
Author Topic: Girl Classes/Races  (Read 34009 times)

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Re: Girl Classes/Races
« Reply #15 on: April 26, 2015, 10:00:02 AM »
The Priestess class was meant to be as ambiguous as possible for a good-aligned religion akin to Christianity


Christianity is not anti-slavery, modern society is ;) Both Old and New Testaments accept slavery as a given and Old Testament sets out pretty messed up rules/examples for it. So you've got "good" (if you meant being opposite to the quote in your post) -"aligned" a bit mixed up.

For this:

Surely some god/goddess is in favor of slavery, and a lot of the rest don't mind it, or else it wouldn't have the foothold it does.

Christianity wouldn't be a bad fit, other than a word "Goddess/Priestess" (due to discrimination of gender and all...).


It's close to impossible to create enough written content for all possible races/sources so generalize and think of the ways to make these new traits relevant to the game, how to set them apart in the interface and during events/interactions.

If you want anything to be part of the game, try to fit it into the logic/events/jobs of the game, at least how you see/feel it's logic working when playing it.

*I am having fun reading this, we're working on the same classes/races thing in PyTFall atm.
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Re: Girl Classes/Races
« Reply #16 on: April 26, 2015, 10:44:23 AM »
You got your own ideas about classes or potential improvements to my suggestions? Go right ahead and just write them ITT. I can't argue with opinions. Although I do, in fact, appreciate the discussion nevertheless.
Well, given that that's what I'm doing ....  I mean, the idea of the topic is, basically, "What do you think about X?" and I'm responding "I think Y is a better idea."

If you don't know what the difference between a mercenary and a soldier in governmental military is then I honestly don't know what to tell you.
As far as abilities and reasonable effects go, there isn't one.  My point, however, was that you were complaining about my being "too specific" when you have three classes that resolve around using weapons, and the difference between them is an arbitrary, specific definition.  The difference between a 'soldier' and a 'mercenary'?  One is hired by various people/groups as needed, the other is permanently employed by a government body.

"This person used to hit things for out of pure greed for payment."
"This person used to hit things when ordered by a superior in a military uniform."
Ignoring that some people become mercenaries because they're not good at anything else, or that long-term mercenaries that serve as the military arm of a government body exist, or that people can become soldiers out of greed or simply because it pays ....  There's no reason to keep them separate.

"This person used to hit other persons on the street fights or otherwise organised brawling competitions."
And it's a purely arbitrary definition - one that might work if the combat system were greatly expanded and a distinction was made between the fighting styles practiced by a non-lethal fighter (which this definition implies, although not the one in the OP) and the styles used for lethal intent.  As is, it seems redundant.

Should we just huddle up all these distinct professions into some kind of single "Warrior" class?
At least, I'd merge Soldier and Mercenary, since I can't figure out how you'd make a meaningful distinction between the two.  They're both individuals who get paid to fight, the only real difference is who's hiring them and length of contract.  Skills should be pretty much the same for given area.

Because there are pagan cults out there that have ritualistic orgies and whatnot
Really?  Can you name me three or four?  I'm honestly curious, because apart from the Bacchanalia (... spelling probably wrong), which probably wasn't all that orgiastic, I'm drawing a blank.  That aside, though,
"She was a follower of a pagan, animalistic faith. Her deity was cruel, unforgiving and bloodthirsty.  "
certainly doesn't imply that she was a member of that sort of group.  Seems more the kind to either be cowering (because if she does something wrong she dies horribly), or controlling and perfectly willing to slip a knife through someone's ribs.  The attributes you're assigning don't match up with the description.

Magic capabilites should be more of a matter of traits and classes. [/size]
Unless said capabilities are simply due to being of that particular race.  *Looks at Touhou, where "Magician" is a species of youkai as well as a profession*

To quote you in your previous post... what about the more savage elves, like wood elves? They aren't particularly associated with magical skills, they're more of an archer/nomad people.
Being an archer/nomad culture doesn't mean you don't have magic - it might mean that you focus on other skills (if your magic isn't suitable for your lifestyle) or you focus your magic in other directions (weather control, tending to livestock or healing, equipment, etc).  Note that the former option doesn't mean they don't have the same talent as their more 'civilized' kin, simply that they choose to not express or use it.

