Author Topic: Suggestion Objectives  (Read 4483 times)

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Suggestion Objectives
« on: December 13, 2009, 01:32:13 AM »
If someone has played some games of the suikoden series, you might have realize that one of the most interesting aspects of the series is castle upgrading. I think it would be a good idea to implement something similiar in WM, and maybe add a politic element. What i mean is to use the player house, not a Brothel but as a landmark of achievements, and the perfect way to curb overabundance of cash.

You could start with a shack->small house->Medium house->... ->Mansion->Castle
And require a number of goals and cash for each upgrade. Another option for the player house could be to micromanage training, And need to upgrade forniture and training materials for higher levels or quicker training. Of course dedicated training should work independant from bulk(brothel girls) training to prevent the game from turning too overwhelming, but it would be good to use hand picked(unique girls you like) and trained girls for special tasks, Maybe keep some for your own mansion to work as "maids" or train them to be bartenders and matrons, giving them bonuses over the hired ones. In other words become your personal mistresses/right hand women/elite workforce maybe add assassinations attempts against you so you can train some of your girls as bodyguards/portable sluts.

Another advantage of it would be that it could be a place to keep your kids in order and to decide what to do with them, it would be a good idea to be able to hire or train girls as teachers and combat trainers, so you could put your male children to work in gangs or to manage your businesses, the same with your daughters but adding also the possibility to marrying them off to merchants to gain more businesses, and to government officials to decrease law suspicion on you without requiring bribes. Also you could make captured businesses managed by your children to be more productive than those that are not.

It would also be good to be able to add a mad doctor lab as an upgrade to the player house so with enough time and cash you could change the physical traits of the girls, giving more control of the traits of an specific girl without having to depend on endless amounts of items which even right now are quite too many. (hell in my game i killed all the cures and the crappy healing cream, combined them all and renamed them panacea)

Also i think it should be good to curb the amount of info in the summary screen, maybe make a short summary and a long summary, in the short one put just income, events that need your immediate attention(births deaths and low health) and another with the full summary as it is now.

Anyway I hope any of my suggestions were useful.  :)

Offline Mehzerz

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Re: Suggestion Objectives
« Reply #1 on: December 13, 2009, 03:06:58 AM »
I'm pretty sure all your suggestions have been made already. The reason Suikodens system was so great was because you got to see the place improve over time. It's a good idea and it has been mentioned before, but you have few reasons.
Benefits could be more customers, the maximum rooms you can buy is increased. I like your ideas on upgrades to improve training. We discussed player upgrades instead but this isn't a bad alternative. Or depending on how much these upgrades... well, upgrade them we could even do both.
Of course... we still have to wait for 1.30 before anything. :p
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Offline DocClox

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Re: Suggestion Objectives
« Reply #2 on: December 13, 2009, 05:04:54 AM »
I had a detailed reply to this, and then the board ate it :/ Nevermind.

If I was the PC I'd stay in the penthouse suite at Brothel0. Guards, willing women, on hand to supervise the business, easy access to the dungeons, and a secret bolt hole in times of need - why go elsewhere? So I reckon if the player house is going to be more than an "info" icon, it probably needs to address those issues.

I know necno said he had plans to let you keep and train two or three girls as personal slaves/pets/toys/whatever, so we could probably handle training and maids like that. Upgrades are probably best dealt with using necno's forthcoming building reform. Integrating that looks like being my next big job, but it could still be a while.

I've never played Suikoden (never owned a playstation) so I don't know how that works. Is it primarily a visual thing?

Offline delta224

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Re: Suggestion Objectives
« Reply #3 on: December 13, 2009, 10:57:18 AM »
Recently playing the first game, it is not completely visual.  The main way you upgrade it is through find more people.  It does get bigger on the inside to accommodate everyone, to prevent cramping and there is a scene showing the progress on it every now and then.  The main draw though is having your own shops and inn all in one central area along with other  utilities  The shop inventory is based on the inventory of the other shops that you looked at.

Also one word about the game doc, emulation.

Offline DocClox

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Re: Suggestion Objectives
« Reply #4 on: December 13, 2009, 11:09:06 AM »
I did look at PS2 emulators a while back, but they were pretty primitive and Sony were slapping C&D notices on anyone who got close.

I'll have to try that again. From a quick google, it looks like they've come on a bit, post PS3

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Re: Suggestion Objectives
« Reply #5 on: December 13, 2009, 11:23:49 AM »
For one and two go with espxe, one of the best ps1 emulators though you will have to dl a lot of other stuff to get it working. The rest of the series no idea what is a good ps2 emlulator.     

Offline Mehzerz

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Re: Suggestion Objectives
« Reply #6 on: December 13, 2009, 01:34:18 PM »
In Suikoden 1 the castle upgrades are primarily visual from what I remember. You have an entire castle open to you but it's just big and empty. While in Suikoden 2 you really see your castle expand, shops and stores are open as soon as you find the person who runs them.
I recommend playing Suikoden 2 if you really want to see the castle expansions, the only problem with this is that you have to get like 20% into the game before you even get a castle.
For anyone interested heres the game and emulator:
Suikoden 2 game:
ePSX emulator guide:

Now back to the topic on hand. I thought the upgraded home was a cool idea, but I can see what you mean Doc. Since his father has left the business to him, I'd assume it'd be pretty much upgraded to begin with, unless someone ransacked the place.
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Offline DocClox

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Re: Suggestion Objectives
« Reply #7 on: December 13, 2009, 01:40:02 PM »
We could assume that the ole homestead was burnt to the ground in the gang wars before the game start. Then the PC would be rebuilding from scratch.

Could be interesting to make the number of interaction options you have dependent on the level of home you have. You start off, you're sleeping on a couch in the brothel manager's office, so you're tired all the time and can't get much done. Get a decent bed and a kitchen and the number of actions you can take starts to go up...

Offline letmein

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Re: Suggestion Objectives
« Reply #8 on: December 13, 2009, 03:23:10 PM »
I vote no, or at least, that we wait until the building update.
Still lurking.

Offline Mehzerz

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Re: Suggestion Objectives
« Reply #9 on: December 13, 2009, 06:14:29 PM »
Yeah, all these building ideas could already be in the works with the new version. We really need to see how that's going to work before anything. After all a lot of our ideas could already be in the new version or even done better.
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