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Offline necno

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Re: New Event Submission/Discussion Thread (Unlocked, sorry bout that!)
« Reply #75 on: November 20, 2009, 03:44:01 PM »
I just posted this on another thread but since there is some interest in the dating sim here is a little more info. It will take place in a school but no training of girls . Its focus is on rumor mongering, every action you or any of the the key NPCs take may result in a rumor being spread. This rumor will affect everyone differently so friends will stick by you most of the time but say if you were seen kissing a girl your friend liked then that would negatively affect your friendship with them, also it is possible to make fake rumors to affect the image of someone at the school. Hence the game is going to be very dynamic.
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Offline Krayben

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Re: New Event Submission/Discussion Thread (New one!)
« Reply #76 on: December 01, 2009, 07:55:57 PM »
Back with a vengeance! Here's a new one that came to me while I was daydreaming.

One morning, you go out for a stroll in your brothel's courtyard just before the sun rises (as you often do), enjoying the crisp morning air and the dim light as you meander in your robe and slippers. When you reach the door to head back inside, there's suddenly a bright light in the sky and it's plummeting toward you. Before you can even move it strikes you in the chest, knocking you flat on your back but fortunately not hurting you any further. As you open your eyes, there is a tiny winged chest sitting on top of you.

You've read about these things. "Wishing Boxes" they're called. You carry it to your study in secret and research the strange artifact. There's a lot of speculation about where they come from, but the one thing that's been proven throughout the ages is that they grant a single wish (they are also very quirky in how they grant the wishes). However, they are very chaotic and the granted wishes often backfire. You must be very specific about your wish and it cannot be anything too large in scale. Wishing for exorbitant amounts of money always leads to disaster and wishing for political power always leads to death. After a great deal of thought, you come up with two fool-proof wishes. But which do you choose?

[Wish for 3,000 gold] You instruct the box that you only wish for three thousand gold, to be delivered to the corner of your study (One poor soul was crushed to death under the weight of his own wish money) in exactly one minute. The box opens sixty seconds later and spews out three thousand gold coins into the corner of your room, emitting a loud sound akin to a long, wet, fart that lasts a full minute as it spews out the coins before vanishing in a flash of light.

[Wish for better drinks in your bar] You wish for the box to transform every cask in your wine storage building to be changed into the finest, most expensive wine you can think of in exactly one minute. A minute later, the box hops onto your head and spins, emitting a long moo as it does until vanishing in a flash of light. Your wine storage is replaced just as you wished.

This is meant to happen ONCE! I know if it happened more than once, it would make it too easy. Just an odd little event I wanted to throw out and see what you guys think of this random little brain fart of mine.

Offline DocClox

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Re: New Event Submission/Discussion Thread (Unlocked, sorry bout that!)
« Reply #77 on: December 01, 2009, 08:07:30 PM »
Not bad. I think I might prefer something a bit less random than "it fell from the sky". Maybe "it fell from the sky and hit someone else", and that someone else's neighbour is using it to try and buy his way out of not being able to pay his bill.

Apart from that, I guess it's going to need a lot of wishes. Be nice to have a lot more than were displayed on any one play through, so they could be mixed up a bit. (I don't fancy writing the parser to try and cope with natural language wishes).  It probably also wants a few OTT wishes that do backfire on the player; better make sure there's no more than one bad one per play-through though. I'd hate to be the guy that got a wishing box with no good options to choose from.

A few thoughts, anyway...

Offline zodiac44

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Re: New Event Submission/Discussion Thread (Unlocked, sorry bout that!)
« Reply #78 on: December 01, 2009, 10:38:43 PM »
Why not have it present a list of possible wishes, with a random chance that the player words it correctly.  Smaller wishes can have a higher chance of being worded correctly, bigger wishes are more likely to fail spectacularly.  Then write a positive and negative resolution for each wish.