Then it fits, doesn't it, as in most (MMO)RPG games, humans are usually the most generic race out of all choices.
It just strikes me as something they tossed in for 'balance' reasons.  As far as an actual advantage, though ... :shrug:  The ones I can think of would require some kind of overhaul or reworking of something, and would probably introduce a disadvantage to non-humans.  Something like customers who prefer humans being more common, since (for example) elves or humans who prefer elves are more of a minority, but the minority also happens to be wealthier on average, so elven girls would bring in more per customer.  But that would require adjusting (if not reworking) the customer preference system, and would need to grant a bonus (or penalty) to income based on race (which might be doable in the current system, but I don't know programming so :/).

It's also a bit amusing because it reflects my own bias (that humans generally would prefer their own kind rather than elf/dwarf/whatever), and that's what I've been complaining about this topic doing  :P

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Re: Girl Classes/Races
« Reply #17 on: April 26, 2015, 12:04:47 PM »
The Fighter class was strictly meant for all the girls out of fighting videogames (and there is a LOT of them: DoA, Street Fighter, Blazblue, KoF, and so on and so forth)
An issue with this line of reasoning is that for some of them it's not really 'true' so far as I know.  For example, BlazBlue - Makoto and Noel are investigators for the local government, IIRC, and Rachel's some sort of entity who helps make sure the world continues.  They aren't part of some fighting tournament, that's just how the game is set up.  In Mortal Kombat, Sonya's a special forces agent, Kitana's a princess, Mileena's an assassin.  It works for some games, but not others.

Let's not get into different elf kinds in all kinds of fantasy settings, please. Like I mentioned, there's an incredible variety of them and they can't possibly all fit a single common ground. The bottom line is, most major settings have Elves as being physically superior to other species' in terms of beauty and grace.
Without actually going into all the different settings, it's rather difficult to make the claim that elves are 'normally' more beautiful than other species.

Offline 0nymous

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Re: Girl Classes/Races
« Reply #18 on: April 26, 2015, 01:23:12 PM »
God damn did we write way too many words for a way too insignificant issue. Oh well.
Why do you insist on taking every single little detail and exception into account? What part of "generalization" don't you understand?
And again, where are your propositions of new classes/races to account for those things you're pointing out?
I feel like I'm fighting windmills here. Anything I say you absolutely HAVE to reply to and disagree with. Again, I can't justify opinions. If you think yours are better - write a class/race, its description and its in-game effects. You can even copy my own list, edit it and paste it yourself! Isn't that simpler than writing walls of text of analysis trying to search for my own reasons as to why I wrote something?

Christianity is not anti-slavery, modern society is ;) Both Old and New Testaments accept slavery as a given and Old Testament sets out pretty messed up rules/examples for it. So you've got "good" (if you meant being opposite to the quote in your post) -"aligned" a bit mixed up.

Let's not get into theological details. I thought others would know what I meant.

By "akin to Christianity" I didn't mean "like Christianity". I meant more the structure of the Catholic church in addition to being morally good I suppose.

Well, given that that's what I'm doing ....  I mean, the idea of the topic is, basically, "What do you think about X?" and I'm responding "I think Y is a better idea."

You haven't proposed a single new idea or re-iteration of my ideas even once, all you wrote is "I think this is bad because..." without giving any different suggestions or solutions whatsoever.
Take my class/race idea that you don't agree with and re-write it to what you seem fit. Criticizing is fine... but doing just criticizing alone for a while gets tedious.

Especially when it's up to opinions in the end.
Offer some alternatives.

Really?  Can you name me three or four?  I'm honestly curious, because apart from the Bacchanalia (... spelling probably wrong), which probably wasn't all that orgiastic, I'm drawing a blank.  That aside, though, "She was a follower of a pagan, animalistic faith. Her deity was cruel, unforgiving and bloodthirsty.  "certainly doesn't imply that she was a member of that sort of group.  Seems more the kind to either be cowering (because if she does something wrong she dies horribly), or controlling and perfectly willing to slip a knife through someone's ribs.  The attributes you're assigning don't match up with the description.

Do I really need real-life historical examples to explain something I basically near-made up for a fictional setting? Fine.
And before you investigate each link, I'll have you know I based this on something I saw in various fiction instead of real life. And my own whim.

