
Author Topic: The 1.29 Todo list  (Read 33697 times)

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Re: The 1.29 Todo list
« Reply #30 on: July 05, 2010, 04:29:21 PM »
really? because, I .. you know, took it as a joke, what with it being crossed out and stuff

I can't be the only one who thinks this is going a bit too far
I mean, we are on the internet, discussing the direction a game with anime slave whores is taking

it is a game you put a lot of effort in, and a game we enjoy very much, but come on

can't we just all get along?

To be fare, this is pretty much ongoing. And Internet or not, there is a certain level of civility you should have with other people. The people who post on this forum are actually that, people and should really be treated as such. Maybe Exo has no sense that what he says might be construed as offensive,  but  there really is a level of common sense in all this.

Excellent example. If you said something that a member of the dev team took as offensive, an apology may be in order. You shouldn't go on to insult their grammar a day later. Just saying.
« Last Edit: July 05, 2010, 04:30:56 PM by Lorde »
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Re: The 1.29 Todo list
« Reply #31 on: July 05, 2010, 04:51:04 PM »
Excellent example. If you said something that a member of the dev team took as offensive, an apology may be in order. You shouldn't go on to insult their grammar a day later. Just saying.
ok, was that directed at me?

cuz, I'm not aware of insulting anyone's anything

and if not, the "member of the dev team" part is redundant
really, I'm human too, and that just hurt my feelings

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Re: The 1.29 Todo list
« Reply #32 on: July 05, 2010, 04:57:07 PM »
ok, was that directed at me?

cuz, I'm not aware of insulting anyone's anything
... why would that be directed at you? We where talking about Exodia...

and if not, the "member of the dev team" part is redundant
really, I'm human too, and that just hurt my feelings

And this part doesn't make much sense at all. How is "member of the dev team" redundant and why would it hurt your feelings...

Sorry but I think we just had a miscommunication here.
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Re: The 1.29 Todo list
« Reply #33 on: July 05, 2010, 05:03:58 PM »
really? because, I .. you know, took it as a joke, what with it being crossed out and stuff

And if this was the first time, I'd be tempted to agree with you.  But we've been over this ground before, exodia and I, and I've given ground, and tried to find compromises, and made allowances, and it always comes back to this in the end.

And crossed out or not, I won't be spoken to like that. Think of a me as a humourless bastard if you must.

can't we just all get along?

Apparently not. But don't think I haven't tried.
« Last Edit: July 05, 2010, 05:05:56 PM by DocClox »

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Re: The 1.29 Todo list
« Reply #34 on: July 05, 2010, 05:30:34 PM »
not that this is any of my business (not that it matters), but you seem to have more issues with him, than he does with you

also, you seem to take this a little personally
his comment about your writing (which I have no problems with, mind you) aside, thew whole ignorant assholes thing hardly seemed to be directed at you
and your slogan is fucking creeping me out

but, back on topic, I'd really like if you guys (the devs) got together and decided the general direction of development
because, as it is, this is chaos

personally, I like the gameplay now, but I see this going in a way I do not like at all
namely, the transition from "okay, here are your toys, do whatever you want" to "you can't do that with that"
really, this is all making me think of that cube with holes of different shapes

I don't know all of this will work out, but the ideas I see in these threads seem to be mostly about confining the player and making him walk a given road

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Re: The 1.29 Todo list
« Reply #35 on: July 05, 2010, 05:56:38 PM »
not that this is any of my business (not that it matters), but you seem to have more issues with him, than he does with you

It's possible. I really don't know if he's just an ill-mannered lout, or if he's genuinely unaware of the way he comes across. I have however ceased to care.

  also, you seem to take this a little personally
Correct. Calling me an ignorant asshole and boasting about how you've smacked me down can tend to have that effect.

  and your slogan is fucking creeping me out
Well, I surely don't mean to wind you up. On the other hand, right at this moment I've had a bellyful of being conciliatory, so I guess you're just going to have to live with it for a bit. I'll get bored with it before too much longer, I'm sure.

    but, back on topic, I'd really like if you guys (the devs) got together and decided the general direction of development
because, as it is, this is chaos