Example 1:  Wish for 3000 gold.  Let's say this is an easy one (80% chance of getting it right).
  • Positive: (worded as you describe).  3000 gold lands in the corner of the room.
  • Negative: Player forgets to tell the wishing box where to place the gold.  3000g lands on the player.  Player is injured and spends some time and money in rehabilitation.  All 3000g is spent healing himself, and two weeks go by in which the player's brothels earnings are reduced because he isn't there to manage them.
Example 2: Wish for better drinks in bar (say this one is harder, 60% chance of getting it right).
  • Positive: As you describe.
  • Negative: The wine is transformed - into casks stolen from [name of prominent, powerful, incredibly wealthy person]'s private stock.  News of your improved stocks gets around and your bar is raided by the constabulary and [name]'s guards.  You are arrested and tried for theft, but let off on a technicality.  A few strategically placed bribes later gets [name] off your back too.  You lose 5000g and [name] has free access to your brothels, but at least you are not in jail.
Capitalization is the difference between "I had to help my uncle Jack off a horse" and "I had to help my uncle jack off a horse."

Offline delta224

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Re: New Event Submission/Discussion Thread (Unlocked, sorry bout that!)
« Reply #79 on: December 01, 2009, 10:42:48 PM »
With the current scripting system, there is no way to do the wish event as envisioned now.  Until we put in lua I don't think we will be able to do this at all. :(

Offline Krayben

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Re: New Event Submission/Discussion Thread (Unlocked, sorry bout that!)
« Reply #80 on: December 02, 2009, 01:49:33 AM »
With the current scripting system, there is no way to do the wish event as envisioned now.  Until we put in lua I don't think we will be able to do this at all. :(
It was just an idea that I had. And the other ideas are great, by the way. I just didn't want you guys to think I'd fallen off the face of the earth. Even if I do occasionally wish I had these days.

Offline DocClox

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Re: New Event Submission/Discussion Thread (Unlocked, sorry bout that!)
« Reply #81 on: December 02, 2009, 03:28:53 AM »
It was just an idea that I had. And the other ideas are great, by the way. I just didn't want you guys to think I'd fallen off the face of the earth. Even if I do occasionally wish I had these days.
I know that feeling :)

By all means keep the ideas coming. As delta says, we won't be able to implement some of them until we make a major script overhaul, but we will get there.

Offline Krayben

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Re: New Event Submission/Discussion Thread (Unlocked, sorry bout that!)
« Reply #82 on: December 02, 2009, 02:35:45 PM »
I know that feeling :)

By all means keep the ideas coming. As delta says, we won't be able to implement some of them until we make a major script overhaul, but we will get there.
That's my self-appointed job: churn out story events and ideas to be used to make the game better in the future.

Offline Jacko

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Re: New Event Submission/Discussion Thread (Unlocked, sorry bout that!)
« Reply #83 on: December 03, 2009, 12:50:08 AM »
EDIT: <i>Clean and Clarify - Work in Progress: My main goal when developing these events is to try to create a situation that has both advantages and disadvantages to every choice. Of course, sometimes this isn't neccesary, as some choices are inherently good, and some evil, but I tried to adhere to this rule. The second goal is to create events and choices that are re-playable. Since I'm not familiar with the code I'm not sure if the things I'm suggesting are even possible, but I think a bit of randomness, or even scripted reactions to events based on the brothel's ratings (Fame, Cust Happiness) or Girls traits and abilities would add much more to the excitment of events than being presented with a choice that has clear, stereotypical outcomes. </i>

Hey guys,

I haven't had time to read the entire thread so pardon if I tread on old ground.

1. Marriage
Yesterday I was playing and right at the beginning of the game I forgot to buy protect pots so I knocked a chick up on day 1. I kinda liked that story, and I wanted the option to marry her.
Maybe this is more of a gameplay mechanic than an event.

2. People offering to buy slaves.
a. Yes
b. No

3. Girls falling in love with their customers.

This event has a chance of aoccuring when certain conditions are met(Not really sure how the code works but I'm hoping this is possible.)

(If X has Spirit > 60, 3% chance per turn or 6% if girl has OPTIMIST trait (?) this event occurs.)

