Last part first: offspring don't show up for... ah... I forget the actual amount of time ATM, but it's something like 30 weeks, or so. They mystically age 18 years over that time frame, too.
Now, combining a lot of what you said together, you're giving off a couple of different competing vibes... you say you don't want something doing a lot of micro for you, but most of the rest of what you say is anti-micro! Weird. :p Anyway, I don't know what necno will end up doing with matrons when all is said and done. I do think that the current system *isn't* all that bad. If you want to micro, you can micro, and if you don't you don't have to (plus you save 200 gold/turn, not that it means much). Once matrons become actual girls, though, I suspect the option to not use them will be much less appealing, but until that happens I think the issue can be ignored for a while.
As for the rest - matrons are *supposed* to return girls back to their job once they get rested up. Tha was bugged for a good long while, but I thought necno had fixed that for 1.29...
I'm not quite sure what to think about your chart suggestion - part of that is because I'm not exactly positive I understand what you're saying, but mostly because I think it would chance the game a lot. Perhaps too much. Once you throw in that chart, the game basically becomes a spreadsheet - not that it isn't like that already, but there's enough glitter and pseudorandomness to disguise it. Your suggestion would, to me, make it too much of a game that "played itself", and worse, a spreadsheet that simply recalculated itself again and again with no player input. Not fun. Again, though, I might just be misinterpreting what you said a little.
I see that you'd make it optional, so that might help. On the other hand, a lot of the issues could be fixed without creating an entirely new screen. I think necno's planning to mess with the interface a bit (although his list of "things to do" always seems to get longer, never shorter), and if all the necessary information was in one place I think a lot of this would be moot. There was a thread a few days ago discussing a possible change to the turn summary screen, which would serve as that requisite source of info. In a perfect world, the TS screen would basically encompass the current brothel screen, the staff screen, and more besides, everything would be tab-selectable, basic girl info would pop up right in front of you, and going to an individual girl would need only one click.
Anyway, love the comments. There have been a lot of newbies showing up the past couple days... even better, ones that *talk*.