Unless said capabilities are simply due to being of that particular race.  *Looks at Touhou, where "Magician" is a species of youkai as well as a profession*

Yeah I know you're talking about Patchouli, and I honestly don't know what to do with a one-of-a-kind character like that. I'd imagine some kind of workaround would be needed and I'd personally just classify her as Human Sorceress. Even though she's officially stated to be a witch (except the Japanese have a really different appropriated concept of witches than we do and it's just nitpicking the details again)

Being an archer/nomad culture doesn't mean you don't have magic - it might mean that you focus on other skills (if your magic isn't suitable for your lifestyle) or you focus your magic in other directions (weather control, tending to livestock or healing, equipment, etc).  Note that the former option doesn't mean they don't have the same talent as their more 'civilized' kin, simply that they choose to not express or use it.

Oh come on. I know that. You're over-analyzing now. So orcs should get a magic boost too, because what, being a warrior/noble savage/barbarian/whatever the fuck culture "doesn't mean you don't have magic"?
The point is the GENERAL, STEREOTYPICAL aspects and characteristics of a race or class that prevails in various fiction.
In various fiction, the GENERAL and STEREOTYPICAL characteristics of all elves(within that setting) is that they're beautiful, slender, graceful etc.

If that doesn't satisfy you, then consider "Just because" as my reasoning.

Ignoring that some people become mercenaries because they're not good at anything else, or that long-term mercenaries that serve as the military arm of a government body exist, or that people can become soldiers out of greed or simply because it pays ....  There's no reason to keep them separate.
[quote author]At least, I'd merge Soldier and Mercenary, since I can't figure out how you'd make a meaningful distinction between the two.  They're both individuals who get paid to fight, the only real difference is who's hiring them and length of contract.  Skills should be pretty much the same for given area.[/quote]
Well, I do think there is a pretty meaningful distinction between the two. If you disagree, give me a name, description and effects of these two classes merged into one.

As far as an actual advantage, though ... :shrug:  The ones I can think of would require some kind of overhaul or reworking of something, and would probably introduce a disadvantage to non-humans.  Something like customers who prefer humans being more common, since (for example) elves or humans who prefer elves are more of a minority, but the minority also happens to be wealthier on average, so elven girls would bring in more per customer.  But that would require adjusting (if not reworking) the customer preference system, and would need to grant a bonus (or penalty) to income based on race (which might be doable in the current system, but I don't know programming so :/).

Me neither. But I have an effect that I know would be easy to code in and subjectively makes sense to me; 5% experience gains bonus.
I also seriously hope you didn't just imply that the majority of humans would prefer other humans instead of elves when it comes to choosing a whore. That's just bullshit according to my top notch quality scientific sources, such as hentai manga and doujins.

An issue with this line of reasoning is that for some of them it's not really 'true' so far as I know.  For example, BlazBlue - Makoto and Noel are investigators for the local government, IIRC, and Rachel's some sort of entity who helps make sure the world continues.  They aren't part of some fighting tournament, that's just how the game is set up.  In Mortal Kombat, Sonya's a special forces agent, Kitana's a princess, Mileena's an assassin.  It works for some games, but not others.
That's a logical argument that I agree with. Most of these characters do have some other form of occupation other than being ass-kickers.
The fighter class was considered for those that wouldn't. But I honestly can't think on the top of my head of any female characters like that. Even the DoA girls are mostly ninjas or something.
No idea how you'd like "some sort of entity who helps make sure the world continues" classified in the game though. I'd just classify Rachel under the Noble class.
Figher or Brawler should feasibly just be traits. Point taken.

Without actually going into all the different settings, it's rather difficult to make the claim that elves are 'normally' more beautiful than other species.
No, it's actually very easy. Elves have pointy ears, and are pretty. In 90% of fantasy settings. That were sometimes inspired by real-life mythology. Which doesn't have much to do with what we're discussing here.
Write all the elven sub-species you desire if it bothers you this much. Really, dude, you can. You have my permission. Hell, you have my encouragement!
« Last Edit: April 26, 2015, 02:14:56 PM by 0nymous »

Offline Xela

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Re: Girl Classes/Races
« Reply #19 on: April 26, 2015, 01:45:33 PM »
Don't write stuff like:

By "akin to Christianity" I didn't mean "like Christianity". I meant more the structure of the Catholic church in addition to being morally good I suppose.

paired with:

Let's not get into theological details.