"You notice that X has been showing up at the brothel late to her shifts and that a new customer, a man with a velvet cape, has been paying her quite a bit of attention over the past few weeks. When confronted about her tardiness, X complains that her bed is uncomfortable and has been keeping her awake at night, casuing her to oversleep. The customer is nothing more than *another* admirer." 

As she turns away you notice she is wearing a pair of expensive looking, heart-shaped earrings, and despite her claims of poor sleep, seems to have an exhuberance about her. 

1. Something isn't right. Keep a close eye on her.
           Later that night, you spot X sneaking out of the back door of the brothel after her shift. Your heart quickens as your suspicions are confirmed and you quickly follow her. As you enter the alley outside the brothel, you see her standing with another figure - the man with the velvet cape. She is startled when she sees you, and quickly pushes the man away. X runs toward you as the man makes his escape. She lets out a whimper as she collapses at your feet.

           A. "Whats going on here?"
           She breathlessly tells you that the man in the velvet cape was accosting her, and you arrived just in time. She wraps her arms around your legs, "T-Thank you..."

           i. Be more careful next time.

X begins to cry, and squeaks an apology before quickly picking herself up and going inside. (- PCFEAR, -OBEDIENCE, +SPIRIT)


a.  (She leaves your brothel)
b. Forbid her to see him. ( - obedience, -spirit, -fear,)
c. Kill her lover. (+ Fear, + Hate, + obedience, - Spirit, Gains Pessimist.)

A girl's former master will come and demand you return his property.
a.You can have her, for a price. (Sell for 3x value of girl)
b. Its her choice. (Girl makes the decision depending on Hate, Fear, Love, etc., If she decides to stay, she must fight. If she loses she stays but becomes horribly scarred.)
c. She is mine now. (Depending on Hate, Fear, Love lvls: High End: +Obedience, +Love,(She is happy you want to keep her) or, Low End: + Fear, - Spirit (She wants to leave but will not cross you). Mid range: +Confidence, (She doesn't care but its flattering to be wanted.)
d. Lies! Guards, seize him! (If your guards win, you keep the girl and he is killed. If your guards lose, girl is taken.)

 A television show called "Charm School" has come to Crossgate and is looking for talented bimbos. X has been asked to audition. 

a. Go and win. (High Cha, Looks, Libido, Confidence = She wins (+ Love, +Confidence, +Fame, +Spirit, +sex skills, -Intellegence) Low Cha, looks, etc. = She loses (-Confidence, +Fame, -Inellegence)
b. Feel Free. (Choice based on int. High int = She decides its not for her (+Int, +Confidence, +Love), Low Int = She decides to go. (Plays out like option a.)
c. No. ( -Confidence, -Spirit, +Hate)

X shows you a magic puzzle box a customer left behind. After a bit of fiddling, a powerful demon appears before you and offers to make x the most irresitable woman in all Mundiga. But in return for this he requires the sacrifice of a virgin girl.

a. I accept. (Sacrifice one of your girls, must be a virgin. X gains Charismatic, Charming, Sexy Air, and Twisted traits. If you choose this option and do not have a virgin, the demon is pissed and kills X.)
b. I have no virgins to offer, perhaps something else?
  1. Demon is only interested in virgins, and leaves in a puff of smoke.
  2. Demon thinks a moment, and offers to show X a thing or two, just because she is so delectable.
     - Ok. (X gains + all sex skills,  Psychic, Twisted and Pregnant)
     - Uhhh, Maybe not. (Demon grows impatient and lashes out with its tail, injuring X                              before disappearing in a puff of acrid smoke. X gains One Eye)
c. Begone Demon! (Demon hisses at you and your foolishness and leaves)

Kupo! The great artist Alanzo has been bewitched by X and offers to paint a FREE portrait of her, Kupo!.
a. I accept (X gains +Confidence, + Spirit, +Charisma, + Beauty, + Love, + Fame, +Sex Skill or based on spirit, hate, love, etc. X falls in love with Alanzo and runs away.)
b. Beat it...Kupo. (Alanzo leaves, X gains +Fear, +Hate)

I have more but I'm tired.
« Last Edit: December 08, 2009, 06:54:20 AM by Jacko »

Offline zodiac44

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Re: New Event Submission/Discussion Thread (Unlocked, sorry bout that!)
« Reply #84 on: December 03, 2009, 01:19:45 AM »
Sounds good, I can't wait to hear more  >;o)
Capitalization is the difference between "I had to help my uncle Jack off a horse" and "I had to help my uncle jack off a horse."

