Great, now I'm uncertain how to handle sex tags.
I'll try to explain it better, so that you could tell what do you think.
Instead of using dozens of tags that would require a lot of space in gui btw, thus you could forget something during tagging, I propose to make a bit more complex structure.
Let's say we have a picture where the girl is fucked by another girl with dildo, meanwhile licking her somewhere.
In this case we form tags structures:
1) passive+dildo+vaginal
2) active+licking+vaginal
3) active+licking+anal
In these example we are not sure what's she licking, so we form two structures for active, and both of them are true. The game reads them not as separate 9 tags, but as 3 tags structures.
I'm not sure how difficult it could be to implement in both tagger and the game.