"Catholic Church" and "Good morality" and "Everyone will understand" used in one post will not lead anywhere pleasant and I'd bury you in a really good debate on this topic but that's not what the thread is about.

Everything is quoted as "Xela wrote:" :(

I just wrote one bit of the stuff you've quoted.
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Re: Girl Classes/Races
« Reply #20 on: April 26, 2015, 02:07:17 PM »
Keep the fedora on your head, I don't plan on taking any stances on religion on this forum and you shouldn't either.
If anything though the sentence "Catholic church in addition to being morally good" would imply that the Catholic church isn't inherently tied with proper morality in any way so I don't know what exactly ticked you off.
Everything is quoted as "Xela wrote:" :( I just wrote one bit of the stuff you've quoted.

Goddamnit that's what happens when you use Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V without paying attention.
« Last Edit: April 26, 2015, 02:14:01 PM by 0nymous »

Offline aevojoey

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Re: Girl Classes/Races
« Reply #21 on: April 26, 2015, 02:27:00 PM »
Keep the discussion going but keep it civil.

Here is some of my background to let you know where I am coming from:
My threshold of cognitive dissonance is extremely high (or low depending on how you see it  :P ) so I can work with any rules and make them work together.
I have generally played AD&D 2nd edition with some AD&D and some early 3rd edition rules mixed in.
I also played White Wolf RPGs (pre WoC) and Exalted that use stat/skills as 0-10 dots and roll (stat + skill)d10 : success >=7.
I do not really play any of the MMO games that have been mentioned and I don't really watch too much anime so some of the specifics of races mentioned in them I can't say too much about.

Most jobs in Whore Master use Job Performance = (Main (0-100)) + (Secondary (0-100)) + Level + Traits.
Main is usually 1 or 2 stats/skills averaged and secondary can be 2, 3, 4 or more averaged.

When it comes to races, I generally go by AD&D2e rules.
Humans have no limits while most races have some limitations on what they can do.
In some AD&D versions, nonhuman races are limited in what class they can be and then what level they can max out at. (I never really liked those rules.)
Some races would not be allowed to get certain traits, Dwarves can't get Powerful Magic, Elves can't get Broodmother, etc.
While nothing is absolutely forbidden, they would require more detail and trials to allow, Pikel Bouldershoulder, a Dwarven Druid, is my favorite example.

Humans make up probably 75%+ of Crossgate's population and they are generally 90%+ of the ruling class.
While individuals of different races may hold a few positions of power, they generally have mostly human staff and some 'other race' managers.
The Catacombs can have any race because it is a constantly changing magical portal factory.
Anything can get pulled in and thrown out from anywhere.
There could be Elves from Krynn (Dragonlance), Elves from Athas (Dark Sun), or Elves from Norse Mythology.
While there are hundreds of subraces of Elves, they are generally described as "magically inclined, long lived humanoids with pointy ears."
An Elven Muggle would be extremely rare but not unheard of.
Whether they are "beautiful" is in the eye of the beholder, to an Orc they are scrawny pale stick people.
WM generally goes by the dominent Human perspective for looks so Elves would in general be good looking but not excessivly so.

White Wolf's RPG Vampire has several clans of vampires each with different powers, looks, quirks, rules etc.
Similarly Werewolf and other were-creatures also have several subdivisions.

Soldier is to Mercenary as High School Student is to College Student.
While many cultures require some military service/common education, some people choose to extend their service/schooling to get more money out of it.

If a person is in the military, whether in training or fresh out on the field of battle, they are Soldiers, as they gain rank, they are still Soldiers.
When they finish their service, they can:
 - Stay in the same military for more tours of duty and continue being a Soldier,
 - End their service entirely and become a Militia (wo)man, able to fight when needed but without any more combat training.
 - Leave their previous commanders and hire themselves out for money as either a lone wolf or in a team of Mercenaries,
 - Get more specialized training and become an Assassin, Ninja, War Mage, etc.
I see Soldiers as having all the same basic training as all other Soldiers.
Mercenaries are Soldiers working for anyone who has the money with little or no loyalty to stay when the money runs out.
And whatever specialist fighter classes can be Soldiers or Mercenaries being specially trained in a certain area of combat.

