Some cloth icons.
About girls packs, could you be more specific with images categories and their names?
Goal of girlpacks required now is to use them in tests of girlmeetintown system I'll be working on soon, what that system is like I've explained somewhere before (I think). New categories of pictures I would like to see for now are:
even if there is only one pic for each. If none are found girl will use simple profile category.
Rest of the categories you can just check in the last preAlpha release.
About how they work:
Game will automatically create a category once a picture called "______ 0" is found in folder so for example profile 0.jpg (jpeg or png) will create a profile category. All other pictures starting with "profile" as the first word will end up in that category (for example profile 1.jpg, profile (1).jpg, profile Qra313IoP465.jpg will also end up in profile category). profilehappy on the other hand will not and profilehappy 0.jpg or profile1 0.jpg will create a new category.
battle_pics are not necessary at this point, neither are quest pics but throw those in if you find them.
I'll attach last version of data.xml file (location needs to be "city"), if you feel like it, pick at least one girl with a LOT of pics (from large profile Anime like Bleach, Naruto, DBZ, One Piece etc.) and see if you can find profile emotions pictures where background can be removed for a nice transparent .png but that is in no way a must! In data.xml:
id = "Tifa" Unique ID of a girl ONLY to be used in Code! Must be the same as folder where her pictures reside AND MUST BE ONE WORD. So if you want to throw a familyname in there, use Tifa_Lockhart as an id.
folder = ffvii Folder of series. data.xml for the entire series is placed there. Same rule as above, must be one word so use something like ffvii or Final_Fantasy_VII for folders as well.
name = Tifa Lockhart Will be used in game to display to player, no rules here.
Rest of the file doesn't need explaining.
You can just use pictures from WM packs.
I'll resume working on the game in a couple of days myself.
Last thing, if you don't feel like making a bunch of packs, create one, I figured while writing this whole thing that it would prolly be easier to make one girl and clone her 20 times using code

It should be doable, I haven't tried but I see no reason for it not to work.