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Whore Master EX
« on: October 16, 2011, 08:13:09 PM »
Don't overwrite your regular whore master folder!!! Also, the pack contains no girls whatsoever. Check the third post here for the girl packs.

The gameplay is moderately different in WM EX and you may not like it. Just make a new folder to install everything into. If you switch to a different resolution, you have to overwrite the .exe on top of the interface folder. To keep it simple, just overwrite everything.

This is just a spin-off of regular whore master. It isn't, nor is it intended to be, a replacement for whore master.

Instructions. These assume you barely know anything, but at least you can extract stuff with winrar or 7zip. If you don't know how to do that, I quit. So you can quit too.
1. Download and extract a resolution pack from post #1 on page 1. As in, right below these instructions.
2. Download whatever girls you want from here. You don't have to do this if it's your first time playing and all you want to do is see what the game is like.
(optional) if you don't want to download and install a lot of girls, skip to step 7. WM EX starts with some preset random girls, but you won't have any girls from any specific series in your game until you go through the rest of these steps.
3. Extract all those girl packs. Yeah, that's not fun, go ahead and suggest better ways.
4. You have to put all those files into a specific location.
Put all the girl packs there.
5. Now look at
5.1. Do you see a folder with each girl's name? No? Well then you did step 4 wrong.
5.2. Ok, do you see a bunch of files below those folders, like Rei Ayanami.girlsx or things like that? No? SHIT!!!
5.2.1. The problem is that winrar is a bitch and 7zip is a douchebag.
5.2.2. Anyway, you have to go into all those folders with the girl names.
5.2.3. You should see ANOTHER folder with the girl's name and a file like I said earlier. It's just a file with the girl's name.
5.2.4. Cut and paste ALL, yes ALL, FUCK, of those into the
folder. That's from every single girl folder.
5.2.5. Now restart step 5.
6. Get out of there, go back to
Double click the Whore Master.exe file here.

the end

RE: normal Whore Master girl packs - yup, they work. You'll lose traits and won't get the benefit of the new picture types. The game autobalances the girl stats and skills, so the only source of unbalance is your traits list. You don't have to use my custom girl packs if you honestly don't want to, but I fully recommend using mine on a first playthrough.

RE: random girl packs from regular whore master - they aren't compatible because they generate errors

RE: normal Whore Master saves - They're not compatible.

RE: normal Whore Master item packs - you can use custom item packs but almost every single one will unbalance this mod

Backup your config file if you changed it or anything else you may have changed. Other than that, overwrite all.


(will finish the uploads in a bit)

For this release, it's only important that you overwrite the .exe and the stuff in the Docs&Tools folder, specifically the ScriptCommands.txt file. But to make it easy, you can overwrite all ....but read the red text.

-These packs now include default random girls!! So if you have random girl packs, take care with how you overwrite!
-All resolutions that are planned to be supported, are. If one is missing that you need, say something.
-Withdraw all at the bank is functional
-Immortal and Inhuman Lifespan is now inheritable (not tested)
-Fixed a problem where the matron wouldn't take a girl off duty to rest even though she had almost no HP left
-Money laundering no longer exists
-New script support from Popuri:

(mostly quoting Popuri)
New scripts options:
Lesbian sex
Group Sex
Make her Masturbate
Make her Strip
Get a Blowjob
Have her have sex with a stranger
Add trait
Remove trait
Add x to player gold (positive or negative)
Add x to girl's gold (positive or negative)
Have Protected Sex (Zero chance of pregnancy)
Save Game

I was going to nerf the walk through town button to save when you use it, preventing you from reloading your save, but I didn't get around to it. So, I plan to nerf that in the next release. Unless I get lazy, which is a strong possibility.

tinyintro: WM EX adds a lot of new gameplay elements to whore master and also removes several, in an attempt to do whatever the hell I want with the game. WM EX is nothing but an intermediate between where I want the game to be and where it is now. There are still a ton of missing elements that need to be added to get it where I want it.

Click to enlarge.

Young girls grow and gain physical traits!

Traits are learned by getting good at jobs instead of by using items!

Traits visibly and heavily influence job performance!
Pictured is Singer with Construct trait. This is to add to the sense that each girl is different. Many girls will be terrible at some jobs and great at others.

New sex types!
More pic types!

