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Offline Xela

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  • "It's like hunting cows"
That doesn't explain how the game will differentiate one from another. I don't see any "combat" or "non combat" flags in items fields you mentioned here.

Battle engine will do that. Potions will mimic the potions you will create will be coded by me, then a simple:

for item in [chr.eqslots['belt'], chr.eqslots['belt1'], chr.eqslots['belt2']:
    if item ==  'Health Potion':
        register.Item bla bla bla.....
    if item == 'MP Potion':
        register.Item bla bla bla.....
    if item == 'Elixir':
        register.Item bla bla bla.....

Like I've said, we are going to allow very few potions to be taken in combat. Weapons done in a very similar manner, depending on weapon type, skill is registered in the battleengine that comes with it's own damage modifier and sound, same with magical skills.

It's not the most elegant way, but it will work for now quite flawlessly.
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Offline DarkTl

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Let's return to 'reaction to the gift' topic.
As you said,
I never understood 'reaction to gift' since PCLove/Hate can also be changed by any item. So if handcuffs are bad for a girl in PyTFall, you simply lower disposition and with flowers you add to the disposition, what's the point of writing extra methods for it?
However, if I write string like <mod disposition = '100' /> for some dress, girl's disposition will rise by 100 when she equips it and lower by 100 when she unequips it.
While the whole point of reaction to the gift is one-off change in the level of disposition, isn't it?
Also, I don't see head slot in your quote from the game code where available slots are listed.
« Last Edit: May 05, 2013, 08:14:54 AM by DarkTl »

Offline Xela

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  • "It's like hunting cows"
Let's return to 'reaction to the gift' topic.
As you said,However, if I write string like <mod disposition = '100' /> for some dress, girl's disposition will rise by 100 when she equips it and lower by 100 when she unequips it.
While the whole point of reaction to the gift is one-off change in the level of disposition, isn't it?

I wonder how that works in WM... so basically the problem is that you want items that are in girl's inventory (other than consumables I expect) apply disposition effects even when unequipped. That might be doable but I'll need to think about it for a while (and preferably not tonight). There are to many factors to consider like how to block player from having a bag of items that he passes from girl to girl and having them do whatever he wants because disposition is maxed out... Or I can create a counter that adds disposition from every item given to a girl to a max of 100 and subtracts from it every day...

I would not do nothing at all myself. We can simply agree that only consumables/misc can change disposition and leave everything as it is.

Also, I don't see head slot in your quote from the game code where available slots are listed.

It's the very top one.
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Offline DarkTl

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so basically the problem is that you want items that are in girl's inventory (other than consumables I expect) apply disposition effects even when unequipped
Not exactly. In WM the mere fact of giving an item (well, good item at least) to a girl slightly increases PClove depending on badness. Thereafter by taking an item you lower it (unless it's a bad item).

We already have good and bad traits, and even badness value. So in order to mimic WM we need some function which is able to take these values ​​into account and change girl's disposition.

The system is obviously not perfect, so we might as well come up with something else. I'll give it some thought.
« Last Edit: May 05, 2013, 12:33:18 PM by DarkTl »

Offline DarkTl

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Ok, I agree with your proposal that only consumables/misc can change disposition. After all, they work for MC, and MC gives them most of items only to improve the quality of their work.
However, I propose a small bonus to joy after each gift.

Also, maybe MC can't just take any item from girl's inventory (except for slaves) unless she has, for example, 500+ disposition?
Oh, and which resolution should have items icons? Or it doesn't matter since the game will resize them?
« Last Edit: May 06, 2013, 07:45:11 AM by DarkTl »

Offline Xela

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  • "It's like hunting cows"
Ok, I agree with your proposal that only consumables/misc can change disposition. After all, they work for MC, and MC gives them most of items only to improve the quality of their work.
However, I propose a small bonus to joy after each gift.

Giving gifts will prolly be done under interactions and girlsmeets. Items in such case will disappear (not go to girls inventory). I am not sure how we should call these items right now.