Soldiers would have:
 - Increased Morality - They are fighting for a cause, whether it is King and Country or defense of their friends and family.
 - Increased Obedience - Regimented training with punishment for failure.
 - Increased Service - Keep your equipment clean and ready for use.
 ? Decreased Intelligence, Confidence or Spirit ? Possibly all the focus on training the physical does not allow much for the mental?

Mercenary would have adjustments based on accommodation and pay
 - Obedience - The more they get, the more they give. If you don't treat them well, they may turn on you or leave.
 - Morality - If you are evil, your henchmen will lean in that direction. If you are good, they will be more helpful to others.

A lone Soldier on a field against a lone Mercenary, the Mercenary would probably win.
A group of Soldiers who have trained together and are fighting for the same cause would probably win against an equally equipped group of Mercenaries who are doing it just for the money.

Probably the easiest way would be Base Class with Sub-Class, two classes, one being primary, the other being secondary.
A Fighter who is trained in magic would be Fighter/War Mage but a Mage trained in weapons could also be Mage/War Mage.
Assassin could be a sub class of Fighter, Mage or Thief depending on what method they prefer for their kills.
 - Thief/Assassin - "Kill and get out without being spotted"
 - Mage/Assassin - "Teleport in, kill, teleport out"
 - Fighter/Assassin - "Kill anyone to get to the target without raising the alarm"
 - Mechanic/Assassin - sabotage the King's Starship to make it crash or explode.
 - Whore/Assassin - Black Widows, they lay and slay.

As with most of the game's code, the hardest part is the text.
While the C++ language has only a few hundred words and a structured layout, English has billions of words and very chaotic structure.
The more text you can write, the less we need to add when coding it into the game.

Generalization is needed in WM unless you can write every variation you want.

Make a few templates that use identical formatting so I can make a set of rules for input into the game.

Keep the discussion going but keep it civil.
« Last Edit: April 26, 2015, 02:39:50 PM by aevojoey »
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Offline Xela

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Re: Girl Classes/Races
« Reply #22 on: April 26, 2015, 02:30:45 PM »
*Prolly watching too much Dawkins, Kraus and Maher :)

I think that class/race traits are needed and should be part of the game...

Can traits be created thought XML in modern WM? Or are they still hardcoded? If it's XML, it wouldn't be hard to tweak or even add new class/race traits and custom content for them through scripts. Default gamebuild should only deal with them in a form that makes sense for development and gameplay.
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Offline aevojoey

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Re: Girl Classes/Races
« Reply #23 on: April 26, 2015, 02:43:27 PM »
Can traits be created thought XML in modern WM? Or are they still hardcoded? If it's XML, it wouldn't be hard to tweak or even add new class/race traits and custom content for them through scripts. Default gamebuild should only deal with them in a form that makes sense for development and gameplay.
Currently they are still hard coded but I have started converting them to XML.
I keep getting distracted so it is taking a while before I can get back to it.
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Offline Xela

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Re: Girl Classes/Races
« Reply #24 on: April 26, 2015, 03:02:10 PM »
Well... this needs to be flexible enough to be future proof at the least. Changing stuff all the time costs development time for devs and modding time for modders. That's why I suggested to keep the discussion closer to the game.

If it is going to be xml at some point, it's all good. Best system is the one that will allow some personal customization, maybe at least partly based on the source.
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Re: Girl Classes/Races
« Reply #25 on: April 26, 2015, 03:47:07 PM »
Thanks for popping in, aevo.
If I come off as aggressive in my posts it's probably because I'm too used to snarky banter on anonymous imageboards. I mean no offense to anyone.