Ecchi = XXX Entertainment, Stripping

  • Difficulty is intended to be higher, but not really "difficult". It'll just take a bit of planning and trial-and-error.
  • All jobs will have functionality and purpose! You can do more than just start every girl as a whore.
  • All jobs teach girls different traits based on what kind of job it is!
  • Item system fully reworked! To sum it up, they are less effective, but unlike in the official version of whore master, they are needed to be successful.
  • Girl stats are heavily rebalanced to focus specifically on traits and not on thoughtless leveling up. As said, some girls are better suited to some jobs than others, but you can eventually corrupt any girl into a filthy whore if you so choose. It just won't happen overnight. Or in another example, you could turn an aggressive girl into a mousy girl or turn a mousy girl into an aggressive girl, but not instantly like you can in the official version of WM.
  • Other stuff!
WM EX is intended to be something like a standalone game, probably not something to replace the official whore master. It's centered around using an entire staff of girls to make your business function instead of just using a bunch of whores. Plans are to expand upon the content significantly over time.
« Last Edit: November 04, 2011, 12:20:20 PM by THE FUTURE »
This is the last week of bug fixes. Barring anything catastrophic, development of a "sequel" to WM EX begins next week. If there is a major bug that hasn't been addressed, say so now or you're going to have to wait quite a long time for it to be fixed.


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Re: Whore Master EX
« Reply #1 on: October 16, 2011, 08:13:31 PM »
Small guide so you don't get lost when you start the game (targeted at people who already know how to play regular Whore Master).

1. Customers only go to specific services. At the start of the game, the only places customers will go to are Barmaid and Waitress to get drunk. They don't want whores from some no-name craphole like the main character is running. Make sure you watch where the customers are going! To do this, check the brothel summaries in the turn summary. Once you start getting more and more customers, you will eventually unlock all the jobs.

2. Security is absolutely crucial! Try to find a decent girl who can fight right from the start or else you're going to have trouble. You can no longer use gangs to guard, so Security is your only line of defense in WM EX. Security also prevents girls from running away when you do things to them in either your building or the dungeon. At the beginning, even 20 combat or magic is better than nothing, but you really want at least 2 girls with 40+ in a fighter skill.

3. Cleaning is very important too. Every job adds to flithiness, so you're going to need to watch the filithiness level and add more cleaning girls as necessary.

4. You need to set some advertising girls! There's a point where making advertising girls is the only way you can get more customers and unlock the better jobs.

5. If you watch the customer listing every turn, you will notice that so many customers never get serviced and think your service was crap. If you don't do anything about it, your brothel fame will never rise. It's entirely optional, but customer service is almost required in order to get your building fame going.

6. Once you're on your feet with income, you will have a lot more freedom to do what you want. It's not difficult once you understand the new customer system.

7. All girls may be good or bad at a job. There's a rating system found in the girl details screen if you click for more details.

8. Items are very very important if you want stats. I strongly recommend sending several good fighters to explore the catacombs at all times to gather items. Gangs can't do it. The default settings I packed the game with will automatically equip your girls, so all you really need to do is gather them.

There are a lot of other tips, but those should be fine for now.
« Last Edit: October 16, 2011, 10:16:49 PM by THE FUTURE »
This is the last week of bug fixes. Barring anything catastrophic, development of a "sequel" to WM EX begins next week. If there is a major bug that hasn't been addressed, say so now or you're going to have to wait quite a long time for it to be fixed.


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Re: Whore Master EX
« Reply #2 on: October 16, 2011, 08:13:48 PM »
Moved this to a separate topic. Maybe I'll do something like make a better guide here. Probably not!
« Last Edit: November 03, 2011, 05:48:13 PM by THE FUTURE »
This is the last week of bug fixes. Barring anything catastrophic, development of a "sequel" to WM EX begins next week. If there is a major bug that hasn't been addressed, say so now or you're going to have to wait quite a long time for it to be fixed.


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Re: Whore Master EX
« Reply #3 on: October 16, 2011, 08:14:06 PM »
Ok, so that's that. I'm open to feedback on how nice/terrible/whatthefuck any of the gameplay elements are. I'll be the first to admit it's not perfect.

I'll take suggestions on stuff that should be added now that my mod is released, but for now I'm in bug testing + tweaking mode. My concentration will be mainly on converting more girl packs for the time being.