Also, maybe MC can't just take any item from girl's inventory (except for slaves) unless she has, for example, 500+ disposition?

That should be doable. I had the same idea in mind, only with much higher disposition or special permission (separate field in sGirl's class).

Oh, and which resolution should have items icons? Or it doesn't matter since the game will resize them?

The latter.
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Offline DarkTl

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So, about the shops and equipment screens. If we are going to use Alkion/Otherworld approach, we need more or less high-quality, unique and recognizable icon for every single item. While it's not a problem at all for weapons, armors, rings, etc., it could be a problem for dresses, capes, some types of boots.
You might take a look at shared Items folder for some kinda out-of-place examples.

Offline Xela

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  • "It's like hunting cows"
So, about the shops and equipment screens. If we are going to use Alkion/Otherworld approach, we need more or less high-quality, unique and recognizable icon for every single item. While it's not a problem at all for weapons, armors, rings, etc., it could be a problem for dresses, capes, some types of boots.
You might take a look at shared Items folder for some kinda out-of-place examples.

I am not yet sure about the shops... but I like Alkion's system. You can also borrow a lot of icons from there.

Just roll with what you can find now, we'll be improving on that as we go.
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Offline DarkTl

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Yeah, I have them. However, they are anything but high-quality. If we going to use 'em, we can forget about other sources because the difference will strike the eye.
I guess since we talk about more advanced technologies then in Alkion, we could use items of our culture, like modern clothes and boots. I'm not sure how it will be looked in such game though.

Also, take a look at Drakensang screen, I like how equipment doll done there. As for stats screen, I like Kamidori approach. As you can see, it shows base (without items), current and max values of each stat.

Offline Xela

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  • "It's like hunting cows"
Yeah, I have them. However, they are anything but high-quality. If we going to use 'em, we can forget about other sources because the difference will strike the eye.
I guess since we talk about more advanced technologies then in Alkion, we could use items of our culture, like modern clothes and boots. I'm not sure how it will be looked in such game though.

Testing is needed but it will be a while before GUI is done, I will not have time to code this (maybe next as well) week.

Also, take a look at Drakensang screen, I like how equipment doll done there. As for stats screen, I like Kamidori approach. As you can see, it shows base (without items), current and max values of each stat.

I love the Drakensagn design... Kamidori is good too at least in logical concept.
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Offline DarkTl

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Icon: Path to file with picture of an item.
- We might use default here as well after we find some pics for slots that would make good defaults. For now, this is the second field item will fail without!
I think we need a safeguard here. I have suitable error picture in Images folder for items without icons.

Offline Xela

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  • "It's like hunting cows"
I think we need a safeguard here. I have suitable error picture in Images folder for items without icons.

Oki. I'll do that when I get to screen design.
« Last Edit: May 07, 2013, 08:22:14 AM by Xela »
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Offline DarkTl

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We need a Cmax field for misc items too. Otherwise most of them will be too powerful.

Offline Xela

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  • "It's like hunting cows"
We need a Cmax field for misc items too. Otherwise most of them will be too powerful.

You can just make fields up and tell me what they're supposed to do later.

C (Consumable fields), M (Misc Fields) so just call it 'mmax'. I don't know why you need it since you have fair control of what misc items do already but it's your call, adding it wouldn't be a problem. I'll have to go back to the code I've written for items so far after I figure out how Inventory class should work (or if I should make it into a class at all).

In any case, I do not have much time to code right now, if we get another coder on the project, code will move at a quicker pace, otherwise I will be able to put a LOT more time into this during the summer.
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Offline DarkTl

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I don't know why you need it since you have fair control of what misc items do already but it's your call, adding it wouldn't be a problem.
If you want to know, imagine how player at first trains warriors in schools as long as it's more or less cheap, then buys cheap training dummies (as misc items) and continues to train experienced warriors with this crap.
« Last Edit: May 09, 2013, 09:12:56 AM by DarkTl »