Author Topic: <-- Archived --> Tiers: New Social Level/Wages/Expectations concept.  (Read 23240 times)

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Offline Armegetton

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**Xela: We can use some of this as a base for the Tiers system discussed earlier.

This is a very rough draft and subject to change.

Social levels

0 - beggar
1 - peasant
2 - commoner
3 - journeyman
4 - artisan
5 - master (craftman/merchant/etc)
6 - gentry
7 - official (lord)
8 - lesser nobility (baron)
9 - nobility (duke)
10 - royalty

0 - 3 are considered low class
3 - 6 are considered middle class
6 - 9 are considered high class
10 is royalty (a large jump from 9)

level 3 can be either lower or middle
level 6 can be either middle or higher

every equipable item in the game given a social point value
between 0 - 100 (most items won't go above 50, but 100 is the absolute maximum)

add up all items point values
plus other bonuses and stats

the total number will be between 0 and 1XXX
take that number and only keep the hundred place

0-99 = social level 0
100-199 - 1
900-999 - 9
1000 or higher is lvl 10

Only the current equiped items are counted, remove the item and the value will fall.

some formula/maths

main character section (aka: mc)

section 1:
+    mc.headitem
+    mc.bodyitem
+    mc.capeitem
+    mc.amuletitem
+    mc.wristitem
+    mc.miscitem
+    mc.feetitem
+    mc.ring1item
+    mc.ring2item
+    mc.ring3item
+    mc.weaponitem
+    mc.smallweaponitem

+    mc.buildingvalue    (only counts highest quality owned building)

section 2:
+    mc.fame/2        (or * 0.5)
+    mc.reputation/2        (or * 0.5)
+    mc.charisma/20        (or * 0.05)
+    mc.intelligence/20    (or * 0.05)
+    ((mc.level-1) * 2)    (lvl 100 is 198 points)

+    mc.eventbonus (if applicable)
+    mc.traitbonus (if any, likely to be 0)

girl section

section 1:
+    girl.headitem
+    girl.bodyitem
+    girl.capeitem
+    girl.amuletitem
+    girl.wristitem
+    girl.miscitem
+    girl.feetitem
+    girl.ring1item
+    girl.ring2item
+    girl.ring3item
+    girl.weaponitem
+    girl.smallweaponitem

+    girl.heldgold * 0.01    (10 points per 1000 gold)

section 2:
+    girl.refinement/20    (or * 0.05)
+    girl.reputation/2    (or * 0.5)
+    girl.charisma/20    (or * 0.05)
+    girl.intelligence/20    (or * 0.05)
+    ((girl.level-1) * 2)    (lvl 100 is 198 points)

+    girl.eventbonus (if applicable)
+    girl.traitbonus (if any, likely to be 0)
+    girl.trainingbonus (still undecided, if classes give refinement then not needed, we shall see)

slaves will instead use
+    girl.reputation/20    (or * 0.05)

general interactions

lower class ppl usually won't have issues interacting with anyone
    if the player is too high, they could possibly be scared stiff or unable to interact (to be determined)
    no lower limit, only 10% bonus per lvl higher

middle class ppl won't usually have issues unless a person is more than 2 social levels below them
    will give some bonuses to those of greater lvls
    3 lvls lower -40% + additional -40% for every level past 3
    3 lvls higher +30% + additional +30 for every lvl past 3
    higher than 6 lvls may scare them (also to be determined)

high class ppl will usually have problems with anyone more than 1 social level below them,
    but give the largest amount of bonus to those higher
    1 lvl lower -20%
    2 lvls lower -90%
    3 lvls lower -99%
    1 lvl higher +50% + additional 40% for every lvl above 1

lvl 10 npcs won't see anyone who isn't also lvl 10 (-99.9%)
    or is lvl 9 with recommendation (-80% to -90%)
    if other is also lvl 10; no bonus or negative

