Right now the GI has the following options (arranged as
"Name" ("label if different") "file the labels are in"):
- Chat - interactions/GM - chat.rpy
- General
- About Her
- Interests
- Hang Outs
- Romance
- Training - interactions/GT - training.rpy
Builds itself from the one-off-event trainings from the schools (currently only the training dungeon).
The training.rpy file contains the default labels for the training success states (disobey, runaway, etc). The actual trainings will define their own labels.
- Praise - interactions/GM - praise.rpy
- Clever (compliments)
- Strong (compliments)
- Cute (compliments)
- Breasts
- Scold - interactions/GM - scold.rpy
- Dumb (insult)
- Boring (insult)
- Ugly (insult)
- Slut
- Give Money - interactions/GM - givemoney.rpy
- 25G (gm25g)
- 50G (gm50g)
- 100G (gm100g)
- 500G (gm500g)
- Give Gift - interactions/GM - givegift.rpy
- Go Out
- Beach - interactions/GM - go out.rpy
- Shopping - interactions/GM - shopping.rpy
- Proposition
- Intimacy
- Touch - interactions/GM - touch.rpy
- Hug
- Hold Hands
- Slap Butt
- Grab Breasts
- Kiss - interactions/GM - kiss.rpy
- Sex - interactions/GM - sex.rpy
- Sex - interactions/GM - sex.rpy
- Fuck
- Blowjob
- Anal
- Tribadism (lesbo)
- Leave
All the options are setup in
screens/pyt - screens - girlsmeets.rpy, as well as the actual screen (pyt_girl_interactions) and the label that accesses it (girl_interactions).
All the labels are the option name without spaces and lower case, unless specified. So "About Her" would be "abouther".
The system then looks for first label that matches:
- girl_meets_"label"_"girl"
- girl_meets_"label"
- girl_interactions_"label"_"girl"
- girl_interactions_"label"
- girl_trainings_"label"_"girl"
- girl_trainings_"label"
- interactions_"label"_"girl"
- interactions_"label"
This allows us to specific mode-specific scenes as well as girl-specific scenes.
Girl Meets (
Girl Interactions (
Girl Trainings (
Note:Greetings have been moved to
interactions/GM - greetings.rpy and are accessed through a call() instead of a jump().