PyTFall > PyTFall: Game design

BE logic

<< < (3/10) > >>

Ok, I've restored poison effects. I'll try to put some more time into coding in a few hours, gtg now.

Mobs don't have a normalization, it's possible for them to have 0 stat, that sometimes forces the game to divide by zero without additional checks.
I suppose all stats should be at least 5 unless stated more in json.

Which line of code is throwing the error. I can't see anything wrong with stats at 0...

I was busy again for the better part of the day, going to try and think a little bit if SimPy can help BE...

Damage = attack/defence, for both weapons and magic. Also amount of turns for poison is (source.intelligence/target.constitution)+2.

I was hoping for a line number/file or a line I can search for. We can add a check to prevent Zero division.


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