Offline Mehzerz

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Re: New Event Submission/Discussion Thread (Unlocked, sorry bout that!)
« Reply #85 on: December 03, 2009, 09:18:56 AM »
Yeah all of those are pretty good. The demon one made me think of Hellraiser. Too bad he'll kill your girls instead of turning them into sexual deviants. I'm liking your demon more.
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Offline DocClox

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Re: New Event Submission/Discussion Thread (Unlocked, sorry bout that!)
« Reply #86 on: December 03, 2009, 09:44:57 AM »
Very nice. Can we find a better noun than "television" do you think? I know we have movies, kind of, sort of, but television makes Crossgate into a different sort of place to my mind.

A troupe of travelling players, perhaps? A special (hem hem) educational group that winters in the capital, but goes touring in the summer?

Offline Jacko

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Re: New Event Submission/Discussion Thread (Unlocked, sorry bout that!)
« Reply #87 on: December 03, 2009, 11:02:08 AM »
Very nice. Can we find a better noun than "television" do you think? I know we have movies, kind of, sort of, but television makes Crossgate into a different sort of place to my mind.

A troupe of travelling players, perhaps? A special (hem hem) educational group that winters in the capital, but goes touring in the summer?

Well, I was trying to just throw out ideas without spending too much time on the writing. I think of Crossgate as a place where many realms and dimensions intersect, I always imagined that somewhere along the line worlds with greater technology would intersect, hence television. Maybe it could be spiced up a bit and called "HoloCrystal" or "Holotube" or "Vscreen". The event was based on that stupid reality TV show in America.

Thanks for the feedback, I'm glad you guys like the ideas. If necmo(?) gives me the heads up I'll clean these up a bit and add more. I have some free time atm so its a perfect opportunity.

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Re: New Event Submission/Discussion Thread (Unlocked, sorry bout that!)
« Reply #88 on: December 03, 2009, 11:04:42 AM »
Yeah all of those are pretty good. The demon one made me think of Hellraiser. Too bad he'll kill your girls instead of turning them into sexual deviants. I'm liking your demon more.

Ha, actually I was thinking of Hellraiser when I came up with it.

Offline Krayben

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Re: New Event Submission/Discussion Thread (Unlocked, sorry bout that!)
« Reply #89 on: December 18, 2009, 05:49:02 AM »
Alright, once again, I encourage comments and feedback on the writing that I submit.
Before reading the synopsis of this event, know that it is only meant to happen once. Also, it's 4:30 in the morning here, I am bored, and unable to go to sleep (Due to about 2 litres of Vault coursing through my sys-- Well, my eye just shot across the room. Wonderful.). So, I came up with this just to keep from punching a walrus. Not exactly sure WHY I would pick a walrus to punch, but they seem rather rare in scenes of random violence and Hell, I tarred and feathered the Carpenter, so might as well!

While out for your morning stroll, you decide to take a turn into a graveyard about eight blocks away from your home brothel to pay your respects to any departed that may rest there. (Besides, who knows? You likely put a nice portion of them there in the first place.) Along the walk, the ground gives way and you tumble down into the darkness. After a long fall, you land in an underground lake. After swimming to shore, you realize that this is a part of the catacombs under your dungeon...

From here, the player chooses to get up and find his way out or sit and wait for rescue. If they take the adventurous approach, they basically act out the role of a squad of goons when they explore the catacombs. The only difference being that the player receives the loot in steps from each room, possibly finding a unique girl or item. If they sit and wait for rescue, they seal up the hole and nothing more is said about it. If you decide to explore, I guess a tremor or something collapses the path behind you and seals the area off for good. That way, either way you go it only happens once.