however, once an npc accepts dealing with player, the player won't be rejected unless
    - 1/2 the disposition gained is lost
    - or once you are friends, if you lose the friendship
    tldr; unless player screws up, they won't need to do another social lvl check again

random customers always need social lvl check

when the mc is lvl 10

lvl 10 will be able get maximum bonus from everyone who:
- is less than lvl 10
- isn't afraid of you (i.e. ppl who don't run away)
- isn't lvl 9 with some weird combination of hate toward you (unlikely)

some mechanics

section 2 of mc and all owned girls can be re-calculated at the final part of next day
and stored as a 'semi-permanent' variable. that doesn't see large fluctuations

section 1 will only be calculated during social level checks as equiped gear can
constantly change.

but section 1 will only need to calculate for 2 ppl at a time.

section 2 should be done for npcs and unowned girls upon creation.

final thoughts

because of the large amount of additional data that is needed: focus mainly on item additions
all other 'bonuses' can stay at 0 until added or updated at a later time.

this whole topic was started due to Dark's idea. See
- Ingame differences between the levels besides hiring process. Better rooms? Better food? Their effects? Income per day?

for free girls, I would say that higher social level means higher wages to pay, but also better money making as well.
as far as effects go, higher lvl would also mean higher standard of living. In other words, being spoiled.

the player can still put a high class girl in a dirty brothel, but she should not be happy in those conditions.
every day spent there would decrease joy and disposition at the very least. and probably lower the chances of stat gains

putting a lower level girl in a higher level brothel would probably receive criticism from customers. (I think this may already be in place, somewhat)

lower class girls are made happier easier and aren't afraid of rough conditions.

slaves would be similar but might be affected less with money, but bad conditions would still be bad for their mental health

as far as food, I'm still uncertain as to how food is being used in the game. do they need to eat? or is this only for dates and such?
if it's only for dates, then of course their taste may change to their social level

let the ideas flow!

however, someone who started at lvl 0 may retain a liking for low level food. (but I have no idea as to how that would be implemented)
« Last Edit: February 14, 2017, 12:40:44 PM by Xela »
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Offline Xela

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Re: New Social level concept
« Reply #1 on: August 23, 2015, 03:52:11 PM »
SLs cannot be items related, otherwise we can prolly make some of that work... I want to take a look at the new elements icons and prolly call it a night.
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Offline DarkTl

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Re: New Social level concept
« Reply #2 on: August 24, 2015, 12:39:38 PM »
Very decent concept, thanks.

Offline Armegetton

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Re: New Social level concept
« Reply #3 on: August 25, 2015, 03:58:08 AM »
Very decent concept, thanks.

It was for you after all. Take what you want from it (if any).

The above has multiple effects on the game play. If you don't want it to be able to fluctuate or if it's too involved, we can always remove a couple of the sections and it should still work after all.

The only issue I saw when you first had the idea (the one where it's only based on money), is that if the player goes and buys something, it'll crash the mc's level completely. Unless that's what you want.
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Offline Xela

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Re: *Tiers: New Social Level/Wages/Expectations concept.
« Reply #4 on: April 24, 2016, 07:50:36 AM »
I am going to necro + sticky this, some decent ideas and naming/order layed out here should proof useful in the upcoming Tier design (or whatever we choose to call it).
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Offline DarkTl

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Re: *Tiers: New Social Level/Wages/Expectations concept.
« Reply #5 on: April 24, 2016, 09:36:52 AM »
every equipable item in the game given a social point value
between 0 - 100 (most items won't go above 50, but 100 is the absolute maximum)
It makes sense from the viewpoint of logic, but also limits your options for equipment. Either you use the best items, or characters have low social levels forever. If we'll have something like it, it should not be the only way to gain social points, and not even the main one.

Offline Xela

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Re: New Social level concept
« Reply #6 on: April 24, 2016, 09:39:19 AM »
SLs cannot be items related, otherwise we can prolly make some of that work... I want to take a look at the new elements icons and prolly call it a night.

I blew that off in the second post. It's doable but I don't like the limitation.
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