I think that class/race traits are needed and should be part of the game...
Well, to be fair, I specifically made this topic as an attempt to split traits from races and classes to avoid inter-mixing those three, which made the trait list very lengthy.
Practically though, races and classes I'd imagine would serve a function identical to traits. They'd just have their own special categories in the girl's description.
Probably the easiest way would be Base Class with Sub-Class, two classes, one being primary, the other being secondary.
So, a dual class system. I'm fine with that.
Some races would not be allowed to get certain traits, Dwarves can't get Powerful Magic, Elves can't get Broodmother, etc.
I get the first example, since dwarves are for some reason commonly the "can't into magic" race (who are experts in "runes" instead WHICH TOTALLY ISN'T MAGIC GUYS), but why no Broodmother for elves?
Whore/Assassin - Black Widows, they lay and slay.
So, like a kunoichi/female ninja?
I wanted to avoid any class resembling a courtesan or whore, since in the game Whoremaster all of the girls are, more or less, whores employed by you. I saw the class systems as something describing their life before they were "employed" by the PC. But now that I think of it, who says they couldn't be whores before that as well?
I gotta say though, a nod of amusement in your direction for the "lay and slay" if you came up with that yourself.
Whether they are "beautiful" is in the eye of the beholder, to an Orc they are scrawny pale stick people.
I'll have you know that, according to my Viable Scientific Source of Hentai Manga and Doujins, elven females are pretty popular amongst orcs.
And I get the whole "beauty in the eye of the beholder" thing, but I'll adamantly stand by my belief that all elven races are stereotypically at least partially defined by being born beautiful.
White Wolf's RPG Vampire has several clans of vampires each with different powers, looks, quirks, rules etc.
Bottom line is though, whether you're Tremere or Nosferatu, Brujah or Venture, you still need to suck blood to un-live, you have fangs to help you with that, and the sun fucks you up.  I say, let's keep the race gameplay effects as simple as that and leave the details to every girl's individual description. 
I don't think there's any Twilight enthusiasts here who'd want sparkling vampires.
Soldiers would have:
- Increased Morality - They are fighting for a cause, whether it is King and Country or defense of their friends and family.
Now this I'd have to disagree with. Soldiers fight because they are ordered to. What defines a soldier, according to me, is strict discipline and military drill. More idealistic soldiers do fight for their nation/families etc., but in the end a soldier that disobeys the orders of his superiors, however cruel or inhuman they may be - is a shitty soldier.
As with most of the game's code, the hardest part is the text.While the C++ language has only a few hundred words and a structured layout, English has billions of words and very chaotic structure.The more text you can write, the less we need to add when coding it into the game.
What do you mean by that?
Best system is the one that will allow some personal customization, maybe at least partly based on the source.
Literally the same thing I've been saying since I made an account here and probably the reason why I did it in the first place.
« Last Edit: April 26, 2015, 04:02:16 PM by 0nymous »

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Re: Girl Classes/Races
« Reply #26 on: April 26, 2015, 11:32:01 PM »
If I come off as aggressive in my posts it's probably because I'm too used to snarky banter on anonymous imageboards. I mean no offense to anyone.
Snarky banter can be funny and I have no problem with it.
There is no need to try not to offend me, I'm pretty much immune to it.

I get the first example, since dwarves are for some reason commonly the "can't into magic" race (who are experts in "runes" instead WHICH TOTALLY ISN'T MAGIC GUYS), but why no Broodmother for elves?
In most of the books I have read and games I have played, Elves with multiple births have always been rare.
Elves of D&D have a 2 year gestation period and while twins are uncommon, 3 or more are extremely rare.
In races that are naturally long lived, spreading out the birth of children allows for better raising of them.
As I say, nothing is impossible but limitations can balance things out a bit.

As with most of the game's code, the hardest part is the text.
While the C++ language has only a few hundred words and a structured layout, English has billions of words and very chaotic structure.
The more text you can write, the less we need to add when coding it into the game.
What do you mean by that?
I can do code fairly easily but coming up with the text and variations on them can take more time.
If someone else writes the text, I can code around it and make it work.
When variations on the text are needed, the more the writers can write, the less I have to add in order to branch off the original.
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Re: Girl Classes/Races
« Reply #27 on: April 26, 2015, 11:46:00 PM »
As far as Elves are concerned, they are typically seen as being more "fair" and "beautiful" than humans, so a small boost to beauty is not out of the question. As for their longevity, I don't really see a way to implement it to where it would actually affect stats. I would however, suggest that Elves' fertility rate be dropped. This seems in line with most fantasy depictions of elves, like Elrond only having two or three kids despite being untold hundreds of years old.

