And here comes the mods (small or not):
So for start a really quick modification to made by hand (as update gonna force you to do it one day anyway I suppose):
-It's for increasing the strenght gain drastically when wood cutting, go to > game >code >locations > forest >forest_entrance.rpy
First you can change yours odds line 59 :
So you have to change 50 by 100 for exemple.
if dice (100):
Like that, but still you are not guaranteed to have at least one point ! Yeah I know, it's awfull !
So make a change at line 60 to be sure to earn this precious one, it should look like that:
$ hero.attack += randint(1, 2)
Hope it's clear^^
Edit 07/04/2019
I have attached to this post a small mod for girls personality, the change are quite huge in term of stats but count for nothing in term of skill (iirc). Put it on game/content/db/traits. You prolly should compare first if the mod seems ok to you first.