To convert a picture pack or add new girls for anyone who might want to, these are the supported file names, along with the general idea (not like you have to follow it!):
Profile -> pics that might be ecchi, but not overtly so, avoid nudity unless it's normal for the character; used for just about anything nonsexual
Ecchi -> pics that look perverted or nonsexual nudity; used for XXX Entertainer, Stripping, and ?
Combat ->pics where the girl is fighting, has her weapon out, or looks like she might be ready to fight
Death -> guro is disgusting and makes no sense in 90% of the pics where Death comes up. Just use the girl looking like she's going to cry or something along those lines.
Les -> if it's just 2 naked girls standing around or something like that, I switch it to ecchi
Oral->tit fucking, blowjobs, not really meant for foot fetish or handjobs, but whatever works
Mast -> masturbation, but if it has cum anywhere then that's not masturbation (even when it is, it's still probably better suited for Sex or another pic type)

For Preg pics, the formatting is very important...
It has to be Preg + the pic type + a number
so for Ecchi Preg, you _have to_ format it like this: PregEcchi1
for normal preg, you have to format it like this: Preg1   (so if you used "pregnant", you have failed)
if there are any mistakes whatsoever, you might bug all the preg pics into not working

Regarding future releases and bugfixes
-Bug fixes: Fridays or Saturdays
-New or updated girl packs: Fridays or Saturdays
-New supported resolutions: Fridays or Saturdays
-Balance issues: Fridays or Saturdays
-Actual new content and features: NOT SOON!

Known Issues
-mystery message of ", which you claim". (fixed next release)
-Some girls just can't stop masturbating on their free time no matter how much they aren't getting into it
-Caught a typo with the Matron. Job description says I have to pay her 300 gold a week. She's only collecting 50 gold from me. (fixed next release)
-Crash when one girl with low moral/health/energy is set to 'free time' for day work. It seems to have something to do with girl wanting to buy drug.
(As addicted girls seems to make the game crash more often on their free time.)
-"Second it seems sometimes when a girl is set to free time after being injured (and/or possibly high tired rating) after a week passes the girl can get an increase in tired rating instead of a decrease (after two shifts of free time).  This might have something to do with the "This girl is very injured, let her rest" message (just a theory)"
-One more bug report. Sometimes player's daughter has Incest trait, while she is not a child of incest. Probably because there is a chance of having Incest trait in her rgirlsx file.
-Clicked 'go to selected' from the dungeon tab on the weekly summary.  Clicked next on dungeon details screen to cycle, game crashed.
-Dungeon summary doesn't place the correct image for the girl when there are warning messages (fixed next release)

Suggestions for a future version of EX (but may end up in weekly updates)
note: just because it shows up here, doesn't mean I'll necessarily do it, I'm only taking notes on ideas other people had

(directly quoting a lot of people)
-Implement some way to auto-detect what jobs a girl is good at
-there were suggestions in the preview thread, I didn't forget them, I'll list those later
-Don't delete old items are equipped using the autouse items code.
-Showing how many customer a girl can handle in a specific job, and show how many customer are expected for this job.
-Possibly make the security system a little more intelligent
-Make whore jobs and explore catacombs more trait-dependant and/or add trait text for them
-Just a little suggestion: caught beasts may help girls guard the brothel with properly beastmaster.
-png support?
-Would you consider adding a pregnancy column in the Girl Management screen?
-Preggers - lose great figure? gain bigger boobs?
-track the ETA until children will hit adulthood
-a suggestion for how to handle body traits with greater depth
-(for me mostly) - trait discussions at top of page 10, also in the preview topic
-WM needs content to keep the endgame interesting
-some suggestions from Shilo, relating to some interesting gang changes + possible image type support
-gradations of traits, for example Chie is tough but isn't tough like KOS-MOS is
-Crisis21's suggestions and also this
-pnakasone's suggestions
-Girls should do things on their free time based on traits
-popuri's suggestions 1
-The quit button should be moved, it's too easy to accidently hit it when exiting the town map.
-"One option I would love to see on the code side (to allow for scripting events later) is an ability or flag to set so girls might recognize one another.  i.e. a field called 'siblings' or the like."
-Make it possible to navigate the Turn Summary page completely without using the mouse
« Last Edit: November 08, 2011, 05:17:44 AM by THE FUTURE »
This is the last week of bug fixes. Barring anything catastrophic, development of a "sequel" to WM EX begins next week. If there is a major bug that hasn't been addressed, say so now or you're going to have to wait quite a long time for it to be fixed.