For the argument of Elves not being "Beautiful" because they are in the uncanny valley. Elves' beauty is often (but not always) explained as being a kind of "otherworldy" or otherwise magical type of thing, not that they are necessarily beautiful by human standards, but their nature just makes them seem that way. Now, as far as in-game effects are concerned, "Charisma" represents features other than physical beauty that make a girl more attractive. So a boost to charisma would be more appropriate for Elven beauty than the actual beauty stat.

In conclusion, the Stat changes for the "Elf" race I propose:
+5 to 10 charisma, -3% fertility (as a percent of the specified value in config.xml)
Optional: Elves get their age automatically set to 100 (which returns in-game as 'unknown') to reflect a situation where elves don't leave their communities until they come of age-after a century or so.
Note that the specific values of how low or high to change charisma and fertility are not set in stone and are open to discussion.

As far as Soldier vs. Mercenary I agree with Aevo. Whether or not they fight for country or profit, they would both basically have the same training and fighting capability. As far as stat changes go, that would make them the same.

However, with subclasses in the room, the problem is handily wrapped up.

CLASS: Fighter
-increased combat ability
  • subclass: Soldier: increased obedience, morality, and service.
  • subclass: Mercenary: obedience and morality affected by pay rate and player morality
  • subclass: Martial Artist (or Brawler): [open]
  • subclass: Others we can think of (Assassin and War Mage were already mentioned. Possibly Barbarian or Nomad Warrior, Gladiator for arena specialists, or Knight reflecting a warrior of noble birth who fights for a code of honor with a combat emphasis on armor)
or something like that.

I also notice that there is no 'Magical Girl' class for characters like Sailor Moon, Pretty Cures, ect. Given that we are playing with the idea of sub-classes, it would probably go under 'Magician', but here's my entry for it:

Code: [Select]
Magical Girl
A young girl who was given the ability to transform in order to perform magic. They usually fight monsters to protect people, but there are also dark magical girls.
-Higher base Mana (+)
-Bonuses to spellcasting
-Higher base constitution (+++, most magical girls can get thrown through walls and only take minimal damage)
-'Lolita' automatically added (Optional)
« Last Edit: April 27, 2015, 12:13:20 AM by MMeer »

Offline BlackWolf Inc.

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Re: Girl Classes/Races
« Reply #28 on: April 27, 2015, 01:07:00 AM »
And for the heck of it I'll throw my opinion in here too :)

In regards to "should soldiers get boosted morality?" I think if we can't agree then perhaps further split them into soldier and militia perhaps?
So the one fights professionally and the other fights to protect their homes, therefore the militia could get the morality bonus perhaps, but less of a combat boost due to not being in what would be considered 'active service'.

As for the discussion on what generically defines Elves, I would agree with MMeer. They are not necessarily the height of beauty in a physical sense, but rather they are very gracefully and they have a very 'otherworldly' quality to them *shrugs*, not sure on how to implement that exactly but perhaps as MMeer said a small CHA boost and 'Great Figure' or something?

 With mercenarys  I think that it's true that in regards to the 'starting point' I guess you could call it would be the same (as most mercenary's start of as normal soldiers). Perhaps have Soldier as the overhanging archetype and as I said above have subclasses such as mercenary (player disposition has more of an effect), militia (increased morallity ect.), knight (even tougher still, maybe morality here two :-[ ?) , yadayada.

Just my two pence.
Don't look at me like that! I found 'em that way....

Now no-one else has to die...
unless I think of another reason.

If found, please return to Miss Y. Rhul.

Offline zafer

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Re: Girl Classes/Races
« Reply #29 on: April 27, 2015, 03:35:00 AM »
I'm mostly basing this on disney type faeries. Not so much as the Shakespearean kind.

Code: [Select]
A magical being that is commonly found places where nature has been left untouched. Resembles a human save for their wings and very small size. Their wings produce an addictive drug if ground into dust.
> Flight
> Delicate
> +5-10 Herbalism
> +0-5 Animal handling
> If one in you possession should die some Fairy dust is added to your inventory
« Last Edit: April 27, 2015, 03:37:09 AM by zafer »