Chaos in what sense? There are two of us active at the moment. Dagoth is focusing on bug fixes and UI upgrades and I'm looking at gameplay. There is no conflict. It might not be going in the direction that you want, but that's far from a definition of chaos.

      personally, I like the gameplay now, but I see this going in a way I do not like at all
namely, the transition from "okay, here are your toys, do whatever you want" to "you can't do that with that"
really, this is all making me think of that cube with holes of different shapes
You might want to talk to the spokesman for the silent majority in which case and discuss the value of good manners. I was all set to withdraw from WM development altogether before someone started throwing personal insults around. Now I'm looking at all the cases where I've given ground or compromised in a fruitless attempt to keep the peace, and wondering why the hell I bothered. And since I think those issues would lead to a better game, I'm feeling quite strongly motivated to reconsider my decisions.

And I'm sorry if you don't like that, but I don't like the direction the game was going in before. And since I'm the one doing the coding, I get the casting vote. If you don't like that, feel free to complain to necno. If he tells me to knock it off, I'll revert to plan A, work on clonemaster, and never touch the WM codebase again. I can't say fairer than that.

In the meantime, however we're doing this my way because I'm the one doing the work and because I'm fed up of giving inches and seeing miles taken in return.


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Re: The 1.29 Todo list
« Reply #36 on: July 05, 2010, 06:08:06 PM »
I typed a whole big post response for like two hours, wording and rewording it, then came to the same conclusion of, why bother? I'm just gonna give you on last bit of advice, games are made to be fun, and everyone has a different idea of fun. So just be careful that stance of yours doesn't end up with whore master ending up being only DocClox's idea of fun.

Now I'm gonna delete this account after apologizing in my girls thread. Goodbye
« Last Edit: July 05, 2010, 06:09:37 PM by exodia91 »

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Re: The 1.29 Todo list
« Reply #37 on: July 05, 2010, 06:50:00 PM »
well, ain't this a jolly good conclusion to whatever the fuck just happened

and doc, there really is no reason for you to get all sensitive with me
I was not even thinking of complaining to anyone

this is not a conspiracy
nobody is set out against you
and, with all due respect, you were acting like a spoiled brat in that last post

in the relatively sort time I've been on these forums, I got the impression this was a game you guys were making because you enjoyed it
that you wanted to make something other people enjoyed as well, and took as many suggestions from the forum users as possible, in order to make something they'll enjoy
you make it seem like I was wrong

this is not an attack on you
I am not siding with anyone
I really like the game and the community here

and, assuming you are referring to the post on first page, he was neither calling you an asshole, nor did he brag he smacked you down
he wasn't even the one who to mention smacking anything down first

I don't even know why I am playing the mediator, this is just fucking stupid

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Re: The 1.29 Todo list
« Reply #38 on: July 05, 2010, 07:05:41 PM »
Look I'm not getting sensitive with you, I'm just telling you where I stand and what your options are. I thought you prefer it if I were frank, rather than evading the issue.

Also, if you look back over the history of the game, you'll find me always adding config options (I created the config file to try and resolve just such a dispute) and proposing workarounds so that both sides can enjoy the game. I won't speak ill of a man who's not here to fight his corner, but compare and contrast and tell me who's shown the most concern for play styles other than their own.

I am sorry I couldn't find a better way to resolve this. I don't think he was at heart a bad person. But my patience is not unlimited, and there is a limit to how much shit I'm prepared to swallow, even in the interests of keeping harmony on the forum.

So: you know where I stand. Your options are to either trust me to know what I'm doing; complain to necno and see if you can get me ordered off the case; or we can discuss options for a sandbox configuration. What I'm not going to do is spend the next month rehashing this argument over and over again.

Now: how do you want to play it?
« Last Edit: July 05, 2010, 07:09:08 PM by DocClox »

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Re: The 1.29 Todo list
« Reply #39 on: July 05, 2010, 07:46:19 PM »
Wow this went miles away from what I originally posted it for just wanted people to retake a look at the Todo list and re bring up ideal off it they liked.  But atleat theres a new Todo list a guess lol.  Going ask a few things and hope they get answered.

