Ok, let's summarize stuff.
1) We have 10 main archetypes (a good number). A character can have 1 archetype. It's not exactly always true, but usualy it is more or less. If we'll have major issues, we always can make 2 per character in the future.
Also there is mindless "archetype", but it requires special coding and it's a part of ST mostly, so we can add it later if needed, or handle it differently. Even if we add it, it simply will look like no archetype at all in gui.
2) We have 6 sets of modificators. They describe mutually exclusive parts of personality that are easy to notice and to use in the game. They are not mandatory, unlike archetypes. It's possible to add more, but it's much harder to use them in the code. For example, there are very rude characters, like Tayuya from Naruto. So in theory we could use traits for politeness. But in fact, refinement is politeness too. And we also cannot afford to write all dialogues three times (polite, rude, normal version).
3) We have flags. Combat Training/Adventurer/Assassin/Magic Gift can be easily replaced by skills, it's up to Xela, if he wishes to. Some flags will be a part of base races.
4) I'm not really sure how else to describe body. I guess we could use stuff like skin and hair color as flags for customers, but there are too many possible variations, I think.
5) Sex traits were OK already. Can't say I want to add something. Again, in theory there are different views on sex, but in a hentai game with brothels we hardly can afford morality of this kind.
Now I'll think about traits invisibility. And I probably have to make custom icons for archetypes by myself, I doubt it's possible to find decent ones.