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Re: Whore Master EX
« Reply #4 on: October 16, 2011, 08:32:51 PM »
Downloading the girls right now :)

Edit: If you have some time later, I would like to put request for 1280x800 resolution.
« Last Edit: October 16, 2011, 09:24:58 PM by Xela »
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Re: Whore Master EX
« Reply #5 on: October 16, 2011, 10:18:39 PM »
I'll eventually support the following resolutions:

as per the thread I made asking what resolution people used.
This is the last week of bug fixes. Barring anything catastrophic, development of a "sequel" to WM EX begins next week. If there is a major bug that hasn't been addressed, say so now or you're going to have to wait quite a long time for it to be fixed.

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Re: Whore Master EX
« Reply #6 on: October 16, 2011, 10:58:42 PM »
 800x600 works well. Game is far to difficult and to restrictive, there should be clients for all jobs right off the bat. I lost 4 rounds early until I figured that sending girls to catacombs is the only way I could keep keep brothel profitable.

 The thing is that it's just like you said, you need security, advertisers, cleaners, CS... but paying for those out of your pocket is close to impossible unless you have a good income and that is close to impossible to get without catacombs... that in turn completely defeats the name and concept of the game (W for whores). Maybe the fact that the first task I've got in the game where girls raiding catacombs kept brothel profitable was to buy a new brothel, and that is not bloody likely to happen quickly...

 It's to late tonight, I'll try looping massive raids into catacombs in combination with good security so girls can't run away while you brand and sell them tomorrow. That should give enough money to pay for matron and avoid micromanagement that I hate so much and give enough cash to develop other jobs and build up a client list but like I've said, Mod should be renamed to something without a "Whore" in the title :)

 In any case, first impression is really good, I love the new stats system, I love the specialisations, I like that the girls go along with interactions without bitching and saying no all the time.

Thanks for the mod!
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Re: Whore Master EX
« Reply #7 on: October 16, 2011, 11:47:13 PM »
You're not supposed to turn a profit at the beginning of the game. This is by design.
This is the last week of bug fixes. Barring anything catastrophic, development of a "sequel" to WM EX begins next week. If there is a major bug that hasn't been addressed, say so now or you're going to have to wait quite a long time for it to be fixed.

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Re: Whore Master EX
« Reply #8 on: October 17, 2011, 07:19:33 AM »
In last official revisions traits added from the dungeon are set as temporary. Are they still temporary in WM EX?

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Re: Whore Master EX
« Reply #9 on: October 17, 2011, 07:39:46 AM »
You did a great job here, but could you list all the traits please?


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Re: Whore Master EX
« Reply #10 on: October 17, 2011, 08:17:58 AM »
You're not supposed to turn a profit at the beginning of the game. This is by design.

 I didn't mean "profit", poor choice of words, I've corrected myself later in the same post: "unless you have a good income". My point is that it takes far to long to establish cashflow that is needed to run the brothel well without raiding catacombs and that sort of turns the game into "Valkyrie" Master instead of "Whore" Master but does not necessary kill the fun of it :)

 I still think that all jobs and especially "Whore" jobs should be available right off the bat... to allow for better turnover outside of catacombs.
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Re: Whore Master EX
« Reply #11 on: October 17, 2011, 08:25:08 AM »
You did a great job here, but could you list all the traits please?

Check "CoreTraits.traits" file for more info. (You can open it with "Notepad++": or similar software.)
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Re: Whore Master EX
« Reply #12 on: October 17, 2011, 08:42:03 AM »
So I'm one and a half year into the game and have a nice little bar running but my whore's haven't gotten a single customer yet. (it's easy to tell because they are still virgins  ;) ) I mean it's nice that a brothel withou whores can generate a steady income but I find it kind of strange that not a single one of the 50+ customers a shift is interested in a whore. And on top of that my girls start losing sex related traits like fast orgasms, fake orgasm expert and even nympho. (and I looked so hard to get them -.-)

Anybody else having a similar problem or am I just blessed with only gays and married men?


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Re: Whore Master EX
« Reply #13 on: October 17, 2011, 08:52:10 AM »
Can you upload your save?

You're losing nymphomaniac and fake orgasm expert with the whore job...?
« Last Edit: October 17, 2011, 08:54:50 AM by THE FUTURE »
This is the last week of bug fixes. Barring anything catastrophic, development of a "sequel" to WM EX begins next week. If there is a major bug that hasn't been addressed, say so now or you're going to have to wait quite a long time for it to be fixed.

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Re: Whore Master EX
« Reply #14 on: October 17, 2011, 10:50:28 AM »
Is it just me, or is the torture button an insta kill now? It doesn't matter which girl it is or how much health they have, every time I torture they die even if they have things like tough, high con, etc.