1. I think the building management code is half done.. could be wrong on that but it was going add a lot of things to do, new jobs, and plenty of customization for the brothels any plans to finish it up anytime soon and if not do you still plan to finish it?  (i really want this i game so knowing a time frame for it would great)
2. You said your adding a female rival leader that could be enslaved is that going pick from girls already in the game or you plan to make a new girl just for that?  And if its going be the same girl every time any plan on who? Same for the female gang leaders the as they can be enslaved they would need sex pics and such. (posting who could help the people getting images for it)
3. Any plans to add more building to the map extra brothels or maybe buildings that are something different there was a post from about 6 months ago i could dig up again where a writer was writing events for the game and had one where a farmer couldn't get anymore cows for milk so he wanted to use some of your girls to get milk (he had a special drug to do it or something like that) but that keeps in line with it begin about the girls but adds another building to the map and a new job for girls that are in it..  (i like that ideal myself but just using it as an example cause i would like to see a few things for girls to do that could make good money that isn't whoring)
4. Any plans for the players house?  I would like to see more done with it.
5. Your Todo list sounds good to me but maybe to try and keep others happy having a difficulty select would help keep the peace.  Easy could be sandbox mode. Normal what your planing now and hard would be well a harder version of what your doing.

Thanks for taking the time to read this and I look for to your answers as well as trying out your new work.

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Re: The 1.29 Todo list
« Reply #40 on: July 05, 2010, 08:09:36 PM »
1. I think the building management code is half done.. could be wrong on that but it was going add a lot of things to do, new jobs, and plenty of customization for the brothels any plans to finish it up anytime soon and if not do you still plan to finish it?  (i really want this i game so knowing a time frame for it would great)
Good question. I was planning on adding stuff in as I went, piecemeal. Bedrooms first, probably. I should add it to the list in any event. If I'm back on WM then I definitely want to have the buildings in the game.

    2. You said your adding a female rival leader that could be enslaved is that going pick from girls already in the game or you plan to make a new girl just for that?  And if its going be the same girl every time any plan on who? Same for the female gang leaders the as they can be enslaved they would need sex pics and such. (posting who could help the people getting images for it)
Well, either way would work. I figure any suitable set of pictures is going to get a girl built around it, if one doesn't already exist. So that leaves as options:
  • trawl down the unique girls looking for suitable traits, and go from there.
  • expand the Found field in the XML definition to allow finer control and specify "as a rival leader" in the girlsx file
I was going to ask for nominations, but if I go for option 2, I guess most girl maintainers will have their own ideas :)

      3. Any plans to add more building to the map extra brothels or maybe buildings that are something different there was a post from about 6 months ago i could dig up again where a writer was writing events for the game and had one where a farmer couldn't get anymore cows for milk so he wanted to use some of your girls to get milk (he had a special drug to do it or something like that) but that keeps in line with it begin about the girls but adds another building to the map and a new job for girls that are in it..  (i like that ideal myself but just using it as an example cause i would like to see a few things for girls to do that could make good money that isn't whoring)
Yeah. I want the map to be moddable. The XML/Lua screens should handle adding player buttons, so before too much longer anyone will be able to add an icon to the screen. It's just the time to do it :)

        4. Any plans for the players house?  I would like to see more done with it.
Not at this time. Maybe some reporting pages. I know necno had plans for keeping some girls as personal slaves tamagotchi style. I like that idea, but I don't know how he planned to approach it. I might give that a crack if I get time, but there are higher priorities.

          5. Your Todo list sounds good to me but maybe to try and keep others happy having a difficulty select would help keep the peace.  Easy could be sandbox mode. Normal what your planing now and hard would be well a harder version of what your doing.

I'm not anti-difficulty settings, or even anti-sandbox mode. I was arguing for both a few days ago. It might not hurt to explicitly put them in the list, though :)

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Re: The 1.29 Todo list
« Reply #41 on: July 05, 2010, 08:24:10 PM »
Wow this went miles away from what I originally posted it for just wanted people to retake a look at the Todo list and re bring up ideal off it they liked.  But atleat theres a new Todo list a guess lol. 

I'd like to apologize for this threads Hijack since I was a part of it. I tend to do that a lot. Just call me Lorde the Jackal. :D
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Re: The 1.29 Todo list
« Reply #42 on: July 05, 2010, 08:38:19 PM »
Sounds great then  :) .  Thought of a few more while i was getting ready to leavet to pick up my friend.  You more or less answered one of them already but ill go ahead and say it anyway.

