to see a npc to reveal it

wait you mean spoil or sin/virtue she committed ?

sin/virtue should be clear number or text explaining it.. else you coulnd use appropriate punishment/reward.. that would cause slave to lose joy or gain spoil if failed to use the right punishment degree

as for spoil.. yes should be text implying how far it did go without exact number or penalty on obedience

Also even with the exact numbers displaying sin/virtue.. you can chose the exact way to punish her but woulnd mean you had AP left to do it.. so even if you know how to do it perfectly it woulnd be possible every time


you have 4AP

you train her 1 time for breaking -1AP she refuse with 5 sin ( result of sin for that particular break training if failed )
need to punish her for 5 sin but that action will cost 2 AP ( stronger the punishment the more ap it cost ? need to define that.. )
she didnt lose joy or gained spoil/character since you punished her for hight amount but gained obedience ( maybe punishment could fail but need to define how if it does )

2AP left

you train her 1 time for breaking -1AP she refuse with 4 sin ( result of sin for that particular break training if failed )
need to punish her for 4 sin but that action will cost 2 AP ( stronger the punishment the more ap it cost ? need to define that.. )
as you dont have enough AP to punish her for the right amount you need to use lower punishment form
you punish her for 3 sin and that action cost 1 AP
failing to punish her for exact amount but less she will gain +1 spoil
but wounld gain character or lose joy sine you punished her and wherent too hard on her.. also punishing her would still give some obedience

if you didnt keep enough AP to punish her sin at all.. she would gain character and would lose some obedience
or if she pissed you refusing and used a punishment too hard for her sin she would lose joy and gain some obedience

of course those parameters would be different for obedience training or job/stat training

so rather than hide even partialy sin/virtue.. hide the training action sin potential
over time player would remember the sin potential tho ( maybe put a range on that as well like ex: 2-4 for a certain training action )
that way player may or may not fall short on AP to use right punishment and it wouldnt be so easy to apply right amount


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