1. People keep talking difficulty but in 1.30 we get the gambling hall and bar for free in 1.29 we didnt so that made it alittle harder was going say building management would help with that plus you have less rooms in each brothel to start.  (You already answered this one though just wanted to point it out)
2. All the jobs but whoring of some kind are very worthless and could use some TLC to make them worth having multiple girls doing then there's the movies that are currently out of the game which need to be put back in.  (more of a reminder that while all new things are great there are somethings that are already in place that could just use a fixing lol)
3. As there is around 600 user made girls (give or take a few either way) more jobs would be nice lol. (was an escort job mentioned in another thread that would be nice and i guess building management adding jobs would help with this also)

Again thanks for reading and i know there's is only 2 devs currently working on coding the game so this is just a reminder of things i think would be nice lol.  Well i figure the jobs would have been looked at sooner or later anyway but its something in mind that should be sooner rather then later but as im not doing the work you can get to when you get to it lol.

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Re: The 1.29 Todo list
« Reply #43 on: July 06, 2010, 12:12:20 AM »
I'd like to apologize for this threads Hijack since I was a part of it. I tend to do that a lot. Just call me Lorde the Jackal. :D
Seems to happen alot here atleast i got some of my questions answered.  Last thread i started in new features was total over looked which sucked (thought about the arena post for awhile).  But at least we know where the game is going and that's nice.

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Re: The 1.29 Todo list
« Reply #44 on: July 06, 2010, 01:47:10 AM »
but, back on topic, I'd really like if you guys (the devs) got together and decided the general direction of development
because, as it is, this is chaos

personally, I like the gameplay now, but I see this going in a way I do not like at all
namely, the transition from "okay, here are your toys, do whatever you want" to "you can't do that with that"
really, this is all making me think of that cube with holes of different shapes

I don't know all of this will work out, but the ideas I see in these threads seem to be mostly about confining the player and making him walk a given road

What... are you talking about? Have you been keeping up with anything thats gone on at all? Have you read these threads all the way through? I feel like you've jumped into a conversation where you don't even know what's going on, and still jumped in with your opinion. I don't mean any offense to it, but what chaos exactly?

I don't recall any ideas that have changed the gameplay to the point that you "can't do this anymore" Moddability is the biggest difference between WM and any other H game I've ever ran into, and I'm pretty sure no one has mentioned taking that from this game, or anything else. If you're refering to a narrative of sorts, no one said there was this was turning into an ADV game. Quite the opposite actually, the ADV thing was for deeper interaction with NPCs and characters. Any sort of narrative hasn't been mentioned (from what I've seen) but i'm pretty sure if it was, no one meant that you HAD to follow the story. You could do it at your own pace which ultimately lead to an "ending" What HAS been talked about, however is a more in-depth scripting system, more personality to gangs AND rivals, a deeper catacombs, improved menu functionality, the completed building system, a possible combat system, a more customizable MC...
if ANYTHING, everything discussed so far is improving EVERYTHING you currently CAN do. So I really have no idea what you're referring to. You know why all these things are being considered? BECAUSE, someone is finally taking the mantle as head coder.

So the whole "I'd really like if you guys (the devs) got together and decided the general direction of development" makes zero sense, because that's EXACTLY what is happening. Doc saying it's HIS decisions in what will ultimately be in the game are exactly what he SHOULD be saying. Have you ever worked for a design firm? You think they wait around for everyone to agree on one idea before they do anything? Of course not, I'm pretty sure WMs development ultimately hit a stand still because no one was making decisions anymore.

Bending over backwards for EVERYONE is just stupid. Not everyone is going to like the development for the game, that's impossible. Ultimately I'm pretty sure Doc is trying to improve the game not ruin it. I think Clone Master may have even begun because he just felt like he couldn't touch WM without everyone whining about it, and I personally think that's absolutely ridiculous. So I support him in taking over as head developer, and you should be happy that someone is.

He never said he wasn't going to consider anyone opinions. I believe he even said he take opinions in consideration constantly in the off-chance someone either has a better idea than him, or he's wrong about something. So if you're concerned at all about development you shouldn't be, I hate to sound like a kiss ass. But I think WM couldn't be in better hands.
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